
210+ Society, Environment and Human Rights Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) , Sociology (CBCS) .


Which of the following rights are available to foreigners living in India?

A. Equality before law
B. Right to education
C. Freedom of speech
D. Freedom of movement
Answer» B. Right to education

In which part and article of the Constitution of India, Fundamental Duties have been mentioned:

A. Part IV, Article 51
B. Part III, Article 51
C. Part IV A, Article 51 A
D. Part III A, Article 51
Answer» C. Part IV A, Article 51 A

Which one of the following rights was recognized by the Supreme Court in the Selvy Case Judgement (2010)?

A. Right to Mental Privacy
B. Right to purchase property in Jammu and Kashmir
C. Right to form pressure groups
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Right to purchase property in Jammu and Kashmir

Which one of the following writs is issued against an inferior tribunal which has declined to exercise its jurisdiction?

A. Certiorari
B. Prohibition
C. Quo Warranto
D. Mandamus
Answer» D. Mandamus

Which one of the following does not qualify for curtailing the freedom of speech and expression under Indian Constitution?

A. Security of the state
B. Public order, decency, morality
C. Demand for autonomy
D. Contempt of Court
Answer» C. Demand for autonomy

Which of the following kinds of special provisions are made for the Scheduled Tribes in India?
1. Reservation of seats in LokSabha and State Legislative Assemblies.
2. Central Government to give special grants for welfare.
3. Reservation of seats in public services and in employment
4. Reservation of seats in educational institutions.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below.

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1, 3 and 4
C. 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer» D. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Which of the following political rights are not available to a civil servant ion India?
1. Expressing a political view
2. Supporting a political movement
3.Contributing financially to a political party
4. Voting in state and national elections
Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

A. 1, 3 and 4
B. 2, 3 and 4
C. 1, 2 and 3
D. 2 and 3
Answer» C. 1, 2 and 3

Which of the following has been provided by the Indian Constitution?

A. Religious education cannot be imparted in private educational institutions
B. In private religious institutions presence is not compulsory in religious education.
C. In private religious institutions presence is compulsory in religious education.
D. Religious education can be imparted in government educational institutions.
Answer» B. In private religious institutions presence is not compulsory in religious education.

Which of the following amendments to the Indian Constitution has made Right to Education a Fundamental Right?

A. 92nd
B. 94th
C. 93rd
D. 91st
Answer» C. 93rd

Right to privacy as a Fundamental Right is implied in

A. Right to Freedom
B. Right to Life and personal Liberty
C. Right to Equality
D. Right against Exploitation
Answer» B. Right to Life and personal Liberty

The Right to Information Act, 2005 makes the provision of

A. Dissemination of all types of information by all Public authorities to any person.
B. Establishment of Central, State and District Level Information Commissions as an appellate body.
C. Transparency and accountability in Public authorities.
D. All of the above.
Answer» A. Dissemination of all types of information by all Public authorities to any person.

Which of the following rights was considered the “Heart and Soul” of the Indian Constitution by Dr.B.R.Ambedkar?

A. Freedom of Speech
B. Right to Equality
C. Right to Freedom of Religion
D. Right to Constitutional Remedies.
Answer» D. Right to Constitutional Remedies.

The Fundamental Duties of a Citizen include
1. Respect for the Constitution, the National Flag and the National Anthem.
2. To develop the scientific temper.
3. Respect for the Government
4. To protect Wildlife.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 2, 3 and 4
D. 1, 3, 4 and 2
Answer» B. 1, 2 and 4

The right to impart and receive information is guaranteed in the Constitution of India by Article:

A. 19 (2) A
B. 19 (16)
C. 19 (2)
D. 19 (1) A
Answer» D. 19 (1) A

Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution of India safeguards the rights of Minorities to establish and run educational institutions of their own liking?

A. Article 19
B. Article 29
C. Article 30
D. Article 31
Answer» C. Article 30

. Article 30 of the Indian Constitution deals with the

A. Freedom of conscience
B. Right to propagate religion
C. Rights of minorities to establish and manage educational institutions
D. Cultural and educational right of the majority community
Answer» C. Rights of minorities to establish and manage educational institutions

Fundamental rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution can be suspended only by

A. A proclamation of an emergency
B. An Act passed by the Parliament
C. An amendment of the Constitution
D. The judicial decision of the Supreme Court
Answer» A. A proclamation of an emergency

Right to education relates to

A. Article 19
B. Article 20
C. Article 21
D. Article 21A
Answer» D. Article 21A

Right to education is a

A. Fundamental right
B. Legal right
C. Natural right
D. Neither fundamental nor legal right
Answer» A. Fundamental right

When Right to Information Act came into force in India?

A. 10th October 2005
B. 11th October 2005
C. 12th October 2005
D. 13th October 2005
Answer» C. 12th October 2005

Article 14-18 of the Constitution deal with

A. Right to equality
B. Right to Assembly
C. Right to Property
D. Right to Expression
Answer» A. Right to equality

Which among the following is not among six fundamental rights provided by Constitution?

A. Right to equality
B. Right to Protest
C. Right against exploitation
D. Right to freedom of religion
Answer» B. Right to Protest

Which Article ensures abolition of Untouchability?

A. Article 16
B. Article 17
C. Article 18
D. Article 19
Answer» B. Article 17

Which article ensures Abolition of Titles?

A. Article 16
B. Article 17
C. Article 18
D. Article 19
Answer» C. Article 18

Article 19 provides six freedoms, which is not among them?

A. Freedom of speech and expression.
B. Assemble peacefully and without arms
C. Form associations or unions
D. Reside and settle in any part of your state only.
Answer» D. Reside and settle in any part of your state only.

The idea of Fundamental Rights was adopted from

A. Greece
B. America
C. Australia
D. Finland
Answer» B. America

Fundamental Rights are incorporated in which part of the Constitution?

A. Part III
B. Part II
C. Part IV
D. Part IX
Answer» A. Part III

Which Fundamental Right deleted by 44th Constitutional amendment?

A. Right to equality
B. Right to Assembly
C. Right to Property
D. Right to Expression
Answer» C. Right to Property

Who told” Constitution is the aggregate of laws and customs”

A. Dicey
B. Bryce
C. Fine
D. None of them.
Answer» B. Bryce

A Constitution can be only

A. Written
B. Custom and usuages
C. Both written and unwritten
D. None of them
Answer» C. Both written and unwritten

“ A Constitution is not made, it grows” said by

A. Dicey
B. Strong
C. © Maine
D. None of them
Answer» C. © Maine

A Preamble to the Constitution means

A. A Preface
B. An introduction
C. A justiciable
D. None of them.
Answer» A. A Preface

.Directive Principles of State policy are found in

A. Part I
B. Part II
C. Part III
D. Part IV
Answer» D. Part IV

Fundamental Rights are found in

A. Part I
B. Part II
C. Part III
D. Part IV
Answer» C. Part III

Who is the following is called the father of the Preamble to the Constitution

A. Pandit Nehru
B. Gandhiji
C. B. N Rao
D. None of them
Answer» A. Pandit Nehru

The Directive Principles aims at a

A. Secular State
B. Welfare State
C. Totalitarian State
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Welfare State

The term „Democratic‟ used in the preamble denotes

A. Political democracy
B. Social democracy
C. Economic democracy
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

The idea of Directive Principles of state policy was borrowed from

A. America
B. Ireland
C. Canada
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Ireland

The words‟ secular and socialist‟ were added to the Indian Constitution by amending the

A. Fundamental Rights
B. Fundamental Duties
C. Preamble
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Preamble

Which part of the Indian Constitution is described as „Magna Carta‟?

A. Part II
B. Part III
C. Part IV
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Part III

What is „Magna carta‟?

A. Charter of rights
B. Economic Journal
C. Social Magazine
D. None of these
Answer» A. Charter of rights

Which one of the following is the first written document relating to the fundamental rights of citizen?

A. Magna Carta
B. Preamble
C. Fundamental duties
D. None of these
Answer» A. Magna Carta

In which year „Right to Property‟ was deleted as fundamental right?

A. 1978
B. 1979
C. 1980
D. 1981.
Answer» A. 1978

The Constitution of India was adopted in

A. 1949
B. 1950
C. 1960
D. None of these.
Answer» A. 1949

The Constitution of India came into force on

A. 15th August 1947
B. 26th November 1949
C. 26th January 195
D. None of these
Answer» C. 26th January 195

The Prime Minister must be a member of

A. Loksabha
B. Rajyasabha
C. Supreme Court
D. None of these
Answer» A. Loksabha

The Governor of a state is appointed by-

A. The President
B. The Prime Minister
C. The Chief Justice of India
D. None of them.
Answer» A. The President

Which article was known as ‘seven freedoms’ in our constitution

A. Art.17
B. Art.32
C. Art.19
D. Art. 18
Answer» C. Art.19

Freedom of Expression deals with

A. Art.17
B. Art.32
C. Art.19
D. Art.18
Answer» C. Art.19

Right to education incorporated in

A. Art.17
B. Art.32
C. Art.19
D. Art.21
Answer» D. Art.21

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