
420+ Physiological Psychology Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Counselling Psychology (BSc Counselling Psychology) .


Damage to the lateral hypothalamus may lead to a condition known as

A. frolic’s syndrome.
B. klingfilters syndrome
C. osmosis
D. narcolepsy
Answer» A. frolic’s syndrome.

. Destruction of the ……………… results in hyperphagia and obesity.

A. dorsomedial nucleus
B. ventromedial nucleus
C. posterior nucleus
D. anterior nucleus
Answer» A. dorsomedial nucleus

Motives are activated by

A. thoughts.
B. internal physiological states.
C. external cues.
D. all of these.
Answer» D. all of these.

Which of the following is true of emotion but is NOT true of motivation?

A. it activates one’s behavior.
B. it affects the selection of one behavior over another.
C. it is associated with one’s reaction to stimuli.
D. it is accompanied by physiological arousal of the autonomic nervous system produced in response to a stimulus.
Answer» D. it is accompanied by physiological arousal of the autonomic nervous system produced in response to a stimulus.

Which of the following is true of motivation?

A. it activates and directs behavior.
B. it is accompanied by physiological arousal of the autonomic nervous system produced in response to a stimulus.
C. it involves the cognitive interpretation of body arousal.
D. it involves a positive or negative conscious experience.
Answer» A. it activates and directs behavior.

Which of the following would generally be classified as a motive rather than an emotion?

A. anger
B. hunger
C. fear
D. passion
Answer» B. hunger

What is a homeostatic mechanism?

A. a process that regulates the essential, internal biological states
B. the regulation of behavior in response to external stimuli
C. the tendency to seek out stimulation and novel environments
D. the tendency to increase stimulation to create pleasurable feelings
Answer» A. a process that regulates the essential, internal biological states

Maintaining a relatively constant concentration of water and sugar in the body is regulated by

A. intrinsic motivation.
B. homeostatic mechanisms.
C. instinct.
D. extrinsic motivation.
Answer» B. homeostatic mechanisms.

Which of the following is an example of a behavior regulated by homeostasis?

A. going skydiving for the sheer thrill of it
B. arranging food on a plate for aesthetic appeal
C. standing in the shade on a hot day
D. calling a friend to cheer you up
Answer» C. standing in the shade on a hot day

The “feeding system” center of the brain is located in the

A. lateral hypothalamus.
B. ventromedial hypothalamus.
C. ventromedial amygdala.
D. lateral hypothalamus.
Answer» D. lateral hypothalamus.

Which of the following will stimulate the lateral hypothalamus?

A. high glucose levels
B. high glycerol levels
C. stomach contractions
D. high leptin levels
Answer» C. stomach contractions

Which part of the brain increases and decreases hunger by controlling blood sugar levels?

A. paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
B. ventromedial hypothalamus
C. lateral area of the hypothalamus
D. pituitary gland
Answer» A. paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus

Which of the following is a true statement about eating speed?

A. people should eat slowly in order to allow their brains time to detect the increase in blood glucose
B. people should eat quickly in order to be sure to “catching” he increase in blood glucose.
C. people should eat slowly in order to allow their brains time to detect the increase in blood glucose.
D. people should eat quickly in order to quickly stimulate the “stop eating” center in the brain.
Answer» C. people should eat slowly in order to allow their brains time to detect the increase in blood glucose.

Which of the following is NOT a cue that regulates eating?

A. body fat levels
B. stomach contractions
C. blood sugar levels
D. total blood volume
Answer» D. total blood volume

Which of the following will stimulate the paraventricular nucleus and the ventromedial hypothalamus?

A. low levels of insulin
B. stomach contractions
C. high leptin levels
D. low leptin levels
Answer» C. high leptin levels

Rats whose adrenal glands have been removed develop a preference for

A. sugar within 24 hours.
B. high fat foods almost immediately.
C. foods high in calcium.
D. salt within 15 seconds of it being offered.
Answer» D. salt within 15 seconds of it being offered.

Which of the following is a true statement about the biological regulation of thirst in the brain?

A. the brain has a “drink system,” but does not have a “stop drinking system.”
B. the brain has a “stop drinking system,” but does not have a “drink system.”
C. the brain has both a “drink system” and a “stop drinking system,” and these control centers use the same neurotransmitters as the control centers for hunger.
D. the brain has both a “drink system” and a “stop drinking system,” but these control centers use different neurotransmitters from the control centers for hunger.
Answer» D. the brain has both a “drink system” and a “stop drinking system,” but these control centers use different neurotransmitters from the control centers for hunger.

When the concentration of salt increases on the outside of the specialized cells located in the drink center of the hypothalamus,

A. adh is released into the bloodstream.
B. glucagon is released from the liver.
C. the pancreas releases insulin.
D. a message to stop drinking is sent to the cortex.
Answer» A. adh is released into the bloodstream.

Which of the following occurs when the level of fluid in the cells decreases?

A. the blood vessels contract.
B. the mouth feels dry.
C. the pituitary gland secretes adh into the bloodstream.
D. the kidneys cause the creation of angiotensin in the blood.
Answer» C. the pituitary gland secretes adh into the bloodstream.

………………., a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight.

A. body mass index
B. weight index
C. obesity index
D. mass index
Answer» A. body mass index

Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of i. of excessive dietary calories, ii. lack of physical activity, iii. genetic susceptibility iv. endocrine disorders, medications or psychiatric illness

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1,2 and 4 only
C. 1,2 and 3 only
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

…..………………..("weight loss surgery") is the use of surgical intervention in the treatment of obesity.

A. bariatric surgery
B. obese surgery
C. fat loss surgery
D. caloric surgery
Answer» A. bariatric surgery

Excessive thirst, known as……………., along with excessive urination, known as …………………., may be an indication of diabetes.

A. polydipsia and polyuria
B. polyuria and polyuria
C. hypovolemia and hypouria
D. hypouria and hypovolemia
Answer» A. polydipsia and polyuria

Hypovolemic thirst i. It’s the thirst resulting from loss of fluids due to bleeding or sweating. It ii. t is thirst associated with low volume of body fluids iii. It’s the thirst resulting from eating salty foods iv. It is the thirst resulting from hot foods

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 2 and 4 only
C. 1, 2 and 3 only
D. 1 and 3 only
Answer» A. 1 and 2 only

If a food causes sickness, or simply precedes sickness caused by something else, a learned __________ may result.

A. psychosomatic illness
B. taste aversion
C. anorexia
D. specific hunger
Answer» B. taste aversion

The manufacture of adrenalin and noradrenalin is controlled by:

A. nervous system
B. endocrine system
C. regulatory system
D. circulatory system
Answer» A. nervous system

Both the terms “emotion” and “motivation” came from the same Latin root:

A. movement
B. move
C. moment
D. “movere”
Answer» D. “movere”

Physiologists use the term homeostasis to describe the body’s tendency to maintain a balance or equilibrium among it’s:

A. external physiological status and environment
B. internal physiological status and the environment
C. displacement behaviour and encepha- lization
D. approach gradient and avoidance gradient
Answer» C. displacement behaviour and encepha- lization

Those internal mechanisms of the body which, by controlling numerous highly complicated physiological processes, keep it in a state of equilibrium are known as:

A. homeostases
B. nervous system
C. nutrition
D. none of the above
Answer» A. homeostases

Homeostasis is the overall term for equilibrium preserving tendencies with an organism by which:

A. neurophysiological condition is maintained
B. psychological condition is maintained
C. physiological condition is maintained
D. psychophysical condition is maintained
Answer» A. neurophysiological condition is maintained

Sex is a:

A. biological motive
B. physiological motive
C. both (a) and (b)
D. psychological motive
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

The process of maintaining the biochemical balance or equilibrium throughout human body is referred as:

A. osmosis
B. circulation
C. hoeostasis
D. nervous system
Answer» C. hoeostasis

A pituitary hormone associated with the secretion of milk is known as:

A. prolactin
B. adrenalin
C. estrogens
D. progesterones
Answer» A. prolactin

A motive that is primarily learned rather than basing on biological needs is known as:

A. physical motive
B. psychological motive
C. neurophysiological motive
D. psychological motive
Answer» D. psychological motive

The hypothalamus plays an important role in the regulation of:

A. food intake
B. water intake
C. alcohol intake
D. both food and water intake
Answer» A. food intake

Lateral hypothalamus (LH) is otherwise known as:

A. stimulating centre
B. circulatory centre
C. feeding centre
D. water centre
Answer» C. feeding centre

Research evidences indicated that ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH):

A. facilitates eating
B. expedites eating
C. both facilitates and
D. inhibits eating expedites eating
Answer» D. inhibits eating expedites eating

Electrical stimulation of ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) cells:

A. inhibits eating
B. facilitates eating
C. expedites eating
D. both expedites and inhibits eating
Answer» A. inhibits eating

Injections of glucose (which raise blood sugar level):

A. facilitate eating
B. expedite eating
C. both expedite and facilitate eating
D. inhibit eating
Answer» D. inhibit eating

Injections of insulin (which lower blood sugar level):

A. increase food intake
B. decrease food intake
C. expedite food intake
D. facilitate food intake
Answer» A. increase food intake

Studies indicated that the hypothalamus contains cells (glucoreceptors) sensitive to the rate of which:

A. glucose passes through them
B. glucose stimulates them
C. glucose inhibits them
D. glucose both stimulates and inhibits them
Answer» A. glucose passes through them

An empty stomach produces the periodic contractions of muscles in the stomach wall which we identify as:

A. stomach ache
B. stomach pain
C. stomach ailment
D. hunger pangs
Answer» D. hunger pangs

Obesity is thought to stem from disturbances during the:

A. phallic stage of psychosexual development
B. oral and anal stages of psychosexual development
C. genital stage of psychosexual development
D. latency period of psychosexual development
Answer» B. oral and anal stages of psychosexual development

Dehydration of the osmoreceptors can be produced by depriving the organism of:

A. food
B. water
C. blood
D. sugar
Answer» B. water

Water deficit in the body increases the concentration of:

A. pottasium
B. insulin
C. sugar
D. sodium
Answer» D. sodium

The main erotogenic zone of our body is:

A. mouth
B. genitals
C. anal zones
D. lips
Answer» B. genitals

Which of the following could NOT serve as an operational definition for anger?

A. reddening of the face.
B. feelings of hostility
C. threatening posture
D. attack behaviour.
Answer» A. reddening of the face.

If it were discovered that destruction of a particular area of the brain disrupted a certain behaviour but that destruction of any other part of the brain had no effect on that behaviour, this would be evidence in favour of

A. antilocalisation
B. localisation of function
C. both localisation and antilocalisation, depending upon the size of the lesion
D. plasticity
Answer» B. localisation of function

Some researchers believe that an abnormally high level of dopamine may be related to the occurrence of

A. parkinson\s disease
B. mental depression
C. alzheimer\s disease
D. schizophrenia
Answer» D. schizophrenia

Any drug capable of effecting behaviour is called

A. psychoactive
B. psychopharmacological
C. psychedelic
D. consciousness alerting
Answer» A. psychoactive

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