930+ Indian Penal Code (IPC 1860) Solved MCQs


A meets B and his child in a jungle. A takes the child and threatens to kill him unless B delivers his purse. A has committed

A. Theft.
B. Robbery.
C. Docoity.
D. Extortion.
Answer» B. Robbery.

A person ‘A’ caused hurt to run away when caught while stealing. He is guilty of committing

A. Robbery.
B. Decoity.
C. Theft.
D. Extortion.
Answer» A. Robbery.

The accused abandoned the property obtained by theft and fired a shot in air to deter his persons from following him. A has committed

A. Robbery.
B. Theft.
C. Dacoity.
D. Extortion.
Answer» B. Theft.

Give the correct response

A. An accidental infliction of injury by a thief will not convert his offence in to robbery.
B. The injury may be intended an unintended are.
C. For the offence of robbery the presence of imminent fear or violence is necessary.
D. All of these.
Answer» C. For the offence of robbery the presence of imminent fear or violence is necessary.

A person in snatching a mosering, wound a woman in the nostril and caused her blood to flow. He committed

A. Extortion
B. Dacoity
C. Theft.
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Robbery is dacoity, if it is committed by

A. By at least four persons.
B. By at least five persons.
C. By at least two person.
D. By at least three persons.
Answer» B. By at least five persons.

Which one of the following is an offence which is punishable at four stages

A. Dacoity
B. Murder
C. Robbery
D. Rape
Answer» A. Dacoity

Dacoity is punishable

A. When five or more persons assemble for the purpose of committing dacoity.
B. preparation to commit dacoity.
C. Attempt of dacoity.
D. All of these.
Answer» D. All of these.

The master of the house seeing the large number of dacoits, do not offer any resistance and no force or violence is used in taking away the property. The offence committed is

A. Dacoity
B. Robbery
C. Theft.
D. Extortion
Answer» A. Dacoity

Where there were only five named accused who committed dacoity. out of these two were acquitted holding that only three took part in the offence. The remaining three can be convicted of

A. Robbery.
B. Docility.
C. Unlawful assembly.
D. No offence.
Answer» A. Robbery.

If murder is committed by any one of the dacoits in commission of dacoity. Each shall be punished with

A. Death.
B. Rigorous imprisonment for ten years.
C. Imprisonment for life.
D. Any one of the above.
Answer» D. Any one of the above.

The house of a person was raided by a gang of five dacoits. One of them was armed with a gun. Mean while a number of villagers had assembled outside the house and compelled dacoits to retreat with out the booty. The dacoits fired a shot resulted in the death of a villager

A. All dacoits are liable for murder.
B. Only the dacoit who fired the shot is liable.
C. Villagers are liable as they assembled at the spot.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. All dacoits are liable for murder.

For the offence of criminal misappropriation--

A. There must be dishonest misappropriations in conversion of property for a person’s own.
B. Such property must be immovable.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. There must be dishonest misappropriations in conversion of property for a person’s own.

The accused found a purse on the pavement of a temple in a crowded gathering and put it in his pocket but was immediately arrested. He is guilty of

A. Criminal breach of trust.
B. Criminal misappropriation.
C. Theft.
D. Of no offence.
Answer» B. Criminal misappropriation.

A find a valuable ring on the road not knowing to whom it belongs. A picked up immediately. A is guilty of

A. Criminal misappropriation.
B. Criminals breach trust.
C. Theft.
D. No offence.
Answer» A. Criminal misappropriation.

The accused purchased a watch for Rs.100 from a house. The accused is guilty of

A. Theft.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Criminal misappropriations of property.
D. No offence.
Answer» D. No offence.

A Hindu girl paked up a memebrs made it over to an sweeper girl. Her brother ‘B’ had found the original owner. B is guilty of

A. Theft.
B. Extortion.
C. Cheating.
D. Criminal misappropriation.
Answer» D. Criminal misappropriation.

The difference between theft & criminal misappropriation is/are

A. Intention in former is manifested by wrongful taking while in later it is manifested when property is transformers in his own use.
B. In former the offender dishonestly takes property while in later possession come innocently.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b).

A and B were about to travel by the same train from Benares city. A had a ticket for Ayodhya and B for Benares cantt. A voluntarily handed over her ticket to be checked. B under the pretence of returning his ticket substituted the tickets and kept A’s ticket. A commits

A. Criminal misappropriation.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Cheating.
D. Mischief.
Answer» A. Criminal misappropriation.

Z dies in possession of furniture and money. His servant A’ before he comes in to the possession of any person entitled for the same, uses it for his own purposes. A has committed

A. Criminal breach of trust.
B. Cheating.
C. Criminal misappropriation.
D. No offence.
Answer» C. Criminal misappropriation.

A person sells the house of Z when he dies. A commits

A. Criminal misappropriation.
B. Extortion.
C. Theft.
D. None of the above.
Answer» D. None of the above.

The offence of criminal breach of trust requires

A. The person entrusted dishonestly misappropriates the property to his own use.
B. Entrusting any person with any property or any dominion over the property.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b).

The offence of criminal breach of trust consists of

A. Conversion.
B. Disposal of property.
C. Misappropriation.
D. Any one of these.
Answer» D. Any one of these.

A person who obtains possessions by a trick-------

A. Commits theft.
B. Commits theft.
C. Is an entrustment of property with in the meaning of this section.
D. Is not entrustment of property.
Answer» D. Is not entrustment of property.

Accused ‘A’ obtained utensils representing that he was a tenant and would return after repairing but he did not return the utensils and it was found that he was not the tenant. A is guilty of

A. Cheating.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Theft.
D. Mischief.
Answer» A. Cheating.

The offence of criminal breach of trust relates to

A. Movable property.
B. Immovable property.
C. Either of the above.
D. Neither of the above.
Answer» C. Either of the above.

Give the correct response

A. Dishonest intention is gist of criminal breach of trust.
B. Negligence on the part of person does not amount to dishonest intention.
C. Both (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b).

An accountant in a bank receives some money from a customer instead of depositing it kept it, in his pocket, he is guilty of

A. Criminal misappropriation.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Cheating.
D. Theft.
Answer» B. Criminal breach of trust.

A the husband of B gave her some money to deposit in the bank in his name. She uses that money in purchasing a small house for herself. She is guilty of

A. Theft.
B. Criminal breach of trust.
C. Extortion.
D. No offence.
Answer» D. No offence.

The husband and father in law turned out a Hindu woman from the marital home and refused to return her money and ornaments. They are guilty of

A. Criminal misappropriation.
B. Can not say.
C. Criminal breach of trust.
D. No offence.
Answer» C. Criminal breach of trust.

Give incorrect response. The following are ingredients of the offence of criminal misappropriation:

A. Misappropriation must be permanent.
B. Dishonest misappropriation or conversion of property for a persons own use.
C. The property may come into the possession innocently but its subsequent appropriation constitutes the offence.
D. Property must be movable.
Answer» A. Misappropriation must be permanent.

Give correct response. The following are illustrations of the offence of criminal misappropriation :

A. A shows his ticket from Allahabad to Delhi to B and inquires whether it was a correct one. B who was also a passenger to Delhi hands over his own ticket for a shorter journey to A and retains his ticket for his use.
B. A, a mail sorter secrets letters with intention to hand them over to the delivery peon and share the money payable thereon.
C. A takes his meals in a hotel and leaves the hotel without paying for the meals but because of forgetfulness.
D. A found a gold coin on an open plain and sold it next day and appropriated the sale proceeds. A had no information about the circumstances in which the coin was lost.
Answer» A. A shows his ticket from Allahabad to Delhi to B and inquires whether it was a correct one. B who was also a passenger to Delhi hands over his own ticket for a shorter journey to A and retains his ticket for his use.

Point out incorrect response. The following are the ingredients of the offence of criminal Breach of trust :

A. The trust for which a property is entrusted must always be in furtherance of any lawful object.
B. The person entrusted with the property dishonestly uses or disposes of that property in violation of any direction of law or any legal contract prescribing the discharge of such trust.
C. The person entrusted with the property dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use that property.
D. A person must have been entrusted with property or with any dominion over property.
Answer» A. The trust for which a property is entrusted must always be in furtherance of any lawful object.

Point out incorrect response. The following are some of the illustrations of the offence of criminal breach of trust :

A. A had borrowed Rs.500/- from B. One day A left his trunk at B’s house and went to enjoy holidays. On return A asked for his trunk from B. B did not allow A to take out his trunk unless the debt owed by A was paid to B.
B. A, a printer uses certain blocks, entrusted to him to print the complainants catalogue for the purpose of printing a rival firms catalogue.
C. A was employed at a liquor shop for selling liquor. He has agreed not to adulterate and sell adulterated liquor. One day he took out one gallon liquor for his own use and mixed an equal quantity of water and sold it.
D. A, an Inspector of the water works department who was entrusted to check the distribution of water permits his tenant to use water without paying the tax and gives no information to his employer.
Answer» A. A had borrowed Rs.500/- from B. One day A left his trunk at B’s house and went to enjoy holidays. On return A asked for his trunk from B. B did not allow A to take out his trunk unless the debt owed by A was paid to B.

Give correct response. The following is an illustration of cheating :

A. A has already paid his house rent to his land lord B and obtained a receipt. A lost the receipt. A prepared a receipt for rent in lieu of the genuine receipt already lost and forged the signature of B, his landlord so that he may not be asked by B to pay the rent again.
B. A has no account at his bankers. But B supposes that A has and on that supposition B forges A’s name on a cheque.
C. A altered his date of birth in his High School certificate and produced a copy of the forged certificate to his employer B in order to deceive him to get an employment.
D. A sells his land to B. A, knowing that he has no right to property in the land, makes a subsequent sale of the same land in favour of C without disclosing the fact of previous sale to B and receives the purchase money from C.
Answer» D. A sells his land to B. A, knowing that he has no right to property in the land, makes a subsequent sale of the same land in favour of C without disclosing the fact of previous sale to B and receives the purchase money from C.

Assertion (A): The Indian Penal code contains certain exceptions from criminal liability. Reason (R): There cannot be universal criminal liability in all circumstances. Of the above statements.

A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true and R is NOT a correct explanation of A
C. A is true but R is false
D. A is false but R is true.
Answer» A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

when a person is made to commit a crime after being put under fear of death, there is:

A. No mens rea
B. Mens rea
C. No offence
D. Neither mens rea nor offence.
Answer» D. Neither mens rea nor offence.

The Courts have evolved some tests to determine at what stage an act or a series of acts done towards the commission of the intended offence would become an attempt. Identify which one of the following test is not correct?

A. Proximity test
B. Impossibility test
C. Locus standi test
D. Social danger test.
Answer» C. Locus standi test

If acts no fact reum nisi means sit rea is a cardinal principle of criminal law, then which one of the following statements correctly reflects the above principle?

A. Mens rea is an essential element of a crime and there cannot be a crime without means rea.
B. Criminal liability under Indian Law always implies mens rea
C. To constitute a crime there must be actus rues and mens rea
D. Actus reus is not always necessary to constitute a crime.
Answer» D. Actus reus is not always necessary to constitute a crime.

Which one of the following is associated with Common Intention?

A. Similar intention
B. Pre-mediated concert
C. Same intention
D. Unanimous decision in a meeting to do a particular act.
Answer» B. Pre-mediated concert

Which is one of the following statements correctly describes the concept of ‘Mens rea’?

A. Mens rea needs be present at the stage of planning, but not act the stage of commission of the offence.
B. Mens rea should be excluded unless the statute specifically requires it to be proved.
C. Absolute prohibition is not required to negate mens rea
D. If the statute is silent about mens rea, as a general rule it should be read into the statute.
Answer» C. Absolute prohibition is not required to negate mens rea

A right which has a co-relative duty and can be legally enforced is called:

A. An antecedent right
B. A remedial right
C. A perfect right
D. An imperfect right.
Answer» A. An antecedent right

The essential ingredients of a crime are:

A. Motive, mens rea and actus reus
B. Motive, intention and knowledge
C. Actus reus and mens rea
D. None.
Answer» A. Motive, mens rea and actus reus

Give correct response. The common law rule is that no person is criminally liable for the act of another unless he has authorised or assented to it. The following are exceptions to this rule:

A. Criminal Trespass.
B. Private Nuisance.
C. Riot.
D. Public Nuisance.
Answer» C. Riot.

Point out best response. Of all the doctrines that are of fundamental importance in criminal jurisprudence, the rule is that:

A. A man is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty and that the benefit of all reasonable doubts must be given to the accused.
B. Whenever a case is brought with in the forecorners of a statute, the burden lies upon the accused to prove that the act was done innocently and not intentionally or negligently.
C. Whenever the prosecution alleges the commission of a crime and prima facie establishes the guilt of the accused the burden lies upon the defence to disporve the prosecution story.
D. Where the evidence adduced by the accused fails to satisfy the court affirmatively of the existence of circumstances bringing the case with the general exception pleaded, the accused shall not be entitled to acquittal in any circumstance whatsoever.
Answer» A. A man is presumed innocent until he is proved guilty and that the benefit of all reasonable doubts must be given to the accused.

Point out incorrect response. There is a presumption that mens rea and evil intention or knowledge of the wrongfulness of the act, is an essential in every offence. However, the following are some of the exceptions to this general rule:

A. Acts which are not criminal in any sense, but are acts which in the public interest are prohibited under the penalty.
B. Cases of public nuisance where the employer is liable on indictment for nuisance caused by workmen without his knowledge and contrary to his orders.
C. There may be cases in which, although the proceeding is criminal in form, it is really as summary mode of enforcing civil right.
D. All cases of private nuisance.
Answer» D. All cases of private nuisance.

Give best response. Acts reus and mens rea are the two most essential elements of a crime. Actus reus means as follows :

A. External manifestation of will is known as actus reus.
B. Actus reus means the act, omission or other event indicated in the definition of the crime charged as being prescribed by criminal law.
C. Actus reus are such bodily movements as are prohibited by law.
D. Actus reus means such physical act of a human being as the law seeks to prevent.
Answer» B. Actus reus means the act, omission or other event indicated in the definition of the crime charged as being prescribed by criminal law.

Point out incorrect response. The following are the examples of cases of strict liability at common law:

A. Private libel.
B. Public nuisance.
C. Contempt of Court.
D. Public as well as private nuisance.
Answer» D. Public as well as private nuisance.

Point out incorrect response. The doctrine of mens rea requires a mind at fault in all offences. To this general rule, the exceptions are found in statutory offences. Some of the exceptions are offences relating to:

A. Public welfare offences relating to regulation of road traffic.
B. Public welfare offences, such as sale of adulterated drugs or food articles.
C. Abduction and Bigamy in common law.
D. Liability of the master for the acts of his servants.
Answer» D. Liability of the master for the acts of his servants.

Point out incorrect response. The maxim nullum poena sine leg, nullum crimes sine leg, known as the principle of legality implies the following:

A. Non-retroactivity of penal laws i.e. no person shall be punished except in pursuance of a statute which fixes a penalty for a criminal conduct.
B. No person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once.
C. Penal statutes are to be construed strictly against the state and in favour of the accused.
D. It lays down an injunction to the legislature not to lay down the law in broad general terms but it must be certain and also that penal laws should be accessible and intelligible.
Answer» B. No person shall be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once.

Point out incorrect response. The following are the fundamental principles of criminal jurisprudence:

A. No person accused of an offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.
B. No person can be put to peril twice for the same offence.
C. A man is presumed innocent unless he is proved guilty i.e., the burden of proving the guilt lies on the prosecution and benefit of all reasonable doubts is given to the accused.
D. Whenever insanity is pleaded in defence by the accused the burden shall lie upon the prosecution to prove that the accused was of sound mind at the time of commission of the offence.
Answer» D. Whenever insanity is pleaded in defence by the accused the burden shall lie upon the prosecution to prove that the accused was of sound mind at the time of commission of the offence.

Give correct response. Generally speaking the elements of a crime are:

A. Mens rea and acts reus are the two most important elements of a crime; whereas motive is never a relevant factor in determination of criminal liability.
B. Motive is never taken into consideration to determine the criminal liability of a person, only actus reus is important.
C. Motive, mens rea and actus reus; all are essential elements of a crime.
D. Motive is some times more important than mens rea to determine the criminal liability of a person.
Answer» A. Mens rea and acts reus are the two most important elements of a crime; whereas motive is never a relevant factor in determination of criminal liability.

Point out incorrect response. Actus reus and mens rea are the two important elements of a crime. Actus reus may be defined as ‘such result of human conduct as the law seeks to prevent.’ It is made up of three constituent parts, namely :

A. Act may be done voluntarily or involuntarily.
B. Such act as is ‘prohibited by law.’
C. Human action which is usually termed as ‘conduct’.
D. The result of such act in the specified circumstances i.e., injury.
Answer» A. Act may be done voluntarily or involuntarily.

Give best response. Actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea, (act itself does not make a man guilty unless his intentions were so). Thus mens rea means:

A. Expectations in the mind that the bodily motions will lead to certain consequences.
B. Mens rea means the mental state expressly or impliedly mentioned in the definition of the crime charged, which mental state constitutes a necessary requirement of that crime.
C. Mens rea denotes that guilty frame of mind with which an act is done.
D. Mens rea means evil intent or knowledge of the wrongfulness of conduct.
Answer» B. Mens rea means the mental state expressly or impliedly mentioned in the definition of the crime charged, which mental state constitutes a necessary requirement of that crime.

Give correct response. Negligence in crime means :

A. A man is said to be negligent with respect to the consequences of his act, if he foresees the probability that it will occur, but does not desire it, nor foresees it as certain.
B. The state of mind of a person who foresees the possible consequences of his conduct, but acts without any intention or desire to bring them about.
C. An attitude of mental indifference to obvious risk.
D. Want of care and precaution which a reasonable man would have taken under the particular circumstances of the case.
Answer» D. Want of care and precaution which a reasonable man would have taken under the particular circumstances of the case.

Give best response. The liability to conviction of an individual depends not only on his having done some outward acts which the law forbids but on his having done them in a certain frame of mind or with a certain will. Exceptions to this general rule are strict liability offences which mean that:

A. Crimes not requiring any kind of fault or guilty mind on the part of the accused in doing the act constituting the offence but the doing of the act forbidden alone holds one responsible for it.
B. Crimes requiring some fault on the part of another but not the accused himself.
C. Crimes though not committed with some guilty intention but are acts in which the accused has acquiesced or connived or is negligent or reckless in some manner.
D. Crimes where a person is not himself guilty in so far as the actual commission of the act constituting the offences is concerned but he has either authorised the doing of the act or has failed to take precautions to prevent it.
Answer» A. Crimes not requiring any kind of fault or guilty mind on the part of the accused in doing the act constituting the offence but the doing of the act forbidden alone holds one responsible for it.

Give correct response. A Football pool promoter employed about a large number of collectors and instructed them that it was illegal to collect money until after the matches had been played and also that credit be always given until this event. One of the collectors accepted money at the investment:

A. The pool promoter was guilty.
B. The Pool promoter was not guilty of an offence.
C. Collector was guilty.
D. Both were guilty.
Answer» B. The Pool promoter was not guilty of an offence.

Give best response. Vicarious liability means :

A. Liability of a person for the fault of some one else.
B. Liability without any kind of fault on the part of any body, but simple doing of an act forbidden by law or abstaining to do something which one is required by law to do.
C. Vicarious liability can only arise for wrongs committed by some one else provided that the accused has previously authorised or assented to the causing of the wrong or has failed to take precaution to prevent the commission of it.
D. He only is vicariously liable who permits the act to be done or who fails to prevent the commission of an act forbidden by law.
Answer» C. Vicarious liability can only arise for wrongs committed by some one else provided that the accused has previously authorised or assented to the causing of the wrong or has failed to take precaution to prevent the commission of it.

Give correct response. In Allen v. Whitehead, the defendant, an occupier and licensee of a refreshment house employed a manager for running the refreshment house. He used to visit it only once or twice a week. He had given express instructions to the manager that no prostitutes were to be allowed to congregate on the premises of the house. The manager, inspite of his instructions to the contrary, allowed some women, whom he knew to be prostitutes, to congregate on the premises. The defendant had no personal knowledge of it. Held that:

A. The defendant was not liable but the manger was liable because the defendant had given express instructions to the manger not to allow prostitutes to congregate on his premises.
B. The defendant was not liable for the offence of allowing prostitutes to congregate on his premises because he had no knowledge about it.
C. The defendant was held vicariously liable for knowingly suffering prostitutes to meet and remain in the refreshment house.
D. None of the above answers is correct.
Answer» C. The defendant was held vicariously liable for knowingly suffering prostitutes to meet and remain in the refreshment house.

Give best response about the justification of vicarious liability in crimes.

A. The justification of the doctrine of vicarious liability is based on public policy that a person may properly be punished for the crime of his subordinate servants, or agents because the threat of such punishment may induce him and others to exercise supervision over the subordinates and to make efforts to prevent the commission of the crime.
B. The expectation that the vicarious punishment of those whom he holds dear will deter the criminal himself.
C. Vicarious liability is necessary because the servants pocket is usually too shallow to bear the damages that he may negligently occasion.
D. It is more convenient to punish the master for his failure to prevent the servant from committing unauthorized crimes.
Answer» A. The justification of the doctrine of vicarious liability is based on public policy that a person may properly be punished for the crime of his subordinate servants, or agents because the threat of such punishment may induce him and others to exercise supervision over the subordinates and to make efforts to prevent the commission of the crime.

The word ‘takes’ in Section 361 of IPC signifies:

A. Taking by force
B. Taking by fraud
C. Physical taking
D. All of the above.
Answer» C. Physical taking

Which one of the following is an inchoate crime?

A. Public nuisance
B. Criminal attempt
C. Unlawful assembly
D. Riot.
Answer» C. Unlawful assembly

Which is an instance of criminal attempt?

A. A procures color with an intent to make false coins
B. A is in possession of some obscene photographs and he thought of publishing them
C. A, with an intent to kill B, administers sugar thinking it to be poison-powder.
D. None of the above.
Answer» D. None of the above.

Defamation is related with:

A. Character of a person
B. Reputation of a person
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Reputation of a person

The injury contemplated Under Section 503 is:

A. Illegal harm
B. Legal harm
C. Legal or illegal harm
D. All of these.
Answer» A. Illegal harm

Section 511 does not apply in case of

A. Attempt of riot
B. Attempt of murder
C. Attempt of theft
D. None.
Answer» B. Attempt of murder

Give the correct response

A. An attempt is distinct from mere intention to commit offence.
B. Attempt is the direct movement towards the commission of an offence.
C. None (a) and (b).
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. None (a) and (b).

Mere preparations of which of the following offence is not punishable_

A. To commit dacoity.
B. To commit depredations on the territories of any country.
C. Abetment of murder.
D. Wage was against govt. of India.
Answer» C. Abetment of murder.

A successful attempt of which of the following is not punishable ____

A. Dacoity.
B. Suicide.
C. Murder.
D. Kidnapping.
Answer» B. Suicide.

A makes an attempt to pick the pocket of Z by thrusting his hand in to the pocket of Z, but finds it empty. A is guilty of

A. Pech of theft.
B. Attempt of theft.
C. Theft.
D. Intention of theft.
Answer» B. Attempt of theft.

S. 511 does not apply in case of

A. Attempt of theft.
B. Attempt of affray.
C. Attempt of riot.
D. Attempt of murder.
Answer» D. Attempt of murder.

A woman ran to a well stating she would jump to it but she was caught before she could reach to it. She is guilty of--

A. Attempt of murder.
B. Attempt of culpable homicide.
C. Attempt of suicide.
D. No offence.
Answer» D. No offence.

A, intending to cause miscarriage, administered a harmless substance. A is guilty of-

A. No offence.
B. Attempt to cause murder of unborn child.
C. Attempt to cause abortion.
D. Culpable homicide.
Answer» A. No offence.

A accused ran after the complainant B with an axe in his hand but when he was only four paces away from B, the axe was snatched away from his hand. A is guilty of --

A. Attempt of grievous hurt.
B. Attempt of hurt.
C. Attempt of murder.
D. No offence.
Answer» C. Attempt of murder.

A purchased a stamped paper in the name of a person whose name he intended to forge, A is guilty of --

A. Attempt of cheating.
B. Attempt of criminal misappropriation.
C. Attempt of forgery.
D. No offence.
Answer» D. No offence.

Point out incorrect response. Attempt implies three essential elements:

A. An act which constitutes the actus reus of criminal attempt.
B. Mens Rea on the part of the accused.
C. A stage of crime where the accused could stop the actual commission by his subsequent change of mind.
D. Failure in the accomplishment i.e., the act must fall short of completion of the crime intended because of some external intervention.
Answer» C. A stage of crime where the accused could stop the actual commission by his subsequent change of mind.

Whoever makes any false document or false electronic record or part of a document orelectronic record, with intent to cause damage or injury, to the public or to any person, or to support any claim or title, or to cause any person to part with property, or to enter into any express or implied contract, or with intent to commit fraud or that fraud may be committed, commits forgery is :

A. Making a fake document
B. Forgery
C. Cheating
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Forgery

A person is said to make a fake document or fake electronic record, who dishonestly or fraudulently –

A. Makes, signs, seals or executes a document or part of a document
B. Makes or transmits any electronic record or part of any electronic record
C. Makes any mark denoting the execution of a document or the authenticity of the electronic signature.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A has a letter of credit upon B for Rs. 10,000/- written by Z. A, in order to defraud B, adds a cipher to the Rs. 10,000/-, and makes the sum Rs, 1,00,000/- intending that it may be believed by B that Z so wrote the letter.

A. A has committed no offence;
B. A has committed criminal misappropriation
C. A has committed forgery
D. A has committed cheating
Answer» C. A has committed forgery

A, without Z’s authority, affixes Z’s seal to a document purporting to be a conveyance of an estate from B the purchase-money. A has committed forgery.

A. A has committed forgery;
B. A has committed mischief.
C. A has committed no offence
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. A has committed forgery;

A man’s signature of his own name may amount to forgery

A. True
B. Cannot say
C. False
D. None of the above
Answer» A. True

A signs his own name to a bill of exchange, intending that it may be believed that the bill was drawn by another person of the same name. A

A. Has committed an offence;
B. Has committed an offence of cheating
C. Has committed no offence of forgery
D. Has committed an offence of forgery
Answer» D. Has committed an offence of forgery

A draws a bill of exchange upon a fictitious person and fraudulently accepts the bill in the name of such fictitious person with intent to negotiate it, A commits –

A. No offence;
B. An offence of bargaining
C. An offence of forgery
D. All of the above
Answer» C. An offence of forgery

The punishment for the commission of an offence of forgery is imprisonment of ___

A. 10 years
B. Either description for a term which may extent to two years or with fine or with both
C. Either description for a term which may extent to three years or with fine or with both.
D. Both (b) and (c)
Answer» B. Either description for a term which may extent to two years or with fine or with both

A picks up a cheque on a banker signed by B, payable to bearer, but without any sum having been inserted in the cheque. A fraudulently fills up the cheque by inserting the sum of ten thousand rupees.

A. A is a simple person, claim the protection of general exception.
B. A has not committed the offence of forgery.
C. A has committed the offence of forgery.
D. All of the above.
Answer» C. A has committed the offence of forgery.

Enticing or taking away or detaining with criminal intent a married woman is

A. No offence
B. An offence U/s 498 I.P.C.
C. A civil act.
D. None of the above
Answer» B. An offence U/s 498 I.P.C.

Husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty is

A. No offence
B. Very serious act
C. Very serious offence
D. An offence U/s 498-A IPC.
Answer» D. An offence U/s 498-A IPC.

Defamation as an offence is defined in ___

A. Section 500 IPC
B. Section 499 IPC
C. Section 501 IPC
D. None of these
Answer» B. Section 499 IPC

A says –“2 is an honest man; he stole B’s watch,” intending to cause it to be believed that Z did steal B’s watch. This is ____

A. Defamation
B. Unless falls within one of the exceptions
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

How many exceptions are to the offence of Defamation.

A. Five
B. Six
C. Nine
D. Ten
Answer» D. Ten

Marrying again during life time of husband or wife is punishable under Section.

A. 493
B. 494
C. 495
D. 496
Answer» B. 494

A makes an attempt to steal jewels by breaking open a box, and finds after so opening the box, that there is no jewel in it. He has done an act towards the commission of theft, and therefore, is ___

A. Not guilty of any offence
B. Guilty of offence U/s 506
C. Guilty of an offence U/s 511 IPC
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Guilty of an offence U/s 511 IPC

A makes an attempt to pick the pocket of Z by thrusting his hand into Z’s pocket. A falls in the attempt in consequence of Z’s having nothing in his pocket.

A. A has not committed any offence
B. A made an unsuccessful attempt, so no offence
C. A has committed an attempt to commit an offence and punishable U/s 511 IPC.
D. None of these
Answer» C. A has committed an attempt to commit an offence and punishable U/s 511 IPC.

The maximum period of imprisonment under the Code is

A. 13 years
B. 14 Years
C. 12 Years
D. 10 years
Answer» B. 14 Years

The lowest period of imprisonment under Code is

A. 1 month
B. 14 days
C. 15 days
D. 24 hours
Answer» D. 24 hours

In which the following cases, the punishment must be ‘rigorous’:

A. Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction of a capital offence.
B. House-trespass to commit an offence punishable with death
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Giving or fabricating false evidence with intent to procure conviction of a capital offence.

In which of the following cases, the punishment must be ‘simple’:

A. Refusing to take oath
B. Disobedience to an order duly promulgated by a public servant
C. Wrongful restraint
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

Solitary confinement:

A. Means keeping a prisoner thoroughly isolated from any kind of contact with the outside world.
B. Has not been abolished in India
C. Both (a) and (b) are correct.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b) are correct.

In executing a sentence of solitary confinement, such confinement must not exceed

A. Fourteen days at a time.
B. Fifteen days at a time.
C. One month at a time.
D. Twenty one days at a time.
Answer» A. Fourteen days at a time.

When no sum is expressed to which a fine may extend, the amount of fine to which the offender is liable is

A. Unlimited, but cannot be excessive.
B. Unlimited, but can be excessive.
C. Unlimited .
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Unlimited, but cannot be excessive.
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