200+ Islamic Economics and Finance Solved MCQs


The general calculation of Zakat on the possession of a Muslim is:

A. 1.5%
B. 2.5%
C. 2.75%
D. 2.85%
Answer» B. 2.5%

The minimum amount that a Muslim is obliged to pay as Zakat is called :

A. Nisab
B. Sadaqah
C. Zakah
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The word Zakat means:

A. Almsgiving
B. charity
C. to purify
D. welfare
Answer» C. to purify

Zakat is additionally payable on:

A. Agricultural goods
B. precious metals
C. live stock
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

According to Quran, the qualified people to benefit from Zakat is :

A. poor
B. Zakat collectors
C. to free from slavery
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The eight categories of people who qualify for benefit from Zakat fund is collectively termed as:

A. asnaf
B. sabililah
C. riqab
D. none of the above
Answer» A. asnaf

How many times the term Zakat mentioned in Quran:

A. 10
B. 20
C. 25
D. 28
Answer» B. 20

Zakat al-fitr is payable during the month of:

A. Ramdan
B. Dhu al-Hajj
C. Muharram
D. Rajah
Answer» A. Ramdan

Riba on a credit transaction is called:

A. al-Nasiya
B. al-Fadl
C. Qard
D. Duyun
Answer» A. al-Nasiya

Which among the following is not a type Riba:

A. Qard
B. Fadl
C. Nasiah
D. Shirkah
Answer» D. Shirkah

How many times the word ‘riba’appeared in Quran:

A. eight
B. ten
C. eleven
D. fifteen
Answer» A. eight

A sales contract in which delivery of both the commodity and the payment is deferred is called :

A. Bai al-Salam
B. Bai al-Inah
C. Bai al-Mudaf
D. Bai al-Muzayadah
Answer» C. Bai al-Mudaf

Sales by auction is termed as:

A. Bai al-Inah
B. Bai al-Mudaf
C. Bai al-Gharar
D. Bai al-Muzayadah
Answer» D. Bai al-Muzayadah

Which among the following is a currency:

A. Dinar
B. Dirham
C. fal
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The section of Islamic law that deals with the distribution of the estate of a deceased person is called:

A. falah
B. faraid
C. eshtirak
D. none of the above
Answer» B. faraid

Which among the following is a gharar:

A. selling goods that the seller is unable to deliver
B. selling unknown goods against an unknown price
C. selling goods without proper description
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which among the following is not a type of Gharar:

A. Fahish
B. Yasir
C. Mutawassit
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which among the following is a feature of Gharar:

A. risk
B. deception
C. uncertainty
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The term used to describe the function carried out by the state to regulate the market price is:

A. Hukm
B. Hisbah
C. Mubah
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Hisbah

The prohibited practice of storing commodities in anticipation of increase in prices is called:

A. Ijab
B. ijarah
C. Ihtikar
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Ihtikar

First Islamic Bank in Germany is:

A. Moroccan Chaabi Bank
B. Axa Bank
C. KT Bank
D. None of the above
Answer» C. KT Bank

The social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services is called:

A. economics
B. sociology
C. social work
D. None of the above
Answer» A. economics

Who among the following is considered as the father of economics:

A. Adam Smith
B. John Keynes
C. Thomas Piketty
D. Alfred Marshal
Answer» A. Adam Smith

Which among the following is not a work of Adam Smith:

A. the theory of moral sentiments
B. the wealth of nations
C. essays on philosophical subjects
D. principles of economics
Answer» D. principles of economics

The book “the wealth of nations” was written by:

A. Adam Smith
B. John Keynes
C. Karl Marx
D. Alfred Marshal
Answer» A. Adam Smith

The book “principles of economics” was written by:

A. Adam Smith
B. John Keynes
C. Karl Marx
D. Alfred Marshall
Answer» D. Alfred Marshall

Who among the following is the vicegerent of god on earth:

A. Prophets
B. khalifa
C. Jurists
D. None of the above
Answer» B. khalifa

In Islamic theory the ultimate owner of man’s every possession is

A. Allah
B. Prophets
C. Khalifa
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Allah

In socialism, means of production are owned by:

A. God
B. State
C. Political Authority
D. people
Answer» B. State

Socialist system is considered as the child of:

A. Materialism
B. democracy
C. Theocracy
D. individualism
Answer» A. Materialism

Capitalism prefers the absolute right of:

A. state
B. god
C. Individual
D. people
Answer» C. Individual

Mizan Bank is situated in:

A. Pakistan
B. Sudan
C. Iran
D. Saudi Arabia
Answer» A. Pakistan

IDB was founded in the year:

A. 1975
B. 1976
C. 1977
D. 1978
Answer» A. 1975

The chairman of CTFS was:

A. Ibrahim Varde
B. Abbas Mirakher
C. I A Hanifi
D. None of the above
Answer» C. I A Hanifi

Faisal Islamic Bank is situated in:

A. Iran
B. Sudan
C. Pakistan
D. Saudi Arabia
Answer» B. Sudan

The bank of Sudan Act was passed on:

A. 1945
B. 1950
C. 1959
D. 1961
Answer» C. 1959

The highest Muslim populated non-Islamic country is :

A. India
B. America
C. China
D. Russia
Answer» A. India

Islamic Banking system was introduced in Iran after the revolution held on:

A. 1971
B. 1979
C. 1981
D. 1988
Answer» B. 1979

Who among the following is considered as the founder of Islamic Banks:

A. I. A. Hanifi
B. Abbas Mirakhar
C. Ibrahim Varde
D. Ahmad al--Najjar
Answer» D. Ahmad al--Najjar

Who among the following initiated for the introduction of Islamic Banking system in India:

A. Raghuram Rajan
B. Viral Acharya
C. Bimal Jalan
D. N.K. Singh
Answer» A. Raghuram Rajan

The tactics of tax-evasion is followed in:

A. Islamic finance
B. capitalism
C. Socialism
D. communism
Answer» B. capitalism

Fedral Shariat Court is situated in:

A. Pakistan
B. Malasiya
C. Iran
D. Sudan
Answer» A. Pakistan

Raghuram Rajan was the:

A. Finance Minister of India
B. RBI Governor
C. Economist
D. Political activist
Answer» B. RBI Governor

The form of indirect access of ownership of wealth is:

A. Zakat
B. Waqf
C. inheritance
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which among the following is cost-plus financing :

A. Mudaraba
B. Musharaka
C. Murabaha
D. Ijara
Answer» C. Murabaha

The non-obligatory charity in Islam known as:

A. Zakat
B. Sadaqah
C. Ghanimah
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Sadaqah

The term which refers leasing in Islamic theory is called:

A. Sukuk
B. Ijarah
C. Bai Salam
D. Ju’ala
Answer» B. Ijarah

The IDB is located in:

A. Riyadh
B. Jeddah
C. Lahore
D. Singapore
Answer» B. Jeddah

The first Islamic commercial bank was:

A. Faisal Islamic Bank
B. Meezan Bank
C. Al-Aman Bank
D. Sudaneese Islamic Bank
Answer» B. Meezan Bank

The Central Bank of Iran was established in:

A. 1928
B. 1945
C. 1961
D. 1979
Answer» A. 1928

Raghuram Rajan Report was released on the year:

A. 2000
B. 2004
C. 2005
D. 2008
Answer» D. 2008

Malaysia’s first Islamic based investment product was:

A. Amanah
B. Musharaka
C. Wakalah
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Amanah

Musaqat is the agricultural contract especially for :

A. land
B. metal
C. trees
D. water resources
Answer» C. trees

The Bank of Esteqrazi was based on :

A. Sudan
B. Iran
C. Malaysia
D. Indonesia
Answer» B. Iran

Bank Melli of Iran was established on:

A. 1920
B. 1923
C. 1925
D. 1927
Answer» B. 1923

The Central Bank of Iran was established on:

A. 1920
B. 1923
C. 1925
D. 1927
Answer» D. 1927

In Iran, the law of usury free banking was passed on:

A. 1981
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1984
Answer» C. 1983

The Muslim scholar who can be considered as the father of economics was:

A. Ibn Taymiyyah
B. Ibn Khladun
C. Al-Ghazzali
D. Abu Yusuf
Answer» B. Ibn Khladun

The author of Kitab ul-kheraj was:

A. Al-Baladhuri
B. Ibn Khaldun
C. Al-Ghazzali
D. Abu Yusuf
Answer» D. Abu Yusuf

In Islam, the bargaining on price is called :

A. Istisnaa
B. Sukuk
C. Musawamah
D. none of the above
Answer» C. Musawamah

Al-Rajhi Bank is based on:

A. Pakistan
B. Iran
C. Malaysia
D. Saudi Arabia
Answer» D. Saudi Arabia

The head Office of Al-Rajhi Bank is located in:

A. Lahore
B. Doha
C. Riyadh
D. Abu Dhabi
Answer» C. Riyadh

Which among the following is not a part of Waqf:

A. Religious Waqf
B. Philanthropic Waqf
C. Family Waqf
D. Banking Waqf
Answer» D. Banking Waqf

AAOIFI is based in:

A. Oman
B. Bahrain
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Malaysia
Answer» B. Bahrain

AAOIFI was established on:

A. 1990
B. 1991
C. 1992
D. 1993
Answer» B. 1991

AAOIFI mainly prepares:

A. Accounting
B. auditing
C. Governance
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Bank Islam Malaysia started its operation on:

A. 1983
B. 1984
C. 1985
D. 1986
Answer» A. 1983

Pakistan’s first and largest Islamic Bank is:

A. Meezan
B. Al-Baraka
C. Al-Falah
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Meezan

LARIBA is based on:

A. Malaysia
B. America
C. Singapore
Answer» B. America

Al-Baraka is based on:

A. Singapore
B. Pakistan
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Bahrain
Answer» B. Pakistan

The institution for the socio-economic welfare of Muslim Society is:

A. Zakat
B. Sadaqah
C. Waqf
D. Khair
Answer» C. Waqf

The economic system in which transactions between private parties are free from government intervention is called:

A. Amanah
B. Wadiah
C. Laizze Faire
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Laizze Faire

The importance of the role of labour in the creation of wealth was underlined by:

A. Al-Ghazzali
B. In Taymiyyah
C. Ibn Khaldun
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which Muslim scholars emphasized on the necessity of establishing economic cooperation between the different parties of a society :

A. Ibn al-Qayyim
B. Ibn Taymiyyah
C. Ibn Khaldun
D. Abu Yusuf
Answer» A. Ibn al-Qayyim

Who among the following is credited to analyse first on the concepts of labour, value and the division of labour:

A. Ibn Taymiyyah
B. Ibn Khaldun
C. David Recardo
D. Karl Marx
Answer» B. Ibn Khaldun

Which among the following scholars used the treatment of utility as a scientific tool of analysis:

A. Al-Ghazzali
B. Ibn Taymiyyah
C. Al-Shatibi
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who among the following described on the qualities of Muhtasib:

A. Abu Yusuf
B. Al-Ghazzali
C. Nizam ul-Mulk Tusi
D. Ibn Khaldun
Answer» B. Al-Ghazzali

The principles of Islamic world view of economics is/are :

A. trusteeship lies in Allah
B. giving Zakat
C. prohibition of Riba and Gharar
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which among the following is associated with Waqf :

A. Waqif
B. Mutawillis
C. Qadi
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Bijak, a form of credit was issued by:

A. Meezan Bank
B. Faisal Islamic Bank
C. Bank Shahanshahi
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Bank Shahanshahi

Which among the following Bank is not situated in Iran:

A. Imperial bank
B. New East Bank
C. Bank of Estegrazi
D. Faisal Islamic bank
Answer» D. Faisal Islamic bank

The Sudan Currency Board was established on:

A. 1959
B. 1961
C. 1963
D. 1966
Answer» A. 1959

The new Sudanese Currency was issued on:

A. 1959
B. 1961
C. 1963
D. 1966
Answer» A. 1959

The entire commercial banking sector was nationalized in Sudan on:

A. 1961
B. 1970
C. 1975
D. 1980
Answer» B. 1970

The fine paid by a person for having committed an act prohibited by Allah is called:

A. Kaffarath
B. Nafaqath
C. Ghanimah
D. Fay
Answer» A. Kaffarath

The term refers the law of inheritance is:

A. Kaffarath
B. Wirathat
C. Nafaqath
D. Fay
Answer» B. Wirathat

The term refers to the religious obligation of any Muslims to pay one-fifth of their acquired wealth from certain sources is called:

A. Ghanima
B. Khums
C. Wirathat
D. Fay
Answer» B. Khums

Which among the following is not included in Khums tax:

A. Ghanima
B. Treasure
C. Zakat
D. Mineral resources
Answer» C. Zakat

Ghanima is:

A. poll tax
B. booty seized with war
C. tax for mineral resources
D. land tax
Answer» B. booty seized with war

Khums is generally applies:

A. 1/2
B. 1/3
C. 1/4
D. 1/5
Answer» D. 1/5

The first UK Islamic Bank is:

A. Al-Baraka international
B. The imperial Bank
C. Bank of London
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Al-Baraka international

The Sukuk market started in UK on

A. 2000
B. 2002
C. 2007
D. 2009
Answer» C. 2007

First western government issue sovereign sukuk is:

C. Germany
D. France
Answer» C. Germany

The number of fully Sharia-complaint bank in UK is:

A. three
B. five
C. seven
D. nine
Answer» B. five

The mode of transaction introduced in UK with Islamic finance is:

A. Mudaraba
B. Musharaka
C. Murabaha
D. Ijara
Answer» C. Murabaha

First 100% shariah-complaint bank in USA is:

A. Deron Bank
B. University Bank
D. None of the above
Answer» B. University Bank

LARIBA is a US based:

A. Finance company
B. bank
C. Non-profit organization
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Finance company

First Islamic Bank in Indonesia:

A. Bank Melli
B. Bank Muamalat
C. Bank Indonesia
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Bank Muamalat

Bank Muamalat was established in:

A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1994
D. 1995
Answer» B. 1992

The only Islamic banking institution in France is:

A. Moroccoan Chaabi Bank
B. BNP Paribas
C. Axa Bank
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Moroccoan Chaabi Bank
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