
430+ Systems of indian Philosophy Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) .


Occasional duties according to Purvamimamsa is called

A. Nitya karma
B. Naimittika Karma
C. Kamya Karma
D. None of these
Answer» B. Naimittika Karma

Optional duties according to Purvamimamsa is called

A. Nitya karma
B. Naimittika Karma
C. Kamya Karma
D. None of these
Answer» C. Kamya Karma

The unseen potency of Soul according to Purvamimamsa is called

A. Apavarga
B. Apurva
C. Upadhana
D. Sadyatana
Answer» B. Apurva

Advaita Vedanta is the contribution of

A. Jaimini
B. Sri Sankaracharya
C. Kanada
D. Kapila
Answer» B. Sri Sankaracharya

The power of Illusion is called

A. Brahman
B. Atman
C. Maya
D. Iswara
Answer» C. Maya

Prathibhasika level of Reality belongs to

A. Waking stage
B. Dreaming stage
C. Both
D. None of these
Answer» B. Dreaming stage

Visishtaadvaita is the contribution of

A. Kanada
B. Ramanuja
C. Sri Sankaracharya
D. Kapila
Answer» B. Ramanuja

The relation of Brahman with Jiva and Jagat is called

A. Sayujya
B. Salokya
C. Samipiya
D. Apradhah Siddhi
Answer» D. Apradhah Siddhi

The founder of Dvaita is

A. Madhva
B. Ramanuja
C. Sri Sankaracharya
D. Jaimini
Answer» A. Madhva

Which among the following is not come under PanchaBheta

A. Difference between God and Soul
B. Difference between Soul and Matter
C. Difference between God and Man
D. Difference between God and Soul
Answer» C. Difference between God and Man

The Buddhist doctrine which holds that everything is momentary is called ________.

A. Nairatmyavada
B. Kshanikavada
C. PratityaSamutpadavada
D. Nayavada
Answer» B. Kshanikavada

The beginning of Indian medical science is found in the ________ Veda.

A. Rg
B. Yajur
C. Sama
D. Atharva
Answer» D. Atharva

The Jaina theory of epistemology is known as _________Vada.

A. Syad
B. Anekanta
C. Khyati
D. Nairatmya
Answer» A. Syad

The Vaisesika theory of causation is known as _________Vada.

A. Asatkarya
B. Satkarya
C. Parinama
D. Vivarta
Answer» A. Asatkarya

According to Samkhya, all material effects are modifications of __________.

A. Purusa
B. Manas
C. Prakrti
D. Soul
Answer» C. Prakrti

Through Samadhi, the Yogi reaches the stage of __________.

A. Kevalajnana
B. Nirvana
C. Moksa
D. Kaivalya
Answer» D. Kaivalya

_______ is the founder of Samkhya School the thought.

A. Gautama
B. Jaimini
C. Kapila
D. Kanada
Answer» C. Kapila

Visistadvaita, the theistic school of Vedanta, was founded by _________.

A. Madhva
B. Samkara
C. Nimbarka
D. Ramanuja
Answer» D. Ramanuja

The author of Brahmasutras is ___________.

A. Badarayana
B. Gautama
C. Kapila
D. Jaimini
Answer» A. Badarayana

The concept of Panchabedha is held by _________.

A. Advaita
B. Dvaita
C. Visistadvaita
D. Dvaitadvita
Answer» B. Dvaita

The term Pranayama in Yoga refers to _________.

A. withdrawal of senses
B. fixed attention
C. control of breathing
D. bodily posture
Answer» C. control of breathing

According to Mimamsa, ________ is the most important Pramana.

A. Pratyaksa
B. Upamana
C. Anumana
D. Sabda
Answer» D. Sabda

_________ is the oldest and most important of the Vedas.

A. Yajur
B. Sama
C. Rg
D. Atharva
Answer» C. Rg

The only pramana accepted by the Carvakas is _________. 2

A. Testimony
B. Inference
C. Comparison
D. Perception
Answer» D. Perception

________ is the concluding portion of the Vedas.

A. Brahmanas
B. Upanishads
C. Aranyakas
D. Samhitas
Answer» B. Upanishads

________ was the God of righteousness in the Vedic period.

A. Varuna
B. Agni
C. Vayu
D. Indra
Answer» A. Varuna

_________ is the founder of Nyaya School.

A. Kanada
B. Gautama
C. Patanjali
D. Kapila
Answer» B. Gautama

The Buddhist doctrine that rejects the concept of a separate self is known as ____________Vada.

A. Syad
B. Pratitysamutpada
C. Kshanika
D. Nairatmya
Answer» D. Nairatmya

According to Samkhya system, Prakrti is constituted of ________gunas.

A. Five
B. Three
C. Four
D. Six
Answer» B. Three

Jaimini is the founder of _________ system

A. Nyaya
B. Samkhya
C. Mimamsa
D. Vaisesika
Answer» C. Mimamsa

The Jaina theory of Reality is known as __________Vada.

A. Anekanata
B. Syad
C. Kshanika
D. Nairatmya
Answer» A. Anekanata

Prastanatraya includes Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita and ________.

A. Brahmasutras
B. Samkhyakarika
C. Nyaya sutras
D. Yoga sutra
Answer» A. Brahmasutras

Self-surrender to God unconditionally in Visitadvaita is known as _________.

A. Tattvatraya
B. Prapatti
C. Vairagya
D. Aprataksiddhi
Answer» B. Prapatti

Sankara is the greatest exponent of __________.

A. Dvaita
B. Dvaitadvatia
C. Visistadvaita
D. Advaita
Answer» D. Advaita

The Mantras and Brahmanas are called the _________ of the Vedas.

A. Jnana Kanda
B. Karma Kanda
C. Upasana Kanda
D. Aranya Kanda
Answer» B. Karma Kanda

The Noble Eight-Fold path is contained in the ____________Noble Truth.

A. First
B. Fourth
C. Second
D. Third
Answer» B. Fourth

The Ajiva category, according to Jainism is divided into _________.

A. Six
B. Four
C. Three
D. Five
Answer» D. Five

The first Tirthankara according to Jainism was _________.

A. Mahavira
B. Pashvantha
C. Rsabhadeva
D. Vardhamana
Answer» C. Rsabhadeva

Anupalabdi as a valid source of knowledge is accepted by __________.

A. Kumarila
B. Prabhakara
C. Gotama
D. Kanada
Answer» A. Kumarila

The concept Aprtaksiddhi is described in the philosophy of _________.

A. Madhva
B. Ramauja
C. Sankara
D. Gaudapada
Answer» B. Ramauja

According to NyayaVaisesika, the highest ideal to be attained is called _______.

A. Moksa
B. Apavarga
C. Jivanmukti
D. Nirvana
Answer» B. Apavarga

Jaina priests are commonly known as _________.

A. Brahmins
B. Arhants
C. Bodhisvattan
D. Tirthankaras
Answer» D. Tirthankaras

The author of the Yoga Sutras is ________.

A. Patanjali
B. Goutama
C. Prabhakara
D. Kanada
Answer» A. Patanjali

Abhava as a metaphysical category is accepted by _________.

A. Vaisesika
B. Samkhya
C. Purva Mimamsa
D. Jainism
Answer» A. Vaisesika

According to Ramanuja, Tattvatraya includes _________, Cit and Acit.

A. Maya
B. Isvara
C. Adravya
D. None of these
Answer» B. Isvara

According to Jainism, _________ is considered as the unlimited and absolute knowledge.

A. Manahparyaya
B. Kevelajnana
C. Aparoksajnana
D. Avadhi-jnana
Answer» B. Kevelajnana

‘The dialectics of seven steps’ is discussed in __________.

A. Buddhism
B. Advatia c) Jainism
C. Nyaya
D. Purva Mimamsa
Answer» C. Nyaya

In Yoga philosophy, Samprajnata and Asamprajnata are the stages of __________.

A. Samadhi
B. Dhyana
C. Asana
D. Dharana
Answer» A. Samadhi

Samyag Darsana is a component of __________.

A. Visistadvaita
B. Triratnas
C. Pancabhedas
D. None of these
Answer» B. Triratnas

According to Vaisesika, the reality is reduced to _________ categories.

A. Seven
B. eight
C. Five
D. Four
Answer» A. Seven

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