120+ Computerized Accounting Software Solved MCQs


Chapter: Unit 1

Which accounting concept satisfy the valuation criteria

A. Going concern, Realization, Cost
B. Going concern, Cost, Dual aspect
C. Cost, Dual aspect, Conservatism
D. Realization, Conservatism, Going concern.
Answer» A. Going concern, Realization, Cost

A trader has made a sale of Rs.75,500 out of which cash sales amounted to Rs.25,500. He showed trade receivables on 31-3-2014 at Rs.25,500. Which concept is followed by him?

A. Going concern
B. Cost
C. Accrual
D. Money measurement
Answer» C. Accrual

In which of the following cases, accounting estimates are needed?

A. Employs benefit schemes
B. Impairment of losses
C. Inventory obsolescence
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Diwali advance given to an employee is

A. Revenue Expenditure
B. Capital Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
D. Not an Expenditure
Answer» D. Not an Expenditure

A firm has reported a profit of Rs.1,47,000 for the year ended 31-3-2014 after taking into consideration the following items.
(i) The cost of an asset Rs.23,000 has been taken as an expense
(ii) The firm anticipated a profit of Rs.12,000 on the sale of an old furniture
(iii) Salary of Rs.7,000 outstanding for the year has not been taken into account.
(iv) An asset of Rs.85,000 was purchased for Rs.75,000 and was recorded in the books at Rs.85,000.
What is the correct amount of profit to be reported in the books?

A. Rs.1,47,000
B. Rs. 1,51,000
C. Rs.1,63,000
D. Rs.1,41,000
Answer» B. Rs. 1,51,000

The process of recording financial data upto trial balance is

A. Book keeping
B. Classifying
C. Summarizing
D. Analyzing
Answer» A. Book keeping

Rohit carrying on real estate business sold a piece of land for Rs.4,00,00,000 (cost Rs.3,50,00,000) then the type of receipt is ______ nature and profit on sale is

A. Capital & transferred to capital reserve
B. Revenue & transferred to P & L a/c c)
C. Capital & transferred to P & L a/c
D. Revenue & tr
Answer» D. Revenue & tr

In income measurement & recognition of assets & liabilities which of the following concepts goes together ?

A. Periodicity, Accural, Matching
B. Cost, Accural, matching
C. Going concern, cost, Realization
D. Going concern, Periodicity, Reliability
Answer» A. Periodicity, Accural, Matching

Interpretation means

A. Explanation of meaning and significance of the data in Financial Statements.
B. Concerned with preparation and presentation of classified data
C. Systematic analysis of recorded data
D. Methodical classification of data given in Financial Statements.
Answer» A. Explanation of meaning and significance of the data in Financial Statements.

A trader purchases goods for Rs. 2500000, of these 70% of goods were sold during the year. At the end of 31st December 2009, the market value of such goods were Rs. 500000. But the trader recorded in his books for Rs. 750000. Which of the following concept is violated?

A. Money measurement
B. Conservatism
C. Consistency
D. None of these
Answer» B. Conservatism

Which of the following is wrong?

A. All real and personal accounts are transferred to balance sheet
B. Nominal accounts are transferred to P & L account
C. Each account is opened separately in ledger
D. Rent is a personal account, outstanding rent is nominal account
Answer» D. Rent is a personal account, outstanding rent is nominal account

What is root cause for financial accounting

A. Stewardship accounting
B. Social accounting
C. Management accounting
D. Human resource accounting
Answer» A. Stewardship accounting

If nothing is given in the financial statements about the three accounting assumptions then it is to be treated as it

A. Is assumed that it is not followed
B. Is assumed to be followed
C. Is assumed to be followed to some extent
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Is assumed to be followed

The proprietor of the business is treated as creditor for the capital introduced by him due to_____ concept.

A. Money measurement
B. Cost
C. Entity
D. Dual aspect
Answer» C. Entity

Fixed assets are held by business for _____

A. Converting into cash
B. Generating revenue
C. Resale
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Generating revenue

Which accounting concept specifies the practice of crediting closing stock to the trading account?

A. Cost
B. Realization
C. Going concern
D. Matching
Answer» D. Matching

Amount spent to increasing the earning capacity is a ______ expenditure

A. Capital
B. Revenue
C. Deferred revenue
D. Capital Loss
Answer» A. Capital

Change in the capital A/c of proprietor may occur due to ______

A. Profit earned
B. Loss incurred
C. Capital Introduced
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Consistency with reference to application of accounting procedures means

A. All companies in the same Industry should use identical accounting procedures
B. Income & assets have not been overstated
C. Accounting methods & procedures shall be followed uniform basis year after year
D. Any accounting method can be followed as per convenience
Answer» C. Accounting methods & procedures shall be followed uniform basis year after year

If one of the cars purchased by a car dealer is used for business purpose, instead of resale, then it should be recorded by_____

A. Dr Drawing A/c & Cr Purchases A/c
B. Dr Office Expenses A/c & Cr Motor Car A/c
C. Dr Motor Car A/c & Cr Purchases A/c
D. Dr Motor Car & Cr Sales A/c
Answer» C. Dr Motor Car A/c & Cr Purchases A/c

If wages are paid for construction of business premises ______ A/c is credited and _A/c is debited.

A. Wages, Cash
B. Premises, Cash
C. Cash, Wages
D. Cash, Premises
Answer» D. Cash, Premises

Human resources will not appear in the balance sheet according to ______concept.

A. Accrual
B. Going concern
C. Money measurement concept
D. None
Answer» C. Money measurement concept

Provision for discount on debtors is calculated on the amount of debtors.

A. Before deducting provision for doubtful debts.
B. After deducting provision for doubtful debts.
C. Before deducting actual debts and provision for doubtful debts.
D. After adding actual bad and doubtful debts.
Answer» B. After deducting provision for doubtful debts.

Which of the following is not a Real Account?

A. Cash A/c
B. Investments A/c
C. Outstanding rent A/c
D. Purchases A/c
Answer» C. Outstanding rent A/c

Which of the following is incorrect?

A. Good will intangible asset
B. Sundry debtors - current asset
C. Loose tools tangible fixed asset
D. Outstanding expenses -current asset.
Answer» D. Outstanding expenses -current asset.

M/s Stationery Mart will debit the purchase of stationery to _______

A. Purchases A/c
B. General Expenses A/c
C. Stationery A/c
D. None
Answer» A. Purchases A/c

Small items like, pencils, pens, files, etc. are written off within a year according to _ concept.

A. Materiality
B. consistency
C. Conservatism
D. Realization
Answer» A. Materiality

Business enterprise is separate from its owner according to _________ concept.

A. Money measurement concept
B. Matching concept
C. Entity concept
D. Dual aspect
Answer» C. Entity concept

The policy of anticipate no profit and provide for all possible losses arise due to the concept of _____

A. Consistency
B. Disclosure
C. Conservatism
D. Matching
Answer» C. Conservatism

The debts, which are to be repaid within a short period (year or less) are known as

A. Current liabilities
B. Fixed liabilities
C. Contingent liabilities
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Current liabilities

The Convention of Conservatism takes into account

A. All prospective profits and prospective losses.
B. All prospective profits and leaves out prospective losses.
C. All prospective losses but leaves out prospective profit.
D. None of these.
Answer» C. All prospective losses but leaves out prospective profit.

Any written evidence in support of a business transaction is called:

A. Journal
B. Ledger
C. Ledger posting
D. Voucher
Answer» B. Ledger

According to the money measurement concept, the following will be recorded in the books of account of the business:

A. Health of Managing Director of the company
B. Quality of company’s goods
C. Value of Plant & Machinery
D. Strike by employees
Answer» C. Value of Plant & Machinery

Double Entry System was introduced in–

A. America
B. Japan
C. India
D. Italy
Answer» A. America
Chapter: Unit 2

Tally package is developed by

A. Peutronics
B. Tally Solutions
C. Coral Softwares
D. Vedika Softwares
Answer» B. Tally Solutions

How many type of companies can be created in Tally?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 2

Which menu appears after starting Tally for the first time?

A. Gateway of Tally
B. Company Info
C. Display
D. None of these
Answer» B. Company Info

Which shortcut key is pressed to go to company Info. Menu from Gateway of Tally?

A. Alt+F4
B. Alt+F2
C. Alt+F1
D. Alt+F3
Answer» D. Alt+F3

Which key is pressed to go to Gateway of Tally from company Info. Menu?

A. Ctrl
B. Alt
C. Esc
D. Enter
Answer» C. Esc

Which option is used in Tally to make changes in created company?

A. Select Company
B. Shut Company
C. Alter
D. None of these
Answer» C. Alter

Which option from Company Info. menu is selected to create a new Company in Tally?

A. Company Create
B. Create Company
C. Create
D. New Company
Answer» B. Create Company

Which option is selected from Company Info Menu to divide company data into two financial years?

A. Change Tally Vault
B. Alter
C. Split Company Data
D. New Company
Answer» C. Split Company Data

Which option is used to copy company’s data into pen drive or CD?

A. Backup
B. Restore
C. Split Company Data
D. Copy Data
Answer» A. Backup

Which option is used to place data taken in pen drive or CD to Appropriate place in Tally?

A. Backup
B. Restore
C. Split Company Data
D. None of these
Answer» B. Restore

Which option is used to open company created in Tally?

A. Create Company
B. Alter
C. Select Company
D. Shut Company
Answer» C. Select Company

Which option is used in Tally to close opened Company?

A. Alter
B. Shut Company
C. Create Company
D. Select Company
Answer» B. Shut Company

Which shortcut key is used to take print of any report in Tally?

A. Ctrl+P
B. Shift+P
C. Alt+P
D. Alt+Ctrl+P
Answer» C. Alt+P

Which shortcut key is used to export data of any company in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or in any other company?

A. Alt+P
B. Alt+E
C. Alt+O
D. Alt+S
Answer» B. Alt+E

Which shortcut key is used for Select Company in Tally?

A. F1
B. Alt+F1
C. F3
D. Alt+F3
Answer» C. F3

Which shortcut key is used to shut opened company in Tally?

A. F1
B. Alt+F1
C. F3
D. Alt+F3
Answer» B. Alt+F1

Which shortcut key is used to change current period in Tally?

A. F2
B. Alt+F2
C. F3
D. Alt+F3
Answer» B. Alt+F2

Which option is used to move from one company to another when more than one companies are open?

A. Company Info.
B. Shut Company
C. Select Company
D. Company
Answer» B. Shut Company

Which Shortcut key is pressed to create a new company in Tally?

A. F3
B. Alt+F3
C. F2
D. Alt+F2
Answer» B. Alt+F3

Which Shortcut key is pressed to view features in Tally?

A. F10
B. F11
C. Alt+11
D. F12
Answer» B. F11

Which shortcut key is used to view configure in Tally?

A. F10
B. F11
C. F12
D. Alt+F9
Answer» C. F12

Which menu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally?

A. Reports
B. Import
C. Transactions
D. Masters
Answer» D. Masters

Which submenu is used to create new ledgers, groups and voucher types in Tally?

A. Account Info.
B. Inventory Info.
C. Accounting Vouchers
D. Inventory Vouchers
Answer» A. Account Info.

With how many types ledger, group and voucher types can be created in Tally?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 2

Which submenu is used for voucher entry in Tally?

A. Vouchers
B. Account Vouchers
C. Accounts Info.
D. None of these
Answer» B. Account Vouchers

In order to delete a voucher, press

A. Alt + D
B. Alt + F4
C. Alt + F3
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Alt + D

Debit Note is used for

A. Sales Return
B. Purchase Return
C. Purchase Return only
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Purchase Return

A trial balance is a---------

A. Ledger
B. Journal
C. Account
D. List
Answer» D. List

A ‘Debit note’ is a statement sent to the ------------- by the ----------------

A. Seller, buyer
B. Buyer, seller
C. Customer, seller
D. Creditor, seller
Answer» A. Seller, buyer

A ‘credit note’ is sent by------------- to ----------------

A. Seller, buyer
B. Buyer, seller
C. Customer, seller
D. Creditor, seller
Answer» A. Seller, buyer

The rate of trade discount varies with the ----------- purchased

A. Total asset
B. Current asset
C. Quantity
D. None of these
Answer» C. Quantity

A............. serves the purpose of both journal and ledger accounts

A. Journal proper
B. Purchase day book
C. Cash book
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Cash book

Trial balance is prepared on............ basis

A. Monthly
B. Annually
C. Half yearly
D. Any of the above.
Answer» D. Any of the above.

‘Inventory books’ is used to view

A. Stock Items
B. Group Summary
C. Both A and B above
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both A and B above
Chapter: Unit 3

Which option is used to exit Tally?

A. Exit
B. Close
C. Quit
D. Shut Company
Answer» C. Quit

Salary Account comes under which head?

A. Indirect Incomes
B. Indirect Expenses
C. Direct Incomes
D. Direct Expenses
Answer» B. Indirect Expenses

How many groups are pre-defined in Tally?

A. 28
B. 30
C. 15
D. 19
Answer» A. 28

How many primary groups are there in Tally?

A. 19
B. 28
C. 15
D. 20
Answer» C. 15

How many secondary groups are there in Tally?

A. 15
B. 13
C. 28
D. 3
Answer» B. 13

Which option is used to view list of Primary and Secondary groups in Tally?

A. List of Accounts
B. Accounts
C. List
D. None of these
Answer» A. List of Accounts

Which ledger is created by Tally automatically as soon as we create a new company?

A. Cash
B. Profit & Loss A/c.
C. Capital A/c.
D. A and B both
Answer» D. A and B both

Which option is used to make changes in created Groups of Ledgers in Tally?

A. Create
B. Display
C. Alter
D. Change
Answer» C. Alter

How many voucher types area readily available in Tally?

A. 18
B. 16
C. 20
D. 28
Answer» A. 18

How many voucher types are provided in Tally to record transactions?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Which key is pressed to post entries in double entry accounting system instead of single entry system in Tally.ERP9?

A. F11
B. F12
C. Alt+F11
D. Alt+F12
Answer» D. Alt+F12

Which voucher type is used to transfer amount from one bank to another?

A. Contra
B. Payment
C. Receipt
D. Post-Dated
Answer» A. Contra

Rs.10, 000 withdrawn from State Bank. In which voucher type this transaction will be recorded?

A. Payment
B. Receipt
C. Contra
D. Post-Dated
Answer» C. Contra

Where do we record transactions of salary, rent or interest paid?

A. Contra
B. Journal
C. Receipt
D. Payment
Answer» B. Journal

Where do we record interest received, commission received or rent received in Tally?

A. Contra
B. Payment
C. Receipt
D. Journal
Answer» C. Receipt

Where do we record cash sales in Tally?

A. Contra
B. Receipt
C. Payment
D. Journal
Answer» D. Journal

Where do we record credit purchase of furniture in Tally?

A. Purchase
B. Payment
C. Receipt
D. Journal
Answer» A. Purchase

Where do we record purchase return, sales return, depreciation, bad debts etc.in Tally?

A. Journal
B. Payment
C. Contra
D. Receipt
Answer» B. Payment

Where do we record all type of adjustment entry in Tally?

A. F5: Payment
B. F6: Receipt
C. F7: Journal
D. F4: Contra
Answer» A. F5: Payment

Which shortcut key is pressed and then ‘yes’ is given in “Use Debit/Credit Noted” to post entry in Credit Note and Debit Note in Tally?

A. Alt+F11
B. F11
C. F12
D. Alt+F12
Answer» B. F11

In which voucher type credit purchase entry is posted in Tally?

A. F5: Payment
B. F7: Journal
C. F9: Purchase
D. F6: Receipt
Answer» C. F9: Purchase

In which voucher type credit sales is recorded in Tally?

A. F5: Payment
B. F6: Receipt
C. F7: Journal
D. F8: Sales
Answer» C. F7: Journal

Which shortcut key is used in ‘Company Feature’s screen to use Accounting Features in Tally?

A. F1
B. F2
C. F3
D. F4
Answer» D. F4

Which shortcut key is used in ‘Company Features’ screen to use Inventory Features in Tally?

A. F1
B. F2
C. F3
D. F4
Answer» B. F2

Which shortcut key is used in ‘Company Features’ Screen to use Statutory & Taxation in Tally?

A. F3
B. F4
C. F2
D. F1
Answer» A. F3

Which file in tally is used to record the import activity ?

A. Tally.dat
B. Tally.ini
C. Tally.imp
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Tally.ini

Which of the following is the predefined stock category in tally?

A. Primary
B. Symbol
C. Stock
D. Main location
Answer» A. Primary

Which shortcut key(s) are used to display list of inventory reports within balance sheet?

A. F8
B. F9
C. F10
D. F11
Answer» B. F9

How many types of users are present in tally?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

Which shortcut key(s) are used to enter a stock journal in tally?

A. F7
B. Control + F7
C. Alt + F7
D. Shift + F7
Answer» C. Alt + F7

Which of the following shows daily balance for a selected voucher type?

A. Daybook
B. Trial Balance
C. Balance Sheet
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Daybook

. Which of the following can be budgeted in tally?

A. Net Transactions
B. Closing Balance
C. Closing Balance
D. A and B
Answer» D. A and B
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