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Hammer blow in pipe occurs when

A. Flow of fluid through pipe is suddenly brought to rest by the closing of the valve
B. Pipe bursts under high fluid pressure
C. Flow of fluid through pipe is gradually brought to rest by the closing of valve
D. Excessive leakage occurs in pipe
E. Pipe is hit with hammer
Answer» A. Flow of fluid through pipe is suddenly brought to rest by the closing of the valve

The loss of pressure head for the laminar flow through pipes varies

A. As the square of velocity
B. Directly as the velocity
C. As the inverse of the velocity
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Directly as the velocity

The oscillatory motion of a ship or a boat about its longitudinal axis is designated as

A. Vibration
B. Pitching
C. Simple harmonic motion
D. Gyro-mtion
E. Rolling
Answer» E. Rolling

The surface tension has the units

A. Newtons/m
B. Newtons/m2
C. Newtons/m2
D. Newtons
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Newtons/m

A small-size nozzle is built into a Pelton turbine for directing its water jet towards the back of the bucket, so that machine can be stopped quickly, is known as

A. Reverse nozzle
B. Compensating nozzle
C. Brake nozzle
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Brake nozzle

In case of Buttress dams, too steep slopes

A. Increase the tendency to sliding
B. Increase inclined stress at heel
C. Increase tendency to over turning
D. Increase tensile stress on upstream side of dam
E. Increase stresses at heels only
Answer» A. Increase the tendency to sliding

The lift on the cylinder caused by the circulation is independent of

A. velocity
B. cylinder diameter
C. magnitude of circulation
D. None of the above
Answer» B. cylinder diameter

How many dimensionless parameters can be obtained for a physical phenomenon having 7 varieables involving 3 fundamental dimensions?

A. 4
B. 3
C. 7
D. 10
Answer» A. 4

Essentially the gravity dam resists the loads to which it is exposed, due to its

A. Volume
B. Size
C. Mass
D. Gravity
E. High tensile stress
Answer» C. Mass

The angle of divergence for the divergent cone of a venturimeter which will give most efficient conversion of kinetic energy is about

A. 10
B. 12
C. 4
D. 6
E. 15
Answer» D. 6

Identify the incorrect statement. Apparent shear forces

A. Depend upon molecular interchange of momentum
B. Can never occur in frictionless fluid regardless of its motion
C. May occur owing to cohesion when the fluid is at rest
D. Can never occur when the fluid is at rest
E. Depend upon cohesive forces
Answer» C. May occur owing to cohesion when the fluid is at rest

An air vessel is provided at the summit in a syphone to

A. Maintain pressure difference
B. Increase velocity
C. Increase discharge
D. Avoid an interruption in the flow
E. Regulate the flow
Answer» D. Avoid an interruption in the flow

Bhakra dam is constructed on river

A. Chambal
B. Chenab
C. Sutlej
D. Beas
E. Yamuna
Answer» C. Sutlej

The breaking up of a liquid into fine droplets by spraying is called

A. Venturi effect
B. Vaporization
C. Carburetion
D. Osmosis
E. Atomization
Answer» E. Atomization

A rotameter should always be installed in

B. vertical position
C. inclined at 45? to vertical
D. inclined at 30? to vertical
E. horizontal position
Answer» B. vertical position

In case the adhesion between moleules of a fluid is greater than cohesion between fluid and the glass, then the free level of the fluid in glass tube dipped in the glass vessel will be

A. Lower than the surface of the fluid
B. Same as the surface of the fluid
C. Dependent on atmospheric temperature
D. Dependent on atmospheric pressure
E. Higher than the surface of the fluid
Answer» A. Lower than the surface of the fluid

A fluid is a substance that

A. expands until it fills its space
B. is essentially incompressible
C. has a viscosity that always decreases with temperature
D. always moves when subjected to a shearing stress
E. has a viscosity that always increases with temperature
Answer» D. always moves when subjected to a shearing stress

Which one of the following is not usually considered particular advantage of a Buttress dam?

A. Due to thin section, the problem of temperature control is minimised.
B. Economy in use of concrete
C. Less uplift force
D. The power house and switchyard etc. can be located between the buttresses
E. Because of thin members, the volume changes are significant
Answer» E. Because of thin members, the volume changes are significant

When the rheogram is linear but does not pass through origin, fluid is said to be

A. Newtonian
C. Non-newtonian
D. Bingham.
E. Ideal plastic
Answer» D. Bingham.

Water turbines may be put in the decreasing order of specific speed as

A. Propeller turbine, Reaction turbine Impulse turbine
B. Pelton wheel, Francis turbine, Kaplan turbine
C. Reaction turbine Impulse turbine Propeller turbine
D. None of the above
E. 3
Answer» A. Propeller turbine, Reaction turbine Impulse turbine

Surge wave is an example of

A. steady uniform flow
B. steady non-uniform flow
C. unsteady non-uniform flow
D. unsteady uniform flow
Answer» C. unsteady non-uniform flow

The power output of a 10 : 1 scale model of a hydro turbine is measured to be 20 W. The power output in kW expected from the prototype is

A. 2
B. 63
C. 200
D. 150
E. 100
Answer» B. 63

Pascal-second is the unit of

B. surface
C. kinematic viscosity
D. pressure
E. dynamic viscosity
Answer» E. dynamic viscosity

The resultant upward pressure of a fluid on a floating body is equal to the wirght of the fluid displaced by the body. This is known as

A. Schmidt's hypothesis
B. Archimedes principle
C. Bernoulli's theorem
D. Pascals law
E. Reynolds principle
Answer» B. Archimedes principle

A control volume refers to

A. A closed system
B. An open system
C. A isolated system
D. A fixed region in space
E. A specified mass
Answer» B. An open system

A piece of metal weights 10 kg in air and 8 kg in water. The specific gravity of the metal is

A. 8
B. 0.8
C. 5
D. 10
E. 4
Answer» C. 5

The pressure force, in Newtons, on the 15 cm-dia, head light of an automobile travelling at 25 m/s is

A. 10.4
B. 6.8
C. 4.8
D. 3.2
E. 5.6
Answer» B. 6.8

The ratio inertia forces/surface tension force gives a non-dimensional number known as

A. Cauchy number
B. Euler number
C. Shround number
D. Weber number
E. Froude number
Answer» D. Weber number

Highest value of sliding factor may be expected in case of

A. Concrete on gravel
B. Concrete on fine gravel
C. Concrete on sand
D. Concrete on rock
E. Concrete on clayey soil
Answer» D. Concrete on rock

An ideal flow of any liquid must fulfil

A. Newton's second law of motion
B. Countinuity equation
C. Law of conservation of energy
D. Bernulli's theorem
E. The Newton's law of viscosity
Answer» B. Countinuity equation

A right circular cylinder open at the top is filled with liquid (specific gravity 1.2) and rotated about its vertical axis at such speed that half the liquid spills out. The pressure at centre of the bottom is

A. One eighth of its value when cylinder was full
B. Same as before rotation
C. One fourth of its value when cylinder was full
D. Zero
E. Half of its value when cylinder was full
Answer» D. Zero

What pressure differential, in pascals, exists at the bottom of a 3 m vertical wall if the temperature inside is 20?C and outside it is -20?C. Assume equal pressures at the top

A. 3
B. 15
C. 6
D. 9
E. 12
Answer» C. 6

The result of pressure of a liquid on the wetted surface of a rigid body is

A. The single force which, acting at a point on that surface would produce the same effect on the body as the liquid pressure on it
B. The single resultant force acting on the body
C. The point where vertical component of resulting force is zero
D. The single point where resultant horizontal force is zero
E. None of the above
Answer» A. The single force which, acting at a point on that surface would produce the same effect on the body as the liquid pressure on it

Prandtl's mixing length hypothesis is based on

A. eddy viscosity
B. momentum exchange that occurs due to random motion
C. similarity of turbulent flow pattern
D. None of the above
Answer» B. momentum exchange that occurs due to random motion

The value of n in Manning's formula for flow through channel is expected to be least in case of

A. Glass surfaces
B. Unfinished cement surface
C. Cement concrete finish
D. Corrugated metals surface
E. Vitrified clay.
Answer» A. Glass surfaces

The coefficient of discharge (Cd) of an orifice varies with

A. Reynold number
B. Weber number
C. Froude number
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Reynold number

In a mixed flow turbine water enters

A. axially and leaves radially
B. radially and leaves axially
C. tangentially and leaves axially
D. tangentially and leaves radially
Answer» B. radially and leaves axially

A bulb turbine is a

A. high head high rpm turbine
C. high head turbine
D. medium head turbine
E. low head turbine
Answer» E. low head turbine

For a given bed, roughness and discharge when the wetted perimeter is minimum, the which of the following is also minimum?

A. hydraulic radius
B. discharge
C. cross-sectional area.
D. velocity
Answer» C. cross-sectional area.

An imaginary line drawn through a flow field such that the tangent at any point gives the velocity vector at an instant is known as

A. path line
B. streak line
C. steam line
D. either of the above
Answer» C. steam line

Total drag on a body is the sum of

A. friction drag and pressure drag
B. pressure drag, velocity drag and friction drag
C. 28
D. friction drag and velocity drag
E. pressure drag and velocity drag
Answer» A. friction drag and pressure drag

Separation is caused by

A. an adverse pressure gradient
B. boundary layer thickness reducing to zero
C. laminar flow changing to turbulent flow
D. all of the above
Answer» A. an adverse pressure gradient

Air vessels in a reciprocating pump are fitted to

A. Increase the opening speed of pump
B. Reduce suction head
C. Reduce the acceleration head
D. Increase delivery head
E. Smoothen delivery head
Answer» C. Reduce the acceleration head

In axial flow turbine

A. It is possible to regulate the flow
B. It is necessary that wheel should always run full
C. Water admitted over part of the circumference
D. Depends upon other factors
E. Only part of the available head is converted into velocity before the water enters the wheel
Answer» D. Depends upon other factors

In which of the following cases it is possible for flow to occur from low pressure to high pressure?

A. Flow through a converging section
B. Adiabatic flow in a horizontal pipe
C. Flow of liquid in a vertical pipe
D. Flow of air downward in a pipe
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Flow through a converging section

The speed of a submariue can be measured by

A. Pitot tube
B. Hot wire anemometer
C. Pirani gauge
D. Inclined manometer
E. Any of the above
Answer» A. Pitot tube

In an open channel the discharge corresponding to critical depth is

A. Minimum
B. Maximum
C. Zero
D. Average
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Maximum

Bernoulli's theorem deals with the principle of conservation of

A. Force
B. Hydraulic pressure
C. Mass
D. Energy
E. Momentum
Answer» D. Energy

Two units are homologous when they are geometrically similar and have

A. Same Reynolds number
B. Same efficiency
C. 51.3
D. Similar stream lines
E. Same Froudes number
Answer» A. Same Reynolds number

Buoyant force is

A. The resultant force acting on the body
B. Resultant force on the body due to the fluid surrounding it
C. Resultant of upthrust and gravity forces acting on the body
D. Resultant of static weight of body and dynamic thrust of fluid
E. Equal to the volume of liquid displaced by the body
Answer» E. Equal to the volume of liquid displaced by the body

The upper critical Reynolds number is

A. Important from a design view point
B. Not more than 2000
C. The number at which turbulent flow changes to laminar flow
D. About 2000
E. Of no practical importance in pipe flow problems
Answer» D. About 2000

Abnormal load on a earth dam is

A. Weight of dam and structure above it
B. Water pressure corresponding to full reservoir level
C. Weight of the dam
D. Uplift
E. Wave pressure
Answer» E. Wave pressure

In a Buttress dam the inclination of the deck with horizontal is kept between

A. 25? to 30?
B. 35? to 40?
C. 15? to 20?
D. 60? to 75?
E. 10? to 15?
Answer» B. 35? to 40?

In which of the following types of flow the losses are maximum?

A. Turbulent flow
B. Critical flow
C. Transition flow
E. Laminar flow
Answer» A. Turbulent flow

Which type of pump is different from others?

A. Lobe pump
B. Gear pump
C. Fuel pump for diesel engine
D. Sliding vane pump
E. Centrifugal pump
Answer» C. Fuel pump for diesel engine

The velocity of a fluid particle at the centre of the pipe section is

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Average
D. r.m.s.
E. Logarithmic average.
Answer» A. Maximum

The turbine that cannot be installed in high head plant is

A. Kaplan turbine
B. Francis turbine, vertical
C. Francis turbine, horizontal
D. Pelton wheel, horizontal
E. Pelton wheel, vertical
Answer» A. Kaplan turbine

Geometric similarity between model and prototype means

A. The similarity of linear dimensions
B. The similarity of motion
C. The similarity of forces
D. Vitrified clay.
E. The similarity of discharge
Answer» A. The similarity of linear dimensions

The Reyonlds number may be defined as the ratio of

A. Viscous forces to inertial forces
B. Elastic forces to pressure forces
C. Viscous forces to gravity forces
D. Gravity forces to inertial forces
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

The maximum velocity through a circular channel takes place when the depth of flow is equal to

A. 0.95 times the diameter
B. 0.25 times the diameter
C. 0.50 times the diameter
D. 0.37 times the diameter
E. 0.81 times the diameter
Answer» E. 0.81 times the diameter

In a flow between two stationary parallel plates the shear stress is zero at

A. the top
B. at the centre where velocity is maximum
C. both at the base and at the top
E. the base
Answer» B. at the centre where velocity is maximum

The head loss in turbulent flow in a pipe

A. Varies approximately as square of velocity
B. Varies conversely as square of velocity
C. Varies directly as velocity
D. Varies conversely with diameter
E. Varies inversely with diameter
Answer» A. Varies approximately as square of velocity

A high speed vehicle, travelling at 50 m/s, dips an 80 cm wide scoop into water and deflects the water 180. If it dips 5 cm deep what force, in kN, is exerted on the scoop?

A. 200
B. 25
C. 120
D. 100
E. 50
Answer» A. 200

A most economical channel section is one which for a given cross-section area

A. Has maximum depth of fluid flowing
B. Has maximum discharge
C. Has maximum hydraulic radius
D. Has maximum wetted perimeter
E. Has maximum velocity of fluid
Answer» B. Has maximum discharge

Navier-stokes equation is useful in the analysis of

A. Viscous flow
B. Non-viscous flow
C. Rotational flow
D. Turbulent flow
E. Any of the above
Answer» A. Viscous flow

Which one is different from the others?

A. Warped vane impeller
B. Shrouded impeller
C. Axial flow impeller
D. Mixed flow impeller
E. Open impeller
Answer» B. Shrouded impeller

The ratio of average velocity to mzximum velocity for steady laminar flow in circular pipes is

A. ?
B. 2
C. 1
Answer» A. ?

The metacentric height of ocean going vessels is usually of the order of

A. 1.8 m to 2.0 m
B. 30 cm to 1.2 m
C. 5 m to 7 m
D. 3 m to 5 m
E. 8 m to 10 m
Answer» B. 30 cm to 1.2 m

A stepped notch is

A. A notch of varying shapes along the line of flow
B. A combination of triangular notches of different sizes
C. A combination of rectangular notches of different sizes
D. Semi-elliptical in section
E. A combination of triangular and a circular section
Answer» C. A combination of rectangular notches of different sizes

A perfect gas

A. Has zero viscosity
B. Has constant viscosity
C. Satisfies the relation PV = mRT
D. Is incompressible
E. None of the above
Answer» C. Satisfies the relation PV = mRT

A piece of cork weighing 4 kg floats in water with 40% of its volume under the liquid. Determine specific gravity of cork.

A. 1
B. 0.16
C. 0.4
D. 0.6
E. None of the above
Answer» C. 0.4

A rotameter is a device used to measure

A. Vortex flow
B. Velocity of gauges
C. Density of fluids
D. Velocity of fluid in pipes
E. Flow of fluids
Answer» E. Flow of fluids

If the specific speed of a pump is in the range 170 to 400, the type of pump would be

A. Axial flow
B. Radial flow
C. Mixed flow
D. Turbine type
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Axial flow

A syphon is used to

A. To fill water from a reservoir at lower level to another reservoir with the help of a pump
B. To connect two reservoirs
C. To disconnect water from one reservoir to another
D. To connect two water reservoirs at different levels intervened by a mountain
E. To distribute water from a reservoir at higher level to reservoirs at lower levels
Answer» D. To connect two water reservoirs at different levels intervened by a mountain

A circular plate 1 m in diameter submerged vertically in water such that its upper edge is 8 m below the free surface of water. The total hydrostatic pressure force on one side of the plate is

A. 65.4 kN
B. 45.0 kN
C. 6.7 kN
D. expands until it fills its space
E. 77.0 kN
Answer» C. 6.7 kN

The falling drops of rain acquire spherical shape on account of

A. Surface tension
B. Buoyancy
C. Compressibility
D. Viscosity
E. Vapour pressure
Answer» A. Surface tension

A foot valve is provided on

A. Centrifugal pumps
B. Kaplan turbines
C. Pelton wheels
D. High pressure devices
E. All of the above
Answer» A. Centrifugal pumps

If the specific speed of a pump is calculated as 5000, the type of pump that should be selected is

A. Axial flow or propeller pump
B. Mixed flow or screw pump
C. Slow speed radial flow
D. Medium speed radial flow
E. High speed radial flow
Answer» A. Axial flow or propeller pump

Newton's law of viscosity relates

A. Shear stress, temperature, viscosity and velocity
B. Pressure, vicosity and rate of angular deformation
C. Yield shear stress, rate of angular deformation and viscosity
D. Pressure, velocity and viscosity
E. Shear stress and rate of angular deformation in a fluid
Answer» E. Shear stress and rate of angular deformation in a fluid

The length of mercury column at a place at an altitude will vary with respect to that at ground in a

A. Parabolic relation
B. First slowly and then steeply
C. Hyperbolic relation
D. Will remain constant
E. Linear relation
Answer» B. First slowly and then steeply

Which of the following forces does not act in case of fluids?

A. Gravity force
B. Elastic force
C. Vibratory force
D. Centrifugal force
E. Tensile force
Answer» E. Tensile force

A stream line

A. Is the line along the geometrical centre of the flow
B. Is the line of equal velocity in a flow
C. Occurs in all types of flow
D. Is the line along which the rate of pressure drop is uniform
E. Is fixed in space in steady flow
Answer» E. Is fixed in space in steady flow

A surge wave is an example of

A. 10
B. steady uniform flow
C. unsteady non-uniform flow
D. steady non-uniform flow
E. unsteady uniform flow
Answer» C. unsteady non-uniform flow

Find the odd one out

A. Modulus of elasticity
B. 51.3
C. Unit shear stress
D. Pressure
E. Energy
Answer» E. Energy

Atmospheric pressure held in terms of water column is

A. 7.5 m
B. 8.5 m
C. 9.81 m
D. 10.30 m
E. None of the above
Answer» D. 10.30 m

The arch dam is not suitable for

A. Low heads
B. Small discharge
C. Wider sites
D. Narrow sites
E. Small discharge and low heads
Answer» C. Wider sites

What pressure, in kPa, is equivalent to 600 mm of Hg?

A. 51.3
B. 100
C. 80
D. 55.2
E. 95.2
Answer» C. 80

Which two forces are most important in laminar flow between closely spaced parallel plates

A. Inertial, viscous
B. Pressure, inertial, inetial
C. Gravity, pressure
D. Viscous, pressure
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Inertial, viscous

The velocity of flow through homogeneous porous media under constant head is

A. directly proportional to the coefficient of permeability
B. inversely proportional to the coefficient of permeability
D. inversely proportional to the square of the coefficient of permeability
E. directly proportional to the square of the coefficient of permeability
Answer» E. directly proportional to the square of the coefficient of permeability

It is desired to predict the performance of a large centrifugal pump from that of a scale model one fourth the diameter. The model absorbs 20 HP when pumping under test head of 20 m at its best speed of 400 r.p.m. The large pump is required to pump against 60 m head. The following will be the speed of the pump

A. 173 RPM
B. 153 RPM
C. 208 RPM
D. 100 RPM
E. 167 RPM
Answer» A. 173 RPM

The angle of taper on a draft tube is

A. More than 15?
B. Around 10?
C. Less than 7
D. More than 20?
E. Around 15?
Answer» C. Less than 7

To determine the reservoir storage capacity for a given uniform demand, one of the following data is most useful

A. Daily flow-duration curve of the stream at the dam site
B. 1.25
C. Stage discharge relation for the stream at the reservoir site
D. Mass curve of the flow volume for several consecutive years
E. Unit hydrograph of the basin
Answer» D. Mass curve of the flow volume for several consecutive years

If the Mach number of a flow is 3 the flow is known as

A. Super-supersonic
B. Supersonic
C. Sonic
D. Sub-sonic
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Supersonic

Select the correct statement regarding frictionless flow

A. The velocity is always sonic at the throat of a converging diverging tube
B. In diverging conduits the velocity always decreases
C. On supersonic flow the area decreases for increasing velocity
D. Sonic velocity cannot be exceeded at the throat of a converging diverging tube
E. Less than 3 m of water
Answer» C. On supersonic flow the area decreases for increasing velocity

Pascal's law states that pressure at a point is equal in all directions

A. In a liquid at rest
B. In a fluid at rest
C. In a laminar flow
D. In a turbulent flow
E. None of the above
Answer» B. In a fluid at rest

A practical example of steady non-uniform flow is given as the

A. Flow through venturimeter
B. Motion of a river around the pillars of a bridge
C. Constant discharge through straight tapering draft tube turbine
D. Flow through delivery pipe of a reciprocating pump
E. Steadily decreasing flow through a reducing section
Answer» C. Constant discharge through straight tapering draft tube turbine

If a centrifugal pump takes too much power, the cause may be

A. Air in water
B. Foot valve too small
C. Air leakage
D. Low speed
E. Heavy liquid.
Answer» E. Heavy liquid.

Out ward radial flow turbines

A. Are impulse type
B. Are reaction type
C. Are partly impulse partly reaction
D. May be impulse or reaction type
E. None of the above
Answer» D. May be impulse or reaction type

The statement "For laminar flow through a fine porous bed or capillary passages in a solid, the velocity based on the total cross-section is proportional to the ratio of pressure gradient to viscosity" is known as

A. Schmidt's law
B. Fick's law
C. Reynolds hypothesis
D. Stock's law
E. Darcy's law of permeability
Answer» E. Darcy's law of permeability

Cavitation is caused by

A. Low velocity
B. Low pressure
C. High velocity
D. Low barometric pressure
E. High pressure
Answer» B. Low pressure
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