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Stanton diagram is a plot of

A. friction factor against log of Reynold number
B. 1.25
C. log of friction factor against Reynold number
D. log of driction factor against log of Reynold number
E. friction factor against Reynold number
Answer» D. log of driction factor against log of Reynold number

Select the quantity in the following that is not a dimensionless parameter

A. Kinematic viscosity
B. Darcy weisbach friction factor
C. Weber number
D. Froude number
E. Pressure coefficient
Answer» A. Kinematic viscosity

Four cars, with a mass of 1500 kg each, are loaded on a 6 m wide, 12 m long small car ferry. How far, in cm, will it sink in the water?

A. 8.3
B. 11.5
C. 10.2
D. 15.2
E. 9.6
Answer» A. 8.3

By the usual gravity analysis as per B.I.S., the permissible tensile stresses at the upstream face of the dam under earthquake loading, should not exceed

A. Zero
B. 100 kg/ cm2
C. 50 kg/ cm2
D. 150 kg/ cm2
E. 200 kg/ cm2
Answer» A. Zero

In laminar flow

A. The viscosity is unimportant
B. The fluid particles move in irregular and haphazard paths
C. Is fixed in space in steady flow
D. Experimentation is required for the sirmplest flow cases
E. Newton's law of viscosity applies
Answer» E. Newton's law of viscosity applies

Uniform flow occurs when

A. Conditions do not change with time at any point
B. Rate of change of velocity of fluid is zero
C. At every point the velocity vector is identical in magnitude and direction for any given instant
D. The change in transverse direction are zero
E. None of the above
Answer» C. At every point the velocity vector is identical in magnitude and direction for any given instant

The depth of water in a 3 m wide rectangular, finished concrete channel is 2m. If the slope is 0.001, estimate the flow rate, in m3/s

A. 14
B. 12
C. 11
D. 13
E. 10
Answer» A. 14

A small plastic boat loaded with pieces of steel rods is floating in a bath tub. It the cargo is dumped into the water allowing the boat to float empty, the water level in the tub will

A. Fall
B. Fall and then rise
C. Rise and then fall
D. Not change
E. Rise
Answer» A. Fall

The velocity in a 2 cm-diameter pipe is 20 m/s. If the pipe enlarges to 5 cm diameter velocity, in m/s, will be

A. 6.4
B. 5.2
C. 3.2
D. 4.8
E. 8
Answer» C. 3.2

For hydrodynamically rough boundary the friction coefficient

A. Depends on velocity and relative roughness
B. Varies with Reynold's number
C. Depends on Reynolds number, pressure gradient and relative roughness
D. Remains constant
E. Depends on relative roughness
Answer» E. Depends on relative roughness

In turbulent flow

A. Cohesion is more effective than momentum transfer in causing shear stress
B. Momentum transfer is on a molecular scale only
C. One lamina of fluid flides smoothly over another
D. Shear stresses are generally larger than in similar laminar flow
E. The fluid particles move in an orderly manner
Answer» D. Shear stresses are generally larger than in similar laminar flow

If a barometer carries wter instead of mercury, the height of column for a pressure equivalent to 75 cm of mercury will be

A. 1034 cm
B. 1040 cm
C. 1000 cm
D. 1050 cm
E. 1020 cm
Answer» E. 1020 cm

In which of the following case of modelling, Reynold number will be used for studying?

A. Hydraulic jump
B. Flow configuration of harbours
C. Flow of castor oil through pipes
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Flow of castor oil through pipes

A hydro-electric site has a head of 100 m and an average discharge of 10m3/s. Assume 92% efficiency, for a greater speed of 6000 rpm, the specific speed of turbine would be

A. 600
B. 1000
C. 1500
D. 1900
E. None of the above
Answer» A. 600

The units of kinematic viscosity are

A. kg/m2-sec
B. kg sec/m2
C. m kg/sec.
D. m2/sec
E. m/kg sec
Answer» D. m2/sec

Bluff body

A. Surface is smooth so that friction can be neglected
B. Surface does not coincide with stream lines
C. Surface perpendicular to stream lines
D. 8.3
E. Surface coincides with stream lines
Answer» B. Surface does not coincide with stream lines

The horizontal component of force on a curved surface is equal to the

A. Scalar sum of all elemented horizontal components
B. Product of pressure at its centroid and area
C. Weight of liquid retained by the curved surface
D. Weight of liquid vertically above the curved surface
E. Force on a projection of the curved surface into a vertical plane
Answer» E. Force on a projection of the curved surface into a vertical plane

Froude number is useful in calculations for

A. Hydraulic jump
B. Surface tension force
C. Flow through pipes
D. Compressible flow problems
E. Water hammer
Answer» A. Hydraulic jump

Manning's formula is used to determine

A. Friction head loss in irregular sections
B. Discharge through weirs and notches
C. Friction head loss in open channels
D. Friction hed loss in pipes running full
E. Friction head loss in pipes running partially full
Answer» C. Friction head loss in open channels

A 2 cm dia. Pipe transports water at 20 m/s. If it exits out 100 small 2 mm dia. Holes, the existing velocity, in m/s will be

A. 80
B. 40
C. 120
D. 10
E. 20
Answer» E. 20

The angle of contact (0) between water and glass tube in case of capillary rise is equal to

A. 90?
B. 128?
C. 10?
D. 157?
E. 0?
Answer» E. 0?

In case the velocity vector at different points along a stream line remains unchanged then the flow is termed as

A. Irrotational flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Stoke's flow
E. Rotational flow
Answer» B. Uniform flow

The depth of oil having specific gravity 0.6 to produce a pressure of 3.6 kg/cm2 will be

A. 36 m of oil
B. 50 m of oil
C. 60 m of oil
D. 40 m of oil
E. 120 m of oil
Answer» C. 60 m of oil

A flow in which each liquid particle has a definite path and their paths do not cross each other is called

A. Steady flow
B. Uniform flow
C. Stream line flow
D. Turbulent flow
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Stream line flow

The losses in an open channel vary

A. Inversely as the hydraulic radius
B. As the velocity
C. Inversely with a gradient
D. As the square of velocity
E. As the cube of velocity
Answer» D. As the square of velocity

The existence of velocity potential in fluid indicates that

A. the flow is rotational
B. the vorticity must be non-zero
C. the circulation around any closed curve must have a definite value
E. the vorticity must be zero
Answer» E. the vorticity must be zero

Pressure drag results from

A. 10
B. Deformation drag
C. development
D. Skin friction
E. Occurrence of a wake
Answer» E. Occurrence of a wake

Density in terms of viscosity is

A. Kinematic viscosity/Dynamic viscosity
B. Dynamic viscosity/Kinematic viscosity
C. Kinematic viscosity x dynamic viscosity
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Dynamic viscosity/Kinematic viscosity

In axial flow turbines

A. Water enters radially but leaves axially
B. Water enters axially but leaves radially
C. Water enters at an angle but leaves axially
D. Water enters axially and leaves axially
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Water enters axially and leaves axially

A low pressure of the order of 10-10 torr is to be measured in a chamber. Which of the following device can be used for this?

A. McLeod gauge
B. Pirani gauge
C. Manometer
D. Bourdon vacuum gauge
E. Ionisation chamber
Answer» E. Ionisation chamber

When the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.6 poise and specific gravity is 0.6, the kinematic viscosity of that fluid will be

A. 0.36 poise
B. 0.6 poise
C. 1 poise
D. None of the above
E. More than 20?
Answer» C. 1 poise

The centre of pressure of a fully submerged body is almost always located

B. above the centroid
C. at the centroid
D. closer to the centroid
E. bolow the centroid
Answer» C. at the centroid

If 1% error is encountered in the measurement of head over crest of a rectangular weir, the error in discharge will be nearly

A. 5%
B. 1%
C. 2%
E. 1.50%
Answer» E. 1.50%

A hot wire anemometer is used for the measurement of

A. Viscosity of liquids
B. Viscosity of gases
C. Pressure of gases
D. Density of liquids
E. Velocity of gases
Answer» E. Velocity of gases

Koyna dam is located in

A. Gujrat
B. Maharashtra
C. Rajasthan
D. Madhya Pradesh
E. Karnataka
Answer» B. Maharashtra

Spouting velocity is

A. Ideal velocity of jet
B. 50% of ideal velocity of jet
C. Actual velocity of jet
D. Velocity of jet under some specified conditions
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Ideal velocity of jet

A concrete masonry block on a hill side for supporting and fixing the penstock is known as

A. Anchor block
B. Support block
C. Concrete block
D. Base block
E. Any of the above
Answer» A. Anchor block

The capillary rise in a narrow two-dimensional slit of width 'W' is

B. helf of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'
C. two-thirds of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'
D. One-third of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'
E. One-fourth of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'
Answer» B. helf of that in a capillary tube of diameter 'W'

The wake

A. always occurs after a separation point
B. is a region of high pressure intensity
C. always occurs before and after separation point.
D. always occurs before a separation point
Answer» A. always occurs after a separation point

At point A in a pipe line carrying water the diameter is 1 m, the pressure 98 kPa and the velocity 1 m/s. At point B, 2 m higher than A, the diameter is 0.5 m and the pressure 20 kPa. The direction of flow would be

A. A to B
B. B to A
C. Cannot be ascertained from data
E. None of the above
Answer» A. A to B

In which contact condition case the value of coefficient of friction is expected to be highest?

A. Steel on steel
B. Steel on steel with two layers of graphite service in between
C. Steel on concrete
D. Steel on steel, greased plates
E. Packing and liner
Answer» C. Steel on concrete

Stanton diagram is a plot of

A. log of friction factor against log of Reynolds number
B. friction factor against Reynolds number
C. friction factor against log of Reynolds number
E. log of friction factor against Reynolds number
Answer» A. log of friction factor against log of Reynolds number

A body floats in stable equilibrium

A. When the C.G. of body is below the centre of buoyancy
B. When the metacentre is below C.G.
C. When the C.G. of body is above the surface of water
D. When the metacentric height is zero
E. When the metacentre is above C.G.
Answer» E. When the metacentre is above C.G.

Which two forces are most important in floating bodies

A. Viscous, buoyancy
B. Gravity, inertial
C. Pressure, viscous
D. Buoyancy, gravity
E. Inertial, pressure
Answer» D. Buoyancy, gravity

Capillarity is due to

A. Adhesion
B. Adhesion and cohesion
C. Gravity
D. Cohesion
E. Molecular structure
Answer» B. Adhesion and cohesion

Capillary action is due to the

A. Viscosity of liquid
B. Cohesion of liquid particles
C. Surface tension
D. Adhesion of liquid particles on the surface
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Surface tension

Capacity of a hydro-electric plant in service in excess of the peak load is known as

A. Peak reserve
B. Hot reserve
C. Spinning reserve
D. Cold reserve
E. Operating reserve
Answer» E. Operating reserve

Mach number is significant in

A. Flow in space above the atmosphere of air
B. High speed flow of water
C. Flow of highly viscous fluids
D. Flow of metallic fluids
E. Flow in air at speeds more than that of sound
Answer» E. Flow in air at speeds more than that of sound

Critical speed of turbine is

A. Same as maximum operating speed
B. Same as run away speed
C. The speed equal to synchronous speed of generator
D. The speed at which shaft will break
E. The speed at which the number of natural vibrations or natural frequency equals the number of revolutions per minute
Answer» E. The speed at which the number of natural vibrations or natural frequency equals the number of revolutions per minute

The disadvantage of burried penstocks is

A. Protection against freezing of conveyed water
B. Protection against earthquake shock
C. Difficulty in repair and maintenance
D. Immunity against rock sides, avalanches and falling tree
E. Protection against effect of temperature because of soil cover
Answer» C. Difficulty in repair and maintenance

When a venturimeter is used in an inclined position, it will show

A. Sale reading
B. More reading
C. Less reading
D. Depends on vescosity of fluid
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Sale reading

The dynamic viscosity of most of the gases with rise in gas temperature

A. Increses inversely as ?T
B. Decreases
C. Increases
D. Does not change significantly
E. Increases as ?T
Answer» C. Increases

Two units are homologous when they are geometrically similar and have

A. Similar stream lines
B. Same Froud's number
C. Same efficiency
D. Same Reynolds number
E. None of these answers
Answer» D. Same Reynolds number

Select a common dimensionless parameter in fluid mechanics from the following

A. Kinematic viscosity
B. Specific gravity
C. Specific weight
D. Angular velocity
E. None of the these answers
Answer» B. Specific gravity

The state in which Hirakund dam is established is

A. Madhya Pardesh
B. Uttar Pradesh
C. Bihar
D. Orissa
E. West Bengal
Answer» D. Orissa

What pressure, in Mpa, must be maintained in a diving bell, at a depth of 1200 m, to keep out the ocean water (S = 1.03)

A. 12.1
B. 1.24
C. 5.16
D. 14.3
E. 9.32
Answer» A. 12.1

The most efficient cross-section for a channel is

A. Half hexagon in the form of a trapezoid
B. Rectangular
C. Square
D. Triangular
E. Semi-circular
Answer» A. Half hexagon in the form of a trapezoid

The locus of elevations that water will rise in a series of pitot tube is called

A. the energy grade line
B. the velocity head
C. the hydraulic grade line
D. the head loss
E. the pressure head
Answer» A. the energy grade line

Which of the following component of a reciprocating pump is not made of cast iron?

A. Cylinder
B. Air vessel
C. Foot valve
D. Shaft
E. All of the above
Answer» D. Shaft

Surface tension is due to

B. adhesion only
C. cohesion only
D. cohesion and adhesion only
E. neither cohesion nor adhesion
Answer» C. cohesion only

The value of mannings roughness coefficient n, in Manning's formula for flow of fluids through pipes, is expected to be highest in case of

A. Brass pipe
B. Glass pipe
C. Asbestos cement pipe
D. Vitrified sewer pipe
E. Corrugated iron pipe
Answer» E. Corrugated iron pipe

In a jet pump

A. kinetic energy of fluid is regained as potential energy
B. energy of high velocity stream is converted into pressure energy
C. energy of high pressure fluid is converted into low pressure fluid
E. potential energy of fluid is converted into rotational energy
Answer» C. energy of high pressure fluid is converted into low pressure fluid

The gentre of gravity of the volume of liquid displaced by an immersed body is called

A. Centre of buoyancy
B. Wet C.G.
C. Metacentre
D. Wet centre
E. Centre of pressure
Answer» A. Centre of buoyancy

The ratio of maximum load to the rated plant capacity is known as

A. Utilization factor
B. Plant factor
C. Load factor
D. Capacity factor
E. Maximum load factor
Answer» A. Utilization factor

A pressure rise of 500 kPa is needed across a pump in a pipe transporting 0.2 m2/s of water. If the pump is 85% efficient, the power needed, in kW, would be

A. 118
B. 85
C. 65
D. 100
E. 60
Answer» A. 118

In Buttress dam the column or slenderness ratio is usually maintained between

A. 2 to 5
B. 12 to 15
C. 20 to 25
D. 5 to 7
E. 7 to 10
Answer» B. 12 to 15

Undershot water wheels are those on which water acts

A. Purely by impulse
B. Partly by impulse and partly by reaction
C. Purely by reaction
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Purely by impulse

The dam constructed on river chambal is

A. Jawaha Sagar
B. Rana Pratap Sagar
C. Gandhi Sagar
D. All of the above three
E. None of the above
Answer» D. All of the above three

The oscillatory motion of a ship or a boat about its transverse axis is termed as

A. Rolling
B. Gyro-motion
C. Pitching
D. Transverse motion
E. Transverse harmonic motion
Answer» C. Pitching

One poise is equivalent to

A. 9.8 dyne/sec
B. 98 kgf sec/m2
C. 1 gm/cm sec
D. 1 kg/m-hr
Answer» C. 1 gm/cm sec

If the box in above problem is accelerated in a horizontal direction parallel to a pair of sides at the rate of 1 m/sec2, maximum pressure on the top of the box in metres of water would be

A. 0.3
B. 0.49
C. 0.6
D. 0.563
E. 0.225
Answer» A. 0.3

A closed cubical box 0.8 m on each side is half filled with water and the other half being filled with oil of specific gravity 0.75. Now if the box is accelerated upwards at the rate of 4.905 m/sec2 the pressure difference in kg/m2 between the top and bottom layers would be

A. 981
B. 545.5
C. 490.5
D. 1050
E. 1800
Answer» D. 1050

A vessel containing water moves downward with a constant acceleratin equal to 'q' then

A. the pressure throughout the liquid mass will be atmospheric
C. the liquid mass will be under a pressure double the atmospheric pressure
D. the liquid mass will be in turbulence
E. the liquid mass will be under a pressure below the atmospheric pressure
Answer» A. the pressure throughout the liquid mass will be atmospheric

The centre of buoyancy always coincides with

A. centre of gravity of the body
B. centroid of the volume displaced
C. metacentre
D. None of the above
Answer» B. centroid of the volume displaced

Alcohol is used in manometers because

A. It provides a suitable meniscus for the inclined tube
B. Its density being less can provide longer length for a pressure difference, thus more accuracy can be obtained
C. (A) and (B) above
D. Cheap and easily availale
E. Its vapour pressure is low
Answer» C. (A) and (B) above

A tank 2 m square contains one metre of water. Now the tank is accelerated in the horizontal direction parallel to a pair of sides at the rate of 4 m/sec2. In order that there may be no spilling of water the minimum height of the tank should be

A. 4 m
B. 2.32 m
C. 1.41 m
D. 2 m
E. 1 m
Answer» C. 1.41 m

A Kaplan turbine is suitable for

A. High head low discharge
B. High head high discharge
C. Low head low discharge
D. Low head high discharge
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Low head high discharge

The viscosity of a fluid varies with

A. temperature and pressure
B. temperature
C. 51.3
D. density
E. pressure
Answer» B. temperature

The Reynolds number for flow of 0.3 m3/s of oil sp. Gr. 0.86,

A. 29.2
B. 292
C. 2920
D. 22930
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 22930

Type of impeller used in mud pumps is

A. Shrouded
B. One side shrouded
C. Open
D. Double suction
E. Any of the above
Answer» C. Open

In an isothermal atmosphere

A. Pressure varies in the same way as density
B. Pressure is constant all over
C. Pressure decreases linearly with elevation
D. Pressure varies exponentially with density
E. Pressure increases directly as the square of height
Answer» A. Pressure varies in the same way as density

The critical depth on a channel is given by

A. h = v2/g
B. h = v2/2g
C. h = v/g
D. h = 2v/g
E. h = v/2g
Answer» A. h = v2/g

The simplest type of controls for reservoir outlets is provided by

A. Radial gates
B. Slide gates
C. Jet flow gates
D. Cylindrical gates
E. Height pressure gates
Answer» B. Slide gates

In order that the water shall never rise more than 100 cm above the crest for a discharge of 5 cube metres per second, the length of weir will be

A. 2.5 metres
B. 2.51 metres
C. 2.00 metres
D. 1 metre
E. 2.49 metres
Answer» E. 2.49 metres

In a turbulent flow in a pipe we know the

A. Viscous stresses dominate
B. Reynolds number is greater than 10,000
C. Shear stress varies linearly with radius
D. Head loss varies linearly with the flow rate
E. Fluid particles move in straight lines
Answer» C. Shear stress varies linearly with radius

The Reynolds number for pipe flow is given by

A. VD/v
C. VD ? /
D. VD /
E. None of the above
Answer» C. VD ? /

In MLT system the dimensions of angular momentum would be

A. ML2T-2
B. MLT-2
C. MLT-1
D. ML2T-1
Answer» D. ML2T-1

Euler's equation of motion can be integrated when it is assumed that

A. The flow is rotational
B. Continrity equation is satisfied
C. Velocity potential exists and the density is constant
D. The fluid is incompressible
E. Bernoulli's satisfied
Answer» C. Velocity potential exists and the density is constant

Falling drops of water become spherical due to

A. Dynamic viscosity
B. Cohesion
C. Adhesion
D. Surface tension
E. Kinematic viscosity
Answer» D. Surface tension

If the specific speed of a turbine is 6 then the turbine should be

A. Thomson
B. Kaplan
C. Pelton wheel
D. Francis
E. Fourneyron
Answer» C. Pelton wheel

Four piezometer openings in the same cross-section of a cast iron pipe indicate the following pressure for simultaneous reading: 43, 42.6, 42.4 37 mm Hg. What value should be taken for the pressure?

A. 41.5
B. 43
C. 37
D. 42.67
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 42.67

The pressure gradient in laminar motion along the flow dirction is equal to

A. velocity gradient
C. the rate of change of shear stress normal to the direction of flow
D. the rate of change of velocity normal to the direction of flow
E. the rate of change of shear stress along the direction of flow
Answer» C. the rate of change of shear stress normal to the direction of flow

The viscosity of a fluid with specific gravity 1.3 is measured to be 0.0034 Ns/m2. Its kinematic viscosity, in m2/s, is

A. 5.8 x 10-6
B. 2.6 x 10-6
C. 9.6 x 10-6
D. 4.4 x 10-6
E. 7.2 x 10-6
Answer» B. 2.6 x 10-6

Reynold's no. may be defined as the ratio of

A. Viscous forces to gravity forces
B. Viscous forces to inertial forces
C. Gravity forces to thertial forces
D. None
E. Elastic forces to pressure forces
Answer» D. None

Rocks with excessive internal stresses which may cause spalling are known as

A. Popping rocks
B. Stratified rocks
C. Swelling rocks
D. Crushed rocks
E. Schistos rocks
Answer» B. Stratified rocks

For hypersonic flow, the Mach no, is

A. Creater than two
B. Greater than unity
C. Greater than four
D. Greater than ten
E. Unity
Answer» C. Greater than four

A mouthpiece cannot be used under very large head because

A. The variation in discharge is large
B. Cavitation occurs at the vena contracta
C. Of practical difficulties in contraction
D. Vortex is created at the vena contracta
E. The flow through mouthpiece is erratic
Answer» E. The flow through mouthpiece is erratic

The pressure gradient (?p/?x) in a developed turbulent flow in a horizontal pipe

A. varies directly with the average velocity
B. is constant
C. decreases exponentially
D. is zero
E. varies linearly with axial distance
Answer» B. is constant

The portion of the power canal that extends from the intake works to the power house, is known as

A. Tail race
B. Main storage
C. Lead race
D. Diversion canal
E. Head race
Answer» E. Head race

In the theory of lubrication the assumption is made that

A. The pressure variation along the bearing is the same as if the plates were parallel
B. The velocity varies linearly between the two surfaces
C. The velocity distribution is the same at all cross-sections
D. The velocity varies linearly between the two surfaces
E. The velocity distribution at any section is the same as if the plates were parallel
Answer» E. The velocity distribution at any section is the same as if the plates were parallel
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