
110+ Basic of Social Anthropology Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) .


According Radcliffe Brown, the concept of ………………… refers to an arrangements of parts or components related to one another?

A. natural diffusion
B. structure
C. norms
D. cultural traits
Answer» B. structure

Which of the following statement is correct regarding social structure?

A. abstraction of empirical reality
B. exists independently of the individuals
C. not concerned with the particular or unique
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following movement led by Medha Patkar?

A. chipko movement
B. navdanya movement
C. narmada bachao andolan
D. jungle bachao andolan
Answer» C. narmada bachao andolan

“The fusion or blending of two previously distinct groups into one” the term refers to …………………?

A. assimilation
B. accommodation
C. cooperation
D. acculturation
Answer» A. assimilation

…………………… means transmission of cultural elements from one social group to another.

A. contravention
B. accommodation
C. acculturation
D. assimilation
Answer» C. acculturation

Culture has two distinctive part, one is Material culture and another is ……….……….

A. mass culture
B. non material culture
C. pop culture
D. micro culture
Answer» B. non material culture

“Primitive Culture” written by ………………….?

A. edward tylor
B. lh morgan
C. bronislaw malinowski
D. levi strauss
Answer» A. edward tylor

Who defined “case study as a comprehensive study of a social unit be that unit a person, a group, a social institution, a district or a community”?

A. john m cooper
B. marvin harris
C. ralph linton
D. pauline v young
Answer» D. pauline v young

Herskovitz argue that the process of enculturation is a process of ……………………?

A. segregation
B. assimilation
C. adaptation
D. contravention
Answer» C. adaptation

It is an intensive and comprehensive data collection method, in which researcher aim is to obtain complete and detailed data of a social phenomenon or social unit?

A. focused interview
B. archeology method
C. case study
D. geneological method
Answer» C. case study

Which of the following functionalist proposed that “Culture is a means to satisfy human needs”?

A. malinowski
B. robert k merton
C. emile durkheim
D. talcott parson
Answer» A. malinowski

The Khasis and the Jaintias tribes of Meghalaya speak in language belonging to the …………….. language family?

A. dravaidian
B. tibeto-chinese
C. indo-aryan
D. austro-asiatic
Answer» D. austro-asiatic

Anthropology is a specialized branch in ……………………..?

A. socio-cultural
B. physical
C. archeological
D. linguistic anthropology
Answer» B. physical

To ……………….., culture is an instrument which enables man to secure his bio-psychic survival and a higher mental intellectual survival?

A. bronislaw malinowski
B. talcott parson
C. edward burnett tylor
D. lewis henry morgan
Answer» A. bronislaw malinowski

According to D N Majumdar and T N Madan, which of the following classification related to tribal zone demarcated in India?

A. north-north eastern zone, middle zone, south zone, west zone
B. himalayan region, middle india, western india, south india, the islands
C. north-eastern india, middle india, southern india, north-western himalayas, andaman and nicobar islands zone
D. north-north eastern, the central or the middle, southern zone
Answer» D. north-north eastern, the central or the middle, southern zone

The term “Jhum” is used to represent …………………..?

A. terrace cultivation
B. hill cultivation
C. hoe and burn cultivation
D. shifting cultivation
Answer» B. hill cultivation

Which of the following is not an acculturation study?

A. jan breman’s study of tribals of south gujarat
B. sl doshis study of bhils
C. beteilles study of sripuram village
D. srinivas study of rampura village
Answer» D. srinivas study of rampura village

“Structure and function in primitive society” written by ……………………..?

A. malinowski
B. c h cooley
C. radcliffe brown
D. s f nadel
Answer» C. radcliffe brown

Which of the anthropologists termed anthropology as “Child of Darwin”?

A. r h lowie
B. john evans
C. james george frazer
D. r r marret
Answer» D. r r marret

In which state Kuki tribes live?

A. manipur
B. mizoram
C. arunachal pradesh
D. assam
Answer» A. manipur

According to K. S. Singh the term Tribe defined for the first time in the Census of

A. 1872
B. 1901
C. 1991
D. 1891
Answer» B. 1901

"it is both a conscious and an unconscious conditioning process where a man, as child and adult, achieves competence in his culture, internalizes his culture and becomes thoroughly enculturated." Can be defined as ………………….?

A. assimilation
B. acculturation
C. enculturation
D. contravention
Answer» C. enculturation

“The change in individuals whose primary learning has been in one culture and who take over traits from another culture” defined as ………………….?

A. acculturation
B. assimilation
C. enculturation
D. diffusion
Answer» A. acculturation

Culture regarded as an integrated whole, which includes ………………

A. beliefs and customs
B. language and norm
C. morals and art
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The concept “Parochialization” propounded by ……………………?

A. mckim marriot
B. c h cooley
C. georg simmel
D. kingsley davis
Answer» A. mckim marriot

Among the notified tribal communities,…………….. is the dominant tribal community in Kerala.

A. kurumbas
B. kadars
C. paniyar
D. koragas
Answer» C. paniyar

Who defined as culture as communicable intelligence?

A. redfield
B. marret
C. ruth benedict
D. bidney
Answer» B. marret

Which of the following factors is a hindering to assimilation process?

A. economic development of host community
B. cultural dissimilarity
C. prejudices
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which district in Kerala has the largest tribal population?

A. idukki
B. wayanad
C. palakkad
D. pathanamthitta
Answer» B. wayanad

In which district of Kerala did the Chengara agitation take place?

A. wayanad
B. pathanamhtitta
C. idukki
D. palakkad
Answer» B. pathanamhtitta

…………….. Means adopting the characteristics of culture from other society?

A. contravention
B. cooperation
C. diffusion
D. isolation
Answer» C. diffusion

Which of the following features is an incorrect statement regarding the tribe?

A. definite geographical and social area
B. cultural heterogeneity
C. hierarchy among men and groups is absent
D. having a common dialect
Answer» B. cultural heterogeneity

According to 2011 census, how many major tribal communities identified in Kerala?

A. 35
B. 30
C. 38
D. 33
Answer» A. 35

When there is exchange of culture traits and complexes, it may be called …………………?

A. diffusion
B. transculturation
C. co-operation
D. integration
Answer» B. transculturation

The term “Little tradition and Great tradition” proposed by ………………..?

A. robert e park
B. robert m maciver
C. robert k merton
D. robert redfield
Answer» D. robert redfield

Which of the following statement is true regarding assimilation?

A. it is a slow and gradual process
B. it is an unconscious process
C. it provide permanent solution to group dispute
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

It is a process by which a minority integrates socially, culturally and politically into a larger or a dominant culture of a society?

A. cooperation
B. accommodation
C. assimilation
D. contravention
Answer» C. assimilation

The Koragar tribe is mainly located in the ...........................district of Kerala.

A. palakkad
B. idukki
C. malappuram
D. kasargod
Answer» D. kasargod

What is the meaning of “Anthropos”?

A. animal
B. man
C. masculine
D. gender
Answer» B. man

Who defined ‘a tribe as a social group of simple kind, the members of which speak a common dialect, have a single government, and act together for such common purposes as warfare’

A. w.h.r. rivers
B. g h mead
C. erving goffman
D. l p vidyarthi
Answer» A. w.h.r. rivers

The de-notified tribes were earlier known as

A. scheduled tribe
B. primitive tribe
C. criminal tribes
D. primitive society
Answer» C. criminal tribes

Which of the following is not a type of case study method?

A. selective case study
B. single case study
C. deviant case study
D. comparative case study
Answer» A. selective case study

………………… is the primitive tribe and only found in the Malappuram District?

A. kadars
B. kattunaikans
C. cholanaikkans
D. kurumbas
Answer» C. cholanaikkans

Who defined "Evolution is the integration of matter and concomitant dissipation of motion during which matter passes from an indefinite incoherent homogeneity to definite, coherent heterogeneity, and during which the retained motion undergoes a parallel transformation."

A. charles darwin
B. august comte
C. talcott parson
D. herbert parson
Answer» D. herbert parson

It is a cultural process in which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, norms and values that enable them to become functioning members of their societies?

A. diffusion
B. enculturation
C. assimilation
D. accommodation
Answer» B. enculturation

The term “cultural lag” introduced in the work of ……………………..?

A. social change with respect to culture and original nature
B. social changes in 1931
C. the social construction of reality
D. on culture and social change
Answer» A. social change with respect to culture and original nature

Which of the following features of a tribe is correct?

A. least functional interdependence within the community
B. inhabiting a specific geographical area or territory
C. known by a distinct name and strong sense of belongingness
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

David Hardiman used ………………… term to refer tribal people in Gujarat?

A. girijan
B. jana jati
C. kaliparaja
D. adim jati
Answer» C. kaliparaja

The Irular tribe is mainly located in the .............................. district of Kerala.

A. palakkad
B. malappuram
C. pathanamthitta
D. wayanad
Answer» A. palakkad

Physical anthropology is the study of ……………………..?

A. racial and cultural distribution of man
B. the study of works of man
C. application of the findings of cultural and ethnology
D. human evolution and growth
Answer» D. human evolution and growth

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