
. The process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for an existing or an anticipated job openings is called_________.

A. selection
B. placement
C. recruitment
D. induction
Answer» C. recruitment

. Who said “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in organisation”?

A. frederick herzberg
B. david mcclelland
C. douglas mcgregor
D. edwin b. flippo
Answer» D. edwin b. flippo

. Employee referral is______________ .

A. an internal method of recruitment
B. an indirect method of recruitment
C. third party method of recruitment
D. an internet recruiting
Answer» A. an internal method of recruitment

. Advertisements, television, radio ad.s, and newspaper ad.s are_______________ method of recruitment

A. an internal method of recruitment
B. an indirect method of recruitment
C. third party method of recruitment
D. direct recruiting
Answer» B. an indirect method of recruitment

. _____________ is an extended work sample.

A. intelligence test
B. assessment centre
C. personality test
D. interest test
Answer» B. assessment centre

. Attributing characteristics to individuals based on their inclusion or membership in a particular group is called____________ .

A. resort to snap judgment
B. stereotyping
C. leniency
D. halo effect
Answer» B. stereotyping

Assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an employee is known as__________.

A. job
B. task
C. placement
D. selection
Answer» C. placement

. Inputs to the selection process include all but_____________.

A. job analysis
B. supervision
C. hr planning
D. job applicants
Answer» B. supervision

. Which among the following tests measure self-confidence, motivation, emotional balance etc.?

A. intelligence test
B. preference test
C. personality test
D. interest test
Answer» C. personality test

. Positive features and benefits offered by an organisation to attract job applicants is known as ___________.

A. inducement
B. increment
C. package
D. compensation
Answer» A. inducement

. Job posting is______________ .

A. posting of an employee
B. a method of recruitment
C. is an appraisal technique
D. an internet recruitment
Answer» B. a method of recruitment

. In which method of recruitment, the organisation publicises job openings on bulletin boards, electronic media and similar outlets?

A. employee referrals
B. job posting
C. employment detail
D. job opening
Answer» B. job posting

. Compensation will be perceived as fair if it is comprised of a system of components developed to maintain ______________.

A. internal equity
B. external equity
C. both internal and external equity
D. none of these
Answer» C. both internal and external equity

. Health insurance, retirement pension, payment for overtime, etc., are __________.

A. base pay
B. variable pay
C. benefits
D. all of these
Answer» C. benefits

. Wage and salary survey ensures about_______________ .

A. internal equity
B. external equity
C. individual equity
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» B. external equity

. Which among all the three wages, minimum wage, fair wage and living wage is the highest kind of wage?

A. . fair wage
B. minimum wage
C. living wage
D. all of these
Answer» C. living wage

. Under which plan if a worker reaches the standards, he will be paid time wage plus a bonus at fixed percentage (20%) of normal time wage?

A. gantt task and bonus plan
B. merrick plan
C. halsey plan
D. rowan plan
Answer» A. gantt task and bonus plan

. Deciding how much an employee should be paid observing internal as well as external equity is called _________.

A. comparable worth
B. wage curve
C. salary survey
D. compensation administration
Answer» D. compensation administration

_____ can be focus on the strategic dimension of their function.

A. human resource outsourcing
B. human resource management
C. human resource business process outsourcing
D. performance management outsourcing
Answer» B. human resource management

Learning styles may be –

A. auditory
B. visual
C. kinesthetic
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

_______ is the attempt to build in to jobs a higher sense of chal-lenge and achievement.

A. job enlargement
B. job enrichment
C. job rotation
D. none of the above
Answer» B. job enrichment

Under_______ method usually employees are put on different jobs turn by turn where they learn all sorts of jobs of various departments.

A. job rotation
B. job coaching
C. job instruction
D. apprenticeships
Answer» A. job rotation

Motivation can be –

A. intrinsic
B. extrinsic
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

CRR Stands for –

A. cash revenue ratio
B. cash reserve ratio
C. cost revenue ratio
D. none of the above
Answer» B. cash reserve ratio

______________ is a verbal lecture presentation by an instructor to a large audience.

A. classroom lecture
B. audiovisual
C. simulation
D. laboratories
Answer» A. classroom lecture

Which pair represents the quantitative methods of job evaluation?

A. ranking and point methods
B. job classification and factor comparison methods
C. factor comparison and point methods
D. job classification and point methods
Answer» C. factor comparison and point methods

The method of settling industrial disputes with direct state intervention does not include

A. compulsory establishment of bipartite committees
B. adjudication
C. collective bargaining
D. compulsory conciliation
Answer» C. collective bargaining

Which area does not require much attention in international HRM?

A. concepts of wages
B. remuneration paid by competing organisations
C. statutory regulation of wages in the host country
D. level of standard of living in the host country
Answer» A. concepts of wages

A detailed and systematic statement of physical and mental attributes of an individual who is to fill a job is called

A. job evaluation
B. job description
C. job specification
D. job classification
Answer» C. job specification

. The rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and to expect the orders to be obeyed is known as___________.

A. responsibility
B. authority
C. chain of command
D. span of control
Answer» A. responsibility

. Authority should be commensurate with____________.

A. degree of coordination
B. position in the hierarchy
C. degree of responsibility
D. degree of supervision
Answer» B. position in the hierarchy

Wages are paid to ___________.

A. blue collar worker
B. white collar worker
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» A. blue collar worker

. Salary paid to _________.

A. blue collar worker
B. white collar worker
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» A. blue collar worker

. Who has propounded Differential Piece Rate Plan?

A. henry gantt
B. karl marx
C. francis a. walker
D. taylor
Answer» A. henry gantt

. The progression of jobs in an organisation’s specific occupational fields ranked from lowest to highest in the hierarchical structure is called__________.

A. career development
B. career ladder
C. career path
D. career planning
Answer» A. career development

. Which represent the lower limit of fair wages?

A. minimum wage
B. living wage
C. fair wage
D. none of these
Answer» A. minimum wage

Wages come under ____________.

A. direct compensation
B. indirect compensation
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» A. direct compensation

According to the Committee of Fair Wages ___________ is the highest level of wage.

A. minimum wage
B. living wage,
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» B. living wage,

. Who propounded Task and Bonus System?

A. henry gantt
B. karl marx
C. francis a. walker
D. taylor
Answer» A. henry gantt

Organization structure primarily refers to

A. how activities are coordinated & controlled
B. how resources are allocated
C. the location of departments and office space
D. the policy statements developed by the firm
Answer» A. how activities are coordinated & controlled

The purpose of job enrichment is to

A. expand the number of tasks an individual can do
B. increase job efficiency
C. increase job effectiveness
D. increase job satisfaction of middle management
Answer» B. increase job efficiency

Strategic planning as a broad concept consists of

A. corporate strategy and business strategy
B. strategy formulation and strategy implementation
C. inputs and outputs
D. environmental analysis and internal analysis
Answer» B. strategy formulation and strategy implementation

A major problem with a task force type of management is

A. there is no logical basis for task force information
B. its status is too inflexible
C. accountability
D. lack of planning
Answer» B. its status is too inflexible

Individuals such as Albert Einstein, Edwin Land and Steven Jobs lead through which type of power?

A. legitimate
B. reward
C. expert
D. charismatic
Answer» C. expert

Policies are sometimes defined as a(n)

A. shortcut for thinking
B. action plan
C. substitute for strategy
D. substitute for management authority
Answer» D. substitute for management authority

The problem-solving process begins with

A. clarification of the situation
B. establishment of alternatives
C. identification of the difficulty
D. isolation of the cause
Answer» C. identification of the difficulty

A study of the culture and practices in different societies is called

A. personality
B. anthropology
C. perception
D. attitudes
Answer» B. anthropology

____________ is known as “the father of scientific management.”

A. fredrick w. taylor
B. henry fayol
C. robert owen
D. none of these
Answer» A. fredrick w. taylor

___________ a young Welsh factory owner was one of the first to emphasise the human needs of employees: He refused to employ young children

A. andrew ure
B. j.n. tata
C. robert owen
D. none of these
Answer» C. robert owen

Contribution/s of human relations movement is/are

A. great depression
B. labour movement
C. hawthorne studies
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Edward Tolman is related to

A. behaviorist framework
B. cognitive approach
C. social cognitive framework
D. none of these
Answer» B. cognitive approach

Forces affecting organisational behaviour are

A. people
B. environment
C. technology
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Hawthorne Studies is related to which stage of the organisational behaviour evolution

A. industrial revolution
B. scientific management
C. organisational behaviour
D. human relations movement
Answer» D. human relations movement

In present context, challenges for OB are

A. employee expectation
B. workforce diversity
C. globalization
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Meso organisation behaviour is related with

A. individual behaviour
B. group behaviour
C. organisational behaviour
D. none of these
Answer» B. group behaviour

Organisational behaviour is a field of study backed by a body of associated with growing concern for people at workplace

A. theory
B. research
C. application
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Organisational behaviour is

A. a science
B. an art
C. a science as well as an art
D. none of the above
Answer» C. a science as well as an art

The term ‘psychology’ is derived from the word ‘psyche’, which means ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’

A. latin
B. french
C. greek
D. none of these
Answer» C. greek

The field of organisational behaviour is primarily concerned with

A. the behaviour of individual and groups.
B. how resources are effectively managed.
C. control processes and interactions between organisations, external context.
D. both a and c.
Answer» D. both a and c.

Fringe Benefits are______________ .

A. supplementary compensation
B. base compensation
C. merit plan
D. bonus
Answer» A. supplementary compensation

Remuneration to blue collar workers is called______________ .

A. wage
B. salary
C. compensation
D. payment
Answer» A. wage

When efficiency of a worker reaches____________ he gets bonus under Emerson’s Efficiency Plan?

A. efficiency reaches 67%
B. efficiency reaches 50%
C. efficiency reaches 76%
D. efficiency reaches 20%
Answer» A. efficiency reaches 67%

A dyadic relationship between a manager who is offering help and an employee to whom such help is given. This is known as____________.

A. mentoring
B. counselling
C. coaching
D. helping
Answer» B. counselling

The range of destructive stress or Distress is from______________ .

A. low to moderate
B. moderate to high
C. high to low
D. none of these
Answer» B. moderate to high

The belief that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group is a ____________ .

A. traditional view
B. human relation view
C. interactionist view
D. functional view
Answer» B. human relation view

Job enlargement, Job enrichment, Job rotation and Job simplifications are the various techniques used in an exercise.

A. job analysis
B. job rotation
C. job enlargement
D. moods
Answer» A. job analysis

Job Characteristics model was developed by_______________ .

A. hackman and oldham
B. herzberg
C. taylor
D. fredrick
Answer» A. hackman and oldham

_________ helps to develop Job design.

A. job analysis
B. job rotation
C. job enlargement
D. moods
Answer» A. job analysis

Which of the following is a written statement of the skills, knowledge, abilities, and other characteristics needed to perform a job effectively?

A. job analysis
B. job specification
C. job enlargement
D. job design
Answer» B. job specification

The job characteristics approach was popularised by_____________ .

A. maslow
B. hackman and oldham
C. taylor
D. mayo
Answer» B. hackman and oldham

Which one of the following is not an approach to work design?

A. engineering approach
B. motivational theories (two factor theories)
C. socio-technical system method
D. scientific approach
Answer» D. scientific approach

The method that depends mainly on the ability and experience of the supervisors for gathering relevant information about the job is called the

A. work simplification method
B. data collecting method
C. critical incident
D. technical conference method
Answer» D. technical conference method

Who has given “Hierarchy of Needs” theory?

A. abraham maslow
B. mcclelland
C. fredreick herzberg
D. henry fayol
Answer» A. abraham maslow

Who proposed ERG Theory?

A. gene broadwater
B. edwin locke
C. victor vroom
D. clayton alderfer
Answer» D. clayton alderfer

MBO Stands for____________ .

A. management by objectives
B. management by observation
C. management by ownership
D. management by operation
Answer» A. management by objectives

ESOP stands for_____________ .

A. employee stock ownership plans
B. employees share ownership plans
C. employer stock ownership plans
D. employer share ownership plans
Answer» A. employee stock ownership plans

Compensation based on some established formula designed around a company’s profitability is known as____________ .

A. profit sharing plan
B. gain sharing
C. bonuses
D. piece-rate pay plan
Answer» A. profit sharing plan

Reinforcement Theory has an impressive record of predicting______________ .

A. dependent variables
B. performance variables
C. absenteeism
D. none of these
Answer» C. absenteeism

Who proposed “Theory X and Theory Y”?

A. frederick herzberg
B. david mcclelland
C. douglas mcgregor
D. abraham maslow
Answer» C. douglas mcgregor

Works council and board representative are forms of______________ .

A. employee participation
B. employee involvement
C. quality circle
D. participative management
Answer» B. employee involvement

Company-established benefits plans in which employees acquire stock as part of their benefits is known as,____________.

A. fringe benefit
B. bonus
C. flexible benefit
D. esop
Answer» D. esop

Emotional Intelligence____________.

A. is genetic
B. can be learned
C. cannot be improved
D. none of these
Answer» A. is genetic

Recognizing and rewarding success form part of the ______________ process of motivating and inspiring.

A. leadership
B. management
C. negotiation
D. motivation
Answer» A. leadership

A democratic leadership style has which of the following characteristics?

A. split power
B. genuine
C. dictatorial leader
D. none of these
Answer» A. split power

Performance appraisal is conducted for_______________ .

A. manager
B. employees
C. executives
D. subordinates
Answer» B. employees

The rater gives greater weightage to recent occurrence than earlier performance, this type of judgmental error is known as____________ .

A. halo
B. horn effect
C. stereotyping
D. recency effect
Answer» D. recency effect

Essay evaluation method is______________ .

A. subjective
B. objective
C. quantitative
D. none of these
Answer» A. subjective

The management information system (MIS) responds to the need for___________ .

A. electronic data processing
B. managerial information
C. accounting application
D. utility billing information
Answer» B. managerial information

PERT and CPM are

A. project evaluation techniques
B. assignment techniques
C. network techniques
D. all of the above
Answer» C. network techniques

A system must be composed of more than one______________ .

A. subsystem
B. element
C. super system
D. place
Answer» B. element

Inventory is also referred to as_______________ .

A. stock
B. warehouse capacity
C. materials
D. materials in hand
Answer» A. stock

A long-range management information system plan provides __________ for the development.

A. direction
B. finance
C. control
D. coordination
Answer» A. direction

Job rotation and multiple management method of training is helpful in enhancing ___________.

A. interpersonal skills
B. job knowledge
C. decision-making skills
D. organisational knowledge
Answer» D. organisational knowledge

Training Evaluation methods include all but _____________.

A. questionnaire
B. cost benefit analysis
C. human resource factor
D. checklist
Answer» D. checklist

All are simulation methods of training except one______________ .

A. case studies
B. decision games
C. role playing
D. lecture method
Answer» B. decision games

On-the-job experiences, coaching and understudy methods of training is helpful in enhancing ______________.

A. interpersonal skills
B. job knowledge
C. decision-making skills
D. organisational knowledge
Answer» B. job knowledge

Trade Union Act was passed in the year______________ .

A. 1926
B. 1936
C. 1958
D. 1916
Answer» A. 1926

Rules and regulations which govern the conditions of employment of workers is stated in ______________ .

A. standing orders
B. industry relations
C. factories act
D. none of these
Answer» A. standing orders

Out of provocation, workers may go on strike without notice or at a very short notice, such strike is called ________________.

A. sectional strike
B. lightning strike
C. sit-down strike
D. unofficial strike
Answer» B. lightning strike

JIT stands for_____________ .

A. job instruction training
B. job information training
C. job incentive technology
D. job incentive training
Answer» A. job instruction training
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