200+ The Glorious Caliphate Solved MCQs


Jihad is considered as the sixth pillar of Islam by:

A. Sunnis
B. Shias
C. Kharijites
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Kharijites

The only daughter survived Prophet Muhammed was:

A. Rugayya
B. Ummu Kulsu
C. Fatima
D. Aisha
Answer» C. Fatima

The Muhajjirins originally belongs to:

A. Mecca
B. Medina
C. Abyssina
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Mecca

Ansars means:

A. Supporters
B. Helpers
C. Successors
D. Delegates
Answer» B. Helpers

Hijaz is composed of:

A. Mecca
B. Medina
C. Taif
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Quran was compiled by:

A. Prophet Muhammed
B. Umar
C. Zayd ibn Thabit
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Zayd ibn Thabit

Amr ibn Aas was a:

A. Syrian prince
B. Warrior
C. Poet
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Warrior

The adopted son of Prophet Muhammed was:

A. Zayd ibn Thabit
B. Zayd ibn Harith
C. Khalid ibn Walid
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Zayd ibn Harith

The only Syrian campaign during the era of Prophet Muhammed was:

A. Battle of Hunayn
B. Thabut expedition
C. Battle of Muta
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Battle of Muta

Muslims defeated Christian forces of Ghassanids in the battle of:

A. Ajnadyn
B. Marj Rahit
C. Marj Suffar
D. Battle of Cross
Answer» B. Marj Rahit

Khalid ibn Walid was replaced by as a commander:

A. Amr ibn Aas
B. Abu Ubaydah
C. Ikrima
D. Salman al-Farsi
Answer» B. Abu Ubaydah

Battle at Jalula is associated with:

A. Persians
B. Syrians
C. Egyptians
D. Greeks
Answer» A. Persians

The Persians were ethnically:

A. Aryans
B. Semitics
C. Mawalis
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Aryans

The Qarmatian movement was controlled by:

A. Persians
B. Romans
C. Greeks
D. Egyptians
Answer» A. Persians

The conquest of Egypt under Umar was commanded by:

A. Khalid ibn Walid
B. Amr ibn Aas
C. Abu Ubaidah
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Amr ibn Aas

Al-Farama was situated in:

A. Persia
B. Egypt
C. Antioch
D. Tripoli
Answer» B. Egypt

The old name of al-Fustat was:

A. Byzantine
B. Cyrus
C. Heliopolis
D. Cyprus
Answer» C. Heliopolis

The first mosque in Egypt was erected by:

A. Khalid ibn Walid
B. Abu Ubaidah
C. Ikrima
D. Amr ibn Aas
Answer» D. Amr ibn Aas

The old name of Cairo was:

A. Al-Misr
B. Al-Qahirah
C. Cyrus
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Al-Qahirah

The first island added by Muslims under Uthman was:

A. Antioch
B. Cyprus
C. Armenia
D. Al-Fustat
Answer» B. Cyprus

The first maritime victory of Islam was the occupation of:

A. Antioch
B. Armenia
C. Cyprus
D. Al-Fustat
Answer» C. Cyprus

Dhu al-Sawari, the battle was won by Muslims against:

A. Byzantines
B. Persians
C. Greeks
D. Egyptians
Answer» A. Byzantines

Who among the following is considered as the first admiral in Islam:

A. Khalid ibn Walid
B. Amr ibn Aas
C. Muawiyyah
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Muawiyyah

The Arab navy was developed under :

A. Muawiyyah
B. Abu Ubaidah
C. Amr ibn Aas
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Muawiyyah

Who among the following is considered as the founder of the second theocracy of Islam:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

The land tax was introduced by:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

Kheraj is:

A. land tax
B. poll tax
C. charity payment
D. none of the above
Answer» A. land tax

The first Caliph to establish the institution of judgeship was :

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

The main accusation against Uthman was:

A. Recession of Quran
B. Nepotism
C. Soft Character
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Ali was accessed to power on:

A. 654 AD
B. 656 AD
C. 658 AD
D. 661 AD
Answer» B. 656 AD

Kharijites means:

A. successors
B. Seceders
C. martyrs
D. none of the above
Answer» B. Seceders

First mulk (dynasty) in the history of Islam was:

A. Umayyads
B. Abbasids
C. Fatimids
D. Ottomans
Answer» A. Umayyads

The Umayyad dynasty was established on:

A. 656
B. 661
C. 749
D. None of the above
Answer» B. 661

The first maritime victory of Islam over Cyprus was led by:

A. Amr ibn Aas
B. Khalid ibn Walid
C. Muawiyyah
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Muawiyyah

Which among the following was not a capital of Muslim rule:

A. Mecca
B. Medina
C. Kufa
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Mecca

Iran was captured during the Caliphate of:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

Shurah means:

A. Council
B. Source of Income
C. Nme of War
D. Chapter of Quran
Answer» A. Council

Jerusalem was captured during the Caliphate of:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar I
C. Uthman
D. Muawiyyah
Answer» B. Umar I

First Qibla of Islam:

A. Medina
B. Mecca
C. Jerusalem
D. Palestine
Answer» C. Jerusalem

Opening chapter of “The Quran.”:

A. Al-Nisa
B. Al-Noor
C. Al-Fathiha
D. Al-Baqara
Answer» C. Al-Fathiha

Who gave the title ‘Siddique’ to Abu Bakr:

A. Prophet Muhammed
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» A. Prophet Muhammed

Governor of Egypt during the Caliphate of Umar:

A. Muawiyyah
B. Musa al-Ashari
C. Amr ibn Aas
D. Marwan
Answer» C. Amr ibn Aas

The first battle fought between Muslim and Muslims:

A. Battle of Bridge
B. Battle of Chain
C. Battle of Siffin
D. Battle of Camel
Answer» D. Battle of Camel

The Quraish leader who led the Battle of Badr:

A. Abu Sufyan
B. Khalid ibn Walid
C. Abu Jahl
D. Abu Lahb
Answer» C. Abu Jahl

The Hijrah year was introduced by:

A. Prophet Muhammed
B. Abu Bakr
C. Umar
D. Muwiyyah
Answer» C. Umar

Hazrat Ali was assassinated in the year:

A. 634 AD
B. 644 AD
C. 658 AD
D. 661 AD
Answer» D. 661 AD

Among the following, which false prophet married false prophetess Sajah?

A. Musailimah
B. Tulaihah
C. Aswad Ansi
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Musailimah

Who succeeded Hazrat Ali as Caliph?

A. Amir Muawiyyah
B. Hassan
C. Hussain
D. Abu Musa al-Ashari
Answer» B. Hassan

The hereditary monarchy in Islam was introduced by:

A. Abdul Malik
B. Al-Walid I
C. Muawiyyah
D. Yazid
Answer» C. Muawiyyah

Yathrib is old name of:

A. Medina
B. Mecca
C. Damascus
D. Baghdad
Answer» A. Medina

Ummah means:

A. Prophet’s family
B. Muslim community
C. All citizens of an Islamic state
D. Arab aristocrats
Answer» B. Muslim community

The term ‘fertile crescent’ includes:

A. Mecca
B. Medina
C. Egypt
D. Yemen
Answer» C. Egypt

The term Hellenistic refers to:

A. Persians
B. Syrians
C. Romans
D. Greeks
Answer» D. Greeks

Habibah was the wife of:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» A. Abu Bakr

How many times, the term khalifa comes in Quran:

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» B. Two

In the Battle of Siffin, Ali’s forces were commanded by:

A. Khalid ibn Walid
B. Malik al-Ashar
C. Amr ibn Aas
D. Musa al-Ashari
Answer» B. Malik al-Ashar

Which comes the following is the earliest sect of Islam:

A. Shia
B. Kharijites
C. Murijites
D. Asharites
Answer» B. Kharijites

Dhu al-Faqar:

A. Sufistic sect in Islam
B. Sword of Ali
C. Title given to able commander
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Sword of Ali

The unity of all Muslims across the world is termed as:

A. Ikhwanul Muslimun
B. Pan-Islamism
C. Dar al-Islam
D. Ahl ul-Bait
Answer» B. Pan-Islamism

In Muslim tradition who is referred as al-Kahahab:

A. Abu Ubaidah
B. Musailimah
C. Tulayhah
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Musailimah

During the period of Umar, the ruler of Persia was:

A. Heraclius
B. Yezdgird
C. Firuzan
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Yezdgird

The winning of Battle at ____ is considered as ‘victory of victories’ by Muslims:

A. Qadisiya
B. Jalula
C. Nehawand
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Nehawand

The advice of attempt for arbitration in the Battle of Siffin was given to Muawiyyah by :

A. Abu Musa Ashari
B. Amr ibn Aas
C. Yezid
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Amr ibn Aas

Malik al-Ashtar was a:

A. Commander
B. Sahabah
C. Governor
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Commander

Who is referred as ‘Lion of God’:

A. Umar
B. Ali
C. Khalid ibn Walid
D. Amr ibn Aas
Answer» B. Ali

The title the “Gate of Knowledge” given to

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» D. Ali

Who is referred as “Our Lady of Light”:

A. Khadeeja
B. Fathima
C. Aisha
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Aisha

Which among the Caliphs were rejected by Shias:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. all the above
Answer» D. all the above

Which Caliph withdrew the privileges granted to non-Muslims:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» C. Uthman

The office of Hajib or Chamberlain was created by :

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» D. Ali

The first ruler in Islam who fixed the salaries of judges was:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

Diwan al-Shurta was introduced by:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» D. Ali

Umar introduced Hijra calendar under the advice of:

A. Uthman
B. Ali
C. Talha
D. Zubair
Answer» B. Ali

During the era of Rashidun Caliphate, the revenue of common wealth was derived from:

A. Zakat
B. Kheraj
C. Jiziya
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Muawiyyah became the defacto ruler of Islam, after the abdication of :

A. Uthman
B. Ali
C. Hassan
D. Hussain
Answer» C. Hassan

Muawiyyah changed the capital of Muslim rule from Kufa to:

A. Medina
B. Damascus
C. Constantinople
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Damascus

The successor of Ali in Rashidun Caliphate was:

A. Muawiyyah
B. Hussain
C. Hassan
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Hassan

All the Rashidun Caliphs belongs to :

A. Muhajjirins
B. Ansars
C. Legitimists
D. none of the above
Answer» A. Muhajjirins

The leader of Ansar group was:

A. Abu Ubaidah
B. Uqbah
C. Sad ibn Ubaidah
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Sad ibn Ubaidah

During the period of Abu Bakr, the apostasy movement in Oman, Hadhramout and Yemen was dealt initially by

A. Khalid ibn Walid
B. Am rib Aas
C. Abu Ubaida
D. Ikrima
Answer» D. Ikrima

Which among the following is not a Semitic religion:

A. Judaism
B. Christianity
C. Zorastrianism
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Who among the following was not a commander under Caliph Umar:

A. Muthanna
B. Ikrima
C. Amr ibn Aas
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The conquest of Syria under Caliph Umar was completed in the year:

A. 635
B. 637
C. 640
D. 642
Answer» B. 637

During the conquest of Syria under Umar, the Muslim headquarters was at:

A. Damascus
B. Jabiah
C. Jabala
D. Babylonia
Answer» B. Jabiah

Who among the following is known as “mother of believers?”

A. Aminah
B. Fathima
C. Aishah
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Aishah

Who among the following was not a companion of Prophet Muhammed?

A. Talha
B. Zubair
C. Abdullah ibn Masud
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Who among the following is not associated with the Battle of Camel?

A. Aishah
B. Talha
C. Zubair
D. Ikrima
Answer» D. Ikrima

Which among the following was never been the capital of Muslim power?

A. Mecca
B. Medina
C. Kufa
D. Damascus
Answer» A. Mecca

The civil war in Islam is termed as:

A. Harb
B. Fitna
C. Jihad
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Fitna

Which among the following was not captured under the Khulafa-i- Rashidun:

A. Syria
B. Egypt
C. Jerusalem
D. Spain
Answer» D. Spain

Which Caliph utilized his wealth for the liberation of slaves?

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» A. Abu Bakr

Those who preserved Quran in memory are called as:

A. Ulama
B. Hafiz
C. Muthakallimun
D. Sheikh ul Islam
Answer» B. Hafiz

The Caliph who converted Arabs into a race of warriors was:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

The Caliph who separated judiciary from executive was:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

The title Amirul Muminun was adopted by:

A. Abu Bakr
B. Umar
C. Uthman
D. Ali
Answer» B. Umar

Jerusalem was captured under Umar on:

A. 637
B. 639
C. 641
D. 643
Answer» B. 639

Abdullah ibn Wahab was the leader of:

A. Shias
B. Kharijites
C. Apostasy Movement
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Kharijites

The Shiite religio-political system is surrounded on:

A. Caliphate
B. Imamate
C. Mulk
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Imamate

Zayd ibn Thabit is associated with:

A. Conquest of Syria
B. Conquest of Persia
C. Compilation of Quran
D. Question of succession
Answer» C. Compilation of Quran

The Khulafa-i-Rashidun was lasted for ____years:

A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 35
Answer» C. 30
  • Question and answers in The Glorious Caliphate,
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