
330+ Cost and Management Accounting (CMA) Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) , Uncategorized topics .


Service costing is called as ……………….

A. operation costing
B. operating costing
C. multiple costing
D. none of these
Answer» B. operating costing

In electricity supply company uses ...................... as cost unit.

A. kilo watt hour
B. per household
C. voltage
D. none of these
Answer» A. kilo watt hour

In transportation costing a composite unit such as.......................is used.

A. passenger mile/km or ten kilometer
B. per km
C. per passenger
D. per stop
Answer» A. passenger mile/km or ten kilometer

Boiler house costing is an example of..........................costing

A. operation
B. process
C. service
D. none of these
Answer» C. service

In service costing, fixed charges are also called as…………………..

A. standing charges
B. variable charges
C. fixed charges
D. none of these
Answer» A. standing charges

Service costing is not used in one of the following:

A. electricity
B. hospitals
C. transport
D. electronics
Answer» D. electronics

If the present cost of the car is Rs.1,00,000 residual value at the end of the 5th year is Rs.20,000, the monthly depreciation is…………

A. rs.20,000
B. rs.16,000
C. rs.1,333
D. rs.17,333
Answer» C. rs.1,333

A bus carries 25 passengers daily for 25 days and its mileage per month is 1000 kms. Its passenger miles are………………

A. 30,000
B. 12,500
C. 20,000
D. 25,000
Answer» D. 25,000

In ……………………costing where standardized goods or services result from a sequence of repetitive and more or less continuous operations to which costs are collected and averaged over the units produced during the year:

A. multiple
B. process
C. operation
D. single.
Answer» C. operation

The method of costing applied in biscuit industries is...................costing and in steel industry…............. costing.

A. job, process
B. job, contract
C. batch, multiple
D. process, operation
Answer» A. job, process

Average unit cost for each process is calculated by dividing the ………………..by…………………

A. total cost, number of units
B. total process cost, number of units in process
C. total process cost, number of finished goods
D. total cost, number of units produced
Answer» B. total process cost, number of units in process

Where raw material is to pass certain stages, before it is converted into finished goods, the method of costing used is…………………

A. job costing
B. operating costing
C. process costing
D. both b and c
Answer» C. process costing

When the actual loss is more than the estimated loss, the difference between the two is considered to be………..

A. abnormal loss
B. normal loss
C. loss
D. none of these
Answer» A. abnormal loss

When actual loss is less than the estimated loss, the difference between the two is considered to be……………

A. abnormal gain
B. abnormal loss
C. normal loss
D. income
Answer» A. abnormal gain

When actual loss is................than the estimated loss, the difference between the two is considered to be abnormal gain

A. more
B. less
C. higher
D. none of these
Answer» B. less

When actual loss is..........................than the estimated loss, the difference between the two is considered to be abnormal loss.

A. more
B. less
C. both a & b)
D. none of these
Answer» A. more

When 1000 units are 60% complete in a process, it is equivalent to ……………completed units.

A. 60
B. 600
C. 6000
D. 1000
Answer» B. 600

Equivalent units represent the production of a process in terms of…..units.

A. completed
B. total production
C. semi-finished
D. both a& c
Answer» A. completed

.............……….process loss should be transferred to costing profit & loss account.

A. abnormal
B. normal
C. both a& b
D. none of these
Answer» A. abnormal

The cost of......................process loss is absorbed in the cost of production of good units.

A. abnormal
B. normal
C. both a & b
D. none of these
Answer» B. normal

In inter process profits, the output of one process is transferred from one process to another not at …………….but at ……………….

A. market price, actual cost
B. actual cost, market price
C. both a& b
D. none of these
Answer» B. actual cost, market price

Where actual loss in a process is less than the anticipated loss, the difference between the two is considered to be ………………..

A. abnormal loss
B. normal loss
C. abnormal gain
D. normal gain
Answer» C. abnormal gain

In process costing, the abnormal loss is treated as .............. cost and written off to profit & loss account.

A. unit
B. period
C. future
D. process
Answer» B. period

The process costing is not used in one of the following.

A. chemical
B. textiles
C. cement
D. oil refining
Answer» C. cement

…..arises where the actual process loss is less than the normal predetermined process loss.

A. normal loss
B. abnormal loss
C. abnormal gain
D. none of these
Answer» C. abnormal gain

An input of 5000kg of material introduced into the process and the expected loss is 8% and if the actual output from the process is 4300, the abnormal loss is................. kg

A. 400
B. 300
C. 500
D. 600
Answer» B. 300

Budgeting system…................ key managerial functions.

A. dismisses
B. integrates
C. discharges
D. none of these
Answer» B. integrates

…….is a budget which is updated continuously by adding a further period (a month/quarter) and deducting a corresponding earlierperiod.

A. rolling budget
B. continuous budget
C. annual budget
D. both a & b
Answer» D. both a & b

The budget relating to.................... must be prepared first and the other budgets should be prepared in the light of that factor.

A. limiting factor
B. materials
C. labour
D. production
Answer» A. limiting factor

…………………budget is the most important budget and it forms the basis on which all the other budgets are built up.

A. production
B. material
C. cash budget
D. sales
Answer» D. sales

…….budget may be classified into material cost budget, labour cost budget and overhead budget.

A. cost of production
B. purchase
C. sales
D. cash
Answer» A. cost of production

………budget gives an estimate of the anticipated receipts and payment of cash during the budget period.

A. sales
B. production
C. cash
D. master
Answer» C. cash

……….is the consolidated summary of the various functional budgets.

A. master budget
B. sales budget
C. performance budget
D. cash budget
Answer» A. master budget

…………..budget is designed to remain unchanged irrespective of the volume of output or turnover attained.

A. master
B. fixed
C. flexible
D. all of these
Answer» B. fixed

……….budget gives differentbudgeted costs for different levels of activity.

A. master
B. fixed
C. flexible
D. all of these
Answer» C. flexible

…………………budget is the preparation of budget starting from a clean state.

A. performance
B. zero base
C. cash
D. none of these
Answer» B. zero base

…………is a summary of all function budgets in a Capsule form.

A. master budget
B. sales budget
C. performance budget
D. cash budget
Answer» A. master budget

Basic objectives of cost accounting is .

A. tax compliance.
B. financial audit.
C. cost ascertainment.
D. profit analysis.
Answer» C. cost ascertainment.

Direct cost incurred can be identified with .

A. each department.
B. each unit of output.
C. each month.
D. each executive.
Answer» B. each unit of output.

Overhead cost is the total of .

A. all indirect costs.
B. all direct costs.
C. indirect and direct costs.
D. all specific costs.
Answer» A. all indirect costs.

Imputed cost is a .

A. notional cost.
B. real cost.
C. normal cost.
D. variable cost.
Answer» A. notional cost.

Operating costing is suitable for .

A. job order business.
B. contractors.
C. sugar industries.
D. service industries.
Answer» D. service industries.

Process costing is suitable for .

A. hospitals.
B. oil reefing firms.
C. transport firms.
D. brick laying firms.
Answer» B. oil reefing firms.

Cost classification can be done in .

A. two ways.
B. three ways.
C. four ways.
D. several ways.
Answer» D. several ways.

Costing refers to the techniques and processes of

A. ascertainment of costs.
B. allocation of costs.
C. apportion of costs.
D. distribution of costs.
Answer» A. ascertainment of costs.

Cost accounting was developed because of the .

A. limitations of the financial accounting.
B. limitations of the management accounting.
C. limitations of the human resource accounting.
D. limitations of the double entry accounting.
Answer» A. limitations of the financial accounting.

Multiple costing is a technique of using two or more costing methods for ascertainment of cost by.

A. the same firm.
B. the several firms.
C. the same industry.
D. the several industries.
Answer» A. the same firm.

Wages paid to a labour who was engaged in production activities can be termed as.

A. direct cost.
B. indirect cost.
C. sunk cost.
D. imputed cost.
Answer» A. direct cost.

The cost which is to be incurred even when a business unit is closed is a.

A. imputed cost.
B. historical cost.
C. sunk cost.
D. Shutdown cost.
Answer» D. Shutdown cost.

Classification of cost is useful .

A. to find gross profit.
B. to find net profit.
C. to identify costs.
D. to identify efficiency.
Answer» C. to identify costs.

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