110+ Population Studies Solved MCQs


Among the following States, which has highest percentage decadal growth rate during the 2001 – 2011?

A. Arunachal Pradesh
B. Bihar
C. Rajasthan
D. Madhya Pradesh
Answer» A. Arunachal Pradesh

As per 2011 Census of India, which is the overall sex ratio of the country’s population?

A. 820
B. 840
C. 920
D. 940
Answer» D. 940

Which among the following rate is referred as probabilistic rate?

A. Migration rate
B. Crude death rate
C. Marriage rate
D. Crude birth rate
Answer» C. Marriage rate

Which among the following is not a non-probability sampling?

A. Accidental Sampling
B. Purposive Sampling
C. Quota Sampling
D. Simple Random Sampling
Answer» A. Accidental Sampling

Which among the North-Eastern States of India has the highest literacy level as per 2011 Census?

A. Tripura
B. Mizoram
C. Meghalaya
D. Manipur
Answer» B. Mizoram

What is the estimated share of disabled persons in India according to 2001 Census?

A. Less than 2%
B. Less than 10%
C. Less than 15%
D. Less than 5%
Answer» A. Less than 2%

Which one among the following term refers to number of children an average woman can bear in her reproductive span?

A. Fertility
B. Fecundity
C. Real birth rate
D. Crude death rate
Answer» B. Fecundity

. If sex ratio of birth is constant at 1.05, then the Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR) can be calculated using Total Fertility Rate (TFR) by the formula

A. GRR = (1.00 TFR) /1.05
B. GRR = 1.00 / (1.05 TFR)
C. GRR = (1.00 TFR) / 2.05
D. GRR = 1.00 / (2.05 TFR)
Answer» C. GRR = (1.00 TFR) / 2.05

If country A has a higher life expectancy than country B, but A has higher crude death rate, it is likely that

A. A’s population is younger than that of B.
B. A’s population is older than that of B.
C. A’s population has a high infant mortality rate.
D. None of the above is probable.
Answer» A. A’s population is younger than that of B.

Which among the following does not explain the law of urbanization?

A. Push and Pull factors
B. Dispersal and Segregation
C. Distance-Decay function
D. Laws of gravity
Answer» B. Dispersal and Segregation

Assertion (A): International Migration leads to rise in productivity in both the sending and receiving countries.
Reason (R): Emigrants are receiving better wages.

A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
B. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of(A).
C. (A) is true and (R) is false.
D. (A) is false and (R) is true.
Answer» A. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Which of the following countries has the highest out migration of the nursing professionals?

A. The Philippines
B. Pakistan
C. Bhutan
D. India
Answer» A. The Philippines

Which of the following did not give a model of city structure?

A. Homer Hoyt
B. E.W. Burgess
C. Harris and Ullman
D. Michael &Todaro
Answer» D. Michael &Todaro

. Which of the following is known for his contribution towards theorising social composition of population?

A. Goldsteen and Sly
B. Shyrock and Siegal
C. Talcott Parsons
D. D.J. Bogue
Answer» C. Talcott Parsons

In which stage of industrialization given below the fourth stage (4) of Demographic Transition Theory would occur?

A. Advanced Industrialization and Urbanization stage
B. Pre-industrial stage
C. Early Industrial stage
D. Post-industrial stage
Answer» A. Advanced Industrialization and Urbanization stage

Which of the following is not a measure of socio-economic status?

A. Physical Quality of Life Index
B. Human Development Index
C. Gender Empowerment Measure
D. Body Mass Index
Answer» D. Body Mass Index

Which one of the following is not a spacing method of family planning?

A. Hormonal Method
B. Barrier Method
C. Vasectomy
D. Intrauterine Device (IUD)
Answer» C. Vasectomy

In which year, the Government of India launched the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme?

A. 1994
B. 1995
C. 1996
D. 1993
Answer» B. 1995

Which variable among the following are not demographic characteristics of the population?

A. Age structure
B. Sex structure
C. Marital status
D. Literacy level
Answer» D. Literacy level

When does National Sample Survey (NSS) started collecting data on births and deaths?

A. 1950 – 51
B. 1954 – 55
C. 1956 – 57
D. 1958 – 59
Answer» D. 1958 – 59

The number of live births per 1,000 people in a population in a year is known as _____.

A. Fecundity
B. Fertility
C. Crude birth rate
D. Basic demographic equation
Answer» C. Crude birth rate

An enumeration or counting of a population is referred to as

A. vital statistics
B. Census
C. fertility rate
D. growth rate
Answer» B. Census

Records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces, gathered through a registration system maintained by governmental units, are referred to as

A. census
B. demography
C. vital statistics
D. none of the above
Answer» C. vital statistics

__________ is the change from high birthrates and death rates to relatively low birthrates and death rates.

A. demographic transition
B. Growth rate
C. demographic rate
D. morbidity
Answer» A. demographic transition

The term ——————————— refers to relatively permanent movement of people from one place to another?

A. immigration
B. emigration
C. migration
D. demographic transition
Answer» C. migration

Which one of the following has higher population density as compared to India?

A. Canada
B. India
C. China
D. Bangladesh
Answer» D. Bangladesh

The main cause for the high growth of our population is

A. decline of death rate
B. decrease in birth rate
C. rise in death rate
D. none of these
Answer» A. decline of death rate

Which of the following is the most significant feature of Indian population?

A. improvement in the literacy level
B. the size of its adolescent population
C. improvement in health condition
D. declining in birth rate
Answer» D. declining in birth rate

The number of people in different age group is referred as

A. adolescent population
B. age composition
C. sex ratio
D. occupational structure
Answer» B. age composition

What is the average sex ratio of India as per 2001 census?

A. 900
B. 933
C. 923
D. none of the above
Answer» B. 933

Which among the following States has shown fast decline in growth rate during 2011 compared to 2001

A. Andhra Pradesh
B. West Bengal
C. Maharashtra
D. Bihar
Answer» C. Maharashtra

As per the 2001 Census of India the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes together constitute. What percentage to the total population of the country?

A. 24 percent
B. 26 percent
C. 28 percent
D. 30 percent
Answer» A. 24 percent

According to 2011 Census of India the density of population is

A. 250 – 299 persons per sq. km.
B. 300 – 349 persons per sq. km.
C. 350 – 399 persons per sq. km.
D. 400 – 450 persons per sq. km.
Answer» C. 350 – 399 persons per sq. km.

Child-Woman ratio is a measure of

A. Population growth
B. Migration
C. Mortality
D. Fertility
Answer» D. Fertility

As per the 2011 Census of India which State among the following has highest female literacy rate?

A. Delhi
B. Goa
C. Kerala
D. Mizoram
Answer» C. Kerala

What is the shape of the graph of human population growth to the present resembles?

A. ‘U’ shaped curve
B. ‘J’ shaped curve
C. ‘S’ shaped curve
D. Horizontal curve
Answer» B. ‘J’ shaped curve

As per the Census of India 2011 the sex ratio in Kerala ranges in which of the category?

A. 850 – 900 females per thousand males
B. 901 – 950 females per thousand males
C. 951 – 1000 females per thousand males
D. Above 1001 females per thousand males
Answer» D. Above 1001 females per thousand males

For calculation of Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). The denominator is

A. Total number of women in reproductive age in given time
B. Total number of pregnancies in given time.
C. Total number of live births in given time
D. Total population in given time
Answer» C. Total number of live births in given time

For computation of Infant Mortality Rate, the denominator iswww.netugc.com

A. Total number of pregnancies in given time
B. Total number of live births and still births in given time.
C. Total number of live births in given time.
D. Total population of areas in given time.
Answer» C. Total number of live births in given time.

Which one of the following States is mostly urbanized?

A. Andhra Pradesh
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Maharashtra
D. Orissa
Answer» C. Maharashtra

When did the national population policy came into effect?

A. 1952
B. 2001
C. 2000
D. 1947
Answer» C. 2000

The average number of persons per unit area, such as square kilometer, is termed as which of the following?

A. population distribution
B. population growth
C. absolute population
D. population density
Answer» D. population density

India occupies ————— rank among the population of the different countries of the world?

A. a. third
B. first
C. fourth
D. second
Answer» D. second

Name the state having highest percentage of literacy level?

A. West Bengal
B. Punjab
C. Kerala
D. Maharashtra
Answer» C. Kerala

Which is the most populous country of the world?

A. Russia
B. united states
C. China
D. India
Answer» C. China

The social indicator to measure the extent of equality between males and females in a society at a given time?

A. Death rate
B. literacy rate
C. age composition
D. Sex ratio
Answer» D. Sex ratio

Which is the year that experienced great demographic divide in the history of population?

A. 1751
B. 1921
C. 1931
D. 1911
Answer» B. 1921

Which of the following is the major concern about the study of population in a country?

A. population size and distribution
B. characteristics of population
C. population growth and process of population change
D. all of the above
Answer» B. characteristics of population

The time span for the official enumeration of population to carry out census?

A. 1 years
B. 10 years
C. 2 years
D. 5 years
Answer» B. 10 years

Sex ratio means……………

A. difference between birth rate and death rate
B. Number of females per thousand males
C. Number of females per hundred males
D. the study of population growth
Answer» B. Number of females per thousand males

Most of the population theories have been emerged in which century?

A. Seventeenth
B. Eighteenth
C. Nineteenth
D. Twentieth
Answer» A. Seventeenth

Which among the following States/Union Territories in India showed highest percentage in decadal growth rate during the decade (2001- 2011)?

A. Bihar
B. Arunachal Pradesh
C. Uttar Pradesh
D. Dadra & Nagar Haveli
Answer» D. Dadra & Nagar Haveli

From which year ‘de facto’ enumeration was replaced by ‘de jure’ in the Indian Census?

A. 1911
B. 1941
C. 1951
D. 2011
Answer» B. 1941

During which period, India’s population marked negative growth rate?

A. 1901 – 11
B. 1911 – 21
C. 1991 – 2001
D. 1921 – 31
Answer» B. 1911 – 21

According to the Census of India 2011, which among the following has shown lowest density of population

A. Sikkim
B. Arunachal Pradesh
C. Mizoram
D. Andaman & Nicobar Island
Answer» B. Arunachal Pradesh

Information on which of the following topics is not provided by Indian Census?

A. Demographic characteristics
B. Economic characteristics
C. Health Status of the Population
D. Household characteristics
Answer» C. Health Status of the Population

Which variable among the following is not social characteristic of the population?

A. Religious composition
B. Caste/Ethnic composition
C. Literacy and Education
D. Sex-composition
Answer» D. Sex-composition

Which factors is not included in preparation of human development Index?

A. Adult literacy
B. Expectation of life at birth
C. Per capita income
D. Nutritional status of children
Answer» D. Nutritional status of children

Post neonatal mortality is

A. Probability of dying in the first month of life
B. Probability of dying in the first year of life.
C. Probability of dying after first month and before the first birthday.
D. Probability of dying between first and the fifth birthday.
Answer» C. Probability of dying after first month and before the first birthday.

Identify the negative consequences of urban growth

A. Increase in vehicular pollution
B. Increase in industrial emission
C. Increase in solid and liquid waste generation
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Who was the exponent of optimum population theory ?

A. Malthus
B. Edwin Cannan
C. Adam smith
D. Amarthyasen
Answer» B. Edwin Cannan

Malthus‘s work is usually associated with the view that

A. Improved technology can overcome the problems of population growth.
B. Overpopulation will lead to social and political crisis.
C. Morality and religious approaches are the most effective counter forces to overpopulation, not government policy.
D. All of the above.
Answer» B. Overpopulation will lead to social and political crisis.

Demographic Transition Theory

A. Was originally developed to explain population explosions in the Third World.
B. Explains population growth in industrializing societies in terms of a time lag between when people die and when their children or grand children are born.
C. Explains population growth in industrializing societies in terms of a time lag between falling death rates and falling birth rates.
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Explains population growth in industrializing societies in terms of a time lag between falling death rates and falling birth rates.

The term “development”

A. Is useful because it is unambiguous – everyone understands what the word means.
B. Is highly contested and embodies the politics of the user.
C. Is change towards in a desired direction.
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Is change towards in a desired direction.

The major concern of social demography is the:

A. Contemporary problem of the relation of population trends to social and economic development
B. Relationship between aggregate demographic nomena and regularities in other social and individual units of human behavior
C. Analysis of how general, social and cultural factors
D. Study of size, composition and distribution of population at the present time
Answer» D. Study of size, composition and distribution of population at the present time

Dc-facto census method is related to:

A. Counting of the population on the basis of its permanent residential status
B. Counting of the population according to where it is for a fortnight preceding the census.
C. Counting of the populating according to where it is on the night the census
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Counting of the population according to where it is for a fortnight preceding the census.

If both fertility and mortality decline, then:

A. Proportion of dependent children will increase
B. Proportion of active population will increase
C. Proportion of dependent aged will increase
D. Proportion of dependent aged will decrease
Answer» C. Proportion of dependent aged will increase

Largest component of internal migration in India is:

A. Rural urban migration
B. Urban rural migration
C. Marriage migration
D. Rural migration
Answer» A. Rural urban migration

Who has said that ‘Democracy is concerned with the behavior or the aggregate and not with the behavior of individual?’

A. Donald J Bogue
B. Peter R Cox
C. H Strenford
D. W G Barclay
Answer» D. W G Barclay

Who postulated that fertility increases in response to the progress of society?

A. Herbert Spencer
B. Corrado Gini
C. E M Hoover
D. C P Blacker
Answer» A. Herbert Spencer

Identify the consequences of urbanisation

A. Physical expansion of the city
B. Increase in housing stock
C. Up scaling of basic infrastructure
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which one amongst the following is not a indicator of social development?

A. Primary school enrolment rate
B. Literacy rate
C. Child malnutrition
D. Net Reproduction Rate
Answer» D. Net Reproduction Rate

Which of the following is not a component of physical quality of Life Index?

A. Infant mortality
B. Literacy
C. Longevity
D. Fertility
Answer» D. Fertility

As per the National Population Policy of India, the long term objective is to achieve a stable population by the year

A. 2010
B. 2020
C. 2030
D. 2045
Answer» D. 2045

Some salient features of a census are
1. Selectivity
2. Simultaneity
3. Universality
4. Periodicity
Find out the correct combination of answer according to the code:

A. 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
B. 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
C. 1, 3 and 4 are correct.
D. 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
Answer» B. 2, 3 and 4 are correct.

With regard to Indian Census, which one is correctly matched?

A. Census of India Act: 1948
B. Start of dejure method of Census taking: 1931
C. Reference date of 1971 Census: Feb.9, 1971
D. Start of Census taking: 1881
Answer» A. Census of India Act: 1948

Which one of the following possesses dual recording system of vital events?

D. Census
Answer» C. SRS

As per 2011 Census, effective literacy rate in India is about

A. 70 percent
B. 80 percent
C. 65 percent
D. 50 percent
Answer» A. 70 percent

Which of the following is not related to the study of fertility?

A. Fecundity
B. Birth Spacing
C. Reproductive health
D. Child immunization
Answer» D. Child immunization

What is the correct number of questions in the household schedule (for population enumeration) used in 2011 Census?

A. 35
B. 21
C. 29
D. 26
Answer» C. 29

Human population can:

A. exist apart from cultural interaction
B. exist a part from social interaction
C. exist a part from social-cultural interaction
D. not exist apart from social-cultural interaction
Answer» D. not exist apart from social-cultural interaction

When over a period of time, the death rate in society reduces due to overall developments of life style and at the same time the birth rate does not fall down; population increases very fast as a result of it. This leads to over-population. This theory is known as:

A. demographic theory
B. population explosion theory
C. theory of demographic transition
D. demographic explosion theory
Answer» B. population explosion theory

Low birth rate and pregnancy wastage in the population are primarily due to:

A. traditional practices
B. maternal malnutrition
C. female illiteracy
D. insufficient health care
Answer» A. traditional practices

Who gave the concept of social capillarity?

A. A Bose
B. L Wirth
C. L Dumont
D. R K Mukherjee
Answer» C. L Dumont

The term ‘political socialization’ was used by:

A. Herbert Hayman
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Almond Powell
D. Easton and Dannis
Answer» A. Herbert Hayman

The scientific study of population is known as ———————

A. Population studies
B. Demography
C. Population science
D. Gerentology
Answer» B. Demography

Which is the pull factor of Migration?

A. Religious conversion
B. Natural calamities
C. Political disorder
D. Employment opportunities
Answer» D. Employment opportunities

is the median number of years a person can be expected to live under certain mortality conditions

A. Life expectancy
B. Mortality rate
C. Growth rate
D. Fertility rate
Answer» A. Life expectancy

A special type of bar chart that distributes the population by gender and age, and is generally used to illustrate the population structure of a society, is called a/an

A. Analysis of variance
B. Population pyramid
C. Chi-square
D. Multiple regression
Answer» B. Population pyramid

Is the state of a population where the number of births plus immigrants equals the number of deaths plus emigrants?

A. Demographic echo
B. Zero population growth
C. Rebound
D. Demographic transition
Answer» B. Zero population growth

National Health Policy was adopted in India in which of the following years?

A. 1963
B. 1973
C. 1983
D. 1993
Answer» C. 1983

When was the National Forest Policy formulated for the first time in the independent India?

A. 1952
B. 1961
C. 1971
D. 2002
Answer» A. 1952

NACO is an organisation which deals with which of the following health concerns?

B. Kala Azar
C. Pneumonia
D. Typhoid
Answer» A. HIV/AIDS

Which of the following services are not provided by the Anganwadi Centres?

A. Immunisation and health check-ups
B. Treatment of minor illnesses and referral
C. Growth monitoring and supplementary feeding
D. Water and sanitation
Answer» D. Water and sanitation

As per the norms for the health facilities in India, what population size should be served by a Primary Health Centre (PHC) in hilly and tribal areas?

A. 20,000
B. 50,000
C. 1,00,000
D. 10,000
Answer» A. 20,000

Nodal agency for Annual Health Survey (AHS) in India is

A. International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
B. Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India
C. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
D. Indian Council of Medical Research
Answer» B. Office of the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India

When Sample Registration System (SRS) was initiated on pilot basis by the Registrar General of India?

A. 1962-63
B. 1963-64
C. 1964-65
D. 1965-66
Answer» C. 1964-65

During which Census information on Male age at marriage was introduced in India?

A. 1981
B. 1991
C. 2001
D. 2011
Answer» C. 2001

Which of the following country conducts Census at 5 years interval?

A. United Kingdom
B. Canada
C. India
D. Pakistan
Answer» B. Canada

Which of the following is not included for the calculation of Human Development Index?

A. Longevity
B. Education
C. Income
D. Housing
Answer» D. Housing
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