590+ Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Solved MCQs


The velocity of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a Venturimeter

A. Remains constant
B. Increases
C. Decreases
D. Depends upon mass of liquid
Answer» C. Decreases

The volumetric change of the fluid caused by a resistance is known as

A. Volumetric strain
B. Volumetric index
C. Compressibility
D. Adhesion
Answer» C. Compressibility

If the depth of water in an open channel is less than the critical depth, the flow is called

A. Critical flow
B. Turbulent flow
C. Tranquil flow
D. Torrential flow
Answer» D. Torrential flow

Choose the wrong statement

A. Fluids are capable of flowing
B. Fluids conform to the shape of the containing vessels
C. When in equilibrium, fluids cannot sustain tangential forces
D. When in equilibrium, fluids can sustain shear forces
Answer» D. When in equilibrium, fluids can sustain shear forces

An orifice is said to be large, if

A. The size of orifice is large
B. The velocity of flow is large
C. The available head of liquid is more than 5 times the height of orifice
D. The available head of liquid is less than 5 times the height of orifice
Answer» D. The available head of liquid is less than 5 times the height of orifice

A piece of metal of specific gravity 13.6 is placed in mercury of specific gravity 13.6, what fraction of it volume is under mercury?

A. The metal piece will simply float over the mercury
B. The metal piece will be immersed in mercury by half
C. Whole of the metal piece will be immersed with its top surface just at mercury level
D. Metal piece will sink to the bottom
Answer» C. Whole of the metal piece will be immersed with its top surface just at mercury level

The centre of pressure acts __________ the centre of gravity of immersed surface.

A. At
B. Above
C. Below
D. None of these
Answer» C. Below

Dynamic viscosity of most of the liquids with rise in temperature

A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remain unaffected
D. Unpredictable
Answer» B. Decreases

The discharge over a right angled notch is (where H = Height of liquid above the apex of notch)

A. (8/15) Cd. 2g. H
B. (8/15) Cd. 2g. H3/2
C. (8/15) Cd. 2g. H²
D. (8/15) Cd. 2g. H5/2
Answer» D. (8/15) Cd. 2g. H5/2

A square surface 3 m × 3 m lies in a vertical line in water pipe its upper edge at water surface. The hydrostatic force on square surface is

A. 9,000 kg
B. 13,500 kg
C. 18,000 kg
D. 27,000 kg
Answer» B. 13,500 kg

Select the correct statement

A. Local atmospheric pressure depends upon elevation of locality only
B. Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure a* sea level
C. Local atmospheric pressure is always below standard atmospheric pressure
D. A barometer reads the difference between local and standard atmospheric pressure
Answer» B. Standard atmospheric pressure is the mean local atmospheric pressure a* sea level

The shear stress-strain graph for a Newtonian fluid is a

A. Straight line
B. Parabolic curve
C. Hyperbolic curve
D. Elliptical
Answer» A. Straight line

The flow in which the particles of a fluid attain such velocities that varies from point to point in magnitude and direction as well as from instant to instant, is known as

A. One dimensional flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» D. Turbulent flow

Uniform flow occurs when

A. The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
B. The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each pleasure
Answer» C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid

At the center line of a pipe flowing under pressure where the velocity gradient is zero, the shear stress will be

A. Minimum
B. Maximum
C. Zero
D. Could be any value
Answer» D. Could be any value

The discharge through a channel of trapezoidal section is maximum when

A. Width of channel at the top is equal to twice the width at the bottom
B. Depth of channel is equal to the width at the bottom
C. The sloping side is equal to half the width at the top
D. The sloping side is equal to the width at the bottom
Answer» C. The sloping side is equal to half the width at the top

Piezometer is used to measure

A. Pressure in pipe, channels etc.
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Very low pressures
D. Difference of pressure between two points
Answer» C. Very low pressures

The point at which the resultant pressure on an immersed surface acts, is known as

A. Centre of gravity
B. Centre of depth
C. Centre of pressure
D. Centre of immersed surface
Answer» C. Centre of pressure

Choose the wrong statement

A. Any weight, floating or immersed in a liquid, is acted upon by a buoyant force
B. Buoyant force is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced
C. The point through which buoyant force acts, is called the center of buoyancy
D. Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid
Answer» D. Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid

The pressure in the air space above an oil (sp. gr. 0.8) surface in a tank is 0.1 kg/cm". The pressure at 2.5 m below the oil surface will be

A. 2 metres of water column
B. 3 metres of water column
C. 3.5 metres of water column
D. 4 m of water column
Answer» B. 3 metres of water column

The total pressure on the top of a closed cylindrical vessel completely filled up with a liquid is

A. Directly proportional to (radius)2
B. Inversely proportional to (radius)2
C. Directly proportional to (radius)4
D. Inversely proportional to (radius)4
Answer» C. Directly proportional to (radius)4

The flow which neglects changes in a transverse direction is known as

A. One dimensional flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» A. One dimensional flow

The mass per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called

A. Specific weight
B. Mass density
C. Specific gravity
D. None of these
Answer» B. Mass density

A large Reynold number is indication of

A. Smooth and streamline flow
B. Laminar flow
C. Steady flow
D. Highly turbulent flow
Answer» D. Highly turbulent flow

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve is called two dimensional flow.
B. The total energy of a liquid particle is the sum of potential energy, kinetic energy and pressure energy.
C. The length of divergent portion in a Venturimeter is equal to the convergent portion.
D. A pitot tube is used to measure the velocity of flow at the required point in a pipe.
Answer» C. The length of divergent portion in a Venturimeter is equal to the convergent portion.

A weir is said to be broad crested weir, if the width of the crest of the weir is ________ half the height of water above the weir crest.

A. Equal to
B. Less than
C. More than
D. None of these
Answer» C. More than

The bulk modulus of elasticity

A. Has the dimensions of 1/pressure
B. Increases with pressure
C. Is large when fluid is more compressible
D. Is independent of pressure and viscosity
Answer» B. Increases with pressure

Kinematic viscosity is equal to

A. Dynamic viscosity/density
B. Dynamic viscosity × density
C. Density/dynamic viscosity
D. 1/dynamic viscosity × density
Answer» A. Dynamic viscosity/density

The atmospheric pressure at sea level is

A. 103 kN/m2
B. 10.3 m of water
C. 760 mm of mercury
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

The conditions for the stable equilibrium of a floating body are

A. The metacentre should lie above the center of gravity
B. The center of buoyancy and the center of gravity must lie on the same vertical line
C. A righting couple should be formed
D. All the above are correct
Answer» D. All the above are correct

A glass tube of smaller diameter is used while performing an experiment for the capillary rise of water because

A. It is easier to see through the glass tube
B. Glass tube is cheaper than a metallic tube
C. It is not possible to conduct this experiment with any other tube
D. All of the above
Answer» A. It is easier to see through the glass tube

To avoid an interruption in the flow of a siphon, an air vessel is provided

A. At the inlet
B. At the outlet
C. At the summit
D. At any point between inlet and outlet
Answer» C. At the summit

When the coefficient of discharge (Cd) is 0.623, then the general equation for discharge over a rectangular weir is

A. 1.84(L - 0.1nH)H3/2
B. 1.84(L - nH)H2
C. 1.84(L - 0.1nH)H5/2
D. 1.84(L - nH)H3
Answer» A. 1.84(L - 0.1nH)H3/2

In an isothermal atmosphere, the pressure

A. Decreases linearly with elevation
B. Remain constant
C. Varies in the same way as the density
D. Increases exponentially with elevation
Answer» C. Varies in the same way as the density

If the atmospheric pressure on the surface of an oil tank (sp. gr. 0.8) is 0.2 kg/cm", the pressure at a depth of 50 m below the oil surface will be

A. 2 meters of water column
B. 3 meters of water column
C. 5 meters of water column
D. 6 meters of water Column
Answer» D. 6 meters of water Column

The pressure intensity in kN/m2 (or kPa) at any point in a liquid is (where w = Specific weight of liquid, and h = Depth of liquid from the surface)

A. w
B. wh
C. w/h
D. h/w
Answer» B. wh

The resultant upward pressure of a fluid on a floating body is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. This definition is according to

A. Buoyancy
B. Equilibrium of a floating body
C. Archimedes' principle
D. Bernoulli's theorem
Answer» C. Archimedes' principle

The liquid used in manometers should have

A. Low density
B. High density
C. Low surface tension
D. High surface tension
Answer» D. High surface tension

Which of the following instrument can be used for measuring speed of an aeroplane?

A. Venturimeter
B. Orifice plate
C. Pitot tube
D. Rotameter
Answer» C. Pitot tube

A jet of water discharging from a 40 mm diameter orifice has a diameter of 32 mm at its vena contracta. The coefficient of contraction is

A. 0.46
B. 0.64
C. 0.78
D. 0.87
Answer» B. 0.64

Buoyant force is

A. Resultant force acting on a floating body
B. Equal to the volume of liquid displaced
C. Force necessary to keep a body in equilibrium
D. The resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it
Answer» D. The resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it

In case of flow through parallel pipes,

A. The head loss for all the pipes is same
B. The total discharge is equal to the sum of discharges in the various pipes
C. The total head loss is the sum of head losses in the various pipes
D. Both (A) and (B)
Answer» D. Both (A) and (B)

Rotameter is a device used to measure

A. Absolute pressure
B. Velocity of fluid
C. Flow
D. Rotation
Answer» C. Flow

In a broad-crested weir, the discharge is maximum if the head of water on the downstream side of weir is __________ the head of water on the upstream side of weir.

A. Equal to
B. One-third
C. Two-third
D. Three-fourth
Answer» C. Two-third

When a body, floating in a liquid, is given a small angular displacement, it starts oscillating about a point known as

A. Centre of pressure
B. Centre of gravity
C. Centre of buoyancy
D. Metacentre
Answer» D. Metacentre

A nozzle is generally made of

A. Cylindrical shape
B. Convergent shape
C. Divergent shape
D. Convergent-divergent shape
Answer» B. Convergent shape

Pitot tube is used for measurement of

A. Pressure
B. Flow
C. Velocity
D. Discharge
Answer» C. Velocity

The value of mass density in kg-sec-V-

A. 1
B. 1000
C. 100
D. 101.9
Answer» D. 101.9

The shear stress between the two liquid layers is __________ proportional to the distance between two layers.

A. Directly
B. Inversely
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
Answer» B. Inversely

Viscosity of water in comparison to mercury is

A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Same
D. Higher/lower depending on temperature
Answer» A. Higher

The power transmitted through the pipe is maximum when the head lost due to friction is equal to

A. One-fourth of the total supply head
B. One-third of the total supply head
C. One-half of the total supply head
D. Two-third of the total supply head
Answer» B. One-third of the total supply head

Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of

A. Adhesion
B. Cohesion
C. Surface tension
D. Viscosity
Answer» C. Surface tension

The difference of pressure between the inside and outside of a liquid drop is

A. p = T × r
B. p = T/r
C. p = T/2r
D. p = 2T/r
Answer» D. p = 2T/r

A venturi -flume is used to measure

A. Pressure of liquid
B. Discharge of liquid
C. Pressure difference between two points in a channel
D. Pressure difference between two points in a pipe
Answer» B. Discharge of liquid

Working principle of dead weight pressure gauge tester is based on

A. Pascal's law
B. Dalton's law of partial pressure
C. Newton's law of viscosity
D. Avogadro's hypothesis
Answer» A. Pascal's law

The meatcentric height of a ship is 0.6 m and the radius of gyration is 4 m. The time of rolling of a ship is

A. 4.1 s
B. 5.2 s
C. 10.4 s
D. 14.1 s
Answer» C. 10.4 s

The discharge through a channel of rectangular section will be maximum, if

A. Its depth is twice the breadth
B. Its breadth is twice the depth
C. Its depth is thrice the breadth
D. Its breadth is thrice the depth
Answer» B. Its breadth is twice the depth

The discharge through a channel of circular section will be maximum when the depth of water is __________ the diameter of the circular channel.

A. 0.34 times
B. 0.67 times
C. 0.81 times
D. 0.95 times
Answer» D. 0.95 times

Uniform flow occurs when

A. The flow is steady
B. The flow is streamline
C. Size and shape of the cross section in a particular length remain constant
D. Size and cross section change uniformly along length
Answer» C. Size and shape of the cross section in a particular length remain constant

Bulk modulus of a fluid is the ratio of

A. Shear stress to shear strain
B. Increase in volume to the viscosity of fluid
C. Increase in pressure to the volumetric strain
D. Critical velocity to the viscosity of fluid
Answer» C. Increase in pressure to the volumetric strain

An average value of coefficient of velocity is

A. 0.62
B. 0.76
C. 0.84
D. 0.97
Answer» D. 0.97

A liquid would wet the solid, if adhesion forces as compared to cohesion forces are

A. Less
B. More
C. Equal
D. Less at low temperature and more at high temperature
Answer» B. More

When a cylindrical vessel containing liquid is revolved about its vertical axis at a constant angular velocity, the pressure

A. Varies as the square of the radial distance
B. Increases linearly as its radial distance
C. Increases as the square of the radial distance
D. Decreases as the square of the radial distance
Answer» A. Varies as the square of the radial distance

Which of the following is the unit of kinematic viscosity?

A. Pascal
B. Poise
C. Stoke
D. Faraday
Answer» C. Stoke

Reynold's number is the ratio of the inertia force to the

A. Surface tension force
B. Viscous force
C. Gravity force
D. Elastic force
Answer» B. Viscous force

A piece weighing 3 kg in air was found to weigh 2.5 kg when submerged in water. Its specific gravity is

A. 1
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6
Answer» D. 6

A differential manometer is used to measure

A. Atmospheric pressure
B. Pressure in pipes and channels
C. Pressure in Venturimeter
D. Difference of pressures between two points in a pipe
Answer» D. Difference of pressures between two points in a pipe

In a venturi-flume, the flow takes place at

A. Atmospheric pressure
B. Gauge pressure
C. Absolute pressure
D. None of these
Answer» A. Atmospheric pressure

The normal stress is same in all directions at a point in a fluid

A. Only when the fluid is frictionless
B. Only when the fluid is incompressible and has zero viscosity
C. When there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer
D. Irrespective of the motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer
Answer» C. When there is no motion of one fluid layer relative to an adjacent layer

The highest efficiency is obtained with a channel of __________ section.

A. Circular
B. Square
C. Rectangular
D. Trapezoidal
Answer» D. Trapezoidal

A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. The total pressure on the wall per unit length is (where w = Specific weight of liquid, and H = Height of liquid)

A. wH
B. wH/2
C. wH2/2
D. wH2/3
Answer» C. wH2/2

Which of the following manometer has highest sensitivity?

A. U-tube with water
B. Inclined U-tube
C. U-tube with mercury
D. Micro-manometer with water
Answer» D. Micro-manometer with water

The velocity corresponding to Reynold number of 2800, is called

A. Sub-sonic velocity
B. Super-sonic velocity
C. Lower critical velocity
D. Higher critical velocity
Answer» D. Higher critical velocity

For a floating body to be in equilibrium

A. Meta centre should be above e.g.
B. Centre of buoyancy and e.g. must lie on same vertical plane
C. A righting couple should be formed
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

When an internal mouthpiece is running free, the discharge through the mouthpiece is (where a = Area of mouthpiece, and H = Height of liquid above the mouthpiece)

A. 0.5 a. gH
B. 0.707 a. gH
C. 0.855 a. gH
D. a. gH
Answer» A. 0.5 a. gH

A uniform body 3 m long, 2 m wide and 1 m deep floats in water. If the depth of immersion is 0.6 m, then the weight of the body is

A. 3.53 kN
B. 33.3 kN
C. 35.3 kN
D. None of these
Answer» C. 35.3 kN

The force per unit length is the unit of

A. Surface tension
B. Compressibility
C. Capillarity
D. Viscosity
Answer» A. Surface tension

When the Mach number is more than 6, the flow is called

A. Sub-sonic flow
B. Sonic flow
C. Super -sonic flow
D. Hyper-sonic flow
Answer» D. Hyper-sonic flow

The upper surface of a weir over which water flows is known is

A. Crest
B. Nappy
C. Sill
D. Weir top
Answer» C. Sill

One cubic metre of water weighs

A. 100 litres
B. 250 litres
C. 500 litres
D. 1000 litres
Answer» D. 1000 litres

Kinematic viscosity is dependent upon

A. Pressure
B. Distance
C. Density
D. Flow
Answer» C. Density

The discharge through a large rectangular orifice is given by (where H1 = Height of the liquid above the top of the orifice, H2 = Height of the liquid above the bottom of the orifice, b = Breadth of the orifice, and Cd = Coefficient of discharge)

A. Q = (2/3) Cd × b × (2g) × (H2 - H1)
B. Q = (2/3) Cd × b × (2g) × (H2 1/2- H1 1/2)
C. Q = (2/3) Cd × b × (2g) × (H2 3/2 - H1 3/2)
D. Q = (2/3) Cd × b × (2g) × (H2 2 - H1 2)
Answer» C. Q = (2/3) Cd × b × (2g) × (H2 3/2 - H1 3/2)

An error of 1% in measuring head over the apex of the notch (H) will produce an error of _________ in discharge over a triangular notch.

A. 1 %
B. 1.5 %
C. 2 %
D. 2.5 %
Answer» D. 2.5 %

The Euler's equation for the motion of liquids is based upon the assumption that

A. The fluid is non - viscous, homogeneous and incompressible
B. The velocity of flow is uniform over the section
C. The flow is continuous, steady and along the stream line
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The ratio of the inertia force to the viscous force is called

A. Reynold's number
B. Froude's number
C. Weber's number
D. Euler's number
Answer» A. Reynold's number

The total energy of a liquid particle in motion is equal to

A. Pressure energy + kinetic energy + potential energy
B. Pressure energy - (kinetic energy + potential energy)
C. Potential energy - (pressure energy + kinetic energy
D. Kinetic energy - (pressure energy + potential energy)
Answer» A. Pressure energy + kinetic energy + potential energy

Which of the following instrument can be used for measuring speed of a submarine moving in deep sea?

A. Venturimeter
B. Orifice plate
C. Hot wire anemometer
D. Pitot tube
Answer» D. Pitot tube

The force present in a moving liquid is

A. Inertia force
B. Viscous force
C. Gravity force
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

A ship whose hull length is 100 m is to travel at 10 m/sec. For dynamic similarity, at what velocity should a 1:25 model be towed through water?

A. 10 m/sec
B. 25 m/sec
C. 2 m/sec
D. 50 m/sec
Answer» C. 2 m/sec

The flow in which the velocity vector is identical in magnitude and direction at every point, for any given instant, is known as

A. One dimensional flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Steady flow
D. Turbulent flow
Answer» B. Uniform flow

The coefficient of discharge for an external mouthpiece depends upon

A. Velocity of liquid
B. Pressure of liquid
C. Area of mouthpiece
D. Length of mouthpiece
Answer» D. Length of mouthpiece

The specific weight of water is 1000 kg/m3

A. At normal pressure of 760 mm
B. At 4°C temperature
C. At mean sea level
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

If the depth of water in an open channel is greater than the critical depth, the flow is called

A. Critical flow
B. Turbulent flow
C. Tranquil flow
D. Torrential flow
Answer» C. Tranquil flow

When a cylindrical vessel, containing some liquid, is rotated about its vertical axis, the liquid surface is depressed down at the axis of its rotation and rises up near the walls of the vessel on all sides. This type of flow is known as

A. Steady flow
B. Turbulent flow
C. Vortex flow
D. Uniform flow
Answer» C. Vortex flow

The body will sink down if the force of buoyancy is __________ the weight of the liquid displaced.

A. Equal to
B. Less than
C. More than
D. None of these
Answer» B. Less than

The total pressure on the surface of a vertical sluice gate 2 m x 1 m with its top 2 m surface being 0.5 m below the water level will be

A. 500 kg
B. 1000 kg
C. 1500 kg
D. 2000 kg
Answer» D. 2000 kg

The velocity at which the laminar flow stops, is known as

A. Velocity of approach
B. Lower critical velocity
C. Higher critical velocity
D. None of these
Answer» B. Lower critical velocity

The line of action of the buoyant force acts through the

A. Centroid of the volume of fluid vertically above the body
B. Centre of the volume of floating body
C. Center of gravity of any submerged body
D. Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid
Answer» D. Centroid of the displaced volume of fluid

The buoyancy depends upon the

A. Weight of the liquid displaced
B. Pressure with which the liquid is displaced
C. Viscosity of the liquid
D. Compressibility of the liquid
Answer» A. Weight of the liquid displaced

Two dimensional flows occurs when

A. The direction and magnitude of the velocity at all points are identical
B. The velocity of successive fluid particles, at any point, is the same at successive periods of time
C. The magnitude and direction of the velocity do not change from point to point in the fluid
D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane
Answer» D. The fluid particles move in plane or parallel planes and the streamline patterns are identical in each plane
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