180+ Political Ideas, Concepts and Ideologies Solved MCQs


" The organization is based on the principles of sovereign equality of all its members". It is expressed in the ……………

A. united nationscharter
B. indian constitution
C. british constitution
D. saarc
Answer» A. united nationscharter

" Men are born , and always continue , free and equal in respect oftheir rights". It is thedeclaration of ?

A. american war of independence
B. indian freedom struggle
C. russian revolution
D. the french declaration of rights ofman
Answer» D. the french declaration of rights ofman

The principle of "one man, one vote, one value" is example of ?

A. social justice
B. communal justice
C. political justice
D. individual justice
Answer» C. political justice

Who stated that “right is a power claimed and recognized as contributory to common good”.

A. t.h. green
B. wilson
C. hobbes
D. locke
Answer» A. t.h. green

Ritchie defines ………… rights as" the claim of an individual on others recognized by the society irrespective of its recognition by the state".

A. politicalrights
B. civil rights
C. natural rights
D. moral rights
Answer» D. moral rights

Which is considered “ as an historic event of the profound significance and one of the greatest achievement of the United Nations”.

A. udhr
B. settlement of korean crisis
C. settlement of cuban crisis
D. none
Answer» A. udhr

Input- output analysis of David Easton , the inputs stand for …………………

A. the politicalsystem
B. the environment
C. demandsand supports
D. the feedback
Answer» C. demandsand supports

In politicalscience ,the structural-functional theorywasfirst applied in 1960 by… ?

A. almond and coleman
B. david easton
C. dhal
D. maciver
Answer» A. almond and coleman

Who wasthe first philosopher to make a detailed intellectual study of political power ?

A. charles merriam
B. morgenthau
C. dhal
D. tawney
Answer» A. charles merriam

Which one of the following is nota Weberian classification of authority ?

A. traditional authority
B. charismatic authority
C. rational-legal authority
D. political authority
Answer» D. political authority

Modern bureaucracies are the best example of organizations based on which kinds authority ?

A. traditional
B. charismatic
C. rational-legal
D. political
Answer» C. rational-legal

The term " Political Culture " wasformulated and used first time by ?

A. simon
B. dhal
C. easton
D. gabrial almond
Answer» D. gabrial almond

Political Culture is the pattern of individual attitudes and orientations towards System ?

A. socialsystem
B. economic system
C. political system
D. environmentalsystem
Answer» C. political system

Which one of the following is not Lucian Pye’s three basic characteristic features of politicaldevelopments?

A. equality
B. capacity
C. differentiation
D. state
Answer» D. state

Who observed that the maintenance of political stability as the ultimate goal of political development?

A. samuel huntington
B. allan ball
C. karl marx
D. dhal
Answer» A. samuel huntington

Huntington describes as amulti-faced process involving change in all areas of human thought and activity.

A. political development
B. politicalmodernization
C. political change
D. political power
Answer» B. politicalmodernization

increase the capacity and capability ofthe political system to find and utilize the resources of the country ?

A. political development
B. politicalmodernization
C. political change
D. political power
Answer» B. politicalmodernization

Who stated , " Socialization through the mass media is the best short-run technique available and it is crucial to modernization”

A. gabrial almond
B. huntington
C. lucian pye
D. coleman
Answer» C. lucian pye

Which is the first important agent of politicalsocialization?

A. society
B. state
C. political party
D. family
Answer» D. family

Political sub-culture is the part of ?

A. social culture
B. general culture
C. political culture
D. culture
Answer» C. political culture

Who is the author of the book the ‘ Law of the Constitution’ ?

A. a.v. dicey
B. finer
C. gettle
D. willoughby
Answer» A. a.v. dicey

The author of the book ‘ History and Class Consciousness ‘ ?

A. althusser
B. gramsci
C. lenin
D. lukacs
Answer» B. gramsci

The idea of individualism originated in………….

A. italy
B. uk
C. france
D. russia
Answer» C. france

Ideology that advocates maximum possible freedom to individual and minimum of state functions

A. fascism
B. marxism
C. individualism
D. gandhism
Answer» C. individualism

Author of the book ‘wealth of Nations’.

A. herbert spencer
B. j s mill
C. laski
D. adam smith
Answer» D. adam smith

Who among the following is not associated with Individualism

A. spencer
B. adam smith
C. hegel
D. j s mill
Answer» C. hegel

Primary duty of the state according to individualist……………………..

A. regulate economic life of man
B. protect the individual from violence and fraud
C. regulate social life of man
D. none of the above
Answer» B. protect the individual from violence and fraud

Policy of laissez faire is otherwise known as …………..

A. fascism
B. marxism
C. socialism
D. individualism
Answer» D. individualism

Chief exponent of biological argument of Individualism

A. herbert spencer
B. j s mill
C. adam smith
D. laski
Answer» A. herbert spencer

Who among the following is associated with modern Individualism

A. adam smith
B. spenser
C. graham wallas
D. laski
Answer» C. graham wallas

Classical liberalism stood for ………….

A. liberty of individuals
B. democratic institutions
C. free enterprise
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

In the political sphere liberalism entails …………………

A. freedom of press and judiciary
B. freedom of thought and expression
C. free and fair elections
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Who among the following is considered a father figure of Liberal tradition

A. hegel
B. karl marx
C. john locke
D. plato
Answer» C. john locke

Who among the following is not associated with modern Liberalism

A. barker
B. hobhouse
C. mac iver
D. adam smith
Answer» D. adam smith

Author of communist Manifesto

A. hegel
B. marx
C. barker
D. laski
Answer» B. marx

Dialectical method is associated with …………….

A. barker
B. laski
C. hegel
D. j s mill
Answer» C. hegel

Marx considered the as the basis of this world

A. idea
B. spirit
C. organization
D. material object
Answer» D. material object

According to Marx all fundamental historical changes are determined by the ……………..

A. state
B. working class
C. capitalist class
D. economic forces
Answer» D. economic forces

According to Marx ‘superstructure, constitutes …………….

A. mode of production
B. social relations of productions
C. ideas of society
D. all the above
Answer» C. ideas of society

The difference between value paid to the labourer and the value appropriated by the capitalist Marx called it………

A. profit value
B. theft
C. additional profit
D. surplus value
Answer» D. surplus value

Literal meaning of bourgeoisie

A. capitalist class
B. working class
C. middle class
D. none of the above
Answer» C. middle class

By proletariat class Marx meant ……………

A. the working class
B. the middle class
C. the capitalist class
D. middle class and capitalist class combined
Answer» A. the working class

According to Marx, in the class war will come out victorious.

A. bourgeoisie
B. capitalist class
C. proletariat
D. middle class
Answer» C. proletariat

Dictatorship of the proletariat is a ………………

A. quasi-state of the working class
B. dictatorship of the capitalist
C. new state of the working class
D. is full- fledged state of the proletariat
Answer» A. quasi-state of the working class

The task of the dictatorship of the proletariat is ……………..

A. centralize production
B. increase production
C. to expropriate the bourgeoisie
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

According to Marx after the success of revolution and overthrow of capitalism the state will…….

A. reduce its functions
B. wither away
C. become a class institution of the workers
D. become powerless
Answer» B. wither away

Marx predicts

A. a classless society
B. communist society
C. society without contradictions
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The ideology of fascism emerged in which country

A. germany
B. russia
C. italy
D. spain
Answer» C. italy

The ideology of Fascism was developed by ….… …..

A. hitler
B. stalin
C. napoleon
D. mussolini
Answer» D. mussolini

The word fascism originated from the Italian word….

A. fasces
B. feodus
C. fas
D. none of the above
Answer» A. fasces

The word fasces in Italian means ………….

A. power
B. bundles
C. strength
D. state
Answer» B. bundles

Fascism stood against …………..

A. democracy
B. liberty
C. internationalism
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Fascism advocated ………………

A. aggressive nationalism
B. hero-worship
C. irrationalism
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

The ideology that considered the state as an end in itself

A. liberalism
B. individualism
C. marxism
D. fascism
Answer» D. fascism

The ideology that consider democracy as the worst form of government

A. liberalism
B. individualism
C. marxism
D. fascism
Answer» D. fascism

The ideology that advocated aggressive war fare and imperialist expansion

A. fascism
B. marxism
C. liberalism
D. individualism
Answer» A. fascism

Tolstoy’s book that made a great influence on Gandhi

A. unto this last
B. civil disobedience
C. the kingdom of god within you
D. none of the above
Answer» A. unto this last

According to Gandhi Non-Violence is the quality of…….

A. weak
B. brave and effeminate
C. villagers
D. strong and brave
Answer» D. strong and brave

To Gandhi Ahimsa is

A. supreme love
B. supreme kindness
C. supreme self sacrifice
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

According to Gandhi, the highest form of non-violence………..

A. non-violence of the brave
B. passive non-violence of the helpless
C. passive non-violence of the coward
D. none of the above
Answer» A. non-violence of the brave


A. is based on the concept of suffering
B. never injures the opponent
C. tries to wean the opponent from error by love and self suffering
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

A technique of Satyagraha suggested by Gandhi in which people voluntarily exile from the place of residence……………..

A. hijrat
B. strike
C. civil disobedience
D. non-violence
Answer» A. hijrat

According to Gandhi’s concept of trusteeship which is correct

A. an individual free to hold wealth for his selfish interest
B. character of production determined by social necessity
C. there will be affixed minimum wage but no maximum wage
D. gandhi recognize the right to private property and one can use it as he desires
Answer» B. character of production determined by social necessity

Which is true. Gandhian society will be

A. state less society
B. classless society
C. socialist society
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

According to Gandhi

A. ends are more important than means
B. only our means should be moral and not ends
C. moral means leads to moral ends
D. our ends should be moral and not means
Answer» B. only our means should be moral and not ends

According to Gandhi

A. religion and politics are separable
B. religion and politics are inseparable
C. political exploitation of religion is permissible in some cases
D. hind religion is superior to all other religions
Answer» B. religion and politics are inseparable

In Greek ‘Demos’ means

A. power
B. state
C. democracy
D. people
Answer» D. people

In Greek ’Kratos’ means

A. power
B. state
C. democracy
D. people
Answer» A. power

India follows

A. direct democracy
B. participatory democracy
C. representative democracy
D. none of the above
Answer» C. representative democracy

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for the success of democracy

A. social and economic equality
B. sound party system
C. freedom of press
D. state religion
Answer» D. state religion

Verdict of the people sought on a proposed law or constitutional amendment is………

A. recall
B. referendum
C. plebiscite
D. initiative
Answer» A. recall

Facultative referendum is … …

A. all laws passed by the legislature are referred to people
B. all laws are referred by the people to the legislature
C. some laws are referred by the people to the legislature
D. certain number of people can ask for a bill be submitted to the people for
Answer» D. certain number of people can ask for a bill be submitted to the people for

Power of the people to propose legislation

A. recall
B. referendum
C. plebiscite
D. initiative
Answer» D. initiative

In Unformulated Initiative , Initiative is ………

A. in the form of proper law
B. taken by the legislature
C. taken by the executive
D. in the form of a general demand
Answer» D. in the form of a general demand

The word plebiscite is derived from the French word plebiscitum meaning………

A. power of the people
B. will of the people
C. decree of the people
D. rule of the people
Answer» C. decree of the people

Power of the people to call back elected representatives before the expiry of their term

A. recall
B. referendum
C. plebiscite
D. initiative
Answer» A. recall

People have the right to ‘recall’ in which country

A. china
B. uk
C. italy
D. switzerland
Answer» D. switzerland

An opinion to be considered as public opinion…………….

A. it must emanate from the people as a whole
B. it should not be a sectional interest
C. it should have the consent of the minority
D. all the above.
Answer» B. it should not be a sectional interest

Pick the correct answer.

A. public opinion is a belief and not a theory.
B. pressure groups does not create public opinion
C. political parties are not agencies that create public opinion
D. public opinion does not have the consent of the minority
Answer» A. public opinion is a belief and not a theory.

Which is an agent of public opinion

A. political party
B. press
C. educational institutions
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which is a method of minority representation

A. the limited vote plan
B. the cumulative vote system
C. the separate electorate system
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Choose the tactic not generally associated with pressure groups

A. lobbying
B. strike
C. generating favourable public opinion
D. use of muscle power
Answer» D. use of muscle power

Primary reason for the formation of pressure group is ……………..

A. to capture power
B. self interest
C. to amass wealth
D. all the above
Answer» B. self interest

Pick a demerit ( or demerits) of bi-party system

A. unstable governments
B. minorities may not get adequate representation in party and government
C. choices available to the electorate in times of election
D. all the above
Answer» B. minorities may not get adequate representation in party and government

Bi-party system exists in ……

A. india
B. pakistan
C. sri lanka
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Which one of the following is true.

A. satyagrahi injures the opponent
B. a satyagrahi has be deeply religious
C. satyagrahi appeals to the soul of the opponent
D. satyagrahi makes the opponents suffer
Answer» C. satyagrahi appeals to the soul of the opponent

Which is a democracy

A. china
B. myanmar
C. sri lanka
D. all the above
Answer» C. sri lanka

Which is not an essential characteristics of democracy

A. universal adult franchise
B. elective legislatures
C. civil liberties
D. perfect economic equality
Answer» D. perfect economic equality

Which is not a direct democratic device

A. .initiative
B. recall
C. plebiscite
D. refer
Answer» D. refer
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