930+ Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) Solved MCQs


Section 379 of IPC defines:

A. Robbery
B. Extortion
C. Theft
D. Punishment for theft.
Answer» D. Punishment for theft.

Theft in dwelling house is described in:

A. Section 378 of IPC
B. Section 379 of IPC
C. Section 380 of IPC.
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Section 380 of IPC.

Extortion is describes in:

A. 379 of IPC
B. 382 of IPC
C. 383 of IPC
D. 380 of IPC.
Answer» C. 383 of IPC

Some persons may use the threat and others may receive the property. In such a case, all would be guilty of:

A. Theft
B. Robbery
C. Extortion
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Extortion

In which section extortion by putting a person in fear of death or grievous hut is defined:

A. Section 379 of IPC
B. Section 380 of IPC
C. Section 386 of IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Section 386 of IPC

Theft and Extortion are the offences against:

A. Body
B. The state
C. The property
D. All of these.
Answer» C. The property

Punished of extortion shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extent to:

A. Three years and with fine
B. Ten years and with fine
C. Six months and with fine
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Three years and with fine

Theft is an offence against movable property when the consent is:

A. Not obtained at all
B. Obtained by force
C. Obtained by fraud
D. All of the above.
Answer» A. Not obtained at all

Robbery is under:

A. Section 379 of IPC
B. Section 386 of IPC
C. Section 390 of IPC
D. All of the above.
Answer» C. Section 390 of IPC

Which is not an element of theft:

A. Dishonest intention
B. Removal from possession
C. Immovable property
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Immovable property

For the offence of theft, the taking of property should be:

A. Permanent
B. Temporary
C. Either permanent or temporary
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Either permanent or temporary

Z takes away a golden chain of his wife which was given by her father as dowry, without her consent, and pledges it to raise money for domestic use. Z is:

A. Not guilty of theft as the chain was their joint property.
B. Not guilty of theft as the property was temporarily taken away
C. Guilty of theft
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Guilty of theft

Section 392 of IPC describes the punishment for robbery:

A. Imprisonment for 10 years
B. Imprisonment for 14 years
C. Imprisonment for 7 years
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Imprisonment for 14 years

When Robbery is a dacoity?

A. 4 five persons
B. Four persons
C. Three persons
D. Two persons.
Answer» A. 4 five persons

If Death is caused after theft, in order to carry away the property, the offence will be:

A. Dacoity
B. Extortion
C. Robbery
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Robbery

A, B and C are joint owners of some property. A removes the property without consent:

A. A is guilty of theft as property belongs to him
B. A is guilty of theft as he is only a joint owner
C. A is guilty of criminal misappropriation
D. A is guilty of breach of trust.
Answer» B. A is guilty of theft as he is only a joint owner

The punishment under Section 379 is extended up to:

A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Three years

“A” took a sum of Rs. 50,000 from ‘B’ by putting ‘B’ in fear of death. ‘A’ has committed:

A. Cheating
B. Robbery
C. Mischief
D. Extortion.
Answer» D. Extortion.

Which statement correctly distinguishes theft from extortion?

A. In theft, there is dishonest intention whereas in extortion it is not there
B. In extortion, there is dishonest intention whereas in theft it is not there
C. In theft, there is dishonest intention whereas in extortion it is fraudulent intention.
D. In theft, there is taking of property whereas in extortion there is delivery of property.
Answer» D. In theft, there is taking of property whereas in extortion there is delivery of property.

Attempt to commit robbery is under:

A. Section 378 of IPC
B. Section 379 of IPC
C. Section 390 of IPC
D. Section 393 of IPC.
Answer» D. Section 393 of IPC.

Which section of IPC defined dacoity?

A. Section 378 of IPC
B. Section 390 of IPC
C. Section 391 of IPC
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Section 391 of IPC

The essence of the offence of robbery is:

A. Fear or violence
B. Imminent fear or violence
C. Fear or violence-imminent or distant
D. All of above.
Answer» B. Imminent fear or violence

Dacoity is committed:

A. When 2 or more persons commit or attempt to commit robbery.
B. When 5 or more persons co-jointly commit or attempt to commit robbery
C. When robbery is committed with firearms or lethal weapons
D. All of these.
Answer» B. When 5 or more persons co-jointly commit or attempt to commit robbery

Attempt to dacoity is under:

A. Section 393
B. Section 394
C. Section 395
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Section 393

Assembling for dacoity is punishable under:

A. Section 396, IPC
B. Section 391, IPC
C. Section 399, IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Section 399, IPC

Preparation to commit dacoity is under :

A. Section 379 of IPC
B. Section 399 of IPC
C. Section 392 of IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Section 399 of IPC

Which is correct:

A. Misappropriation of property takes place when one innocently comes into the possession of some movable property and thereafter changes his intention to keep it for his own use.
B. If a person finds somebody else’s property but does not know as to whom it belongs to an keeps it for his own use, it is not misappropriation
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Misappropriation of property takes place when one innocently comes into the possession of some movable property and thereafter changes his intention to keep it for his own use.

Which is correct?

A. Removing ornaments from a dead body for one’s own use is dishonest misappropriation of property.
B. A partner who uses the car of the firm without permission or consent of other partners is guilty of criminal misappropriation of property.
C. A person who takes possession of property which the rightful owners has lost is guilty of criminal misappropriation if he dishonestly converts the property.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. A person who takes possession of property which the rightful owners has lost is guilty of criminal misappropriation if he dishonestly converts the property.

Under which section dacoity with murder is described:

A. Section 378 of IPC
B. Section 399 of IPC
C. Section 396 of IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Section 396 of IPC

Criminal misappropriation takes place when:

A. The possession has been innocently come
B. Dishonest appropriation or conversion of property for a person’s own use.
C. Such property must be movable
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

Which is not an essential ingredient of criminal breach of trust:

A. Misappropriation
B. Entrustment
C. Negligence
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Negligence

Criminal breach of trust has been committed?

A. B asked a goldsmith A to make a gold chain and paid him Rs. 3000 as cost of gold and his labour charges. But A neither prepared the chain by the given date nor returned the money.
B. ‘A’ a postmaster received money from the depositors but did not enter the same in their post office accounts.
C. The Government gave 100 bags of cement to A, a contractor, for a certain work. A after taking delivery of the bags used only 60 of them and passed on the rest to another person
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. ‘A’ a postmaster received money from the depositors but did not enter the same in their post office accounts.

Which is an essential element of criminal breach of trust?

A. Contractual relationship
B. Transfer of possession
C. Taking possession of the property by fraudulent means
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Contractual relationship

Which section of IPC defines Criminal breach of trust:

A. Section 404 of IPC
B. Section 405 of IPC
C. Section 403 of IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Section 405 of IPC

Punishment of criminal breach of trust is described in:

A. Section 406 of IPC
B. Section 407 of IPC
C. Section 416 of IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Section 406 of IPC

In case of robbery or dacoity, the right of private defence extends voluntarily causing:

A. Any harm including death.
B. Any harm other than death
C. Any harm other than grievous hurt
D. None.
Answer» A. Any harm including death.

Can a person commit a breach of trust for his own property:

A. Yes
B. No
C. Sometimes
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. No

Criminal breach of trust by public servant:

A. Section 406 of IPC
B. Section 409 of IPC
C. Section 400 of IPC
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Section 409 of IPC

Mischief is an offence dealing with the:

A. Damage to property
B. Damage to person
C. Damage to person or property
D. All of these.
Answer» A. Damage to property

A voluntarily throws into a river a bag belonging to B with intention thereby causing wrongful loss to B. A has committed:

A. Theft
B. Extortion
C. Robbery
D. Mischief.
Answer» D. Mischief.

Entry upon another’s land, the remedy is:

A. Civil suit
B. Criminal prosecution/Trespass
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Civil suit

House-trespass is:

A. Lurking house-trespass
B. Lurking house-trespass by night
C. House-breaking
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

The punishment for house-trespass and house-breaking is:

A. Imprisonment for one year or fine of Rs. 1000, or both; imprisonment for three years and fine.
B. Imprisonment for two years or fine of Rs. 2000, or both; imprisonment for three years and fine.
C. Imprisonment for six years, or fine of Rs. 2000, or both’ imprisonment for two years and fine.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Imprisonment for one year or fine of Rs. 1000, or both; imprisonment for three years and fine.

Forgery is an offence relating to:

A. Documents
B. Property
C. Hurt
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Documents

X committed theft in a government building. Z a Chowkidar of the building, kept the gate of the building open with the intention of facilitate X’s safe retreat with the stolen property and thereby facilitated his retreat. Which one of the following statement is correct?

A. Guilty of abetment of theft by international aiding
B. Guilty of theft by instigation
C. Not guilty of abetment
D. Guilty of theft.
Answer» A. Guilty of abetment of theft by international aiding

A had consensual sexual relations with Z wife. She gives to A valuable property which A knows to belong to her husband, Z and she has no authority from Z to give. A takes the property dishonestly. Which one of the following offences has been committed by A?

A. Criminal breach of trust and criminal misappropriation
B. Theft and criminal breach of trust
C. Theft
D. Criminal breach of trust.
Answer» C. Theft

A threatens to publish a defamatory liable concerning B unless B gives him money and B in consequence gives A money. A commits the offence of:

A. Theft
B. Robbery
C. Criminal intimidation
D. Extortion.
Answer» D. Extortion.

‘A’ meets ‘Z’ on the road and asks him to part with his belonging on the instant threat of hurt to Z. while Z delivers his purse to A, A snatches away a golden chain from Z neck. Which one of the following offences is committed by A?

A. Extortion
B. Robbery by theft
C. Robbery by extortion
D. Robbery by theft as well as robbery by extortion.
Answer» A. Extortion

A is invited by B for a cup of tea. While B is in the kitchen preparing tea. A finds a golden ring on the table. He picks it up and places. It somewhere in the room with the intention of dishonestly taking it away some time later. A commits:

A. No offence
B. Extortion
C. Attempt to commit theft
D. Theft.
Answer» B. Extortion

Which one of the following statements correctly distinguishes theft from extortion?

A. In theft, there is dishonest intention whereas in extortion it is not there.
B. In extortion there is dishonest intention whereas in theft it is not there.
C. In theft, there is dishonest intention whereas in extortion it is fraudulent intention
D. In theft there is taking of property whereas in extortion there is delivery of property.
Answer» B. In extortion there is dishonest intention whereas in theft it is not there.

Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn from de minimis non curat tax?

A. Necessity knows no law
B. Nothing is an offence done by a child under 7 years of age.
C. Every person is liable for his own acts
D. Trifling acts do not constitute an offence.
Answer» D. Trifling acts do not constitute an offence.

X and Y agree to commit theft in Z’s house but no theft is actually committed. They are guilty of:

A. No offence
B. Criminal conspiracy
C. Abetment by conspiracy
D. Abetment by instigation.
Answer» C. Abetment by conspiracy

The offence of theft becomes robbery when it is:

A. Coupled with force
B. Committed by two or more but less than five persons
C. Committed by five or more persons
D. Coupled with imminent danger to life.
Answer» D. Coupled with imminent danger to life.

X a Hindu, turned his wife out of the marital home and refused to return her ornaments, money and clothes despite her repeated demands. What offence, if any, has X committed?

A. Cajolery
B. Cheating
C. Criminal intimidation
D. Criminal breach of trust.
Answer» D. Criminal breach of trust.

X and Y were about to travel from Jammu Tawi to Delhi by the same train. Y had two tickets for Pathankot and X had a ticket for Delhi. X voluntarily handed over his ticket to Y in order to check that it was the right one. Y under the pretence of returning X’s ticket substituted it by one of his own and kept X’s ticket. What offence did Y commit?

A. Theft
B. Extortion
C. Misappropriation
D. Cheating.
Answer» C. Misappropriation

A person who was not expected to be in office, created a brief that he would be in office and obtained gratification. Which one of the following offences has been committed by him?

A. Bribery
B. Misappropriation
C. Cheating
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Cheating

Robbery becomes dacoity when committed conjointly by

A. Two persons
B. More than two persons but less than five persons
C. Five persons or more
D. None.
Answer» C. Five persons or more

In cases of dishonest misappropriation the initial possession of the property:

A. Is dishonest
B. Is fraudulent
C. Is innocent
D. None.
Answer» C. Is innocent

A finds a watch on the floor of a State Transport bus while he was leaving it as the last passenger. He picked it up and kept it in his pocket instead returning it to the State Transport authorities. Next day he sold it. A is liable for:

A. Theft
B. Extortion
C. Criminal misappropriation
D. Criminal breach of trust.
Answer» C. Criminal misappropriation

A servant collected money from the debtor of his master as authorized by him. The servant retained the money in his hands because it was due to him as wages. He commits:

A. Criminal breach of trust
B. Theft
C. No offence
D. Criminal misappropriation.
Answer» A. Criminal breach of trust

Offence of theft is related to:

A. Movable property only
B. Immovable property only
C. Property only
D. None.
Answer» A. Movable property only

Dishonest intention must precede the act of taking in

A. Criminal misappropriation
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Theft
D. None.
Answer» C. Theft

Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term theft?

A. Dishonest removal of one’s property
B. Removal of property from the custody of a person without his consent
C. Dishonest removal of any property from one’s possession without his consent
D. Dishonest removal of movable property from one’s possession without his consent.
Answer» C. Dishonest removal of any property from one’s possession without his consent

Which of the following is an essential element of criminal breach of trust?

A. Contractual relationship
B. Transfer of possession
C. Taking possession of the property by fraudulent means
D. Property must be movable.
Answer» A. Contractual relationship

Under the Indian Penal Code who among the following is liable for committing theft?

A. Child below 7 years of age.
B. Child below 8 years of age.
C. Child between 7 and 10 years of age
D. Child between 7 and 12 years of age having maturity of understanding.
Answer» C. Child between 7 and 10 years of age

On a foggy night A puts his scooter in the garage of B. On finding it, if B removes the scooter from the garage and puts it alongside the road then:

A. B has committed the tort of trespass to goods because he interfered with the property of another.
B. B has committed no tort because he acted in protection of his property.
C. B has committed no tort because he is not at fault.
D. B is liable as joint tort feasor.
Answer» B. B has committed no tort because he acted in protection of his property.

Extortion is defined in

A. Section 383 of IPC
B. Section 390 of IPC
C. Section 387 of IPC
D. None.
Answer» A. Section 383 of IPC

Which one of the following statements is correct:

A. An innocent principal is not liable for the fraud of his agent
B. An innocent principal is liable for the fraud of his agent
C. An innocent agent is liable for all frauds of his principal
D. None of the above is correct.
Answer» A. An innocent principal is not liable for the fraud of his agent

Point out incorrect response. The following are the ingredients of theft :

A. Dishonest intention to take another’s property. The Property must be movable.
B. Property should be taken out of the possession of another person without his consent.
C. There must be some moving of the property in order to accomplish the taking of it.
D. Taking of another’s property must be with the intention to retain the property permanently.
Answer» D. Taking of another’s property must be with the intention to retain the property permanently.

Point out incorrect response. The following are some of the illustrations of theft :

A. A, a mail-sorter secrets out a bearing letter with an intention to deliver it to the mail peon and to share the collections.
B. A takes B’s stick out of his hand in order to beat him with it.
C. A cuts down a tree on B’s ground with the intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of B’s possession without B’s consent.
D. A took a bundle belonging to himself which was in possession of a police constable and for which the constable was accountable.
Answer» B. A takes B’s stick out of his hand in order to beat him with it.

Point out the incorrect answer :- Theft consists of

A. Taking of immovable property.
B. Out of the possession of any person.
C. Dishonest intention.
D. Without his consent.
Answer» A. Taking of immovable property.

Offence of theft is related to

A. Movable property only.
B. Immovable property only.
C. Property only.
D. All of above.
Answer» A. Movable property only.

Give the correct response

A. Immovable property becomes the subject of theft if it is severed from the earth.
B. Immovable property become the subject of theft as soon as it has been severed from the earth.
C. Immovable property is not capable of being the subject of theft.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

A cuts down a tree on Z’s ground with the intention of dishonestly taking the tree out of Z’s possession with the consent of Z’. A has committed theft ______

A. As soon as he starts cutting the tree.
B. As soon as her intends to cut it.
C. As soon as tree is severed from earth.
D. All of the above.
Answer» C. As soon as tree is severed from earth.

A being Z’s servant and entrusted to YZ with the care of Z’s plate dishonestly runs away with the plate A commits

A. Criminal breach of trust.
B. Criminal misappropriation of property.
C. Extortion.
D. Theft.
Answer» D. Theft.

A finds a ring lying on the road not in the possession of every person. A by taking it commits.

A. Criminal misappropriation of property.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Theft.
D. Extortion.
Answer» A. Criminal misappropriation of property.

A sees a watch belonging to Z lying on a table in Z’s house, not wanting to misappropriate the watch immediately to avoid search and detection, hides the watch in a place from where it can not be found. A commits theft when the watch

A. Hidden by A.
B. Intended by A to subject it of theft.
C. First moved from its place.
D. A does not commit theft but criminal branch of trust.
Answer» C. First moved from its place.

A owes money to Z for repairing it. If Z retains the watch as a security. A takes the watch out of Z’s possession.

A. A does not commit theft.
B. A commits theft if he takes dishonestly.
C. Z commits theft.
D. A and B both commits theft of each others property.
Answer» B. A commits theft if he takes dishonestly.

A being in family terms with Z, goes in Z’s library in his absence and takes away a book for the purpose of reading it. A afterwards A keeps the book. A commit

A. Theft.
B. Theft if he keeps the book dishonestly.
C. No offence.
D. Attempt to commit theft.
Answer» B. Theft if he keeps the book dishonestly.

A is paramour of Z’s wife. She gives a ring of gold which A knows to belong to her husband Z.

A. A does not commit theft.
B. A commits theft of ring.
C. Z’s wife commit theft.
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. A commits theft of ring.

A in good faith, believing property belonging to Z to be his own property. takes that property out of B’s possession

A. A commits theft.
B. A commits no theft as he does not take away the property dishonestly.
C. A commits no theft because property belongs to Z was not takes from his possession.
D. A commits no theft because he takes the property out B’s possession.
Answer» B. A commits no theft as he does not take away the property dishonestly.

For the offence of theft the taking of property there should be

A. Temporary.
B. Permanent.
C. Either permanent or temporary.
D. Neither permanent nor temporary.
Answer» C. Either permanent or temporary.

Accused took out an Indian Air Force plane for an authorized flight and afterwards did not return. A is guilty of

A. Extortion.
B. Theft.
C. Criminal breach of trust.
D. Criminal misappropriation of property.
Answer» B. Theft.

Give the correct response

A. A person can not be Convicted of stealing his own property.
B. A person can be convicted of stealsing his own property.
C. A person can be convicted of stealing his own property if he takes it dishonestly from an others possession.
D. All of these.
Answer» C. A person can be convicted of stealing his own property if he takes it dishonestly from an others possession.

For the offence of theft, the thing stolen must be-------

A. Of Rs. 200/- in value.
B. Of Rs. 5/- in value.
C. Of raw value.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

The accused dropped in to the slit in a box, a brass disk, about the size and shape of a fifty paisa coin and there - by obtained a cigarette. He is guilty of

A. Extortion.
B. Criminal Brach of trust.
C. Theft.
D. No offence.
Answer» C. Theft.

Give the correct response

A. For the offence of theft the property must be movable.
B. Though water running in the pipes is immovable, it may be subjected to theft.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b).

A puts a bait for dogs in his pocket thus induces Z’s dog to follow it without Z’s consent ------

A. A commits no theft.
B. A commits criminal breach of trust.
C. Commits the ft as soon as Z’s dog had being to follow.
D. Commits theft as soon as Z’s dog began to follow A and A’s intention is dishonest.
Answer» D. Commits theft as soon as Z’s dog began to follow A and A’s intention is dishonest.

Point out incorrect response. The following are the essential elements of the offence of extortion:

A. Dishonestly inducing the person so put in fear of injury to deliver to any person or property or valuable security.
B. Intentionally putting a person in fear of injury to himself or to another.
C. The property is delivered to the extortionist as a means of avoiding injury.
D. The property must always be a movable property.
Answer» D. The property must always be a movable property.

Give correct response. The following are illustrations of the offence of extortion :

A. A threatens B that he will kidnap his son unless B gives within 48 hours Rupees 500 to C. B gives Rs.500 to C.
B. A meets B on the high road, shows a pistol and extracts B’s purse.
C. A meets B and his child C on the high road. A takes the child and threatens to fling it down a precipice unless B delivers his purse. B in consequence delivers his purse to A.
D. A in snatching a nose ring wounded a woman in the nostril and caused her blood to flow.
Answer» A. A threatens B that he will kidnap his son unless B gives within 48 hours Rupees 500 to C. B gives Rs.500 to C.

Extortion has following ingredients:--

A. Dishonestly inducing the person so put in fear to any person any property or valuable security.
B. Intentionally putting a person in fear of injury to himself or another.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b).

The offence of extortion can be committed against

A. Immovable property.
B. Valuable security.
C. Movable property.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

The difference between theft and extortion is that

A. Former is related to immovable property while latter is related to movable property.
B. In former offence taken the property with out owner’s consent while in latter by wrongfully obtaining the consent.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. In former offence taken the property with out owner’s consent while in latter by wrongfully obtaining the consent.

A threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning Z unless Z gives him money. He thus induced Z to give his money. A has committed

A. Robbery.
B. Dacoity.
C. Theft.
D. Extortion.
Answer» D. Extortion.

A by putting Z in fear of grievous hurt dishonestly induces Z to sign or affix his seal on a blank paper and deliver it to A. Z sign and delivers a paper to A. A is guilty of

A. Theft.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Cheating.
D. Extortion.
Answer» D. Extortion.

In the offence of extortion trust should be used against

A. Himself.
B. His family.
C. His relations.
D. Any one.
Answer» D. Any one.

Which of the following act/acts amount/amounts to extortion

A. Refusal to allow people to carry away firewood collected in a government forest.
B. Obtaining of a bond under the threat of non-rendering of service as a wakil.
C. Refusal to perform a marriage ceremony without taking payment of Rs. 5/00.
D. None of the.
Answer» D. None of the.

In all cases of robbery, there is

A. Either theft or extortion.
B. Theft.
C. Extortion.
D. Theft, extortion and mischief.
Answer» A. Either theft or extortion.

Give the correct response

A. The chief distinguishing element in robbery is the presence of imminent fear of violence.
B. There can be no robbing which does not fall with in the definitions of theft and extortion.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b).

A meets Z on a high way, shows a pistol and demands Z’s purse. Z in consequence gives his purse. A has committed.

A. Robbery.
B. Extortion.
C. Theft.
D. Dacoity.
Answer» A. Robbery.
  • Question and answers in Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860),
  • Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) Important MCQs,
  • Solved MCQs for Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860),
  • Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) MCQs with answers PDF download