
30+ Drug Stability - Chemical Kinetics Solved MCQs

in Physical Pharmaceutics 2

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharma) , Pharmacy .


Chapter: Drug Stability - Chemical Kinetics

In the photochemical degradation of multisulpha preparation, the order that the reaction follows is:

A. first
B. pseudo first
C. second
D. zero
Answer» D. zero

The integral rate equation for a reaction (in common notation) is written as log C = log Co - (kt/2.303). When a graph is drawn log c vs. t, the slope will be:

A. negative
B. one
C. Positive
D. Zero
Answer» A. negative

The integral equation (in common notation) k = x/at (a - x) is concerned with the order:

A. first
B. pseudo first
C. second
D. zero
Answer» C. second

When a series of steps are involved in a reaction, the ‘overall rate’ of a reaction depends upon the rate(s) of:

A. all steps
B. all steps which follow the slowest step
C. all steps which precede the slowest step
D. the slowest step
Answer» C. all steps which precede the slowest step

The solid state decomposition of aspirin in presence of moisture follows the order:

A. first
B. pseudofirst
C. second
D. zero
Answer» D. zero

The reaction rate constant (k) is 2.0 x 10-3 min.-1 for aspirin hydrolysis in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid at 1mg/ml concentration. Under same conditions, if the product contains aspirin 4 mg/ml of the initial concentration, the k value in minutes-1 will be:

A. 0.5 x l0-3
B. 2.0 x 10-3
C. 4.0 x 10-3
D. 8.0 x 10-3
Answer» B. 2.0 x 10-3

A second order reaction follows pseudo-first order reaction, when the concentrations of:

A. two reactants are high
B. two reactants are low
C. one reactant is far higher than the other reactant.
D. two reactants are equal
Answer» C. one reactant is far higher than the other reactant.

In the study of the rate of a reaction, 100 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is added to 10 ml methyl acetate for the reaction to occur. The reason for making such a proportion is to make:

A. analysis of degradation is easy
B. reaction to follow first order
C. reaction to proceed slowly
D. reaction to undergo a pseudo first order
Answer» D. reaction to undergo a pseudo first order

The conversion of trans-stilbene to cis-stilbene follows the molecularity:

A. bimolecular
B. termolecular
C. unimolecular
D. zeromolccular
Answer» C. unimolecular

In the hydrolysis of sucrose in hydrochloric acid solution, the change in the optical rotation follows the order:

A. pseudofirst
B. pseudo zero
C. second
D. zero
Answer» A. pseudofirst

In the degradation studies of aspirin suspension, the orders observed initially and at the end, respectively, are: -

A. first, second
B. first, zero
C. second, first
D. zero, first
Answer» D. zero, first

A prescription of liquid aspirin preparation contained 6.5 g/100 ml. The solubility of aspirin at 25°C is 0.33 g/100 ml. The order of reaction in the kinetic study is:

A. apparent first
B. apparent zero
C. first
D. second
Answer» B. apparent zero

The time required for the complete degradation of a drug in solution is a finite value. The order of that reaction is:

A. first
B. pseudo first
C. second
D. zero
Answer» D. zero

Normally, ethyl acetate undergoes hydrolysis in presence of H+ and (OH)-ions. The order of the reaction observed in the acidic and alkaline solutions, respectively, are:

A. first and second
B. pseudo first and second
C. second and first
D. second and pseudo first
Answer» B. pseudo first and second

In reactions that follow first order kinetics, half life is expressed by equation:

A. 0.693/k1
B. 0.301/k1
C. 0.105/k1
D. k1/0.693
Answer» A. 0.693/k1

The units for the specific rate constant for a second order reaction are:

A. liter/moles.sec
B. liter.sec/moles
C. moles/liter.sec
D. moles.sec/liter
Answer» A. liter/moles.sec

The half life of a first order reaction is 4 years. What is its shelf life (in years)?

A. 0.02
B. 0.03
C. 0.17
D. 0.61
Answer» D. 0.61

Which one of the following dosage forms exhibit faster rate of reaction under normal conditions?

A. emulsions
B. ointments
C. solutions
D. suspensions
Answer» C. solutions

In chemical kinetics, the rate of a reaction is expressed as (-dc/dt), where dc refers to the concentration. Whose concentration does it refer to?

A. catalyst
B. product
C. reactant
D. solvent medium
Answer» C. reactant

Which one of the following can be designated as the molecularity of a reaction?

A. half
B. one
C. one and half
D. zero
Answer» B. one

Which one of them is refered as a general rate equation (-dc/dt) for a second order?

A. A°B°
B. A1B1
C. A1B2
D. A2B2
Answer» B. A1B1

Which-one of the following orders have abundant applications in biological processes?

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. zero
Answer» A. first

In a chemical reaction, the rate constant is independent of the initial concentration. Which one of them is the order?

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. zero
Answer» D. zero

Chemical kinetics is the study of the

A. rate of chemical reactions
B. particle size
C. rheological property
D. interfacial tension
Answer» A. rate of chemical reactions

Rate of reaction is the

A. number of reactant molecules or atoms that take part in chemical reactions to give the products.
B. sum of exponents or powers of concentration terms in the rate equation
C. time required for reactant concentration to decrease to 90% of the initial concentration.
D. speed at which chemical reaction takes place
Answer» D. speed at which chemical reaction takes place

When rate is independent of the reactant concentration, then it is called

A. zero order reaction.
B. Pseudo zero order reaction
C. First order reaction
D. Second order reaction
Answer» A. zero order reaction.

In the equation, Rate = k[C]c[D]d, the order of the above reaction is

A. k
B. C + D
C. [C] *[D]
D. c + d
Answer» D. c + d

Which of the following is the half life of zero order reaction

A. t1/2 = Ao/2k
B. t1/2 = 0.693/2k
C. t1/2 = Ao/2
D. t1/2 = 2k/ Ao
Answer» A. t1/2 = Ao/2k

The unit of k for zero order reaction is

A. moles/litre/second
B. moles
C. moles/second
D. moles/litre
Answer» A. moles/litre/second

Which of the following is the half life of first order reaction

A. t1/2 = A0/2k
B. t1/2 = 0.693/2k
C. t1/2 = 2k
D. t1/2 = 0.693/k
Answer» D. t1/2 = 0.693/k

The unit of rate constant for second order reaction is

A. litre.mole-2 sec-2
B. litre.mole-2 sec-1
C. litre
D. litre.mole-1 sec-1
Answer» D. litre.mole-1 sec-1

Which of the following method/s used for determination of order of reaction?

A. Graphic method
B. Substitution method
C. Half life method
D. All of the above -
Answer» D. All of the above -

The value of t1/2 for second order reaction is

A. 1/ak
B. 0.693/k
C. Ao/2k
D. Ao/2
Answer» A. 1/ak

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