360+ Entrepreneurship Development (ED) Solved MCQs


Payback period and ARR methods are …………………..

A. traditional
B. discounting
C. modern
D. none
Answer» A. traditional

NPV, PI and ………………………. are the three discounted cash flow techniques.

A. arr
B. irr
C. ntv
D. urgency
Answer» B. irr

Original investment is divided by constant cash……………………….. to get payback period.

A. inflows
B. outflows
C. balance
D. both (a)and (b)
Answer» A. inflows

…………………. is also called trial and error Method.

A. arr
B. irr
C. ntv
D. urgency
Answer» B. irr

The discount rate at which present value of cash inflows equals to the present value of cash outflows is called …………………..

A. arr
B. irr
C. ntv
D. urgency
Answer» B. irr

Project…………………………… is done after the project is implemented.

A. management
B. appraisal
C. evaluation
D. none
Answer» C. evaluation

The main object of project appraisal is:

A. to find whether the project is technically feasible.
B. to ascertain whether the project is financially feasible.
C. to decide whether to accept or reject a project.
D. to know whether the project is eco-friendly.
Answer» C. to decide whether to accept or reject a project.

Project appraisal is done by:

A. government.
B. financial institution only.
C. entrepreneur only.
D. both financial institution and entrepreneur.
Answer» D. both financial institution and entrepreneur.

Which one is not an element of project appraisal:

A. technical feasibility.
B. network analysis.
C. economical viability.
D. commercial viability.
Answer» B. network analysis.

The discount rate must be determined in advance for the :

A. payback period.
B. time adjusted rate of return method.
C. irr
D. npv method.
Answer» D. npv method.

Which one of the following is not a discounted cash flow technique:

A. arr
B. irr
C. npv
D. pi
Answer» A. arr

The difference between the total present value of a stream of cash flows of a given rate of discount and the initial capital outlay is known as the :

A. irr.
B. arr.
C. npv.
D. net profit.
Answer» C. npv.

The scientific technique of evaluation of capital expenditure decisions include the following except:

A. npv.
B. pi.
C. irr.
D. payback period.
Answer» D. payback period.

Profitability index shows benefits from the proposal in :

A. absolute terms.
B. relative terms.
C. both of the above.
D. none of these.
Answer» B. relative terms.

For discounted cash flow methods, the discount rate used is:

A. fixed arbitrarily
B. equivalent to bank rate.
C. equivalent to firm’s average cost of capital.
D. equivalent to final rate of dividend.
Answer» C. equivalent to firm’s average cost of capital.

The process of measuring the progress and performance of a project is called:

A. project appraisal.
B. project evaluation.
C. project control.
D. project audit.
Answer» B. project evaluation.

The excess of the present value over the cost of the project is ……………………..

A. irr
B. arr
C. npv
D. ntv
Answer» D. ntv

In case of mutually exclusive projects, the project with ……………. PI is to be selected.

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Answer» A. higher

In independent projects, accept a project if it’s NPV is………………………..

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Answer» D. positive

Under Net Terminal Value Method, accept a project if it’s NTV is……………………

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Answer» D. positive

Accept a project if it’s IRR is……………….when compared to desired minimum

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Answer» C. negative

Reject a project if it’s IRR is……………….when compared to desired minimum

A. higher
B. lower
C. negative
D. positive
Answer» B. lower

…………………………report is a document wherein all the details obtained from technical analysis, financial analysis, profitability analysis etc. are put together.

A. feasibility
B. project
C. both
D. none
Answer» C. both

…………………………. Is an essential document for procuring assistance from financial institutions and for fulfilling other formalities for the implementation of the project.

A. feasibility
B. project
C. progress
D. none
Answer» B. project

Department of industries and commerce formulated a scheme to set up ………………. To inculcate entrepreneurial culture amongst youth.

A. ed clubs
B. youth clubs
C. lion clubs
D. none
Answer» A. ed clubs

The scheme of ED Clubs will be implemented by ………………..

A. business incubators.
B. industrial estates.
C. dic.
D. none of these.
Answer» C. dic.

A grant of ………… Will be given to each ED club by the department of Commerce and industry.

A. 20000
B. 15000
C. 18000
D. 12000
Answer» D. 12000

A …………………………. Is an organization designed and success of entrepreneurial companies through an array of business support resources and services.

A. business incubators.
B. industrial estates.
C. dic.
D. none of these.
Answer» A. business incubators.

………………………….. Skill refers to the ability to conceive new ideas and products.

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Answer» B. conceptual

The skill to handle people and to influence their behaviour is known as ……………

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Answer» D. human relation

………….. Skill refers to the ability to understand problems from visible symptoms.

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Answer» A. diagnostic

Ability to use techniques ,procedures and tools of a specific field is called…………

A. diagnostic
B. conceptual
C. technical
D. human relation
Answer» C. technical

Entrepreneurship development is slow in Kerala because:

A. natural resources are limited.
B. poor quality of man power.
C. instable govt.
D. none of these.
Answer» D. none of these.

The minimum numbers to form an ED club is:

A. 20.
B. 25.
C. 50.
D. none of these.
Answer» B. 25.

Which one of the following is not a function of ED club:

A. organic workshop.
B. interaction with promotional agencies.
C. provide infrastructure.
D. organic industrial visits.
Answer» C. provide infrastructure.

Which of the following provides services and advices to start up firms:

A. business incubators.
B. industrial estates.
C. dic.
D. none of these.
Answer» A. business incubators.

………………….analysis is concerned with identification of project demand potential and selection of optimal technology:

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Answer» A. techno-economic

…………………………. Analysis is concerned with the development of detailed work plan of the project and its time profile:

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Answer» B. network

………………. Analysis involves estimation of project costs and revenues and funds required for the project:

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Answer» C. financial

……………………… analysis aims at analyzing the real contribution of an investment project towards welfare of country as a whole;

A. techno-economic
B. network
C. financial
D. social cost-benefit
Answer» D. social cost-benefit

………………………. Helps to take investment decision:

A. techno-economic
B. technical
C. financial
D. pre-investment appraisal
Answer» D. pre-investment appraisal

………………. Analysis is carried out to ascertain technical soundness of the project:

A. techno-economic
B. technical
C. financial
D. pre-investment appraisal
Answer» B. technical

………………………….. Refers to manner in which a company’s inputs are transferred into output process:

A. process
B. method
C. technology
D. method
Answer» C. technology

………………. Give right to use patented technology and get related know-how on mutually agreed basis:

A. technology licensing.
B. purchase of technology.
C. joint venture.
D. indigenous technology.
Answer» A. technology licensing.

There is no need for technological support from the seller in ……………………………

A. technology licensing.
B. purchase of technology.
C. joint venture.
D. indigenous technology
Answer» B. purchase of technology.

The supplier may participate technically as well as financially in a ………………… arrangement.

A. technology licensing.
B. purchase of technology.
C. joint venture.
D. indigenous technology
Answer» C. joint venture.

Technology developed within a country is called …………………………….

A. technology licensing.
B. purchase of technology.
C. joint venture.
D. indigenous technology
Answer» D. indigenous technology

……………… Refers to the volume that can be manufactured during a given period:

A. plant capacity.
B. plant location.
C. plant layout.
D. process layout.
Answer» A. plant capacity.

………………… Refers to the board area where the enterprise is to be established:

A. plant capacity.
B. plant location.
C. plant layout.
D. process layout.
Answer» B. plant location.

…………………………….. Refers to the arrangement of machines, equipments and other physical facilities within factory premises:

A. plant capacity.
B. plant location.
C. plant layout.
D. process layout.
Answer» C. plant layout.

In …………………………….. Similar machines are placed in one place according to operations they perform:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» A. process layout.

In …………………… Men and equipment are moved to the material which remains in one place:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» C. stationary layout.

…………………………….. Is possible where in item is made in different types and sizes:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» B. combined layout.

In ……………………… machines dedicated to sequences of production are grouped into cells:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» D. cellular layout.

Line layout is also called ………………………….

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. product layout
Answer» D. product layout

In …………………………. Machines are arranged in sequence in which they are used:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. product layout
Answer» D. product layout

There is a continuous flow of materials in process towards the finished product stage in…………

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. product layout
Answer» D. product layout

…………………. Is the best suited in mass production:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. product layout
Answer» D. product layout

…………………….. Is an innovative layout:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» D. cellular layout.

……………….. Is referred to as group layout:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» A. process layout.

………………….. Is called fixed position layout:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» C. stationary layout.

………………………. Is also called functional layout:

A. process layout.
B. combined layout.
C. stationary layout.
D. cellular layout.
Answer» A. process layout.

………………….is a post investment decision report.

A. feasibility report
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Answer» C. project report

……………………..provides clues to pertinent questions like “what, why, how, when and where of the project.

A. feasibility report
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Answer» C. project report

An in-depth study is not required in ……………………….

A. feasibility report
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Answer» A. feasibility report

…………………..is the master report

A. feasibility report
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Answer» C. project report

………………………..is the final report

A. feasibility report
B. interim report
C. project report
D. progress report
Answer» C. project report

Which of the following is not included in utilities.

A. raw materials
B. water
C. power
D. effluent disposal
Answer» A. raw materials

Which of the these are not industries promotional institution

A. kfc
B. ksidc
C. ksetdc
D. ktc
Answer» D. ktc

Ability to make clear decisions on the merits of a case is called…………….skill.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Answer» B. decision-making

…….skill helps an entrepreneur to establish an enterprise.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Answer» C. project development

……………skill relates to accounting and financing control, marketing, production planning and inventory control and to manage people who work in the enterprise.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Answer» D. management

……………… skills are necessary for an entrepreneur to deal with many people.

A. communication
B. decision-making
C. project development
D. management
Answer» A. communication

Incubators organised by the government are called………………

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Answer» A. government sponsored

……..are incubators sponsored and managed through associations, chambers of commerce etc

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Answer» B. non-profit organizations sponsored

……… incubators transit the findings of research and development into new products and technologies.

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Answer» C. university sponsored

…………incubators are organised and managed by private firms or companies or corporations

A. government sponsored
B. non-profit organizations sponsored
C. university sponsored
D. privately sponsored
Answer» D. privately sponsored

………………incubators create employment.

A. general purpose
B. technology
C. specialist
D. none
Answer» A. general purpose

…………….incubators seek to commercialize new product or service

A. general purpose
B. technology
C. specialist
D. none
Answer» B. technology

……………..incubators focus on specific industry areas like art and craft.

A. general purpose
B. technology
C. specialist
D. none
Answer» C. specialist

which of these is not a criteria for choosing right incubator.

A. success rates
B. quality
C. site
D. space
Answer» C. site

…………..is made up of a core group of highly specialized firms the same industry.

A. ed clubs
B. business clubs
C. chamber of commerce
D. business clusters
Answer» D. business clusters

Which of these is a problem of MSMEs

A. bogus units
B. inadequate finance
C. lack of managerial experience
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The slogan “innovate or evaporate” was given by………..

A. robert owen
B. joseph schumpeter
C. richard cantillon
D. philip kotler
Answer» D. philip kotler

The first and foremost industrial estate was established at…………………

A. rajkot
B. ahmadabad
C. patna
D. gurgaon
Answer» A. rajkot

The first and foremost industrial estate was established in the year…………………

A. 1960
B. 1962
C. 1955
D. 1950
Answer» C. 1955

……………… means organising, housing and servicing industry, a planned clustering of industrial enterprises offering standard factory buildings erected in advance of demand and a variety of services and facilities to the occupants.

A. industry
B. industrial estate
C. company
D. none of these
Answer» B. industrial estate

………..is the advance given to cover the finance requirement during the time lag between sanctioning and disbursement of term loan by financial institutions.

A. incentive
B. bridge capital
C. subsidy
D. venture capital
Answer» B. bridge capital

………………. Is the work of entrepreneurs.

A. invention
B. innovation
C. both
D. none
Answer» B. innovation

…………………….. is the work of scientists.

A. invention
B. innovation
C. both
D. none
Answer» A. invention

Which of these is not a environmental barrier to entrepreneurship

A. lack of skilled labour
B. custom of people
C. lack of fund
D. lack of infrastructure
Answer» B. custom of people

Which of these is a social barrier to entrepreneurship

A. low status
B. custom of people
C. both
D. none
Answer» C. both

……………..is a combination of knowledge, skills and appropriate motives that an individual must possess to perform a given task.

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. creativity.
Answer» C. competency

The capacity to take repeated and different actions to overcome obstacles is called……………..

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. creativity.
Answer» A. persistence

An inner urge in an individual to do something is called……………

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. creativity.
Answer» B. initiative

…………….is the ability of an entrepreneur to successfully convince others.

A. persistence
B. initiative
C. competency
D. persuasion.
Answer» D. persuasion.

Projects for industrial development is an…………….project.

A. quantifiable
B. non-quantifiable
C. sectoral
D. crash
Answer» A. quantifiable

Additional capital cost are incurred in …………projects to save time.

A. quantifiable
B. non-quantifiable
C. sectoral
D. crash
Answer» D. crash

Large scale projects are an example of …………….project

A. quantifiable
B. magnitude oriented
C. sectoral
D. crash
Answer» B. magnitude oriented

……………analysis helps in studying the impact of crucial variables like raw materials, sales volume, sales price, degree of capacity utilization etc over the economic viability of an enterprise.

A. break-even
B. sensitivity
C. risk
D. ratio
Answer» B. sensitivity
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