200+ Islam in History Solved MCQs


Capital of Umayyad Spain

A. Toledo
B. Sevelle
C. Cordova
D. Granada
Answer» C. Cordova

Identify the officer below the Caliphal office

A. Hajib
B. Kuttab
C. Diwan
D. Vizir
Answer» A. Hajib

Number of Provinces under the Muslim Spain

A. 6
B. 7
C. 10
D. 8
Answer» B. 7

Civil and military Governor under the Umayyads are called

A. Qadis
B. Wali
C. Muhtazib
D. Kuttab
Answer» B. Wali

Criminal and police cases were administered by

A. Sahib al Mazlim
B. Sahib al Shurtah
C. Qadi al Qudah
D. Muhtazib
Answer» B. Sahib al Shurtah

Sericulture was introduced in to Spain by

A. Chinese
B. Muslims
C. French
D. Italians
Answer» B. Muslims

Al Zahra palace was located in

A. Granada
B. Zamora
C. Cordova
D. Cairo
Answer» C. Cordova

Zamora was captured by

A. Abdul Rahman I
B. Abdul Rahman II
C. Abdul Rahman III
D. Al Hakam
Answer» C. Abdul Rahman III

Sack of Barcelona was under the period of

A. Abdul RahmanI
B. Abdul Rahman II
C. Abdul Rahman III
D. al Hakam
Answer» C. Abdul Rahman III

The Caliph who demolished the church of Santiago

A. Al Mansur
B. Al Hisham
C. Abdul Rahman III
D. Muhammad I
Answer» C. Abdul Rahman III

Famous poetess Walladah was the daughter of

A. al Mustakfi
B. al Mahdi
C. al Hisham
D. al Mazaffar
Answer» A. al Mustakfi

The caliph who won him the sobriquet nabbadh

A. al Mahdi
B. al Hakam
C. Abdul Rahman I
D. Hisham
Answer» A. al Mahdi

The founder of Hammudid dynasty

A. Hisham bin Hammud
B. Ali bin Hammud
C. Al Mutadd
D. abu al Hazm
Answer» B. Ali bin Hammud

Name the successor of al Mansur

A. Muzaffar
B. Abdul Rahman
C. HishamII
D. al Mahdi
Answer» A. Muzaffar

Caliph who recaptured the throne for Umayyads from Hammudids

A. Hisham I
B. Hisham II
C. Hisham III
D. Hakim
Answer» C. Hisham III

Ibn Khaldun was born in

A. Granada
B. Tunis
C. Yeman
D. Cordova
Answer» B. Tunis

History of Granada written by

A. ibn Khaldun
B. al Andalusi
C. ibn al Khatib
D. bn Salamah
Answer» C. ibn al Khatib

Ibn al khatib belonged to

A. Egypt
B. Baghdad
C. Valencia
D. Spain
Answer» D. Spain

Ibn Khaldun was died at

A. Tunis
B. Egypt
C. Damascus
D. Cairo
Answer» D. Cairo

Father of Cartography

A. Al Andalusi
B. al Bakri
C. al Idrisi
D. al Mazini
Answer» C. al Idrisi

Al Idrisi was born at

A. Sisily
B. Cyprus
C. Volga
D. Ceuta
Answer» D. Ceuta

Al Idrisi was adorned the court of

A. Roger I
B. Roger II
C. Philip
D. Roland
Answer» B. Roger II

Famous work Muqadhimah Written by

A. ibn al Jubair
B. ibn al Khatib
C. ibn Khaldun
D. al Bakri
Answer» C. ibn Khaldun

First historian who introduced sociology in history

A. al Masudi
B. al Tabari
C. al Waqidi
D. ibn Khaldun
Answer» D. ibn Khaldun

Kitab al Hayah written by

A. al Bitruji
B. Jabir ibn Aflah
C. ibn Battutah
D. ibn al Abrah
Answer» A. al Bitruji

The best known botanist in Muslim Spain

A. ibn al Baytar
B. ibn Tufayl
C. ibn al Rishd
D. ibn Suhr
Answer» B. ibn Tufayl

The greatest surgeon of Muslim Spain was

A. ibn Zuhr
B. al Zahrawi
C. al Khawarismi
D. Sinan
Answer» C. al Khawarismi

Name the court physician of al Hakam II

A. ibn Zuhr
B. al Bitruji
C. al Zahrawi
D. Gerard
Answer» C. al Zahrawi

Famous surgical work Ajaz an al Taalif written by

A. al Zuhr
B. ibn al Rushd
C. al Zahrawi
D. al Baytar
Answer» C. al Zahrawi

Famous work on metiria medica al Mufradah written by

A. ibn al Baytar
B. al Awwam
C. Ghafiqi
D. ibn Sabin
Answer» A. ibn al Baytar

Famous treatise on agriculture al Filahah written by

A. al Ghafiqi
B. Yaqut
C. Al Kamil
D. ibn al Awwam
Answer» B. Yaqut

Ibn Zuhr was born at

A. Cordova
B. Toledo
C. Sevelle
D. Granada
Answer» C. Sevelle

The most illustrious member of the greatest medical family of Spain

A. Ibn al Bajjah
B. ibn Zuhr
C. al Khawarismi
D. ibn Tufayl
Answer» B. ibn Zuhr

Name the philosopher who often referred to as the Jewish Plato

A. Ben Gabirol
B. ibn Bajjah
C. ibn al Tufayl
D. al Kindi
Answer» A. Ben Gabirol

The first great teacher of Neoplatonism in the west was

A. a) ibn al Bajjah
B. ibn al Rushd
C. Ben Gaberol
D. al Kindi
Answer» C. Ben Gaberol

Indo European ethno linguistic group traded by Arab world was called

A. slaves
B. Serfs
C. Slavs
D. Cheks
Answer» C. Slavs

The greatest Poet of al Andalus was

A. Tufayl
B. Ibn Zaydun
C. Walladah
D. ibn Hani
Answer» B. Ibn Zaydun

Famous poet who adorned the title of dhu-al -wizaratayn

A. Al Hanni
B. al Walladah
C. ibn Zaydun
D. ibn Khafajah
Answer» C. ibn Zaydun

During the period of eleventh century a particular kind of lyric system which was originated in Spain

A. Muwashshah
B. Gazzal
C. sufi lyrics
D. Hindustani
Answer» A. Muwashshah

Poet who lifted the greatness of Zajal in to literary form was

A. al Maqqari
B. ibn Sahi
C. Yusuf abu Hayyan
D. ibn Quzman
Answer» D. ibn Quzman

The university of Granada was founded by

A. Abdul Rahman III
B. Muhammad I
C. Yusuf abul al Hajjaj
D. Al Hakkam II
Answer» C. Yusuf abul al Hajjaj

The royal library of Cordova was started by

A. al Hakkam II
B. Muhammad I
C. Abdul Rahman I
D. Abdul Rahman III
Answer» B. Muhammad I

A book market in Spain was started at first in

A. Sevelle
B. Toledo
C. Cordova
D. Granada
Answer» C. Cordova

The centre of paper industry in Spain was

A. Shatibah
B. Malaga
C. Granada
D. Cordova
Answer» A. Shatibah

Ibn al Qutiyah was born at

A. Cordova
B. Malaga
C. Sevelle
D. Granada
Answer» A. Cordova

Al Marrakushi proved his ability in which field

A. Geography
B. History
C. Botany
D. Philosophy
Answer» B. History

Tabaqat al Umam written by

A. al Andalusi
B. Qutiyah
C. al Faradi
D. ibn Yahiyah
Answer» B. Qutiyah

Kitab al Ibar written by

A. Ibn Khatib
B. al Waqidi
C. Ibn Khaldun
D. al Masudi
Answer» A. Ibn Khatib

The real founder of the science of sociology was

A. Uaguste Comte
B. Hegal
C. Ibn Khaldun
D. Toynbee
Answer» C. Ibn Khaldun

Tarikh Ulama al Andalusi written by

A. al Faradi
B. al Farabi
C. al Farazi
D. al Mawaridi
Answer» A. al Faradi

The work al Masalik wa al Mamalik written by

A. al Bakri
B. al Hanni
C. al Idrisi
D. ibn Jubair
Answer» A. al Bakri

Famous travel accounts Rihlah written by

A. al Idrizi
B. al Bakri
C. ibn Jubayr
D. al Mazini
Answer» C. ibn Jubayr

Al Mazini proved is skill in the field of

A. geography
B. history
C. politics
D. astronomy
Answer» A. geography

Name the Moroccan travellar who visited medieval India

A. ibn Jubayr
B. al Mazini
C. ibn Battutah
D. al Beruni
Answer» C. ibn Battutah

ibn Battutah visited in which court of Delhi Sultanate

A. Akbar
B. Muhammad ibn Tughlaq
C. Ibrahim Lodi
D. Iltucmish
Answer» B. Muhammad ibn Tughlaq

Ibn Battittah was born at

A. Tangier
B. Fez
C. Ceuta
D. cyprus
Answer» A. Tangier

The Muslim globe trotter of the middle ages

A. al Beruni
B. ibn Battuttah
C. al Mazini
D. al Barani
Answer» B. ibn Battuttah

Al Sarqali was famous in the field of

A. geography
B. history
C. astronomy
D. politics
Answer» C. astronomy

Al Aflah was famous in the field of

A. history
B. medIcine
C. astronomy
D. Botany
Answer» C. astronomy

The honorific title of al Majriti was

A. al hasib
B. al Qanuni
C. al Imam
D. al Muhtasib
Answer» A. al hasib

The works of Raymond were drawn from the astronomical canons of

A. al Aflah
B. al Majriti
C. al Zarqali
D. al Bakri
Answer» C. al Zarqali

Al Zarqali's improved type of astrolabe is called

A. al Hayah
B. Jalali
C. al safihah
D. Hijrah
Answer» C. al safihah

Instrument which was the first to prove the motion of the solar apogee with reference to stars was

A. al Hayah
B. al Safihah
C. Rihlah
D. al Mamalik
Answer» B. al Safihah

One of the most interesting mathematical terms borrowed from Arabic is

A. Division
B. decimal system
C. Fraction
D. Zero
Answer» D. Zero

In trigonometry Sine is a translation of an Arabic word

A. jayb
B. asamm
C. surd
D. algedi
Answer» A. jayb

The word Zero is from the Arabic word

A. Cipher
B. sine
C. Asamm
D. Surd
Answer» A. Cipher

Numerals developed by Muslim Spain was

A. kuruf al ghufar
B. Hindi
C. Arabic
D. Numero indigo
Answer» A. kuruf al ghufar

Ibn al Rushd was born in

A. Cordova
B. Malaga
C. Sevelle
D. Toledo
Answer» A. Cordova

Al Kulliyat fi al Tibb written by

A. ibn Arabi
B. ibn Khaldun
C. ibn al Rushd
D. al Mazini
Answer» C. ibn al Rushd

Famous crique of al Ghazzali was

A. ibn al Rushd
B. ibn Arabi
C. al Kindi
D. ibn Bajjah
Answer» A. ibn al Rushd

Tahfut al Tahafut is a reply to al Ghazzali' famous work

A. al Kulliyat
B. kitab al Ilm
C. Tahafut al Falasifah
D. Talkhis
Answer» C. Tahafut al Falasifah

. Ibn al Rushd was born in

A. AD 1125
B. AD 1126
C. AD 1127
D. AD 1128
Answer» B. AD 1126

Famous philosopher ibn al Rushd was renowned by the west as

A. Avisenna
B. Alrazes
C. Averreos
D. Arab Aristotle
Answer» C. Averreos

Ibn Maymun was born in

A. Granada
B. Valencia
C. Cordova
D. Toledo
Answer» C. Cordova

Name the court physician of celebrated Salahuddin Ayyubi

A. ibn Maymun
B. Al Razi
C. Ibn Arabi
D. ibn Bajjah
Answer» A. ibn Maymun

Famous medical work al Fusul fi al Tibb was written by

A. al Razi
B. ibn Zuhr
C. ibn Arabi
D. ibn Maymun
Answer» D. ibn Maymun

Philosophical work Dalalat al Hairin was written by

A. ibn Rushd
B. al Arabi
C. ibn Maymun
D. al Razi
Answer» C. ibn Maymun

Ibn Arabi was born in

A. Morocco
B. Malaga
C. Murcia
D. Tunis
Answer» C. Murcia

The followers of ibn Arabi called him

A. al shaykh al akbar
B. al shaykh al Islam
C. gate of wisdom
D. shaykh al Imam
Answer» A. al shaykh al akbar

Master piece of ibn Arabi

A. Futuhat al Makkiyah
B. Hujjat allah al Balighah
C. Hikmat al Ishraq
D. Fuzus al Hikam
Answer» A. Futuhat al Makkiyah

Doctrine of Wahdat ul Wujud propounded by

A. ibn Sina
B. al Sirhindi
C. Al Razi
D. ibn Arabi
Answer» D. ibn Arabi

Nasirid palace al Hambra is located in

A. Cordova
B. Granada
C. Valencia
D. Malaga
Answer» B. Granada

Ziryab was famous in the field of

A. Music
B. Dance
C. literature
D. Architectire
Answer» A. Music

Appallete authority of Islamic kingdom is

A. Wali
B. Imam
C. Caliph
D. Amir
Answer» C. Caliph

Iberian Christians who lived under Moorish rule in Spain called

A. Saqalibs
B. Mutes
C. Mozarabs
D. Mudejars
Answer» C. Mozarabs

Crypto Muslims in Spain after the reconquesta by France were

A. Mozarabs
B. Mutes
C. Moriscos
D. Saqalibs
Answer» C. Moriscos

Rukn-ud-din Baybar belongs to

A. Bahri-mamlukes
B. Burji Mamlukes
C. Fathimids
D. Ayyubids
Answer» B. Burji Mamlukes

Kitab al Hayah is a work on

A. Medicine
B. Astronomy
C. Astrology
D. Geography
Answer» B. Astronomy

Famous herbalist in Muslim Spain was

A. al Kamil
B. Yaqut
C. Ibn Khallikhan
D. ibn al Baytar
Answer» D. ibn al Baytar

ibn Arabi belonged to which school of thought

A. Zahiri
B. Muatazilite
C. Hambali
D. Shafi
Answer» A. Zahiri

Doctrine of Wahdat al Wujud means

A. Dualism
B. Unity of existance
C. Pantheism
D. Batini
Answer» B. Unity of existance

Al Farghani proved his ability in the field of

A. Philosophy
B. Mysticism
C. Geography
D. Astronomy
Answer» D. Astronomy

One the greatest translators of Toledo was

A. Fredarick II
B. Clumy
C. Gerard of Cremona
D. Reymond
Answer» C. Gerard of Cremona

The term mussolina is related to

A. grafting
B. textile
C. pharmacy
D. medicine
Answer» B. textile

Musical instrument Lute was introduced into Europe by

A. Goths
B. Muslims
C. Hebruws
D. Romans
Answer» B. Muslims

The man who is known as the Bismark of the 10th century

A. Hajjaj ibn Yusuf
B. al Jawhar
C. Hajib al Mansur
D. Yusuf al Fihri
Answer» C. Hajib al Mansur

In Spain ,Neo Muslims constituted a social class called

A. Muwalladun
B. Mudejar
C. Mozarabs
D. Moriscos
Answer» A. Muwalladun

Mosque of Cordova survived to the present day as

A. La Mezquita
B. Santa sofia
C. al Hambra
D. La Merina
Answer» A. La Mezquita

Muslim Spain was reconquered by

A. Ferdinand I
B. Ferdinand II
C. Ferdinand III
D. Ferdinand De Lesseps
Answer» C. Ferdinand III

French reconquesta of the Muslim Spain was in

A. 1235 AD
B. 1236 AD
C. 1230AD
D. 1237AD
Answer» B. 1236 AD
Question and answers in Islam in History, Islam in History multiple choice questions and answers, Islam in History Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Islam in History, Islam in History MCQs with answers PDF download