200+ Sociology of Media and Communication Solved MCQs


For Habermas, ---------------- is the most distinctive and pervasive human phenomena.

A. Communicative action.
B. Culture
C. Ideology
D. public sphere
Answer» A. Communicative action.

__________is the practical application of knowledge and use of techniques in productive activities.

A. Mass media.
B. Technology
C. Education
D. Communication
Answer» B. Technology

'Culture and public sphere' associated with:

A. Jurgen Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams
C. Harold Innis
D. Marshal Mc Luhan
Answer» A. Jurgen Habermas.

Global village is associated with:

A. Jurgen Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams
C. Harold Innis
D. Marshal Mc Luhan
Answer» D. Marshal Mc Luhan

Cultural materialism is associated with:

A. Jurgen Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams
C. Harold Innis
D. Marshal Mc Luhan
Answer» B. Raymond Williams

Time and space theory of mass media is given by:

A. Jurgen Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams
C. Harold Innis
D. Marshal Mc Luhan
Answer» C. Harold Innis

Mass media includes:

A. Broadcast media.
B. Digital media
C. Internet media
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Inter Personal communication is one of the ------------of communication:

A. Types.
B. Functions
C. Features
D. Roles
Answer» A. Types.

A pre-requisite of communication?

A. Intelligence.
B. Pronunciation
C. Body language
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Means of communication includes:

A. Public speech.
B. Advertisement
C. Propaganda
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

News paper, magazine, television, internet and radio belongs to:

A. Social media.
B. Digital media
C. Mass media
D. Broadcast media
Answer» C. Mass media

Any exchange of information between two entities is known as:

A. Propaganda.
B. Communication
C. Advertisement
D. Mass media
Answer» B. Communication

The use of jargon is a _ to effective communication.

A. Method.
B. Feature.
C. Barrier.
D. Function
Answer» C. Barrier.

The form of communication is extremely private.

A. Inter personal communication.
B. Intra personal communication.
C. Small group communication.
D. Public communication
Answer» B. Intra personal communication.

-------------------is a process of communication without using words or sounds.

A. Verbal communication.
B. Non- verbal communication.
C. Written communication.
D. Public communication
Answer» B. Non- verbal communication.

Good communication is a process of

A. Transferring information.
B. Reading information.
C. Listening information.
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Inter personal, Intra personal, Small group and public communications are the examples of

A. Verbal communication.
B. Non- verbal communication.
C. Written communication.
D. Visual communication.
Answer» A. Verbal communication.

Election campaign is an example of

A. Small group communication.
B. Public communication.
C. Non- verbal communication.
D. Visual communication.
Answer» B. Public communication.

Letters and e-mails are belong to which type of communication

A. Visual communication.
B. Verbal communication.
C. Written communication.
D. Non- verbal communication.
Answer» C. Written communication.

Which is not included in visual communication?

A. Movie.
B. Poster.
C. Photography.
D. Report.
Answer» D. Report.

The barriers of communication can be overcome by

A. Active listening.
B. Use simple language.
C. Give constructive feedback.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Which is a type of internet advertisement?

A. Ad button.
B. Ad banner.
C. Classified ad.
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The functions of mass media include:

A. Information.
B. Education.
C. Entertainment.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Media disseminates information mostly through

A. Television.
B. Radio.
C. News paper.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Media provides education through

A. Feature stories.
B. Documentaries.
C. Interviews.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Entertainment is the most obvious function of-------------

A. Education.
B. Communication.
C. Propaganda.
D. Media.
Answer» D. Media.

Infotainment is the fusion of

A. Entertainment and information.
B. Education and information.
C. Entertainment and education.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Entertainment and information.

Edutainment is the fusion of

A. Entertainment and information.
B. Education and information.
C. Entertainment and education.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Entertainment and education.

Persuasion is a------------- of mass media.

A. Method.
B. Function.
C. Type.
D. Feature.
Answer» B. Function.

Advertisement is an example of

A. Information.
B. Education.
C. Entertainment.
D. Persuasion.
Answer» D. Persuasion.

Through the process of __, media help to shape the behaviours, attitudes, conducts and beliefs

A. Socialization.
B. Entertainment.
C. Information.
D. Surveillance.
Answer» A. Socialization.

----------------includes news papers, magazines and books.

A. Traditional media.
B. Print media.
C. New media.
D. Mass media.
Answer» B. Print media.

The word ' Propaganda' means

A. To spread.
B. To create.
C. To entertain.
D. To educate.
Answer» A. To spread.

__ is used to influence public opinion

A. Education.
B. Information.
C. Propaganda.
D. Communication.
Answer» C. Propaganda.

Promotion of one candidate and his views on others is an example of

A. Public opinion.
B. Propaganda.
C. Information.
D. Advertisement.
Answer» B. Propaganda.

An ad that promotes one brand of toothpaste over another is

A. Propaganda.
B. Communication.
C. Information.
D. Public opinion.
Answer» A. Propaganda.

Any campaign that is used to persuade is

A. Propaganda.
B. Communication.
C. Information.
D. Public opinion.
Answer» A. Propaganda.

Which of the following is an example of social media?

A. Movie.
B. Radio.
C. Journal.
D. Facebook.
Answer» D. Facebook.

World press day

A. May 3.
B. May 8.
C. June 3.
D. June 8.
Answer» A. May 3.

National Press Day

A. November 16.
B. May 3.
C. June 8.
D. September 15.
Answer» A. November 16.

Forms of public communication include

A. Public speaking events.
B. News paper editorials.
C. Billboard advertisements.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Forms Communication with large group of people is known as

A. Public communication.
B. Written communication.
C. Visual communication.
D. Inter personal communication.
Answer» A. Public communication.

------------------ is a process of exchanging verbal and non verbal messages.

A. Information.
B. Communication.
C. Education.
D. Advertisement.
Answer» B. Communication.

------------------ is a two way process.

A. Advertisement.
B. Public opinion.
C. Communication.
D. Propaganda.
Answer» C. Communication.

The term 'grapevine' is also known as.

A. Upward communication.
B. Downward communication.
C. Horizontal communication.
D. Informal communication.
Answer» D. Informal communication.

In communication, the language is

A. The symbolic code.
B. The non- verbal code.
C. The verbal code.
D. Intra personal.
Answer» C. The verbal code.

Which of the following is not a principle of effective communication?

A. One-way transfer of information.
B. Strategic use of grapevine.
C. Persuasive and convincing dialogue.
D. Participation of the audience.
Answer» A. One-way transfer of information.

Aspects of the voice other than the speech are known as?

A. Physical language.
B. Para language.
C. Delivery language.
D. Personal language.
Answer» B. Para language.

Every type of communication is affected by its

A. Reception.
B. Context.
C. Non-regulation.
D. Transmission.
Answer» B. Context.

Which of the following are characteristic features of communication?

A. Communication involves exchange of ideas, facts and opinions.
B. Communication Involves both information and understanding.
C. Communication is a continuous process.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Media is known as

A. First estate.
B. Second estate.
C. Third estate.
D. Fourth estate.
Answer» D. Fourth estate.

The mode of communication that involves a single source transmitting information to a large number of receivers simultaneously is called

A. Group communication.
B. Mass communication.
C. Interpersonal communication.
D. Written communication.
Answer» B. Mass communication.

The term 'yellow journalism' refers to

A. Sensational news prints in yellow paper.
B. Sensational news about arts and culture.
C. Sensational news about terrorism and violence.
D. Sensationalism and exaggeration to attract readers or viewers.
Answer» D. Sensationalism and exaggeration to attract readers or viewers.

The chronological order of non- verbal communication is

A. Signs, symbols, codes, colours.
B. Colours, symbols, signs, codes.
C. Symbols, signs, colours, codes.
D. Codes, signs, colours, symbols.
Answer» A. Signs, symbols, codes, colours.

In communication, chatting in internet is

A. Verbal communication.
B. Parallel communication.
C. Non- verbal communication.
D. Grapevine communication.
Answer» B. Parallel communication.

The major objective of a community radio station is

A. Infotainment.
B. Entertainment.
C. Economic profit.
D. Social inclusion.
Answer» D. Social inclusion.

The word ' communication' is derived from which Latin word?

A. Communicate.
B. Communism.
C. Communalism.
D. Communion.
Answer» A. Communicate.

An attribute of mass media

A. Broad appeal.
B. Speed.
C. Availability.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

According to McLuhan, ----------------- would happen because of mass communication's ability to unify people around the globe.

A. Cultural materialism.
B. Global village.
C. Cyber extension.
D. Educational media.
Answer» B. Global village.

Media used for educational purposes is called

A. Broad appeal.
B. Educational media.
C. Cyber extension.
D. Infotainment.
Answer» B. Educational media.

Which one of the following is termed as verbal communication?

A. Professor delivered the lecture in the classroom.
B. Signal at the cross- road changed from red to green.
C. The child was crying to attract the attention of the mother.
D. I Father wrote a letter to his son.
Answer» A. Professor delivered the lecture in the classroom.

Networked media exist in interconnected :

A. Social environments.
B. Economic environments.
C. Political environments.
D. Technological environments.
Answer» D. Technological environments.

The combination of computing, telecommunications and media in a digital atmosphere is referred as

A. Online communication.
B. Integrated media.
C. Digital combine.
D. Convergence.
Answer» D. Convergence.

“Everybody is doing", a theme promoted to media channel is known as

A. Band Wagon.
B. Card- stacking.
C. Transfer.
D. Name calling.
Answer» A. Band Wagon.

For a public relations practitioner, status difference is one of the main barriers in

A. Mass communication.
B. Inter personal communication.
C. Impersonal communication.
D. Organizational communication.
Answer» D. Organizational communication.

In the mediated world, temporary and incomplete concensus is called

A. Publicity.
B. Public opinion.
C. Public relations.
D. Propaganda.
Answer» B. Public opinion.

A major recommendation of the Mac Bride commission was

A. Centralisation of media ownership.
B. Restriction on technology transfer.
C. Democratisation of media.
D. Higher tariff for telecommunication.
Answer» D. Higher tariff for telecommunication.

'The already said is the still being said'- This statement is made with reference to the medium of

A. Magazine.
B. News paper.
C. Folk performance.
D. Television.
Answer» D. Television.

The 'copyright' day is observed on

A. April 23.
B. May 21.
C. March 25.
D. August 30.
Answer» A. April 23.

According to Habermas, modern mass media are influenced by

A. High degree of ethical conduct.
B. New cultural trends.
C. Massive public participation.
D. Empty political spectacle.
Answer» D. Empty political spectacle.

Initial stage of inter personal communication is called

A. The phatic stage.
B. The intimate stage.
C. The personal stage.
D. The public stage.
Answer» A. The phatic stage.

The post- modernist media hinge on

A. Collectivism.
B. Religious leadership.
C. Inspirational illusions.
D. Aesthetic politics.
Answer» D. Aesthetic politics.

The first Indian language news paper was

A. Bangadoota.
B. Samachar.
C. Digdarshan.
D. Mirat- ul- akhbar.
Answer» B. Samachar.

Which is the parent company of Google?

A. Alphabet.
B. Oracle.
C. Dell.
D. Microsoft.
Answer» A. Alphabet.

Grid card is related to

A. Broadcast media.
B. News papers.
C. Outdoor media.
D. Magazines.
Answer» A. Broadcast media.

In the commercial world, public relations and advertising are associated with:

A. Propaganda.
B. Marketing.
C. Diplomacy.
D. Secret Service.
Answer» B. Marketing.

Banner advertisement is a type of:

A. Outdoor advertising.
B. Interactive advertising.
C. Paid advertising.
D. Corporate advertising.
Answer» B. Interactive advertising.

Scamp refers to:

A. Cartoon.
B. Newspaper news.
C. Advertisement.
D. Letters to editor.
Answer» C. Advertisement.

Communication is also refined as the symbolic production of:

A. Reality.
B. Conviction.
C. Tradition.
D. Morality.
Answer» A. Reality.

Media texts are considered as:

A. Passive.
B. Static.
C. Dynamic.
D. Negative.
Answer» C. Dynamic.

A technique of propaganda

A. Transfer.
B. Message.
C. Information.
D. Confirm.
Answer» A. Transfer.

For Harold Innis, the concepts of---------------- reflect the significance of media to civilization.

A. Time and Technology.
B. Space and Technology.
C. Time and Space.
D. None of the above.
Answer» D. None of the above.

Which is not the book of Harold Innis?

A. Empire and communications.
B. Changing concepts of time.
C. Theory of communicative action.
D. The bias of communication.
Answer» C. Theory of communicative action.

Who divided media into time- binding and space- binding types?

A. Jurgen Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams
C. Harold Innis
D. Marshal Mc Luhan
Answer» C. Harold Innis

Modern media include in

A. Time- binding media.
B. Space- binding media
C. Both A and B.
D. Neither A or B.
Answer» B. Space- binding media

Who coined the term ' Public sphere'?

A. George Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams.
C. Harold Innis.
D. Marshal Mc Luhan.
Answer» A. George Habermas.

A concern of feminists regarding the media is

A. Ownership by men.
B. Objectification of women.
C. Images of men in control.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

-------------- is a society engaged in critical public debate.

A. Public sphere.
B. Public opinion.
C. Public relations.
D. Public speech.
Answer» A. Public sphere.

Which is not a book of Jurgen Habermas?

A. The structural transformation of the public sphere.
B. The theory of communicative action.
C. Legitimation crisis.
D. Empire and communications.
Answer» D. Empire and communications.

Whose book is 'Understanding media'?

A. George Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams.
C. Harold Innis.
D. Marshal Mc Luhan.
Answer» D. Marshal Mc Luhan.

The ability to acquire knowledge and apply knowledge and skills is known as

A. Intelligence.
B. Information.
C. Culture.
D. Advertisement.
Answer» A. Intelligence.

----------------- is a structured system of communication.

A. Language.
B. Information.
C. Culture.
D. Intelligence.
Answer» A. Language.

Linguistics is the scientific study of -------------------

A. Communication.
B. Language.
C. Culture.
D. Media.
Answer» B. Language.

----------------is the way in which a word or a language is spoken.

A. Pronunciation.
B. Communication.
C. Information.
D. Education.
Answer» A. Pronunciation.

Kinesics is the interpretation of human

A. Verbal communication.
B. Body language.
C. Social behaviour.
D. All the above.
Answer» B. Body language.

The term 'global village' was coined by

A. George Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams.
C. Harold Innis.
D. Marshal Mc Luhan.
Answer» D. Marshal Mc Luhan.

All the combined societies throughout the world is an example of

A. Cultural materialism.
B. Public sphere.
C. Mass media.
D. Global village.
Answer» D. Global village.

__ means all parts of the world as they are being brought together by the internet and other electronic communication.

A. Cultural materialism.
B. Public sphere.
C. Mass media.
D. Global village.
Answer» D. Global village.

The term 'global village' was coined in which year?

A. 1964.
B. 1946.
C. 1960.
D. 1940.
Answer» A. 1964.

The world that has been ' shrunk' by modern advances in communications.

A. Global village.
B. Public sphere.
C. Mass communication.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Global village.
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