
60+ Unit 4 Solved MCQs

in Services Marketing

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Master of Business Administration (MBA) .


Chapter: Unit 4

Service Guarantees are not appropriate when

A. It is easy to invoke
B. Buyer resistance is high
C. It involves restitution
D. Price of the service is low
Answer» B. Buyer resistance is high

Low cost airlines have changed the face of airline travel in India. In this scenario, which of the followings strategies cannot be considered as a good marketing strategy for an airline like Air Sahara?

A. Remove non-value added cost
B. Provide better service quality
C. Stop special offers and discount schemes
D. Develop trade alliances with travel agents
Answer» C. Stop special offers and discount schemes

Yield Management assumes importance in the context of

A. Waiting line strategies
B. Supply and demand management
C. Retention strategies
D. Repositioning
Answer» B. Supply and demand management

In the event of a mistake in service delivery, the organization’s priority should

A. Justify its actions
B. Protect its employees
C. Revise the procedures
D. Service recovery
Answer» D. Service recovery

Benchmarking is a process of comparison between the performance characteristics of separate, often competingorganization, intended to enable each participant to improve its own performance in the marketplace. Theprocess of benchmarking involves five steps. Which one of the following is the fourth step in the process of benchmarking?

A. The organization has to identify the critical business processes or areas that need to be benchmarked forimprovement
B. The organization has to determine the methods to be used for data collection from the company used forbenchmarking
C. The management should introduce the necessary changes in the organization to remove the performancegap and improve the service quality
D. The management should analyze the differences between the processes in the two companies to identifyits area for improvement
Answer» D. The management should analyze the differences between the processes in the two companies to identifyits area for improvement

Which level of investment in customer relationship building typified by the company like dell.com working continuously with their customers to discover ways to perform better?

A. Reactive Marketing
B. Accountable Marketing
C. Proactive Marketing
D. Partnership Marketing
Answer» D. Partnership Marketing

The tourism industry is dependent on various factors like the location of the country, its culture and tradition, thesocial and political status etc. This dependency has resulted in some unique characteristics or features of theindustry. Which of the following are the characteristics of tourism industry? I. Stable location. II. Intangibility. III. Huge financial investments. IV. Stable demand.

A. Both (I) and (III) above
B. Both (II) and (IV) above
C. (I), (II) and (III) above
D. (I), (III) and (IV) above
Answer» A. Both (I) and (III) above

A service organization can deliver quality service to its customers if it follows a systematic method in identifyingthecustomers‘ needs. Christopher Lovelock suggested that the various supplementary services offered acrossvarious industries can be grouped into eight categories. Which of the following is not one of these categories?

A. Order-giving
B. Hospitality
C. Consultation
D. Safekeeping
Answer» A. Order-giving

Airlines can try to influence demand for their products and control the perishability characteristic of service by:

A. Creating a slogan that focuses on service reliability
B. Doing away with the poor image of airplane food
C. Offering roomier seats
D. Cultivating non-peak demand
Answer» D. Cultivating non-peak demand

A customer comes to a restaurant and demands a table facing the street which is alreadyoccupied for the evening. The Floor Manager’s ability to deal with the customer is anexample of the restaurant’s ability in:

A. Recovery
B. Adaptability
C. Level of trust
D. Coping
Answer» D. Coping

The relationship between a company and its customers needs to be mutually rewarding and fulfilling. Which ofthe following is not the four R‘s of rewarding relationships?

A. Realization
B. Reimbursement
C. Relevance and respect
D. Response
Answer» B. Reimbursement

To produce a better match between the number of people who want to eat at a restaurant on weekends and the availability of food and personnel to provide service to those people, a restaurant can:

A. Use a price equilibrium strategy
B. Eliminate the reservation system
C. Eliminate complementary services
D. Hire part-time employees
Answer» D. Hire part-time employees

Service organizations often tend to ignore the feeling of customers when they are kept waiting. —The psychology of waiting lines“ is an article written by David Maister with various principles to provide more insights into ‘waiting‘ for both customers as well as service providers. Which of the following is not true about the principlesof waiting?

A. Pre-process waits seem longer than in-process waits
B. Anxiety makes the waiting period seem longer
C. Unexplained waits are shorter than explained waits
D. Physical discomfort makes waiting feel longer
Answer» C. Unexplained waits are shorter than explained waits

Eating out in a restaurant with white linen napkins, candlelight, and a wine list is an example of which of the following categories?

A. A pure tangible good
B. A tangible good with accompanying services
C. A hybrid
D. A major service with accompanying minor goods and services
Answer» C. A hybrid

All of the following statements about customer waiting time are true except:

A. Unoccupied waiting time appears to be longer than occupied waiting time.
B. Waiting before the service seems longer than waiting during the service encounter.
C. Customer anxiety makes waiting seem longer.
D. The more expensive and the more important a service is to the customer, the less they are willing to wait for service.
Answer» D. The more expensive and the more important a service is to the customer, the less they are willing to wait for service.

If the marketing department for a tutoring service hires a class of graduate students to conduct and tabulate research on consumer rankings of its educational offerings, the tutoring service is increasing its productivity through:

A. Adopting a manufacturing approach
B. Requiring service providers to work more quickly
C. Increasing the quality of service provided by surrendering some quantity
D. Finding a more effective way to perform a necessary task
Answer» D. Finding a more effective way to perform a necessary task

Which of the following statements can be associated with the phenomenon of Marketing Myopia?

A. The firm produces large quantities of products to decrease the cost per unit, ignoring market requirements
B. The firm believes that there are no major competitors
C. The firm increases the product price, in the belief that general public is growing richer by the day
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Companies are now offering services like selling and delivering products over the internet. What is this kind of business service known as?

A. Outsourcing
B. E-commerce
C. Reengineering
D. BPOing
Answer» B. E-commerce

What is benchmarking?

A. A PA system
B. A measure of productivity
C. A standard against which performance is measured
D. A process where a firm sets a target for itself
Answer» D. A process where a firm sets a target for itself

The mutual fund market can be segmented based on the investment objective of the investors. Since customerneeds are different, the market can be segmented into the various funds based on the differences. Which of thefollowing funds provides capital appreciation over the medium to long term?

A. Income funds
B. Growth funds
C. Tax saving schemes
D. Money market funds
Answer» B. Growth funds

The world's largest industry in the private sector and highest projected generator of jobs is:

A. Business services
B. The hospitality industry
C. Health services
D. Professional services
Answer» C. Health services

The service sector that is the fastest growing sector in terms of employment is:

A. Wholesale and retail trade
B. Transportation and warehousing
C. Financial activities
D. Education and health services
Answer» D. Education and health services

The leisure and hospitality industry comprises a variety of services. Which of the following is not one of them?

A. Food service
B. Lodging
C. Travel and tourism
D. All the above are part of the hospitality industry
Answer» D. All the above are part of the hospitality industry

The professional and business sector includes all of the following except:

A. Computer services
B. Legal advice
C. Hospitals
D. Accounting
Answer» C. Hospitals

Which one of the following can be considered a high-contact service?

A. Postal service
B. Health care
C. Banking
D. Dry cleaning
Answer» C. Banking

ICICI-Pru Life Insurance has introduced a new Insurance product for children with a very lower expense ratio. The pricing strategy followed would be:

A. Market skimming
B. Price discrimination
C. Penetration pricing
D. Return on investment
Answer» C. Penetration pricing

The main enabling factor for the global reach of services is:

A. Airline connectivity
B. Customer demands
C. Government rules
D. Technology
Answer» D. Technology

Some three star hotels like Taj Tri-Star at Hyderabad offer a free dinner to kids accompanying adults, during apromotional campaign. This is an example of

A. Sampling
B. Quantity promotion
C. Premiums
D. Coupons
Answer» D. Coupons

80/20 rule is:

A. Percentage of marks obtained by the service providers
B. 20% of customers produce 80% of sales
C. A simple mathematical equation whose answer is 4
D. A salesman incentive scheme
Answer» B. 20% of customers produce 80% of sales

Low cost airlines have changed the face of airline travel in India. In this scenario, whichof the followings strategies cannot be considered as a good marketing strategy for anairline like Air Sahara?

A. Remove non-value added cost
B. Provide better service quality
C. Stop special offers and discount schemes
D. Develop trade alliances with travel agents
Answer» C. Stop special offers and discount schemes

Which one of the following belongs to Trade services?

A. Consulting, finance and banking.
B. Retailing, maintenance and repair.
C. Communications and transportation.
D. Restaurants and health care
Answer» B. Retailing, maintenance and repair.

Which one of the following belongs to social/personal services?

A. Consulting, finance and banking.
B. Retailing, maintenance and repair.
C. Communications and transportation.
D. Restaurants and health care
Answer» D. Restaurants and health care

Which one of the following belongs to Infrastructure services?

A. Consulting, finance and banking.
B. Retailing, maintenance and repair.
C. Communications and transportation.
D. Restaurants and health care
Answer» C. Communications and transportation.

Which one of the following belongs to public administration services?

A. Education and Government.
B. Retailing, maintenance and repair.
C. Communications and transportation.
D. Restaurants and health care.
Answer» C. Communications and transportation.

_______ firms may serve the business market, the private individual or may serve bothmarket segments.

A. Consumer oriented service.
B. Professional services.
C. Personal services.
D. Trade services.
Answer» A. Consumer oriented service.

Quality circle was born in the year_____.

A. 1973
B. 1965
C. 1971
D. 1963
Answer» D. 1963

Identify the one which comes under service marketing ______.

A. insurance
B. motor cars
C. refrigerators
D. television
Answer» A. insurance

Service sector that provided outsourced services such as advertising, credit reporting andcollection and building maintenance to businesses is known as _______.

A. business services.
B. hospitality services.
C. health care services.
D. professional services.
Answer» A. business services.

Services such as hospitals, physicians, group practices and home health care that providephysical care to consumers is known as _________.

A. business services.
B. hospitality services.
C. health care services.
D. professional services.
Answer» C. health care services.

Services such as accounting, engineering, research and management consulting provided byfirms traditionally classified as _________.

A. business services.
B. hospitality services.
C. health care services.
D. professional services.
Answer» D. professional services.

Maintenance and business advisory services are included in

A. business services
B. business supplies
C. industry capital items
D. accessory equipment
Answer» A. business services

Pure tangible good and pure services are two extremes of

A. market offering
B. exchange of goods
C. ownership
D. logistic channels
Answer» A. market offering

Marketing services agencies includes

A. Marketing consulting firms
B. Media firms
C. Marketing research firms
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

Factors that can help in differentiation of services includes

A. delivery and installation
B. customer training and consultation
C. ordering ease
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Degree to which manufactured units are identical and meet specification given by customersis classified as

A. reliability
B. durability
C. performance quality
D. conformance quality
Answer» D. conformance quality

Which sector should have the most concern for environmental issues?

A. Transport services
B. Professional and Business Services
C. Wholesale and Retail Trade
D. Education and Health Services
Answer» A. Transport services

Traditional service classification schemes include all of the following except:

A. the degree of tangibility
B. skill level of the provider
C. appearance of the provider
D. the goal of the service providers
Answer» D. the goal of the service providers

An e-service is a (an) __________ available via the net.

A. service
B. business process
C. application
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The growth in the number of time-pressured consumers has led to an increase in timesavingservices such as:

A. Restaurants
B. Housekeeping
C. Hairstyling shops
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

If you are staying in a five star hotel, you are an

A. Extra high budgeted tourist
B. Guest of the hotel
C. Middle budgeted tourist
D. Guest of the company that has invited you
Answer» A. Extra high budgeted tourist

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