200+ Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment Solved MCQs


Purogamana Sahatya Sangatana is -------------------

A. An association of progressive writers
B. An association of thinking women
C. An association of feminist writers
D. An association of post modern writers
Answer» A. An association of progressive writers

Which of the following won for Ponkunnam Varkey an award from Madras Government

A. Thirumulkahzcha
B. My turning point
C. Shabdikkunna Kalappa
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Thirumulkahzcha

Which among the following is the Autobiography of Ponkunnam Varkey ?

A. My Idea of Success
B. My Turning Point
C. The Turning Point in My Life
D. None of the above
Answer» B. My Turning Point

What did the other farmers call Ouseph?

A. Paachan.
B. Kannan.
C. Bullock-M
Answer» C. Bullock-M

Ouseph talked to Kannan as he talked to a ------

A. friend
B. Son
C. a member of family.
D. a daughter
Answer» C. a member of family.

As soon as the ploughing was over------------------------

A. Kannan would be allowed to graze freely,
B. Kannan’s body would be washed,
C. Kannan would be f
Answer» A. Kannan would be allowed to graze freely,

Kannan disliked---------

A. alap
B. Being washed.
C. Being fed,
D. Paachan
Answer» B. Being washed.

How did Kannan respond when Paachan started an ‘alap’?

A. by giving Paachan a sharp kick,
B. By silently listening to the ‘alap’,
C. By raising his voice
D. by shaking his head.
Answer» A. by giving Paachan a sharp kick,

How long did Kannan work for Ouseph?

A. 12 months,
B. 12 years,
C. 12 days, and 12 months,
D. 12 days 12 months and 12 years.
Answer» B. 12 years,

How did Kannan behave at the time of his sale?

A. He expressed his hatred in leaving,
B. He lifted his head and looked all around to see whether his master was there,
C. He lowed once or twice,
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

How did Ouseph behave at the time of kannan’s sale?

A. He left the scene,
B. He stood under the southern jackfruit tree,
C. He silently wiped his tears
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

How long had Ouseph worked?

A. 12 years,
B. 21 years,
C. 20 years ,
D. 22 years.
Answer» C. 20 years ,

Ouseph’s Malabar trips got postponed because

A. He wanted to sell his bullock,
B. He wanted to sell the little plot of land at a reasonable price.
C. He longed to the see the little face of his grandchild that would soon be born,
D. Both ‘b’ and ‘c’.
Answer» D. Both ‘b’ and ‘c’.

What did Ouseph see outside the municipal building?

A. Kannan grazing,
B. Kannan ploughing,
C. Kannan among other bullocks branded for slaughter,
D. His wife and daughter.
Answer» C. Kannan among other bullocks branded for slaughter,

Which among the following is the major symbol in “The Talking Plough”?

A. The jack fruit tree,
B. The bullock,
C. The cob web-ridden plough ,
D. The alap.
Answer» C. The cob web-ridden plough ,

Before the mechanisation of agriculture, farming was inextricably linked with-----

A. Cattle,
B. Pesticides,
C. Fertilizers,
D. Tractor
Answer» A. Cattle,

Ouseph’s relation to the soil and bullock is ------------

A. Utililitatian,
B. Epicurian,
C. Libertarian,
D. Not utilitarian
Answer» D. Not utilitarian

Ouseph had to mortgage his paddy field to-----------

A. buy a bullock,
B. buy insecticides and pesticides,
C. meet the expenditure on irrigation
D. find dowry for the marriage of his daughter.
Answer» D. find dowry for the marriage of his daughter.

Ouseph had to sell his bullocks including Kannan to----------

A. buy a plot of land,
B. meet the expenditure of irrigation,
C. find dowry for the marriage of his daughter,
D. meet the expenses of the wedding of his daughter.
Answer» D. meet the expenses of the wedding of his daughter.

Kathrikutty is Ouseph’s---------

A. daughter,
B. wife,
C. Sister,
D. sister-in-law
Answer» A. daughter,

Maria is Ouseph’s --------

A. daughter,
B. wife,
C. Sister,
D. sister-in-law.
Answer» B. wife,

The poor beasts told him the ‘poverty of man’s kindness to living things’. What does ‘poverty’ in this context mean?

A. want of money,
B. Carelessness,
C. Absence
D. state of being poor,
Answer» D. state of being poor,

Why did Maria and Kathrikutti scold Ouseph?

A. Ouseph sold Kannan,
B. Ouseph took Kannan home,
C. Ouseph could not purchase new clothes for Kathrikutty,
D. both ‘b’ and ‘c’
Answer» D. both ‘b’ and ‘c’

Where his own family failed to understand Ouseph, the poor beast--------

A. also failed,
B. succeeds,
C. Indifferent,
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. succeeds,

The plough is an important-------in the story “The Talking Plough”

A. simile,
B. metaphor,
C. personification,
D. sign.
Answer» B. metaphor,

After he lost the paddy field, Ouseph’s heart burns at the sight of the------

A. kannan,
B. jack fruit tree,
C. cob web-ridden plough,
D. the lost field.
Answer» C. cob web-ridden plough,

At the end of the story “The Talking Plough” we see ------

A. the cob web-ridden plough,
B. the new talking plough,
C. the resting plough,
D. the plough in the field.
Answer» A. the cob web-ridden plough,

What is the writers observation about the death of Kannan?

A. the poor beast died of broken heart at the misery of his master,
B. the poor beast died of starvation,
C. the poor beast was slaughtered,
D. its death was natural.
Answer» A. the poor beast died of broken heart at the misery of his master,

What did Ouseph do to save Kannan from the butchers?

A. He gave them another bullock,
B. He bought Kannan back with the money his wife had managed through a chitti.
C. He stole away with Kannan,
D. He sold his paddy field.
Answer» B. He bought Kannan back with the money his wife had managed through a chitti.

---------is a concept which is based on the holistic world view that sees the world as an integrated whole.

A. National integration,
B. secularism,
C. deep ecology,
D. social solidarity.
Answer» C. deep ecology,

The setting for most of R. K. Narayan’s story is -----

A. Mangala,
B. Malgudi,
C. Nizamudhin,
D. Jaipur.
Answer» B. Malgudi,

Malgudi is a -------

A. a real town,
B. an imaginary town,
C. a slum area,
D. a metropolitan city.
Answer» B. an imaginary town,

Which among the following is not a work by R. K. Narayan?

A. The Guide,
B. The Untouchability,
C. Swami and Friends,
D. Financial Expert.
Answer» B. The Untouchability,

Which among the following is a novel by R. K. Narayan?

A. The Parrot’s Training,
B. The Guide,
C. Fifteen Years,
D. The Flavour of Coconut
Answer» B. The Guide,

-------------is the story of a man’s supreme self-sacrifice to save his community from communal violence

A. Fifteen Years,
B. Another Community,
C. Parrot’s Training,
D. The Flavour of Coconut
Answer» B. Another Community,

Which among the following is not a work by R.K, Narayan?

A. Another Community,
B. My Days,
C. Flavour of Coconut,
D. Fifteen Years.
Answer» A. Another Community,

Which among the following is R. K. Narayan’s Memoirs?

A. MY Diary,
B. My Life,
C. My Days,
D. My Reflections.
Answer» C. My Days,

The hero of the story “Another Community” is-------

A. Raju,
B. Bakha,
C. a Judge,
D. unnamed.
Answer» D. unnamed.

What was the job of the hero in “Another Community”?

A. A Railway booking clerk,
B. a vendor,
C. a bookseller,
D. a clerk in an insurance company.
Answer» D. a clerk in an insurance company.

The hero in “Another Community” is----

A. young,
B. middle-aged,
C. adolescent,
D. aged.
Answer» B. middle-aged,

The time referred to in “Another Community” is

A. August 1947,
B. September 1947,
C. October 1947,
D. November 1947.
Answer» C. October 1947,

“Another Community” describes the pangs of ordinary man in the wake of ---------

A. natural calamity,
B. political upheaval,
C. communal violence,
D. none of these.
Answer» C. communal violence,

“Let us not cut each others throats, it does not matter who cuts whose, it is all same to me”. Where does this line occur?

A. Another Communiity
B. The Talking Plough
C. The Night Never To Be Lost
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Another Communiity

The community to which the hero of “Another Community” belongs.

A. Mahar
B. Natar
C. Brahmin
D. not mentioned.
Answer» D. not mentioned.

“But the button did get pressed” The implication is

A. The button of a nuclear bomb was pressed
B. The button of a calling bell was pressed
C. The button of a communal violence was pressed
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. The button of a communal violence was pressed

What happened to the hero in the end of “Another Community’?

A. died of pneumonia
B. killed in a cycle accident
C. Killed in communal violence
D. fled from communal violence
Answer» C. Killed in communal violence

How could the police identify the body of the hero in ”Another Community”?

A. by a scar on his face
B. Through the kerosene ration coupon in his pocket
C. through his passport
D. through his driving license.
Answer» B. Through the kerosene ration coupon in his pocket

“Had he been able to speak again, our friend would have spoken a lie and saved the city” Who is the friend under reference?

A. Noor Muhammed
B. The rustic girl
C. The hero in another community
D. Anasooya. S
Answer» C. The hero in another community

The unnamed hero’s body was found in -------

A. ditch
B. on the sea shore
C. in a forest
D. by the side of the municipal building
Answer» A. ditch

“The English Teacher” is a novel by

A. R. K. Narayan
B. Mulk Raj Anand
C. Raja Rao
D. Girish Karanad
Answer» A. R. K. Narayan

Which among the following is not a poem by Gieve Patel?

A. On Killing a Tree
B. Poison Tree
C. Nargol
D. Commerce
Answer» B. Poison Tree

The message of the poem “On Killing a Tree” is

A. it tells us how to kill a tree
B. it is indifferent to killing of trees
C. it tells us we should never harm trees
D. none of the above
Answer» C. it tells us we should never harm trees

It takes much time to kill a tree because

A. the tree is tall
B. the tree is rigid
C. a tree takes so many years to grow
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. a tree takes so many years to grow

What are the possible interpretations of the poem “On Killing A Tree”?

A. Deep roots are not easy to be pulled out , so we have to be well rooted in life
B. Nature has the spirit of resilience, no matter how much we harm it.
C. the poem is a metaphor for rooting out the evil that has taken deep roots.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

The poem “Factories are Eye-sores” was written by

A. Gieve Patel
B. Baldoon Dingnra
C. kamala Das
D. Nizzim Ezekiel
Answer» B. Baldoon Dingnra

Which among the following is not a collection of poem by Baldoon Dingra?

A. Symphony of love
B. Beauty’s Sanctuary
C. Bird Sanctuary
D. Comes Ever the Dawn
Answer» C. Bird Sanctuary

The Factories are eye-sores because

A. They cause eye-sores
B. Factories burn and tickles eyes
C. The black smoke emanating from the factories blackens the landscape
D. all the above
Answer» C. The black smoke emanating from the factories blackens the landscape

‘The iron lines against the sky standing to eastward’ suggest

A. The iron gates of the factories
B. The smoke emanating from the chimneys
C. The machines
D. None of the above
Answer» B. The smoke emanating from the chimneys

How do thing of ugliness turn bright according to Baldoon Dingra?

A. When the bright rays of the Sun touches the chimney shaft
B. with the help of imagination
C. when portrayed by fanciful painters
D. none of the above
Answer» A. When the bright rays of the Sun touches the chimney shaft

The labourers are weary and desperate because

A. They are working day and night
B. they are working in mines
C. they are lazy
D. the atmosphere of the factory is grim with smoke and soil
Answer» D. the atmosphere of the factory is grim with smoke and soil

The word ‘scintillation’ means

A. Oscillation
B. A flash or sparkle of light
C. Cancellation
D. Decoration
Answer» B. A flash or sparkle of light

Calude Monnet is a

A. Italian poet
B. French painter
C. German playwright
D. Greek Sculptor
Answer» B. French painter

In which of the following poems does the allusion to Claude Monnet occur?

A. Factories are Eye-sores
B. On Killing a Tree
C. In the Sanatorium for Trees
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Factories are Eye-sores

The poem “In The Sanatorium for Trees” was written by------

A. Baldoon Dhingra
B. Veeran Kutty
C. K.M Sherrif
D. Gieve Patel
Answer» B. Veeran Kutty

Which among the following is not authored by Veerankutty?

A. Manassile Thee Matram
B. Manthrikam
C. Jalabhoopadam
D. Nalumanipookkal
Answer» A. Manassile Thee Matram

Who translated Veerankutty’s “Marangalude Ashupathri” into English?

A. K.M. Sherrif
B. Sir William Jones
C. Narayana Menon
D. None of the above
Answer» A. K.M. Sherrif

Who translated Ponkunnan Varkey’s “Shabdhikkunna Kalappa” into English?

A. K.M. Sherrif
B. Sir. Villiam Jones
C. Narayana Menon
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Narayana Menon

The word sanatorium means

A. a lunatic asylum
B. a bird sanctuary
C. an establishment for medical treatment of people suffering from chronic illness
D. a planetarium
Answer» C. an establishment for medical treatment of people suffering from chronic illness

The word probation means

A. Proscription
B. Prescription
C. A process of testing or observing the character or abilities of a person who is new to a role
D. None of the above
Answer» C. A process of testing or observing the character or abilities of a person who is new to a role

The treatment of cancer by the use of chemical substances like cytoxic and other drugs

A. Chemotherapy
B. Alchemy
C. Physiotherapy,
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Chemotherapy

“In The Sanatorium for Trees” shows a poignant awareness of -------

A. The impact of globalization
B. Killing of trees
C. The destruction of environment by human predator
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. The destruction of environment by human predator

A man can be at peace only when he ----------- himself to the life with nature.

A. Sentences
B. Convicts
C. Confirms
D. Warns
Answer» A. Sentences

In the poem “In the Sanatorium for Trees”, the poet requests us to walk gently through-----

A. The wards
B. The forest
C. The vestibule,
D. The narrow lane.
Answer» A. The wards

We can walk without fear in the sanatorium because

A. There is no one in the sanatorium
B. There are no wild animals in the sanatorium,
C. The plants and the trees in the sanatorium paralyzed with the concoctions which the human predators have poured into them,
D. The sanatorium is well protected.
Answer» C. The plants and the trees in the sanatorium paralyzed with the concoctions which the human predators have poured into them,

--------------are on chemotherapy.

A. The pappayas,
B. The pannagas,
C. The jackfruit tree,
D. The mallica plant.
Answer» B. The pannagas,

The word concoction means

A. Connotation
B. Conviction
C. Confession
D. A mixture of various elements.
Answer» D. A mixture of various elements.

“You are sentenced to life with the Sun, the rain and the wind” where does this line occur?

A. In the Sanatorium for Trees
B. On Killing a Tree
C. Abhijnana Sakuntalam
D. The Talking Plough.
Answer» A. In the Sanatorium for Trees

There is no return from the sanatorium because

A. Man can be at peace only when he sentences himself to life with nature
B. Man is undergoing a medical treatment.
C. Man is undergoing punishment.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Man can be at peace only when he sentences himself to life with nature

What does the moon do in the Sanatorium for Trees?

A. Rubs its a balm on barren heads,
B. Rehydrates parched desires,
C. Decongests swollen memories,
D. Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.
Answer» A. Rubs its a balm on barren heads,

What does the rain do in the Sanatorium for Trees?

A. Rubs it’s balm on barren heads,
B. Rehydrates parched desires,
C. Decongests swollen memories,
D. Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.
Answer» B. Rehydrates parched desires,

What does the Sun do in the Sanatorium for Trees?

A. Rubs its balm on barren heads,
B. Rehydrates parched desires,
C. Decongests swollen memories,
D. Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.
Answer» C. Decongests swollen memories,

What does the wind do in the Sanatorium for Trees?

A. Rubs its a balm on barren heads
B. Rehydrates parched desires
C. Decongests swollen memories
D. Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.
Answer» D. Rushes in with tincture and cotton wool.

“Abhijnanasakuntalam” of Kalidasa is -------

A. An epic
B. A myth
C. A legend
D. A drama
Answer» D. A drama

Who among the following translated “Abhijnanasakuntalam” into English?

A. William Empson
B. William Jones
C. William Wordsworth
D. William Logan.
Answer» B. William Jones

Who referred to Kalidasa as ‘The Indian Shakespeare’ ?

A. William Logan
B. William Wordsworth
C. William Empson
D. William Jones.
Answer» D. William Jones.

The story of the Play Abhijnanasakuntalam appears in the -------of The Mahabharatha.

A. The Adi parva
B. The Karna Parva
C. The Sthree Parva
D. The Drona Parva
Answer» A. The Adi parva

The story of “Abhijnanasakuntalam” is originally told in ---------

A. The Mahabharata
B. The Ramayana
C. The Panchathantra,
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. The Mahabharata

Shakuntala is the daughter of -----

A. Viswamitra
B. Durvasav
C. Kanva,
D. Dushyanta.
Answer» A. Viswamitra

Which among the following epithet is apt for Durvasa?

A. Angry-prone
B. Adamant
C. Haughty
D. All the above.
Answer» A. Angry-prone

The dominant rasa in the play “Abhijnanasakuntalam”

A. Haze
B. Sringara
C. Karuna
D. Soka
Answer» B. Sringara

Kanva is Shakuntala’s -------

A. Father
B. Master
C. Teacher
D. Foster Father
Answer» D. Foster Father

“Who would pour boiling water on the blossom of a tender Mallica?”What does boiling water stand for in the context?

A. Durvasa’s curse,
B. Dushyantya’s forgetfulness,
C. Viswamitra’s negligence,
D. Sakuntala’s melancholy.
Answer» A. Durvasa’s curse,

Who among the following gives the description of the rising of the Sun and the setting of the Moon at the same time in the play “Abhijnanasakuntalam”?

A. a pupil of Kanva,
B. Dushyanta,
C. Shakuntala,
D. Anasooya
Answer» A. a pupil of Kanva,

The moral conveyed by the description of the rising of the Sun and the Setting of the Moon?

A. Men should be equally firm in prosperous and in adverse fortune.
B. Prosperity and adversity are natural like the rising and the setting of the Sun and the Moon
C. Prosperity and adversity are like the spokes of a wheel.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Who are referred to in the play Abhijnanasakuntalam as ‘Misracesi’?

A. Anasooya and Priyanvada,
B. Sarngavara and Saradwata,
C. both ‘a’ and ‘b’,
D. none of the above.
Answer» B. Sarngavara and Saradwata,

What leads to Dushyanta’s forgetfulness of Shakuntala?

A. Dhushyantya’s amorous life,
B. His absent-mindedness,
C. Durvasa’s curse ,
D. mental illness.
Answer» C. Durvasa’s curse ,

The only cure for Dushyanta’s forgetfulness is---

A. Nagacesara,
B. Leading a pious life,
C. The signet ring,
D. Sleeping one night in the robe of a wise man.
Answer» C. The signet ring,

The ring is lost when Shakuntala is-------

A. Sleeping,
B. Collecting flowers in the garden,
C. While crossing the river
D. Playing with her hand-maids
Answer» D. Playing with her hand-maids

The ring is discovered by-----

A. Gauthami,
B. Anasooya,
C. Priyamvade,
D. The fisher man.
Answer» D. The fisher man.

Act IV of Abhijnanasakuntalan brings home the truth that:

A. Separation is always melancholic,
B. Adversity and prosperitiy in life are only natural,
C. Man can be at peace only when he conforms himself to life with nature,
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.
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