220+ Fundamentals of Accounting Solved MCQs


Which of the following item is shown in the Receipt and Payment account?

A. Only items of capital nature.
B. Only items of revenue nature which are received during the period of accounts.
C. Only items of revenue nature pertaining to the period of accounts.
D. Both the items of capital and revenue nature which are received during the
Answer» D. Both the items of capital and revenue nature which are received during the

Any income arising from special fund will be credited to

A. General fund in the Balance Sheet
B. Receipt and Payment account
C. Income and Expenditure account
D. Special fund in the Balance sheet
Answer» D. Special fund in the Balance sheet

There are 100 members each p aying an annual subscription of 500. The Receipt and Payment account shows arrear subscription of 4,500, advance subscriptions 6,000 and current 44,500. How much amount to be credited in the Income and Expenditure account?

A. 55,000
B. 49,000
C. 44,500
D. 50,000
Answer» D. 50,000

When opening stock 50,000; closing stock 40,000; purchases 1,90,000 profit margin is 16.67% on sales, the sales are:

A. 2,40,000
B. 2,36,000
C. 2,00,000
D. 2,44,000
Answer» A. 2,40,000

Goods bought for 25,000 passed through sales day book will result in

A. No effect on gross profit
B. Decrease in gross profit
C. Decrease in net profit
D. Increase in gross profit
Answer» D. Increase in gross profit

Which of the following will result in disagreement of Trial Balance?

A. Sales return treated as purchase.
B. Purchase return treated as sales.
C. Ram a/c wrongly credited instead of Sham a/c
D. Under casting cash book by 1,100
Answer» D. Under casting cash book by 1,100

In a joint venture X and Y sharing p rofit and loss equally, X purchased goods costing of 40,000 and Y sold the goods for 50,000. X is entitled to get 1% commission on purchase and Y is entitled to get 5% commission on sales, the profit will be

A. 7,200
B. 7,100
C. 6,800
D. 7,600
Answer» B. 7,100

What is the nature of joint venture with co-venture account?

A. Nominal account
B. Personal account 2
C. Real Account
D. Memorandum Account
Answer» B. Personal account 2

Which of the following term is applicable about consignment?

A. Sale of goods
B. Hypothecation of goods
C. Shipment of goods
D. Mortgage of goods
Answer» A. Sale of goods

Retirement of bill means

A. sending the bill for collection
B. cancellation of the bill
C. endorsing the bill in favour of third party
D. making payment before the due date.
Answer» D. making payment before the due date.

Which one of these documents is not required for bank reconciliation?

A. Bank Column of cash book
B. Bank pass book
C. Previous year’s balance sheet
D. Bank statement
Answer» C. Previous year’s balance sheet

In a overdraft balance as per cash book, a cheque of 1,250 deposited into bank but not recorded in cash book will be

A. deducted by 1,250
B. added by 1,250
C. added by 2,500
D. deducted by 2,500
Answer» A. deducted by 1,250

Which of these errors affects only one account?

A. Error of casting
B. Error of posting
C. Error of carry forward
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following error is an error of principle?

A. 4,000 received from Sham credited to Shamu a/c
B. 5,000 incurred on installation of new plant debited to salary a/c
C. 6,000 paid for wages debited to salary a/c
D. 7,000 being purchase of raw material debited to purchase a/c
Answer» B. 5,000 incurred on installation of new plant debited to salary a/c

In case of depreciable assets are revalued, the provision for depreciation is based on

A. Market value of the assets
B. Historical cost of the asset
C. Written down value of the asset
D. the revalued amount over the estimate of the remaining useful life of such asset.
Answer» D. the revalued amount over the estimate of the remaining useful life of such asset.

Trade discount is allowed at the time of sale of goods.

A. is recorded in sales book
B. is recorded in cash book
C. is not recorded in books of accounts
D. is recorded in journal
Answer» C. is not recorded in books of accounts

A debit note issued to a creditor for goods returned is to be recorded in the

A. Purchase return book
B. Journal Proper
C. Purchase book
D. Bill Receivable book
Answer» A. Purchase return book

The determination of expenses for an accounting period is based on the concept of 3

A. Consistency concept
B. Periodicity concept
C. Timelines concept
D. Industry practice
Answer» B. Periodicity concept

Decrease in the amount of creditors results in

A. Increase in assets
B. Increase in cash
C. Decrease in cash
D. No change in assets
Answer» C. Decrease in cash

Subscription received in advance to be shown in

A. Liability side of the balance sheet
B. Asset side of the balance sheet
C. Income and Expenditure account
D. Journal
Answer» A. Liability side of the balance sheet

Which of the following is an accounting equation?

A. Capital = Assets + Liabilities
B. Capital = Assets – Liabilities
C. Assets = Liabilities – Capital
D. Liabilities = Assets + Capital
Answer» B. Capital = Assets – Liabilities

AS – 09 deals with

A. Inventory Valuation
B. Depreciation Accounting
C. Revenue Recognition
D. Cash Flow Statement
Answer» C. Revenue Recognition

Y-draws a trade bill of 12,000 for 6 months on X. After holding the bill for 2.5 months, Y discount the bill with bank @ 10% p.a. The amount of discount on bill is

A. 100
B. 350
C. 600
D. 250
Answer» B. 350

Bills Receivable books is part of the

A. Journal
B. Ledger
C. Profit & Loss Account
D. Balance Sheet
Answer» A. Journal

X of Delhi send out certain goods at cost + 25% of cost. Invoice value of goods is 1,20,000. 4/5th of the goods were sold by consignee at 1,00,000. Commission @ 2% up to invoice value and 10% of any surplus above invoice. The amount of commission will be

A. 1,920
B. 2,320
C. 1,820
D. 2,020
Answer» B. 2,320

If X co-venture takes away of goods under memorandum Joint Venture Method then he will debit these goods in his books to

A. Sales Account
B. Purchase Account
C. Personal Account
D. Joint Venture Account
Answer» C. Personal Account

At the end of the year Bad Debts Recovered Account is

A. Debited to Debtors Account 4
B. Credited to Debtors Account
C. Credited to Profit & Loss Account
D. Debited to Profit & Loss Account
Answer» C. Credited to Profit & Loss Account

As regards the accounting treatment, Legacy should be

A. treated as loss
B. capitalized
C. treated Revenue Expenses
D. treated Deferred Revenue
Answer» B. capitalized

Sales of 6,570 is recorded in the sales book as 6,750. Such Error is known as

A. Error of Principle
B. Error of Omission
C. Error of Commission
D. Compensating Error
Answer» C. Error of Commission

Which of the following is correct?

A. Cost of Goods Sold – Opening Stock + Purchases = Closing Stock
B. Purchase + Cost of Goods Sold – Opening Stock = Closing Stock
C. Cost of Goods Sold + Closing Stock – Opening Stock = Purchase
D. Opening Stock + Closing Stock – Purchase = Cost of Goods sold
Answer» C. Cost of Goods Sold + Closing Stock – Opening Stock = Purchase

Provision for bad debt is made as per the

A. Entity concept
B. Conservatism concept
C. Cost concept
D. Going concern concept
Answer» B. Conservatism concept

Capital expenditures are shown in the

A. Balance Sheet
B. Profit & Loss a/c
C. Trading a/c
D. Manufacturing a/c
Answer» A. Balance Sheet

Import duty of raw material purchased is a

A. Revenue Expenditure
B. Capital Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Revenue Expenditure

Life Insurance Corporation Account is a

A. Nominal Account
B. Artificial Personal Account
C. Representative Personal Account
D. Real Account
Answer» B. Artificial Personal Account

Goods taken from business for personal use by the proprietor should be credited to

A. Drawing a/c
B. Capital a/c
C. Sales a/c
D. Purchase a/c
Answer» D. Purchase a/c

A cash book with discount and bank column is called as

A. Single Column Cash Book
B. Two Column Cash Book
C. Three Column Cash Book
D. Petty Cash Book
Answer» C. Three Column Cash Book

The periodical total of Returns Inward Day Book is posted to 5

A. Debit of Sales Account
B. Debit of Sales Return Account
C. Credit of Sales Return Account
D. Debit of Debtors Account
Answer» B. Debit of Sales Return Account

The process of transfer of entries from day book to ledger is called as

A. Balancing
B. Journal Posting
C. Transaction
D. Ledger Posting
Answer» D. Ledger Posting

Which financial statement represents the a ccounting equation as – Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s equity?

A. Income Statement
B. Statement of Cash Flows
C. Balance Sheet
D. Either (A) or (B)
Answer» C. Balance Sheet

The Depreciation Account is closed at the end of the year by transfer to the

A. General Reserve a/c
B. Profit and Loss a/c
C. Provision for Depreciation a/c
D. Fixed Asset a/c
Answer» B. Profit and Loss a/c

The original cost of the machine is 19,00,000; machine installation charges are 1,00,000; working life of the machine is 5 years and residual value is 40,000. If the depreciation is charged on Straight Line basis then 4th year’s depreciation will be:

A. 3,72,000
B. 4,00,000
C. 3,92,000
D. 3,52,000
Answer» C. 3,92,000

Whenever errors are noticed in the accounting records, they should be rectified.

A. at the time of preparation of Trial Balance.
B. without waiting the accounting year to end.
C. after the preparation of final accounts.
D. in the next accounting year.
Answer» B. without waiting the accounting year to end.

A purchase of 49,500 from Shiva was recorded in Purchases Book as 59,400, the profit would show

A. an increase of 9,900
B. a decrease of 9,900
C. an increase of 59,400
D. neither an increase nor a decrease
Answer» B. a decrease of 9,900

From the following details ascertain the adjusted bank balance as per Cash Book – overdraft as per Cash Book 1,60,000; cheque received entered twice in the Cash Book 10,000; credit side of bank column cash short by 1,000; bank charges amounting to 400 entered twice:

A. 1,61,000
B. 1,71,000
C. 1,70,000
D. 1,70,600
Answer» D. 1,70,600

When credit balance as per pass book is the starting point of a Bank Reconciliation Statement then bank charges are

A. Subtracted
B. Added
C. Either (A) or (B) 6
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Added

At the time of dishonor of an endorsed bill, which account would be credited by the drawee?

A. Bills Payable Account
B. Drawer’s Account
C. Bank Account
D. Bills Dishonoured Account
Answer» B. Drawer’s Account

At the en d of the accounting year bills receivable discounted were 32,000 would be shown

A. on Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet
B. on Assets side of the Balance Sheet
C. by way of a note with Balance Sheet
D. Not appeared anywhere
Answer» B. on Assets side of the Balance Sheet

X sends out goods to Y, costing 3,60,000. Goods are to be sold at cost plus 25% on sales. The consignor asked consignee to pay an advance for an amount equivalent to 60% of sales value. The amount of advance will be

A. 2,88,000
B. 2,16,000
C. 2,70,000
D. 3,36,000
Answer» A. 2,88,000
Explanation: The sales value of the goods is 3,60,000 / (100 - 25) = 4,80,000.

The advance payment requested by the consignor is equivalent to 60% of the sales value, so the amount of the advance will be 4,80,000 x 60% = 288,000.

X sends out certain goods to Y, costing 1,50,000 at cost plus 25% on invoice price. ¾ of the goods were sold by R at 1,76,000. Commission 5% upto invoice value a nd 10% of any surplus above invoice value. The amount of commission will be

A. 10,100
B. 11,975
C. 10,568.75
D. 9,350
Answer» C. 10,568.75

A purchased goods costing 2,60,000 for joint venture with B. B sold a major part of the goods at cost plus 25% on cost, for 2,50,000. Balance of goods were taken over by B at cost less 10%. Find out profit/loss on Joint Venture.

A. (Loss) 10,000
B. 55,250
C. 44,000
D. 50,000
Answer» C. 44,000

Which of the following account(s) is (are) maintained in the joint venture when separate set of books are maintained?

A. Joint Bank a/c
B. Joint Venture a/c
C. Co-venturer a/c
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Co-venturer a/c

At the time of preparation of financial accounts, balance of Bad Debts Recovered Account will be transferred to

A. Debtor’s Personal a/c
B. Profit & Loss a/c
C. Bad Debts a/c
D. Profit & Loss Appropriation a/c
Answer» D. Profit & Loss Appropriation a/c

In case of not for profit making concern, endowment fund receipt is treated as

A. Capital Receipt
B. Revenue Receipt
C. Either (A) or (B)
D. Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer» B. Revenue Receipt

Any donation received for a specific purpose should be credited to

A. Income and Expenditure Account
B. Capital Fund
C. Special Fund
D. Either (A) or (B)
Answer» A. Income and Expenditure Account

Income and Expenditure account shows subscription at 2,50,000. Subscriptions accrued in the beginning of the year and at the end of the year were 25,000 and 37,500 respectively. The amount of subscriptions received appearing in re ceipts and payments account will be

A. 2,37,500
B. 2,75,000
C. 1,87,500
D. 2,62,500
Answer» B. 2,75,000

Which of the following transaction is not recorded in cash book?

A. Bad debts recovered
B. Prepaid expenses
C. Trade discount allowed
D. Freight paid for acquiring an asset
Answer» A. Bad debts recovered

Credit purchase of fixed asset is recorded in

A. Journal Proper
B. Purchase book
C. Cash book
D. Petty Cash Book
Answer» C. Cash book

Expenses paid but not accrued means

A. Capital expenses
B. Outstanding expenses
C. Prepaid expenses
D. Cash
Answer» A. Capital expenses

Till the discounted bill is paid by the acceptor, it remains as

A. a contingent liability
B. a current liability
C. an asset
D. an expense
Answer» C. an asset

The amount of yearly depreciation under written down value method

A. remains same over the years
B. decreases year by year
C. increases year by year
D. fluctuates
Answer» A. remains same over the years

Goods purchased from Mr. A but wrongly entered in the account of Mr. B. The rec tification of error will result in

A. increase in gross profit
B. decrease in gross profit
C. no effect on gross profit
D. either A or B
Answer» B. decrease in gross profit

When cash received for services rendered in the past

A. Owner’s equity increases
B. Current asset increases
C. Profit increases
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Profit increases

Stock in the hand of the consignee is valued

A. at market price or cost price whichever is less.
B. at selling price.
C. at cost price after inclusion of proportionate non-recurring expenses.
D. at consignment price.
Answer» D. at consignment price.

Noting charges are paid by

A. the drawee
B. the drawer
C. the payee
D. the acceptor
Answer» A. the drawee

The valuation procedure for stock is cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower. The procedure follows as per

A. Historical Cost Concept
B. Going Concern Concept
C. Money Measurement Concept
D. Conservatism Concept
Answer» C. Money Measurement Concept

When incomes recognised on cash basis and expenditure recognised on accrual basis, the system termed as

A. Accrual basis of accounting
B. Cash basis of accounting
C. Mercantile basis of accounting
D. Hybrid basis of accounting
Answer» D. Hybrid basis of accounting

Which one is not considered as capital expenditure?

A. Depreciation
B. Architect’s fees
C. Demolition cost
D. Legal cost for buying property
Answer» D. Legal cost for buying property

Legal charges paid to defend a suit on firm’s factory site is

A. Capital expenditure
B. Revenue expenditure
C. Deferred revenue expenditure
D. Prepaid expenditure
Answer» C. Deferred revenue expenditure

Profit and loss account is prepared for a period of one year by following the concept of

A. Consistency Concept
B. Cost Concept
C. Going Concern Concept
D. Periodicity Concept
Answer» D. Periodicity Concept

The trial balance checks

A. Nature of business
B. Valuation of closing stock
C. Correctness of cash in hand
D. Arithmetical accuracy
Answer» D. Arithmetical accuracy

Errors in carry forward of closing balances from one year to another which affects

A. Nominal accounts
B. Real accounts
C. Personal accounts
D. Both (B) and (C)
Answer» D. Both (B) and (C)

If a bill drawn on 13th July 2018 for 60 days, payment must be made on

A. 15th September, 2018
B. 14th September, 2018
C. 13th September, 2018
D. 12th September, 2018
Answer» D. 12th September, 2018

The manufacturing account is prepared

A. to ascertain the cost of goods manufactured.
B. to ascertain gross profit.
C. to ascertain profit or loss on the goods manufactur
Answer» A. to ascertain the cost of goods manufactured.

Which one of the following is not a financial statement?

A. Trial Balance
B. Profit and Loss account
C. Balance Sheet
D. Fund Flow statement
Answer» A. Trial Balance

Any revenue expense for which a separate fund is available will be

A. capitalised and shown in the balance sheet.
B. debited to income and expenditure account.
C. debited to the separate fu
Answer» C. debited to the separate fu

________________________is not objective of accounting.

A. Gives accurate information
B. Keeps records in systematic manner
C. Analyses recorded data
D. Ascertain financial position of business
Answer» A. Gives accurate information

Which of the following is not a paper transaction?

A. Charge of depreciation
B. Discount received
C. Bad debts written off
D. Cash stolen from office
Answer» A. Charge of depreciation

Which of the following is capital expenditure?

A. Repairs of fixed asset
B. Demolition cost
C. Locker rent
D. Annual subscription
Answer» D. Annual subscription

Advertising expenses for launching a new product of the company is____________.

A. Revenue expenditure
B. Capital expenditure
C. Deferred revenue expenditure
D. Deferred capital expenditure
Answer» C. Deferred revenue expenditure

___________________does fulfill the function of both a journal and a ledger.

A. Purchase book
B. Cash book
C. Sales book
D. Bills Payable book
Answer» B. Cash book

Which of the following is artificial personal account?

A. SBI account
B. Wages paid account
C. Discount received account
D. Drawings account
Answer» A. SBI account

Accounting cycle ends with preparation of______________.

A. the journal/ledger
B. the trial balance
C. the financial statement
D. the closing entries record
Answer» D. the closing entries record

Journal proper uses to record _________________.

A. bad debts recovered
B. all cash purchases of assets other than goods
C. writing of bad debts
D. purchase of goods on credit
Answer» B. all cash purchases of assets other than goods

In case of, deposited of c heque into bank but not collected, the balance is less as per ________________.

A. Cash book
B. Pass book
C. Pass book overdraft
D. Both (A) and (B)
Answer» B. Pass book

Accounting does not record non-financial transactions because of

A. Entity concept
B. Accrual concept
C. Cost concept
D. Money measurement concept
Answer» A. Entity concept

Narration is given at the end of

A. Final accounts
B. Trial balance
C. Each ledger account
D. Each journal entry
Answer» D. Each journal entry

Which one of the following is an example of Personal Account?

A. Machinery
B. Rent
C. Cash
D. Creditor
Answer» D. Creditor

5,000 incurred for up gradation of computer by installation of 128 MB Ram is

A. Revenue expenditure
B. Deferred revenue expenditure
C. Capital expenditure
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Capital expenditure

Cost of goods purchased for resale is an example of

A. Revenue expenditure
B. Capital expenditure
C. Deferred revenue expenditure
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Revenue expenditure

Insurance claim received on account of machinery damaged completely by fire is

A. Capital receipt
B. Revenue receipt
C. Capital expenditure
D. Revenue expenditure
Answer» A. Capital receipt

An expenditure is capital in nature when

A. The receiver of the amount is going to treat it for the purchase of fixed assets.
B. It increases the quantity of fixed assets.
C. It is paid as interest on loans for the business.
D. It maintains of fixed asset.
Answer» B. It increases the quantity of fixed assets.

A withdrawal of cash from business by the proprietor should be credited to

A. Drawing Account
B. Capital Account
C. Cash Account
D. Purchase Account
Answer» C. Cash Account

Cash book is a form of

A. Ledger
B. Journal
C. Trial Balance
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Ledger

A sale of goods to Laxman for cash should be debited to

A. Laxman A/c
B. Cash A/c
C. Sales A/c
D. Capital A/c
Answer» B. Cash A/c

The debts written off earlier as bad, subsequently recovered are

A. Debited to profit and loss A/c
B. Credited to bad debt recovery A/c
C. Credited to trade receivable A/c
D. Credited to debtors A/c
Answer» B. Credited to bad debt recovery A/c

Which one of the following is an external cause for depreciation

A. Over use
B. Abnormal occurrence
C. Time element
D. Obsolescence
Answer» D. Obsolescence

Original cost of a machine is 1,50,000, residual value 10,000, if depreciation is charged @ 105 per annum under WDV method then depreciation for 3rd year will be

A. 12,240
B. 11,340
C. 12,150
D. 14,000
Answer» C. 12,150

On which of the following asset, depreciation is charged on ‘Depletion method’

A. Goodwill
B. Plant and Machinery
C. Land and Building
D. Wasting asset like mine and quarries
Answer» D. Wasting asset like mine and quarries

If a sum of 1,500 received from Laxman (debtor) has not been recorded in the books, the

A. Profit would show an increase of 1,500
B. Profit would show a decrease of 1,500
C. Assets would show a decrease of 1,500
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

It goods worth 1,750 returned to suppler is wrongly entered in sales returned book as 1,570 then

A. Gross profit will decrease by 3,320
B. Gross profit will decrease by 3,500
C. Gross profit will increase by 3,320
D. Net profit will decrease by 3,140
Answer» A. Gross profit will decrease by 3,320
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