320+ Concrete Technology and Design Solved MCQs


The maximum amount of dust which may be permitted in aggregates is

A. 5% of the total aggregates for low workability with a coarse grading
B. 10% of the total aggregates for low workability with a fine grading
C. 20% of the total aggregates for a mix having high workability with fine grading
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Bulking of sand is

A. mixing of different sizes of sand particles
B. mixing of lime with sand
C. maximum water with sand
D. swelling of sand when wetted
Answer» D. swelling of sand when wetted

For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column, the minimum cover shall neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than

A. 15 mm
B. 25 mm
C. 30 mm
D. 40 mm
Answer» D. 40 mm

Workability of concrete is measured by

A. vicat apparatus test
B. slump test
C. minimum void method
D. talbot richard test
Answer» B. slump test

The size of fine aggregates does not exceed

A. 2.75 mm
B. 3.00 mm
C. 3.75 mm
D. 4.75 mm
Answer» D. 4.75 mm

The main reason for providing number of reinforcing bars at a support in a simply supported beam is to resist in that zone

A. compressive stress
B. shear stress
C. bond stress
D. tensile stress
Answer» C. bond stress

The entrained air in concrete

A. increases workability
B. decreases workability
C. decreases resistance to weathering
D. increases strength
Answer» A. increases workability

According to IS: 4561978, the flexural strength of concrete is

A. directly proportional to compressive strength
B. inversely proportional to compressive strength
C. directly proportional to square root of compressive strength
D. inversely proportional to square root of compressive strength
Answer» C. directly proportional to square root of compressive strength

Slump test is done for

A. clay
B. sand
C. lime
D. concrete
Answer» D. concrete

Di-calcium silicate (C2S)

A. hydrates rapidly
B. generates less heat of hydration
C. hardens rapidly
D. provides less ultimate strength to cement
Answer» B. generates less heat of hydration

The limits of percentage p of the longitudinal reinforcement in a column is given by

A. 0.15% to 2%
B. 0.8% to 4%
C. 0.8% to 6%
D. 0.8% to 8%
Answer» C. 0.8% to 6%

The risk of segregation is more for

A. wetter mix
B. larger proportion of maximum size aggregate
C. coarser grading
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Le-Chatelier's apparatus is used for testing

A. soundness of cement
B. hardness of cement
C. strength of cement
D. durability of cement
Answer» A. soundness of cement

Construction joints are generally provided in concrete

A. roads
B. retaining walls
C. lining of canals
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

If a grading curve is horizontal between the portions of 20 mm I.S. Sieve and 4.75 mm I.S. Sieve, the graded aggregates do not contain

A. 20 mm particles
B. 10 mm particles
C. 4.75 mm particles
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Most common method of pre-stressing used for factory production is

A. long line method
B. freyssinet system
C. magnel-blaton system
D. lee-macall system
Answer» A. long line method

C.R.R.I. charts are used to obtain a relationship between strength of concrete and

A. water cement ratio
B. workability
C. grading of aggregate
D. fineness modulus
Answer» A. water cement ratio

For the design of retaining walls, the minimum factor of safety against overturning is taken as

A. 1.5
B. 2.0
C. 2.5
D. 3.0
Answer» B. 2.0

If the depth of moist sand in a cylinder is 15 cm and the depth of the sand when fully inundated with water is 12 cm, the bulking of the moist sand, is

A. 10 %
B. 12 %
C. 15 %
D. 25 %
Answer» D. 25 %

If aggregates completely pass through a sieve of size 75 mm and are retained on a sieve of size 60 mm, the particular aggregate will be flaky if its minimum dimension is less than

A. 20.5 mm
B. 30.5 mm
C. 40.5 mm
D. 50.5 mm
Answer» C. 40.5 mm

If the foundations of all the columns of a structure are designed on the total live and dead load basis, then

A. there will be no settlement of columns
B. there will be no differential settlement
C. the settlement of exterior columns will be more than interior columns
D. the settlement of interior columns will be more than exterior columns
Answer» C. the settlement of exterior columns will be more than interior columns

Saw dust can be rendered chemically inert by boiling it in water containing

A. ferrous sulphate
B. potassium chloride
C. ammonia
D. nitric acid
Answer» A. ferrous sulphate

A concrete having a slump of 6.5 cm, is said to be

A. dry
B. earth moist
C. semi-plastic
D. plastic
Answer» D. plastic

To obtain a very high strength concrete, use very fine grained

A. granite
B. magnetite
C. barite
D. volcanic scoria
Answer» A. granite

Vicat apparatus is used for

A. fineness test
B. consistency test
C. test for setting time
D. test for tensile strength
Answer» B. consistency test

Which of the following losses of pre-stress occurs only in pre-tensioning and not in posttensioning?

A. elastic shortening of concrete
B. shrinkage of concrete
C. creep of concrete
D. loss due to friction
Answer» A. elastic shortening of concrete

The type of aggregates of same nominal size, which contain less voids when compacted, are

A. rounded spherical
B. irregular
C. flaky
D. none of these
Answer» A. rounded spherical

Pre-stress loss due to friction occurs

A. only in post-tensioned beams
B. only in pre-tensioned beams
C. in both post-tensioned and pre-tensioned beams
D. none of the above
Answer» A. only in post-tensioned beams

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. an increase in water content must be accompanied by an increase in cement content
B. angular and rough aggregates reduce the workability of the concrete
C. the slump of the concrete mix decreases due to an increase in temperature
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

In the method of voids for determination of the quantity of cement paste, it is assumed that

A. voids in coarse aggregates are filled by fine aggregates
B. voids in fine aggregates are filled by the cement paste
C. volume of fine aggregates is equal to total voids in coarse aggregates plus 10% extra
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

As compared to ordinary Portland cement, use of pozzolana cement

A. reduces workability
B. increases bleeding
C. increases shrinkage
D. increases strength
Answer» C. increases shrinkage

The following proportion of the ingredients of concrete mix, is not in conformation to arbitrary method of proportioning

A. 1 : 1 : 2
B. 1 : 2 : 4
C. 1 : 3 : 6
D. 1 : 4 : 10
Answer» D. 1 : 4 : 10

The strength and quality of concrete, depend upon:

A. grading of aggregates
B. surface area of aggregates
C. shape of aggregates
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The factor of safety for

A. steel and concrete are same
B. steel is lower than that for concrete
C. steel is higher than that for concrete
D. none of the above
Answer» B. steel is lower than that for concrete

The preliminary test is repeated if the difference of compressive strength of three test specimens, exceeds

A. 5 kg/cm2
B. 8 kg/cm2
C. 10 kg/cm2
D. 15 kg/cm2
Answer» D. 15 kg/cm2

Setting time of cement increases by adding

A. gypsum
B. hydrogen peroxide
C. calcium chloride
D. sodium oxide
Answer» A. gypsum

According to IS: 4561978, the maximum reinforcement in a column is

A. 2 %
B. 4 %
C. 6 %
D. 8 %
Answer» C. 6 %

According to the recommendations of IS : 456-1978, the expansion joints

A. are provided where plane changes abruptly
B. are provided to ensure minimum resistance
C. do not carry reinforcement across them
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The impurity of mixing water which affects the setting time and strength of concrete, is

A. sodium sulphates
B. sodium chlorides
C. sodium carbonates and bicarbonates
D. calcium bicarbonates
Answer» C. sodium carbonates and bicarbonates

If the size of panel in a flat slab is 6 m × 6 m, then as per Indian Standard Code, the widths of column strip and middle strip are

A. 3.0 m and 1.5 m
B. 1.5 m and 3.0 m
C. 3.0 m and 3.0 m
D. 1.5 m and 1.5 m
Answer» C. 3.0 m and 3.0 m

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. the bottom and top ends of slump mould are parallel to each other
B. the axis of the mould is perpendicular to the end faces
C. the internal surface of the mould is kept clean and free from set cement
D. the mould is in the form of a frustum of hexagonal pyramid
Answer» D. the mould is in the form of a frustum of hexagonal pyramid

The concrete mix which causes difficulty in obtaining a smooth finish, possess

A. segregation
B. internal friction
C. hardness
D. bleeding
Answer» C. hardness

While designing the pile as a column, the end conditions are nearly

A. both ends hinged
B. both ends fixed
C. one end fixed and other end hinged
D. one end fixed and other end free
Answer» C. one end fixed and other end hinged

The internal dimensions of a ware house are 15 m × 5.6 m, and the maximum height of piles is 2.70 m, the maximum number of bags to be stored in two piles, are

A. 1500 bags
B. 2000 bags
C. 2500 bags
D. 3000 bags
Answer» D. 3000 bags

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. While performing preliminary test on concrete

A. proportions of the material and water should be the same as to be used at the work site
B. cement should be mixed by hand in order to maintain uniformity
C. concrete mix should be stored in air-tight containers
D. concrete ingredients should be kept at a temperature of 37° ± 2°c
Answer» D. concrete ingredients should be kept at a temperature of 37° ± 2°c

In a spherical dome the hoop stress due to a concentrated load at crown is

A. compressive everywhere
B. tensile everywhere
C. partly compressive and partly tensile
D. zero
Answer» B. tensile everywhere

I.S. Sieve Nos. 10 mm and 4.75 mm are generally used for grading of

A. coarse aggregates
B. fine aggregates
C. neither (a) nor (b)
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. both (a) and (b)

Log Angles machine is used to test the aggregate for

A. crushing strength
B. impact value
C. abrasion resistance
D. water absorption
Answer» C. abrasion resistance

The property of the ingredients to separate from each other while placing the concrete is called

A. segregation
B. compaction
C. shrinkage
D. bulking
Answer» A. segregation

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. higher workability indicates unexpected increase in the moisture content
B. higher workability indicates deficiency of sand
C. if the concrete mix is dry, the slump is zero
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The process of mixing, transporting, placing and compacting concrete using Ordinary Port land Cement should not take more than

A. 30 minutes
B. 40 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 90 minutes
Answer» A. 30 minutes

The strength of concrete after one year as compared to 28 days strength is about

A. 10 to 15% more
B. 15 to 20% more
C. 20 to 25% more
D. 25 to 50% more
Answer» C. 20 to 25% more

Specified compressive strength of concrete is obtained from cube tests at the end of

A. 3 days
B. 7 days
C. 21 days
D. 28 days
Answer» D. 28 days

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. tricalcium silicate (c3s) hydrates rapidly
B. tricalcium silicate (c3s) generates more heat of hydration
C. tricalcium silicate (c3s) develops early strength
D. tricalcium silicate (c3s) has more resistance to sulphate attack
Answer» D. tricalcium silicate (c3s) has more resistance to sulphate attack

If the permissible stress in steel in tension is 140 N/mm², then the depth of neutral axis for a singly reinforced rectangular balanced section will be

A. 0.35 d
B. 0.40 d
C. 0.45 d
D. dependent on grade of concrete also
Answer» B. 0.40 d

A construction joint is provided where

A. bending moment is small
B. shear force is small
C. the member is supported by other member
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Sand generally contains salt if it is obtained from:

A. nala beds
B. river beds
C. sea beds
D. none of these
Answer» C. sea beds

According to IS: 4561978, minimum slenderness ratio for a short column is

A. less than 12
B. less than 18
C. between 18 and 24
D. more than 24
Answer» A. less than 12

Water cement ratio is

A. volume of water to that of cement
B. weight of water to that of cement
C. weight of concrete to that of water
D. both (a) and (b) of the above
Answer» D. both (a) and (b) of the above

For a concrete mix 1:3:6 and water cement ratio 0.6 both by weight, the quantity of water required per bag, is

A. 10 kg
B. 12 kg
C. 14 kg
D. 16 kg
Answer» C. 14 kg

is the span)

A. l/3
B. l/5
C. l/7
D. l/10
Answer» C. l/7

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

A. in properly graded aggregates, bulk density is more
B. in single size aggregates, bulk density is least
C. in single size aggregates, bulk density is maximum
D. none of these
Answer» C. in single size aggregates, bulk density is maximum

To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete, is

A. 100 cm
B. 125 cm
C. 150 cm
D. 200 cm
Answer» A. 100 cm

For a simply supported beam of span 15 m, the minimum effective depth to satisfy the vertical deflection limits should be

A. 600 mm
B. 750 mm
C. 900 mm
D. more than 1 m
Answer» B. 750 mm

For compacting plain concrete road surface of thickness less than 20 cm, we use

A. internal vibrator
B. screed vibrator
C. form vibrator
D. none of these
Answer» B. screed vibrator

Expansion joints are provided if the length of concrete structures exceeds

A. 10 m
B. 15 m
C. 15 m
D. 45 m
Answer» D. 45 m

The permissible diagonal tensile stress in reinforced brick work is

A. about 0.1 n/mm²
B. zero
C. 0.3 n/mm² to 0.7 n/mm²
D. about 1.0 n/mm²
Answer» A. about 0.1 n/mm²

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. the concrete gains strength due to hydration of cement
B. the concrete does not set at freezing point
C. the strength of concrete increases with its age
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Separation of water or water sand cement from a freshly concrete, is known

A. bleeding
B. creeping
C. segregation
D. flooding
Answer» A. bleeding

The critical section for finding maximum bending moment for footing under masonry wall is located

A. at the middle of the wall
B. at the edge of the wall
C. halfway between the middle and edge of the wall
D. at a distance equal to effective depth of footing from the edge of the wall
Answer» C. halfway between the middle and edge of the wall

On a grading curve, the gap grading is represented by

A. a horizontal line
B. a vertical line
C. n.w. inclined line
D. n.e. inclined line
Answer» A. a horizontal line

High temperature

A. increases the strength of concrete
B. decreases the strength of concrete
C. has no effect on the strength of concrete
D. none of these
Answer» B. decreases the strength of concrete

Horizontal construction joints in concrete walls are generally provided at

A. soffit level
B. window sill level
C. floor level
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Stress strain curve of high tensile steel

A. has a definite yield point
B. does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 0.1% proof stress
C. does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 0.2% proof stress
D. does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 2% proof stress,
Answer» C. does not show definite yield point but yield point is defined by 0.2% proof stress

Addition of pozzolana to cement causes

A. reduction in permeability
B. loss of heat of hydration
C. reduction in bleeding
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Permissible compressive strength of M 200 concrete grade is

A. 100 kg/cm2
B. 150 kg/cm2
C. 200 kg/cm2
D. 250 kg/cm2
Answer» C. 200 kg/cm2

The minimum diameter of longitudinal bars in a column is

A. 6 mm
B. 8 mm
C. 12 mm
D. 16 mm
Answer» C. 12 mm

The high strength of rapid hardening cement at early stage, is due to its

A. finer grinding
B. burning at high temperature
C. increased lime cement
D. higher content of tricalcium
Answer» C. increased lime cement

Sand requiring a high water cement ratio, belongs to

A. zone i
B. zone ii
C. zone iii
D. zone iv
Answer» A. zone i

Minimum grade of concrete to be used in reinforced concrete as per IS: 4561978 is

A. m 15
B. m 20
C. m 10
D. m 25
Answer» A. m 15

While compacting the concrete by a mechanical vibrator, the slump should not exceed

A. 2.5 cm
B. 5.0 cm
C. 7.5 cm
D. 10 cm
Answer» B. 5.0 cm

Non-uniform compaction may cause the concrete

A. porous
B. non-homogeneous
C. reduced strength
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Modulus of rupture of concrete is a measure of

A. flexural tensile strength
B. direct tensile strength
C. compressive strength
D. split tensile strength
Answer» A. flexural tensile strength

M10 grade of concrete approximates

A. 1 : 3 : 6 mix
B. 1 : 1 : 2 mix
C. 1 : 2 : 4 mix
D. 1 : 1.5 : 3 mix
Answer» A. 1 : 3 : 6 mix

Higher workability of concrete is required if the structure is

A. made with cement concrete
B. thick and reinforced
C. thin and heavily reinforced
D. thick and heavily reinforced
Answer» D. thick and heavily reinforced

For a cantilever of effective depth of 0.5 m, the maximum span to satisfy vertical deflection limit is

A. 3.5 m
B. 4 m
C. 4.5 m
D. 5 m
Answer» A. 3.5 m

The bulk density of aggregates does not depend upon:

A. size and shape of aggregates
B. specific gravity of aggregates
C. grading of aggregates
D. size and shape of the container
Answer» D. size and shape of the container

How long will it take for the concrete to achieve 100% of its strength?

A. 7 days
B. 14 days
C. 21 days
D. 28 days
Answer» D. 28 days

A higher modular ratio shows

A. higher compressive strength of concrete
B. lower compressive strength of concrete
C. higher tensile strength of steel
D. lower tensile strength of steel
Answer» B. lower compressive strength of concrete

For the construction of cement concrete floor, the maximum permissible size of aggregate, is

A. 4 mm
B. 6 mm
C. 8 mm
D. 10 mm
Answer» D. 10 mm

The specifications of a cement bag for storage, are

A. weight 50 kg
B. height 18 cm
C. plan area 3000 sq. cm
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The main reinforcement in the heel of a T-shaped R.C. retaining wall is provided on

A. top face perpendicular to wall
B. bottom face perpendicular to wall
C. both top and bottom faces perpendicular to wall
D. none of the above
Answer» A. top face perpendicular to wall

Separation of coarse aggregates from mortar during transportation, is known

A. bleeding
B. creeping
C. segregation
D. shrinkage
Answer» C. segregation

A flaky aggregate is said to be elongated if its length is

A. equal to the mean size
B. twice the mean size
C. thrice the mean size
D. four times the mean size
Answer» B. twice the mean size

You are asked to construct a massive dam, the type of cement you will use, is

A. ordinary portland cement
B. rapid hardening cement
C. low heat cement
D. blast furnace slag cement
Answer» C. low heat cement

An ideal ware house, is provided

A. water proof masonry walls
B. water proof roof
C. few windows which remain generally closed
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Normally pre-stressing wires are arranged in the

A. upper part of the beam
B. lower part of the beam
C. center
D. anywhere
Answer» B. lower part of the beam

Pick up the correct statement from the following:

A. bulking of sand is caused due to formation of a thin film of surface moisture
B. fine sand bulks more than coarse sand
C. the volume of fully saturated sand, is equal to the volume of dry and loose sand
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The minimum percentage of chemical ingredient of cement is that of

A. magnesium oxide
B. iron oxide
C. alumina
D. lime
Answer» A. magnesium oxide

Poisson's ratio for concrete

A. remains constant
B. increases with richer mixes
C. decreases with richer mixes
D. none of the above
Answer» B. increases with richer mixes
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