
180+ Gynecology Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Uncategorized topics , Biology .


Cervical carcinoma that can be treated with cone biopsy

A. Stage 5
B. Stage 1a
C. Stage 3
D. Stage 2a
E. Stage 4a
Answer» B. Stage 1a

The presence of atypical cells within the squamous epithelium

A. Cervical dyskaryosis
B. Nabothian follicles
C. Dysplasic dyskaryosis
D. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
E. Cervicitis
Answer» D. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

5 year survival for someone with stage 1a cervical carcinoma

A. 95%
B. 10%
C. 30%
D. 80%
E. 60%
Answer» A. 95%

Cervical carcinoma spread and staging: Invasion of the lower v*gina or pelvic wall, or causing ureteric obstruction

A. Stage 1a
B. Stage 4
C. Stage 3
D. Stage 2a
E. Stage 1b
Answer» C. Stage 3

HPV types _________ are the most significant and account for 70% of all cervical cancers

A. 45 and 46
B. 31 and 33
C. 14 and 16
D. 16 and 18
E. 12 and 14
Answer» D. 16 and 18

Anovulatory infertility in PCO is due to:

A. alteration of folliculogenesis caused by dysregulation of GnRH pulse generator
B. alteration of folliculogenesis caused by adrenal & ovarian hyperandrogenism
C. alteration of folliculogenesis caused by insulin resistance
D. alteration in folliculogenesis caused by alteration of ovarian growth factors
E. all of the above
Answer» E. all of the above

Ovarian tumors which may produce chorionic gonadotrophins include :

A. Dysgerminoma
B. Teratoma
C. Choriocarcinoma
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Pathology of endometriosis may be explained by :

A. coelemic metaplasia
B. endometrial hyperplasia
C. retrograde menstruation
D. intraperitoneal immunologic deficit
E. lymphatic diffusion
Answer» C. retrograde menstruation

The cysts in Polycystic Ovarian syndrome are formed by:

A. Failure of atretic follicles to undergo apoptosis
B. Oocyte proliferation
C. Multiple corpus lutea
D. Cystic degeneration of ovarian cortex
E. none
Answer» A. Failure of atretic follicles to undergo apoptosis

An ‘ in situ ‘ stage has not been officially recognized in which of the following :

A. Ovarian carcinoma
B. Endometrial carcinoma
C. Cervical carcinoma
D. Vulvar carcinoma
E. Vaginal carcinoma
Answer» A. Ovarian carcinoma

The gastrointestinal primary of a Krukenberg tumour of the ovary is most often found in the :

A. Gall bladder
B. Rectum
C. Pylorus
D. Colon
E. Small intestine
Answer» C. Pylorus

Functional ovarian cysts include:

A. Follicular cysts.
B. Endometriomas.
C. Dermoid cysts.
D. fibromas.
E. none
Answer» A. Follicular cysts.

In contrast to a malignant ovarian tumor, a benign tumor has which of the following gross features?

A. Excrescences on the surface.
B. Peritoneal implants.
C. Intra-cystic papillations.
D. Free mobility.
E. Capsule rupture.
Answer» D. Free mobility.

A 54-year-old woman is found to have endometrial hyperplasia on endometrial biopsy. A functional ovarian tumor to be suspected is a:

A. Lipid cell tumor.
B. Granulosa-theca cell tumor.
C. Sertoli-Leydig yumor.
D. Muncious cystadenocarcinoma.
E. Polycystic ovary
Answer» B. Granulosa-theca cell tumor.

A uni-locular ovarian cyst measuring 4.4 cm by 4.9 cm found on routine ultrasonograrhy during the 8th week of gestation . best management for this case is

A. observation and repeated ultrasonography
B. laparoscoic aspiration of the cyst
C. immediate laparotomy and cystectomy
D. immediate laparotomy and ovariectomy
E. laparotomy and cystectomy postponed to 14 weeks
Answer» A. observation and repeated ultrasonography

Germ cell tumours include all the following except

A. choriocarcinoma
B. gonadoblastoma
C. endodermal sinus tumour
D. begnin cystic teratoma
E. solid teratoma
Answer» B. gonadoblastoma

Which is the major cause of cancer death in women?

A. Breast cancer
B. Cervical cancer
C. Endometrial cancer
D. Lung cancer
E. Ovarian cancer
Answer» A. Breast cancer

Endometrial carcinomas associated with estrogen therapy “ caused by unopposed estrogen therapy “ :

A. well differentiated
B. are deeply invasive
C. are sensitive to progesterone therapy
D. generally have poor prognosis
E. have high rates of reccurence
Answer» C. are sensitive to progesterone therapy

Ovarian cancer:

A. Separate FIGO staging systems exist for epithelial and sex-cord/stromal ovarian tumors
B. Granulosa Cell Tumor has an excellent prognosis because most patients present with early-stage disease
C. Meigs’ syndrome consists of ascites; hydrothorax and a malignant ovarian tumor
D. Krukenberg tumours are metastatic ovarian neoplasms originating exclusively in the stomach
E. none
Answer» B. Granulosa Cell Tumor has an excellent prognosis because most patients present with early-stage disease

Regarding ovarian tumours

A. adenocarcinoma is more commonly bilateral than mucinous
B. the use of oral contraceptives is a risk factor for ovarian cancer
C. Sertoli-Leydig tumours of the ovary are typically estrogen secreting
D. Fat saturation MRI images are of value in diagnosing cystic teratomas
E. RI (Resistive index) values of intratumoral areas can differentiate between benign and malignant ovarian tumours
Answer» A. adenocarcinoma is more commonly bilateral than mucinous

A Krukenberg tumour is an ovarian neoplasm which :

A. Is primary in the ovary
B. Is associated with hydrothorax
C. Is secondary to any GIT cancer
D. Shows characteristic mucoid epithelial change
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Shows characteristic mucoid epithelial change

CA-125 is ?

A. A mucin-type glycoprtein
B. A ganglioside
C. A tumor-specific transplantation antigen
D. Useful for ovarian cancer screening in the general patient population
E. An antigen which is commonly expressed by mucinous ovarian carcinomas
Answer» A. A mucin-type glycoprtein

A young female came to you with complaint of oligomenorrhea ,hirsutism & weight gain ,US reveals bulky ovaries with subcapsular cysts. Most likely diagnosis is

A. ovarian cancer
B. cushing syndrome
Answer» C. PCOD

A large cystic tumour is detected in a woman in routine antenatal examination. The most common complication she can encounter?

A. Torsion
B. rupture
C. hemorrhage
D. infection
E. degeneration
Answer» A. Torsion

A 18-year-old woman comes to the physician for an annual examination. She has no complaints. She has been sexually active for the past 2 years. She uses the oral contraceptive pill for contraception. She has depression for which she takes fluoxetine. She takes no other medications and has no allergies to medications. Her family history is negative for cancer and cardiac disease. Examination is unremarkable. Which of the following screening tests should this patient most likely have?

A. Colonoscopy
B. Mammogram
C. Pap smear
D. Pelvic ultrasound
E. Sigmoidoscopy
Answer» C. Pap smear

Hilus or Leydig cell tumour may be associated with :

A. Reinke crystals
B. Oestrogen effect on endometrium
C. Clinical virilism
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A multiparous woman aged 40 years, presents with menorahagia and progressively increasing dysmenorrhoea. Most probable diagnosis is:

A. Ca Cervix
B. Ca Endometrium
C. Adenomyosis
E. none
Answer» C. Adenomyosis

Female with history of frequent micturition may be :

A. prolapse
B. incarcerated fibroma
C. pregnancy
D. a&c
E. all above .
Answer» E. all above .

Considering dysgerminoma all true except :

A. the commonest germ cell tumor
B. usually in young females
C. lymphatic spread is so late
D. elevate lactic dehydrogenase level .
E. none
Answer» C. lymphatic spread is so late

Ordering accord to the commonest cancers in female genital tract the right is :

A. cervical , endometrial ,ovarian
B. ovarian , cervical , endometrial
C. endometrial , cervical , ovarian
D. endometrial , ovarian , cervical .
E. none
Answer» C. endometrial , cervical , ovarian

Female came to the ER with Bp 80/60 and pulse 125 with history of acute abdomen , next step is

A. laparotomy
B. iv fluids
D. PV examination
E. none
Answer» B. iv fluids

Considering ovarian cancer :

A. surgery is preferred to be last line
B. early discovered with good prognosis
C. chemotherapy is good in most tumors
D. germ cell tumors show good response to chemotherapy
E. none
Answer» D. germ cell tumors show good response to chemotherapy

A 48-year-old woman has noted a small amount of irregular vaginal bleeding for the past 2 months. She has a pelvic examination that reveals no cervical lesions, and a Pap smear that shows no abnormal cells. Next, an endometrial biopsy is performed, and there is microscopic evidence for endometrial hyperplasia. An abdominal ultrasound reveals a solid right ovarian mass. Which of the following neoplasms is this woman is most likely to have?

A. Mature cystic teratoma
B. Choriocarcinoma
C. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
D. Fibrothecoma
E. Krukenberg tumor
Answer» D. Fibrothecoma

Vaginal adenocarcinomas in children is caused by

A. Virus
B. Administration of DES to pregnant mothers
C. Hormonal changes
D. All of the above
E. none
Answer» B. Administration of DES to pregnant mothers

Carcinoma cervix with involvement of upper 2/3 of v*gina is stage

E. none
Answer» A. II

A 47-year-old woman has noted a pressure sensation, but no pain, in her pelvic region for the past 5 months. On physical examination there is a right adnexal mass. An ultrasound scan shows a 10 cm fluid-filled cystic mass in the right ovary. A fine needle aspirate of the mass is performed and cytologic examination of clear fluid aspirated from the mass reveals clusters of malignant epithelial cells surrounding psammoma bodies. Which of the following neoplasms is she most likely to have?

A. Endometrial adenocarcinoma
B. Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma
C. Mesothelioma
D. Ovarian mature cystic teratoma
E. Adenocarcinoma of fallopian tube
Answer» B. Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma

Ovarian masses:

A. Are malignant in presence of ascites
B. Include benign teratomas
C. Of germ cell origin may secrete hormones
D. May be confused with develpomental abnormalities of renal tract
E. If malignant can be reliably staged pre-operatively
Answer» B. Include benign teratomas

A 4-year-old girl is noted to have breast enlargement and vaginal bleeding. On physical examination, she is noted to have a 9-cm pelvic mass. Which of the following is the most likely etiology?

A. Cystic teratoma
B. Dysgerminoma
C. Endodermal sinus tumor
D. Granulosa cell tumor
E. Mucinous tumor
Answer» D. Granulosa cell tumor

Current modes of investigation for infertility to check functioning of tubes are all of the following execpt:

A. Air insufflation
B. Sonosalpingography
C. Hysterrosalpingography
D. Laparoscopic chromotubation
E. all of the above
Answer» E. all of the above

Before puberty, what is the ratio between the cervical length and uterine body ?

A. 1 : 2
B. 2 : 1
C. 1 : 3
D. 1 : 4
E. none
Answer» B. 2 : 1

As regard mastalgia:

A. in cyclic mastalgia pain is usaully max. postmenestrual
B. is treaeted surgically
C. bromocriptine may be used
D. gammaleinoliec acid is contraindicated
E. none
Answer» C. bromocriptine may be used

Pap smear

A. the next step in dysplastic smear is colposcopy
B. is simple but inaccurate
C. should be carried out every 5 years
D. has no role in screening of assymptomatic women
E. all of the above
Answer» A. the next step in dysplastic smear is colposcopy

A 40-years-old female with history of fibroid on investigation showed CIN-2 changes. Treatment of choice in this case is :

A. Hysterectomy
B. Conization
C. Cryotherapy
D. Laser ablation
E. none
Answer» A. Hysterectomy

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) is defined as abnormal uterine bleeding ?

A. Secondary to hormonal dysfunction
B. Caused by cancer
C. In a patient with von Willebrand's disease
D. With no organic cause
E. Caused by an endometrial polyp
Answer» D. With no organic cause

Abnormal Uterine bleeding (AUB) is defined by all of the following except ?

A. Excessive Blood loss (>80 ml) during menses
B. Menstrual length less than 7 days
C. An interval of less than 21 days between the starts of successive menses
D. Irregular bleeding episodes between menses
E. Extended (>35 days) intervals between menses
Answer» B. Menstrual length less than 7 days

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding is said to present when there is bleeding due to :

A. Fibroid
B. Endometriosis
C. Irregular ripening and irregular shedding
D. Chronic endometritis
E. none
Answer» C. Irregular ripening and irregular shedding

Post menopausal bleeding does not occur in....

A. Use of combined OCP's
B. Atrophic vaginitis
C. Endometrial hyperplasia
D. CA-Endometrium
E. none
Answer» A. Use of combined OCP's

Bicornute uterus may predispose to all the following except:

A. recurrent PTL
B. primary amenorrhea
C. retention of placenta after delivery
D. menorrhagia
E. none
Answer» B. primary amenorrhea

A couple presented in OPD with H/0 infertility since last 2 years. Husbands s*men analysis was advised. What is WHO criterion - for minimum sperm count in normal s*men?

A. 10 million.
B. 20 million.
C. 30 million.
D. 40 million.
E. 70 million.
Answer» B. 20 million.

A 23 years old primigravida presents with abdominal pain, syncope and vaginal spotting. Assessment reveals that she has an ectopic pregnancy. The most common site of pregnancy is:

A. Ampulla.
B. Isthmus.
C. Fimbrial end.
D. Abdomin.
E. Cervix.
Answer» A. Ampulla.

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