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A stationary body immersed in a river has a maximum pressure of 69 Kpa exerted on it at a distance of 5.4 m below the free surface. What velocity of river could be expected ?

A. 9 m/sec
B. 5.4 m/sec
C. 3.82 m/sec
D. 5.67 m/s
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 5.67 m/s

In reaction turbine the draft tube is used

A. To increase the effective head
B. To prevent air from entering
C. To reconvert kinetic energy to flow energy by a gradual expansion of the flow cross-section
D. To transport water to downstream without eddies
E. To run the turbine full
Answer» C. To reconvert kinetic energy to flow energy by a gradual expansion of the flow cross-section

Air vessels in a reciprocating pump is

A. Fitted in the suction line
B. Fitted in the delivery line
C. A cast iron chamber having an opening at the base
D. A, B and C above together
E. None of the above
Answer» D. A, B and C above together

If a water tank partially filled with water is being carried on a truck with a constant horizontal acceleration, the level of liquid will

A. Rise on the front side of the tank
B. Rise on the back side of the tank and fall on front
C. Fall on the front side of the tank
D. Front side fluctuate considerably
E. Fall on the back side of the tank and rise on front
Answer» B. Rise on the back side of the tank and fall on front

The pressure centre is

A. A point on the line of action of the resultant force
B. At the centroid of the submerged area
C. Independent of the orientation of the area
D. Always above the centroid of area
E. The centroid of the pressure prism
Answer» A. A point on the line of action of the resultant force

An ideal fluid is

A. One which flows through pipes with least friction
B. One which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
C. One which satisfies continuity equation
D. Similar to a perfect gas
E. Frictionless and incompressible
Answer» E. Frictionless and incompressible

The general energy equation is applicable to

A. Turbulent flow
B. Unsteady flow
C. Laminar flow
D. Steady flow
E. Non-uniform flow
Answer» D. Steady flow

In a venturimeter

A. Length of divergent cone is equal to the length of conergent cone
B. Length of divergent cone is half that of convergent cone
C. Divergent cone is kept shorter than convergent cone
D. Divergent cone is kept longer than the convergent cone
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Length of divergent cone is half that of convergent cone

The flow in venturi flume takes place at

A. Atmospheric pressure
B. Vacuum
C. High pressure
D. Varying pressure
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Atmospheric pressure

Chemically inact relatively unstable blocks, large or small with three or more sets of joints and seams are known as

A. Moderately jointed rocks
B. Crushed rocks
C. Schistos rocks
D. Chemical rocks
E. Block or seamy rocks
Answer» E. Block or seamy rocks

A Founeyron turbine is

A. Outward flow reaction turbine
B. Inward flow reaction turbine
C. Outward flow impulse turbine
D. Inward flow impulse turbine
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Outward flow reaction turbine

Kinematic similarity between model and prototype means

A. Vitrified clay.
B. The similarity of shape
C. The similarity of discharge
D. The similarity of forces
E. The similarity of motion
Answer» D. The similarity of forces

In order to keep out debris and other materials carried by water which are likely to damage turbine, provision is made by

A. Ensign valve
B. Jet flow gates
C. Trash racks
D. Radial gates
E. Trunions
Answer» C. Trash racks

The thickness of laminar boundary layer at a distance x from the leading edge over a flat plate varies as

A. x1/2
B. x3/5
C. x2
D. x
E. x4/5
Answer» A. x1/2

Anchor blocks are provided to hold the pipe line so as to

A. Prevent the pipe line sliding down the hill
B. Control the direction of expansion
C. Resist the unbalanced hydrostatic forces at a change of direction of the pipe line
D. Prevent movement of the pipe line on account of vibration or water hammer pressures
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

The magnitude of water hammer depends on

A. The length of pipeline
B. The speed at which the valve is closed
C. To elastic properties of the liquid flowing through the pipe
D. The elastic properties of the pipe material
E. All of the above
Answer» E. All of the above

When the relationship between Reynolds number and the friction factor is represented by a straight line the flow is said to be

A. laminar flow
B. vortex flow
D. turbulent flow
E. isentropic flow
Answer» A. laminar flow

Buoyant force is

A. The resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it
B. A non-vertical force on symmetrical bodies
C. Equal to the volume of liquid displaced
D. The resultant force acting on a floating body
E. The force necessary to maintain equilibrium of a submerged body
Answer» A. The resultant force on a body due to the fluid surrounding it

The hydraulic radius is given by

A. Wetted perimeter divided by area
B. Square root of area
C. Area divided by wetted perimeter
D. Area divided by square of wetted perimeter
E. None of these answers
Answer» C. Area divided by wetted perimeter

Mouthpieces are used to measure

A. pressure
B. rate of flow
C. frictionless
D. viscosity
E. velocity
Answer» B. rate of flow

In Red wood viscometer

A. Absolute value of viscosity is determined
B. The fluid discharges through orifice with negligible velocity
C. Comparison of viscosity is done
D. Part of the head of fluid is utilised in overcoming friction
E. The fluid should rapidly flow out of the orifice
Answer» C. Comparison of viscosity is done

Steady flow occurs when

A. There are no obstructions on the path of flow
B. Conditions do not change withtime at any point
C. The velocity does not change
D. The pressure does not change along the flow
E. Conditions change gradually with time
Answer» B. Conditions do not change withtime at any point

As the temperature increases, the viscosity of a gas

B. increases, increases
C. decreases, decreases
D. increases, decreases
E. decreases, increases
Answer» D. increases, decreases

A cylinder is kept on a horizontal boundary past which an ideal fluid flows perpendicular to cylinder axis. It will then experience

A. Lift force in vertically downward direction
B. No lift force
C. Some lift force
D. Lift force depends on velocity of flow and mass of cylinder and its contents
E. Lift force in vertically upward direction
Answer» B. No lift force

Which one of the following is not a disadvantage due to a Buttress dam?

A. Problems arising out of large number of joints in the dam
B. Significance of volume changes of thin members
C. The structure being self-sealing, it is not sensitive to accidental rise in water level above the designed full supply level
D. Bearing stress of the foundtions are higher
E. Overflow arrangements
Answer» C. The structure being self-sealing, it is not sensitive to accidental rise in water level above the designed full supply level

The pressure inside a 4 cm dia hose is 700 kPa. If the water exits through 1 2 cm dia. Nozzle what velocity in m/s can be expected inside the hose?

A. 10.5
B. 9.7
C. 16.3
D. 20.4
E. 12.4
Answer» B. 9.7

Which of the following is the result of the formation of a region of low pressure developed on the downstream side due to separation of flow?

A. Vortex street
B. Wakes
C. Cavities
E. Holes
Answer» B. Wakes

Force on a flat stationary plate is

A. Velocity of jet before impact - velocity after impact
B. Difference in velocities of jet in the direction normal to plate
C. Mass of water x (difference in velocities of jet)
D. Mass of striking water x (velocity before impact in the direction normal to plate-velocity fter impact in the direction normal to plate).
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Mass of striking water x (velocity before impact in the direction normal to plate-velocity fter impact in the direction normal to plate).

Viscosity will be the most important property in which of the following case

A. Travel of a bullet through air
B. Formation of soap bubbles
C. Flow of castor oil through a pipe.
D. Water jet issuing from a fire hose
E. 1.25
Answer» C. Flow of castor oil through a pipe.

The flow of a fluid in a pipe takes place from

A. higher level to lower level
B. small end to large end
C. higher energy to lower energy
D. higher pressure to lower pressure
E. lower pressure to higher pressure
Answer» C. higher energy to lower energy

The head over a 90? V-notch weir increases from 0.15 m to 0.3 m. The ratio of the new discharge to the original discharge is

A. 1.25
B. 4
C. 5.657
D. 2
E. 1.414
Answer» C. 5.657

The portion of the power canal which extends from the power house to the recepient water course, is known as

A. Tail race
B. Discharge channel
C. Exhaust
D. Tail surge channel
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Tail race

Nagarjuna Sugar dam has been constucted on river

A. Mabanadi
B. Cauvery
C. Krishna
D. Kali
E. Periyar
Answer» C. Krishna

Which is higher head

A. 33 inch Hg
B. 31.6 ft water
C. 14.1 psi
D. 1.013 kg/cm2
E. 75.6 cm of Hg
Answer» A. 33 inch Hg

The specific speed for axial flow turbine varies from

A. 0 - 45
B. 10 - 100
C. 80 - 200
D. 200 - 300
E. None of the above
Answer» C. 80 - 200

1 Kilo-Pascal is the same as

A. 1000 N/cm2
B. 1000 N/m2
D. 1000 n/mm2
E. 1000 N/cm
Answer» B. 1000 N/m2

When a liquid rotates at a angular velocity above a vertical axis as a rigid body, the pressure intensity varies

A. inversely with radial distance
B. directly with radial distance
C. More than 20?
D. Directly with square of the radial distance
E. inversely with the square of radial distance
Answer» D. Directly with square of the radial distance

Specific speed (fps) = k x specific speed (metric where value of k is (for turbines)

A. 8.91
B. 1
C. 4.45
D. 2
E. 9.81
Answer» C. 4.45

Water at 20? C will rise, in a clean 1 mm dia. Glass tube, a distance, in cm, of

A. 3
B. 5
C. 1
D. 4
E. 2
Answer» A. 3

Viscosity will be the most important property in which of the following case

B. Formation of soap bubbles
C. Water jet issuing from a fire hose
D. Flow of castor oil through a tube
E. Travel of a bullet through air
Answer» D. Flow of castor oil through a tube

When the shear stress acting on a fluid is removed

A. the body regains its original shape and position immediately
B. the body regains its original shape and position slowly
C. the body regains its original shape but remains in the new position
D. the body retains its new shape and position
Answer» D. the body retains its new shape and position

Which mouthpiece is having maximum coefficient of discharge?

A. External mouthpiece
B. Convergent-Divergent mothpiece
C. Internal mouthpiece
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Convergent-Divergent mothpiece

Under which two of the following regimes would the assumption of a continuum be reasonable (1) Free molecule flow (2) Gas dynamics (3) Slip flow (4) Complete vacuum (5) Liquid flow

A. 3,5
B. 1,5.
C. 1,2
D. 2,3
E. 1,4
Answer» A. 3,5

Drag force is not a function of

A. 1.25
B. projected area of the body
C. velocity of the body
D. mass density of the fluid
E. mass density of the body
Answer» E. mass density of the body

The shear stress velocity gradient relation of the Newtonian fluids is

A. There is no such relation
B. Hyperbolic
C. Linear
D. Involutic
E. Parabolic
Answer» C. Linear

A hydrometer is used to determine

A. Specific gravity of liquids
B. Buoyancy force
C. Viscosity of liquids
D. Surface tension
E. Relative humidity
Answer» A. Specific gravity of liquids

Ogee is

A. overfall of a spillway in the shape of double or S-curve which is convex at the top and concave at the bottom
B. the channel between the silt extractor and the river through which the escapage water is discharged
C. the channel conducting water away from a water wheel
D. none of the above
Answer» A. overfall of a spillway in the shape of double or S-curve which is convex at the top and concave at the bottom

A piece of metal of specific gravity 3.4 floats in mercury of specific gravity 13.6. What fraction of its volume is under mercury

A. 0.75
B. Full
C. 0.25
D. 0.5
E. 0.9
Answer» B. Full

An ideal fluid is

A. Frictionless and incompressible
B. One which obeys Newton's law of viscosity
C. Very viscous
D. A useful assumption in problems in conduit flow
E. None of these answers
Answer» A. Frictionless and incompressible

The parameters with determine the friction factor of turbulent flow in a rough pipe are

A. expands until it fills its space
B. Mach number and relative roughness
C. Reynolds number and relative roughness
D. Froude number and relative roughness
E. Froude number and Mach number
Answer» C. Reynolds number and relative roughness

The lowest portion of storage basin from where the water is not drawn usually, is

A. Reserve storage
B. Dead storage
C. Bottom storage
D. Spring reserve
E. Sub-soil storage
Answer» B. Dead storage

If the specific speed of a turbine is 800 the turbine should be

A. Kaplan
B. Pelton wheel
C. Girard
D. Fourneyron
E. Francis
Answer» A. Kaplan

Relative velocity is

A. Sum of two velocities
B. Average velocity
C. The difference between two velocities
D. Vector difference of two velocities
E. The difference between the higher velocity and average velocity
Answer» D. Vector difference of two velocities

As the temperature decreases, the viscosity of a gas

A. 2.45
B. increases, increases
C. decreases, decreases
D. increases, decreases
E. decreases, increases
Answer» E. decreases, increases

The horizontal to vertical side slope in case of Cpppoletti weir is

A. I : I
B. 1 : ?2
C. I : 4
D. 4 : I
E. I : 2
Answer» C. I : 4

In case of Constant Angle Arch Dam, the most favourable central angle is

A. 170?
B. 90?
C. 165?
D. 133?
E. 73?
Answer» D. 133?

A trapezoidal weir of horizontal crest with side slopes of one horizontal to four vertical is called

A. trapezoidal weir
B. cippoletti weir
C. sultro weir
D. None of the above
Answer» B. cippoletti weir

Which two forces are most important in laminar flow between closely parallel plates?

B. Gravity and pressure
C. Viscous and pressure
D. Inertial and viscous
E. Pressure and inertial
Answer» C. Viscous and pressure

SI unit of viscosity is

A. 10 times poise
B. 9.81 times poise
C. 1/9.81 times poise
D. Equal to poise
E. None of the above
Answer» A. 10 times poise

If the specific speed of turbine is more than 300, the type of turbine is

A. Kaplan
B. Pelton with nose jets
C. Greater than ten
D. Pelton
E. Francis
Answer» A. Kaplan

The velocity distribution in a turbulent flow in a pipe is often assumed to

A. be zero at the wall and increase linearly to the centre
B. vary according to the 1/7 th power law
C. be maximum at the wall and decrease linearly to the centre
D. be unpredictable and is thus not used
E. vary parabolically
Answer» B. vary according to the 1/7 th power law

Which conduit entrance is expected to have highest loss coefficient?

A. Gate in thin wall-unsuppressed contraction
B. Fully rounded entrance having x/D>0.15
C. Gate in thin wall-bottom and side suppressed
D. Inward projecting entrances
E. Gate in thin wall-corners rounded
Answer» A. Gate in thin wall-unsuppressed contraction

The principle, "The buoyancy is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced and the line of action is through the centroid of the displaced mass" is known as

A. Newton's law
B. Bernoulli's law
C. First law of fluid mechanics
D. Law of buoyancy
E. Archimedes principle
Answer» E. Archimedes principle

Predict the pressure, in kPa, at an elevation of 2000 m, in an isothermal atmosphere assuming T = 20?C. Assume Patm = 100 kPa

A. 71
B. 79
C. 87
D. 82
E. 63
Answer» B. 79

The distance from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity in case of turbulent flow (when R is the radius of the pipe), is

A. 0.892 R
B. 0.223 R
D. 0.446 R
E. 0.111 R
Answer» B. 0.223 R

A fluid in which resistance to deformation is independent of the shear stress is known as

A. Bingham plastic fluid
B. Pseudo plastic fluid
C. Dilatant fluid
D. Newtonian fluid
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Newtonian fluid

The minimum diameter necessary to avoid the capillary rise in the manometer is

A. 6 mm
C. 1 mm
D. 3 mm
E. 15 mm
Answer» A. 6 mm

Which of the following forces do not act on fluids

A. Gravity
B. Viscous force
C. Torsion
D. Inertia
E. Pressure
Answer» C. Torsion

In a centrifugal pump casing, the flow of water leaving the impeller is

A. Radial flow
B. Forced vortex motion
C. Centrifugal flow
D. Free vortex motion
E. Rectilinear flow
Answer» D. Free vortex motion

Fresh water 2 m deep flows over the top of 4 m of salt water (S = 1.04). The pressure at the bottom, in kPa, is

A. 60.4
B. 58.8
C. 55.2
D. 51.3
E. 47.9
Answer» A. 60.4

Hydraulic jump is used for

A. Reducing the velocity of flow
B. Reducing the energy of flow
C. Increasing the flow rate
D. Reducing the flow rate
E. Reducing turbulence
Answer» B. Reducing the energy of flow

When the rheogram for a fluid at any temperature and pressure is a straight line passing through origin, the fluid is said to be

B. Newtonian
C. Non-Newtonian
D. Bingham
E. Ideal plastic
Answer» B. Newtonian

The miaimum thickness of boundary layer in a pipe of radius R is

A. 0.22 R
B. R
D. 0.5 R
E. 0.1 R
Answer» B. R

The hydrostatic law states that rate of increase of pressure in a vertical direction is equal to

A. Density of the fluid
B. Specific weight of the fluid
C. Weight of the fluid
D. None of the above
E. Is practically incompressible
Answer» B. Specific weight of the fluid

In open channels, under critical flow conditions, the velocity head is equal to

A. one-fourth the depth of flow
B. the depth of flow
C. two-thirds of the depth of flow
E. half the depth of flow
Answer» E. half the depth of flow

Which of the following pumping device for supplying water to boiler does not have moving parts?

A. Multistage centrifugal pump
B. Duplex pump
C. Simplex pump
D. Single stage centrifugal pump
E. Steam injector
Answer» E. Steam injector

Which one of the following is laminar flow

A. Rise of water in plants through roots
B. Movement of blood in the arteries of a human body
C. Flow of oil in measuring instruments
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A simple pitot tube is used to measure

A. The total pressure
B. The undistributed fluid pressure
C. The pressure in a static fluid
D. The velocity in a flowing stream
E. The dynamic pressure
Answer» D. The velocity in a flowing stream

The wake

A. Always occurs after a separation point
B. Is the principal cause of skin friction
C. Always occurs when deformation drag predominates
D. Is none of these answers
E. Is a region of high pressure
Answer» C. Always occurs when deformation drag predominates

For safety against overturning in a gravity dam, the resultant of all the forces acting on a dam must pass

A. Middle third of the base
B. Outside the base
C. Just at extreme edge of the base
D. First third of the base
E. Within 10% of the extreme edge
Answer» A. Middle third of the base

A current meter is used for the measurement of

A. Electrical charge on fluids
B. Velocity
C. Electrical conductivity
D. Pressure
E. Viscosity
Answer» B. Velocity

Rocks that undergo notable expansion without flow due to preence of clay minerals, are known as

A. Swelling rocks
B. Moderately jointed rocks
C. Seamy rocks
D. Schistos rocks
E. Squeezing rocks
Answer» A. Swelling rocks

Which one of the following is an integrator

A. Bus-bar
B. Exciter
C. Transformer
D. Lightning arrestor
E. Oil circuit breaker
Answer» B. Exciter

In a Buttress dam, when the height of dam is 10 m to 25 m, the spacing of buttress is usually restricted to

A. 10 to 15 m
B. 4.5 to 6 m
C. 20 to 25 m.
D. 1.5 m
E. 1 m
Answer» B. 4.5 to 6 m

A mercury water manometer indicates a gauge difference of 400 mm. The difference in pressure, measured in metres of water, is

A. 0.4
B. 0.8
C. 1088
D. 5.44
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 5.44

The equation of continuity of flow is applicable when

A. The flow is one dimensional
B. The flow is steady
C. The flow is compressive
D. The velocity is uniform over the cross section
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

A turbine model test with 260 mm diameter showed an efficiency of 90 percent. The efficiency that can be expected from a 1.2 m diameter impeller is

A. 90 percent
B. 81 percent
C. 91 percent
D. 93.18 percent
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 93.18 percent

Notch is a device used for measuring

B. Velocity through a pipe
C. Rate of flow through a small channel
D. Velocity through a small channel
E. Rate of flow through pipes
Answer» C. Rate of flow through a small channel

While calculating the specific speed of double suction pump, the discharge to be considered is

A. Square of the actual discharge
B. Actual discharge
C. Double of the actual discharge
D. Square root of actual discharge
E. Half of actual discharge
Answer» E. Half of actual discharge

In an impulse turbine

A. Water must be admitted over the whole circumference
B. It is not possible to regulate the flow without loss
C. Wheel must run full and kept entirely submerged in water below the tailrace
D. The pressure in the driving fluid as it moves over the vanes is atmospheric
E. None of the above
Answer» D. The pressure in the driving fluid as it moves over the vanes is atmospheric

The Weber number is the ratio of

A. Inertial forces to surface tension force
B. Elastic forces to pressure forces
C. Viscous forces to gravity
D. Elastic forces to gravity
E. Intertial forces to viscous forces
Answer» A. Inertial forces to surface tension force

A hydraulic jump is classified on the basis of initial

A. Weber number
B. Froude number
C. Mach number
D. Reynolds number
Answer» B. Froude number

Water hammer in pipes takes place when

A. 51.3
B. flowing fluid is gradually brought to rest
C. fluid is flowing with high pressure
D. fluid is flowing with high velocity
E. flowing fluid is suddenly brought to rest by closing the valve
Answer» B. flowing fluid is gradually brought to rest

Multistage centrifugal pumps are used

A. To produce high heads
B. To give high discharge
C. A and B above together
D. To pump viscous liquids
E. None of the above
Answer» A. To produce high heads

When the water flows over a rectangular suppressed weir the pressure beneath the nappe is

A. Atmospheric
B. Slightly above atmospheric
C. Vacuum
D. Very high
E. Negative
Answer» E. Negative

Water flows through a 2 cm dia. Pipe at 20 m/s. It then flows radially outward between two discs, 2 mm apart. When it reaches a radius of 40 cm its velocity, in m/s will be

A. 1.85
B. 2.5
C. 1.25
D. 5
E. 2.25
Answer» C. 1.25

Stremlines, streak lines and path lines are all identical in case of

A. Steady flow
B. Rotation flow
C. Non-uniform flow
D. Uniform flow
E. Unsteady flow
Answer» A. Steady flow

An equipotential line

A. Exists in case of rotational flow
B. Has uniformly varying dynamic pressure
C. Has no velocity component tangent to it
D. Exists in case of turbulent flow only
E. Has no velocity component normal to it
Answer» C. Has no velocity component tangent to it

The unit hydrograph may be obtained by dividing the ordinates of the direct run-off hydrograph of a storm by

A. total run off volume
B. duration of unit hydrograph
D. storm duration
E. direct run-off volume
Answer» E. direct run-off volume

The stress in the dam should be within the specified limits for the body of dam in the foundations. If the stress at the toe and heel are excessive, they can be brought within permissible limits by

A. Grouting
B. Providing anchor blocks
C. Providing friction blocks
D. Providing filters
E. Any of the above
Answer» D. Providing filters
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