190+ Environmental Studies in Islam and Human Rights Solved MCQs


The first of the Major Environmental Protection Act to be promulgated in India was

A. Water Act
B. Air Act
C. Environmental Act
D. Noise Pollution Rule
Answer» A. Water Act

Which are the following is the International Convention on Environmental Protection

A. ASEAN (Agreement on Trans boundary Haze Pollution
B. Bilateral Investment Treaties
C. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
D. The Geneva Convention
Answer» A. ASEAN (Agreement on Trans boundary Haze Pollution

Who Authored the book “Islam and Environmental Crisis”

A. Hazrat Ali
B. Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al- Rzi
C. Akhtharuddin Ahammad
D. Al- Farabi
Answer» C. Akhtharuddin Ahammad

Who authored the book “ Environmental Dimensions of Islam”

A. Marul Izzi Dien
B. Al – Ma arri
C. Avicenna
D. Nasir Khusru
Answer» A. Marul Izzi Dien

In which year United Nations General Assembly Passed the Resolution of UDHR

A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1948
D. 1949
Answer» C. 1948

ICCPR Stands for

A. International Conference on Civil and Political Right
B. International Covenant on Civil and Political Right
C. International Commission on Civil and Political Right
D. International Colloquium on Civil and Political Right
Answer» B. International Covenant on Civil and Political Right

OHCHR Stands for

A. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Right
B. Organization for Human Rights Commission
C. Office of Human Right Commission
Answer» A. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Right

UDHR Stands for

A. United Nations Democratic Human Rights
B. Universal Declaration of Human Right
C. United Demand 0f Human Right
D. Union Declaration of Human Right
Answer» B. Universal Declaration of Human Right

Which day is celebrated as Hum an Right Day

A. August 19
B. January 26
C. December 10
D. December 11
Answer» C. December 10

Who authored the book “ International Human Rights Law “

A. H. O. Agarwal
B. S. P. Guptha
C. Olivier De Schutter
D. Mashood A Baderin
Answer» C. Olivier De Schutter

In which year United Nations Commission on Human Rights was replaced by the United Nations Human Rights Council

A. 2004
B. 2005
C. 2006
D. 2007
Answer» A. 2004

Who is the current Chairman of National Human Rights Commission in India

A. Rajrnrd Mal Lodha
B. T. S. Thakur
C. H. L. Dattu
D. Altamas Kahir
Answer» C. H. L. Dattu

Environmental ethics is the discipline in Philosophy which studies

A. The Moral Relationship of Human Being
B. Non – Human contents
C. Traditional ethical theories
D. Traditional Western ethical Theory
Answer» A. The Moral Relationship of Human Being

When was the International Association for Environmental Philosophy created

A. 1998
B. 1995
C. 1997
D. 1996
Answer» B. 1995

Which concept in lists that environmental ethics evolve from two fundamental values i,e, self realization end biocentrism equality?

A. Animism
B. Deep Ecology
C. Transcendentalists
D. Oriental Religions
Answer» B. Deep Ecology

Global Warming also refer to as?

A. Climate Change
B. Ecological Change
C. Atmosphere Change
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Climate Change

Global Warming is observed century scale rise in the --------------- of the Earths climate system?

A. Maximum temperature
B. Minimum temperature
C. Average temperature
D. Temperature
Answer» A. Maximum temperature

Which of the following are the anticipated effects of Global Warming?

A. Rising Sea Level
B. Changing Participation
C. Expansion of Deserts
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Expansion of Deserts

LAS Stands for?

A. League of Arab State
B. Law of Arab State
C. Law of Arabian state
D. League of Arab World
Answer» A. League of Arab State

ICPD Stand for?

A. International Conference on Population and Development
B. International Commission on Population and Development
C. International Colloquium on Population and Development
D. Indian Conference on Population and Development
Answer» A. International Conference on Population and Development

MDGs stand for?

A. Millennium Development Goals
B. Minimum Development Goals
C. Maximum Development Goals
D. Manual Development Goals
Answer» A. Millennium Development Goals

ESCWA Stands for?

A. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
B. Economic and Social Conference for Western Asia
C. Economic and Social Colloquium for Western Asia
D. Economic and Social Contest for Western Asia
Answer» A. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

ECA Stand for?

A. Economic Commission for Africa
B. Economic Commission for Asia
C. Economic Commission for Arabia
D. Economic Commission for Australia
Answer» A. Economic Commission for Africa

CRPD Stand for?

A. Convention on the Rights of Person with Disability
B. Commission on the Rights of Person with Disability
C. Conference on the Rights of Person with Disability
D. Colloquium on the Rights of Person with Disability
Answer» A. Convention on the Rights of Person with Disability

Surah- Al- Buquara is organized by which structure

A. Ring Composition Structure
B. Round Composition Structure
C. Square Composition Structure
D. Musical Composition Structure
Answer» A. Ring Composition Structure

Who authored the book “ Human Rights in Islam”

A. Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi
B. Al Farabi
C. Muhammad Ibn Zkariya Al Rzi
D. Hazrath Ali
Answer» A. Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi

CDHRI Stand for

A. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam
B. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Island
C. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Israel
D. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in India
Answer» A. Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam

United Nations Organization was established in which year

A. 1945 December 24
B. 1945 August 25
C. 1945 October 30
D. 1945 August 15
Answer» A. 1945 December 24

The different generation of Human Right was proposed in which year

A. 1971
B. 1976
C. 1979
D. 1975
Answer» C. 1979

Who proposed the term different generation of Human Rights for the first time

A. N. Y. Const
B. Czch Jrist Karel Vsak
C. Maurice Carnston
D. Paul Rahe
Answer» B. Czch Jrist Karel Vsak

The `Blue rights’ also known as ------------------------

A. Firs generation human rights
B. Third generation human rights
C. Second generation human rights
D. None of these
Answer» A. Firs generation human rights

Magna Carta was established in which year

A. 1935
B. 1119
C. 1216
D. 1215
Answer» D. 1215

The Rid Declaration on Environment and Development was occurred in which year

A. 1992
B. 1993
C. 1991
D. 1995
Answer» A. 1992

The term `Green rights’ also known as ----------------

A. First generation human rights
B. Second generation human rights
C. Third generation human rights
D. None of these
Answer» C. Third generation human rights

New York’s “ Forever Wild” constitutional article gave emphasis on what- ---------

A. Civil and political rights
B. Protection of Forests
C. Environmental protection
D. Wild life sanitary
Answer» C. Environmental protection

“Scarcity means that supposed Second generation and Third generation rights are net really rights at all “ who proposed this concep

A. Maurice Cranston
B. Charles Kesler
C. FredSeric Bastiat
D. De Lamurtine
Answer» A. Maurice Cranston

ICCPR established in which year

A. 1967 December 10
B. 1967 April 10
C. 1966 December 10
D. 1966 December 16
Answer» D. 1966 December 16

ICERD established in which year

A. 1965 December 21
B. 1967 December 21
C. 1965 December 10
D. 1967 December 10
Answer» A. 1965 December 21

ICERD Stand for

A. International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
B. International Convert on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
C. International Commission on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
D. International Conference on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
Answer» A. International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination

Who is the current secretory general of United Nations Organization

A. Gladwyn Jebb
B. Antonio Guterres
C. Trygve Lie
D. U Thant
Answer» B. Antonio Guterres

Which of the following is not a major green house gas

A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Water Vapor
C. Methane
D. Calcium Carbonate
Answer» D. Calcium Carbonate

The air pollutants are mainly classified as

A. Point sources and non- point sources
B. Primary and secondary pollutants
C. Natural or anthropogenic pollutants
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Primary and secondary pollutants

Atmospheric pollutants are mainly present in

A. Ionosphere
B. Stratosphere
C. Troposphere
D. Mesosphere
Answer» B. Stratosphere

Thermal power generation in India is carried out by burning

A. Coal
B. Oil
C. Natural gas
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Oil

Which of the following causes the last pollution when burnt ?

A. Petrol
B. Coal
C. Natural gas
D. Diesel
Answer» C. Natural gas

Which of the following Soil is very hard to cultivate?

A. Alluvial
B. Colton Soil
C. Red Soil
D. Sandy Soil
Answer» B. Colton Soil

The largest Soil group of India is

A. Red Soil
B. Black Soil
C. Sandy Soil
D. Mountain Soil
Answer» A. Red Soil

Which of the following is measured by the promoter?

A. Soil fertility
B. Soil Sanity
C. Soil Acidity
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Soil Sanity

Which of the following States has forests rich in sandalwood?

A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Assam
Answer» B. Karnataka

Which of the following are Salt Water Wet Land?

A. Marsh Land
B. Bogs
C. Fish Pounds
D. Estuaries
Answer» D. Estuaries

Which of the following is not a biomass energy sources?\

A. Wood
B. Gohar gas
C. Nuclear Energy
D. Biogas
Answer» C. Nuclear Energy

Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?

A. Wood
B. Coal
C. Petroleum
D. Natural Gas
Answer» A. Wood

Which one of the following is a none w able resource

A. Natural Gas
B. Petroleum
C. Ground Water
D. Coal
Answer» C. Ground Water

The metal used in a Solar panel is?

A. Gold
B. Silver
C. Copper
D. Nickel
Answer» B. Silver

CBD Stand for

A. Coal Bed Methane
B. Cheap Bed Methane
C. Commercial Bed Methane
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Coal Bed Methane

The main Which Country is the leader in harnessing wind energy?

A. Denmark
B. Germany
C. India
D. U S A
Answer» B. Germany

constituent of LPG is ?

A. Methane
B. Butane
C. Hydrogen
D. Propane
Answer» B. Butane

The main constituent of CNG is

A. Methane
B. Butane
C. Ethane
D. Propane
Answer» A. Methane

Production of electricity from waste material is called?

A. Pyrolysis
B. Landfill
C. Dumping
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Pyrolysis

Which of the following element is used in the making of Solar Cells?

A. Platinum
B. Carbon
C. Silicon
D. Silver
Answer» C. Silicon

Biodiesel is produced in India presently forms?

A. Calotropis
B. Cathuranthus
C. Jatropha
D. Delonix
Answer» C. Jatropha

What is Eco tone?

A. It denotes a mosaic boundaries or inter-Digit ting zone between two more homogenous vegetation unit
B. A term was applied by Earhart to periods of soil formation.
C. It is formed by the interactions among population of living animals and plants
D. None of the above
Answer» A. It denotes a mosaic boundaries or inter-Digit ting zone between two more homogenous vegetation unit

Find out the salient features of environment ?

A. It is the sum of biotic and abiotic elements
B. It is based on the four interactive and functional relationship between and biotic and abiotic
C. It always tens to maintain ecological balance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following three R’s are regarded as environment friendly?

A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
B. Read, Register, Recall
C. Random, Reduce, Recall
D. Reduce, Rebuild, Restrict
Answer» A. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Which of the following fuels causes minimum environmental pollutions ?

A. Coal
B. Hydrogen
C. Diesel
D. Kerosene
Answer» B. Hydrogen

Kyoto Protocol an agreement signed by various countries, is associated with?

A. International Trade
B. Deep sea oil and mineral exploration
C. Clean environment and climate change
D. Building common food stock to save human beings from any natural disaster
Answer» C. Clean environment and climate change

Human Environment conference 1972 was held at?

A. Paris
B. Geneva
C. Stockholm
D. Australia
Answer» C. Stockholm

The Environment (Protection) act was enacted in the year?

A. 1986
B. 1987
C. 1992
D. 1999
Answer» A. 1986

Environment refers to

A. The circumstances, object, or condition by which one is surrounded
B. A natural covering such as a test or shell that encloses and protest an animal or a colony of zooids
C. The pervading tone or mood of place situation or creative work
D. A fluid that has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely
Answer» A. The circumstances, object, or condition by which one is surrounded

The most visually striking evidence of global warming is ?

A. The increased precipitation along the Gulf coast States
B. Highly varying temperature fluctuations felt during the winter months
C. Rapid melting of glacial ice on nearly every continent
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

How those climate change (global warming) affect human health?

A. By increasing illnesses such as heat stress, cardiovascular disease and kindly disease
B. By increasing respiratory illnesses such as a Asthma and allergies
C. By increasing insect borne infection such as Dengue fever
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Natural environment, Artificial environment, Social environment and psychological environment there are the four types of environmental

A. Kimoal young
B. Gisbut
C. Julium cearer
D. Thoman jeffason
Answer» B. Gisbut

The non-renewable resource in the environment

A. Fish
B. Insects
C. Fossil fuel
D. Forest
Answer» C. Fossil fuel


A. Living and non- living
B. Living things only
C. Non-living things only
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Living and non- living

Fish, insects and forest are

A. Renewable resource
B. Non-renewable resource
C. Artificial resource
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Renewable resource

The sustainable use of natural resources are amounted with environmental

A. Reservation
B. Protection
C. Exploitation
D. Conservation
Answer» D. Conservation

Protection of an Ecosystem refer to

A. Conservation
B. Preservation
C. Exploitation
D. Pollution
Answer» B. Preservation

Restore an Ecosystem or natural environment to a Previous State called

A. Remediation
B. Preservation
C. Protection
D. Conservation
Answer» A. Remediation

What you mean by “Ummah”?

A. Community
B. Clan
C. Society
D. Culture
Answer» A. Community

In which year was proclaimed the Cairo Declaration?

A. 1990
B. 1948
C. 1995
D. 1992
Answer» A. 1990

In which day was established the Cairo Declaration?

A. August 05
B. December 10
C. May 06
D. June 10
Answer» B. December 10

ACHR Stands for?

A. Arab Charter on Human Rights
B. Arab Commission on Human Rights
C. Arab Conference on Human Rights
D. Arab Convention on Human Rights
Answer» A. Arab Charter on Human Rights

AHDR Stands for?

A. Arab Human Development Report
B. Asian Human Development Report
C. Arab Human Digital Report
D. Arab Human Democratic Report
Answer» A. Arab Human Development Report

Islamic Law also known as?

A. Sharia
B. Quran
C. Islamic Principles
D. Islamic Logics
Answer» A. Sharia

CRC stands for?

A. Convention on the Rights of the Child
B. Commission on the Rights of the Child
C. Conference on the Rights of the Child
D. Committee on the Rights of the Child
Answer» A. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Which reference of basis on the formation of CDHRI?

A. Sharia
C. Shoora Council
Answer» A. Sharia

Cairo Declaration was held which Country?

A. Egypt
B. America
C. Saudi
D. Jordan
Answer» A. Egypt

What is mean by the term of “ Hima”?

A. Environment Protection
B. Protection of Animals
C. Protection of Human
D. Protection of Woman
Answer» A. Environment Protection

Stand for OIC?

A. Organization of Islamic Corporation
B. Organization of Islamic Corporative
C. Organization of Islamic Community
D. Organization of Islamic Indian Corporate
Answer» A. Organization of Islamic Corporation

The word “Baqarah” mean?

A. Cow
B. Cattle
C. Elephant
D. Owl
Answer» A. Cow

Who was the prime minister of Egypt at the same time of Cairo Declaration?

A. Hosni Mubarak
B. Muhammad Morsi
C. Anwar Sadat
D. Sufi Abu Taleb
Answer» A. Hosni Mubarak

Which year was finally announced the Cairo Declaration?

A. 2017
B. 2019
C. 2018
D. 2016
Answer» A. 2017

In which year was proclaimed the Cairo Declaration in Islamic Calendar?

A. Muharam 1411
B. Shawal 1422
C. Muharam1441
D. Muharam 1440
Answer» A. Muharam 1411

Stands for AWE?

A. Association for World Education
B. Association for Wide Education
C. Association for Workers Employment
D. Association for World Economic
Answer» A. Association for World Education

Stands for AWC?

A. Association of World Citizen
B. Association of World Community
C. Association of Woman Cell
D. Association of World Conference
Answer» A. Association of World Citizen

ICESCR Stands for?

A. International Colloquium on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights
B. International Conference on Economic , Social and Cultural Rights
C. International Commission on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
D. International Covent on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Answer» D. International Covent on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

The word “ Ahzab” mean?

A. Clan
B. Society
C. Family
D. Guide Line
Answer» B. Society

The word “ Nahl” mean?

A. Bees
B. Bird
C. Cow
D. Tiger
Answer» A. Bees

The word “Fajr” mean?

A. Dawn
B. Star
C. Rain
D. Sky
Answer» A. Dawn
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  • Environmental Studies in Islam and Human Rights MCQs with answers PDF download