300+ Reading Literature in English Solved MCQs


Anne Frank was a victim of -

A. Mussolini’s despotism
B. Anti-Jewish laws of Nazi Germany
C. Second World War
D. None of these
Answer» B. Anti-Jewish laws of Nazi Germany

Anne Frank wrote her diary in-

A. English
B. German
C. Dutch
D. Spanish
Answer» C. Dutch

Anne Frank’s diary was addressed to-

A. Kitty
B. Margot
C. Harry
D. Van Daan
Answer» A. Kitty

“But I’m not sorry; memories mean more to me than dresses.” Whose words are these?

A. Aldous Huxley
B. The slave
C. Edmond Spenser
D. Anne Frank
Answer» D. Anne Frank

Who sent the currant cake with the words “Happy Whitsun” to Anne’s Family in hiding?

A. Van Daan
B. Meip
C. Mr. Goudsmit
D. Harry
Answer» B. Meip

The seventh Sunday after Easter-

A. Good Friday
B. Christmas
C. Whitsun
D. None of these
Answer» C. Whitsun

------------- was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950.

A. Aldous Huxley
B. Anne Frank
C. Bertrand Russell
D. S. Radhakrishnan
Answer» C. Bertrand Russell

What was Aristotle’s mistake?

A. Stated that women had fewer teeth than men without verifying it
B. Believed that beauty was an external aspect
C. Believed that travel can reduce insular prejudice
D. None of these
Answer» A. Stated that women had fewer teeth than men without verifying it

“Be very wary of opinions that flatter your self-esteem.” Whose words are these?

A. Maxim Gorky
B. Lewis Carroll
C. Bertrand Russell
D. Martin Luther King
Answer» C. Bertrand Russell

Who wrote Republic?

A. Bertrand Russell
B. Aristotle
C. Longinus
D. Plato
Answer» D. Plato

September fifth is the birthday of-

A. S. Radhakrishnan
B. C. Radhakrishnan
C. Huxley
D. Russell
Answer» A. S. Radhakrishnan

What are the three great obstacles that hinder India’s development?

A. Intellectual rubbish, beauty & lack of awareness
B. Poverty, disease & ignorance
C. Five year plans, lack of infrastructure &lack of money
D. None of these
Answer» B. Poverty, disease & ignorance

“The tree of life is sustained by art, the tree of death by science.” Who said this?

A. William Wordsworth
B. William Harvey
C. William Blake
D. S. Radhakrishnan
Answer» C. William Blake

“Jnanam vijnana sahitham” is a quotation from-

A. The Bible
B. The Quran
C. The Upanishad
D. The Bhagavad Gita
Answer» D. The Bhagavad Gita

“Adhyatma vidya” means-

A. Knowledge of your own Self
B. Knowledge of Truth
C. Knowledge of God
D. Knowledge of Science
Answer» A. Knowledge of your own Self

Brave New World (1932) was written by-

A. S. Radhakrishnan
B. Aldous Huxley
C. Bertrand Russell
D. None of these
Answer» B. Aldous Huxley

The American Depression occurred in-

A. 1929
B. 1919
C. 1939
D. 1949
Answer» A. 1929

“‘Old Ladies’ are becoming rare.” Why?

A. Because they die early
B. Because of the beauty industry
C. Because of wealth
D. None of these
Answer» B. Because of the beauty industry

“We must be content with moderate hopes” This is the last line of-

A. Humanities vs Science
B. The Diary of a young Girl
C. How to Escape from Intellectual rubbish
D. The Beauty Industry
Answer» D. The Beauty Industry

What did Spenser write upon the strand?

A. Her name
B. His love
C. Poetry
D. None of these
Answer» A. Her name

A sonnet is a poem of -------- lines.

A. 12
B. 14
C. 150
D. 200
Answer» B. 14

-----------, by Spenser is a sequence celebrating youthful love and devotion.

A. How do I love there
B. To Anthea
C. Amoretti
D. A Ring to me is bondage
Answer» C. Amoretti

What is the theme of Spenser’s poem?

A. Chivalry
B. Death
C. Love
D. Sacrifice
Answer» C. Love

H. W. Longfellow was an ----------- poet.

A. American
B. English
C. German
D. Indian
Answer» A. American

The theme of The Slave’s Dream is:

A. Plight of women
B. Plight of slaves
C. Plight of children
D. Plight of animals
Answer» B. Plight of slaves

“He did not feel the driver’s whip”. Why?

A. He had taken opium
B. He was under medication
C. He moved away
D. He was dead
Answer» D. He was dead

What does the hyaena’s cry suggest?

A. Death
B. Life
C. Love
D. Happiness
Answer» A. Death

‘The Walrus and the Carpenter” is a --------- poem.

A. Seriou
B. Fantasy
C. Nonsense
D. Realistic
Answer» C. Nonsense

Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (1871) is a work by:

A. H. W. Longfellow
B. Sylvia Plath
C. Lewis Carroll
D. Martin Luther King
Answer» C. Lewis Carroll

What is meant by billows?

A. Sun’s ray
B. Sea waves
C. Pillow
D. The wind
Answer» B. Sea waves

Why did the moon sulk?

A. Because the carpenter walked with the walrus
B. Because he could not come up in the sky
C. Because the sun did not go away even at midnight
D. Because she was hungry
Answer» C. Because the sun did not go away even at midnight

“Their shoes were clean and neat/ And this was odd”. Why?

A. They had tiny feet
B. They had no feet
C. They did not have shoes.
D. None of these
Answer» B. They had no feet

“It seems a shame. I weep for you. I deeply sympathize” Whose words are these?

A. Tweedledum and Tweedledee
B. Walrus
C. Alice
D. Carpenter
Answer» B. Walrus

The theme of “Walrus and the Carpenter” is:

A. Marriage
B. Corruption
C. Love
D. Freedom
Answer» B. Corruption

Colossus is the first book of poems by ---------.

A. Mina Assadi
B. Dilip Chitre
C. Sylvia Plath
D. None of these
Answer» C. Sylvia Plath

The poem ------------- reflects the anxieties of a mother, poet and woman.

A. A Ring to me is Bondage
B. Father Returning Home
C. Gift
D. Mirror
Answer» D. Mirror

A young girl drowning in the lake- mirror recalls the story of Ophelia in Shakespeare’s ----

A. Macbeth
B. Hamlet
C. King Lear
D. Othello
Answer» B. Hamlet

Dilip Chitre is a prolific poet and essayist in -------------

A. Hindi
B. Arabic
C. Urdu
D. Marathi
Answer» D. Marathi

Dilip Chitre translated the poem of --------------, the Marathi Bhakti poet.

A. Kalidasa
B. Tukaram
C. Thulasidas
D. Tagore
Answer» B. Tukaram

The theme of “Father Returning Home” is -------------

A. Adolescence
B. Youth
C. Middle age
D. Old age
Answer» D. Old age

“I know Why Caged Bird Sings” is a poem by -------------

A. Mina Assadi
B. Maya Angelou
C. Dilip Chitre
D. H. W. Longfellow
Answer» B. Maya Angelou

“Poor Girl” is a ---------- poem.

A. Sonnet
B. Ode
C. Lyric
D. Epic
Answer» C. Lyric

Words, phrases or lines repeated in a poem for creating a particular effect is called --------

A. Quatrain
B. Sestet
C. Refrain
D. Blank verse
Answer» C. Refrain

What is the refrain in Maya Angelou’s poem?

A. Poor girl/ Just like me
B. But it was odd
C. Like a word dropped from a long sentence
D. None of these
Answer» A. Poor girl/ Just like me

---------- was born in the Mazandaran province of Iran.

A. Dilip Chitre
B. Mina Assadi
C. Maya Angelou
D. None of these
Answer» B. Mina Assadi

The works of ----------- are banned in Iran.

A. Mina Assadi
B. Maya Angelou
C. Khalid Hosseini
D. Salman Rushdie
Answer» A. Mina Assadi

The theme of “A Ring to Me is Bondage” is:

A. Captivity and freedom
B. Love and Hate
C. Anger and protest
D. None of these
Answer» A. Captivity and freedom

Aleksei Peshkov is the real name of:

A. Tolstoy
B. Dostoevsky
C. Gogol
D. Maxim Gorky
Answer» D. Maxim Gorky

Gorky’s stories are about the lives of ----------

A. The wealthy
B. The bourgeois
C. The poor and the uncared for
D. None of these
Answer» C. The poor and the uncared for

“Everything lives, for something better to come”. These are the words of-

A. Tolstoy
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Martin Luther King
D. Maxim Gorky
Answer» D. Maxim Gorky

Who is the protagonist of the story “One Autumn Night”?

A. A young girl
B. A young boy
C. An old woman
D. An old man
Answer» B. A young boy

A musical instrument mentioned in “One Autumn Night” is-

A. Bonbon
B. Banjo
C. Skiff
D. Dithyramb
Answer» B. Banjo

Who is the female character in “One Autumn Night”?

A. Natasha
B. Dimka
C. Pashka
D. None of these
Answer» A. Natasha

Bessie Head’s first novel-

A. The Collector of Treasure
B. When Rain Clouds Gather
C. The Lower Depths
D. None of these
Answer» B. When Rain Clouds Gather

Who tells the story of Galethebege?

A. Raloke
B. Modise
C. The Christian Missionary
D. None of these
Answer» B. Modise

Raloke believed in-

A. Christainity
B. Setswana Custom
C. Hinduism
D. Islam
Answer» B. Setswana Custom

----------was a holy thing for the people of Setswana community.

A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Cow
D. None of these
Answer» C. Cow

---------- is a Japanese story teller of the Meiji era.

A. Natsume Soseki
B. Bessie Head
C. Maxim Ghorky
D. None of these
Answer» A. Natsume Soseki

Who is the narrator of the story “I Am a Cat”?

A. The boy
B. Osan
C. The cat
D. Mike
Answer» C. The cat

Who was the first person that the cat met on reaching the master’s house?

A. Mike
B. Shiro
C. The Master
D. Osan
Answer» D. Osan

Which Italian painter is referred to in “I Am a Cat.”

A. Andrea Del Sarto
B. Davincci
C. Picasso
D. None of these
Answer» A. Andrea Del Sarto

The play by A A Milne is titled-

A. Refund
B. The Boy Comes Home
C. The King Who Limped
D. None of these
Answer» B. The Boy Comes Home

The young soldier, the hero of A A Milne’s play has come home after-

A. The II World War
B. The Trojan War
C. The I World War
D. None of these
Answer» C. The I World War

Who is the character placed in contrast to Uncle James in “The Boy Comes Home”?

A. Marie
B. Emily
C. Alice
D. None of these
Answer» B. Emily

Fritz Karinthy is described as a ----------

A. Lyricist
B. Absurdist
C. Pseudo-humorist
D. None of these
Answer» C. Pseudo-humorist

Who came back to school for refund?

A. Leaderer
B. Uncle James
C. Philip
D. Wasserkopf
Answer» D. Wasserkopf

What did the principal do when he heard Wasserkopf’s demand?

A. Shouted at Wasserkopf
B. Threw Wasserkopf out with the help of the sentry
C. Called a meeting of the teachers
D. Gave Wasserkopf the money
Answer» C. Called a meeting of the teachers

Who is called stick-in-the mud?

A. The Geography teacher
B. The Mathematics teacher
C. The Physics teacher
D. The Principal
Answer» B. The Mathematics teacher

How many questions did the Mathematics Master ask?

A. Three
B. Five
C. Two
D. One
Answer» C. Two

Which question trapped Wasserkopf?

A. How long did the Hundred Years war last?
B. Is that your answer?
C. What city of the same name is the capital of Brunswick?
D. How much do we owe you, Herr Wasserkopf?
Answer» D. How much do we owe you, Herr Wasserkopf?

The translation of Anne Frank’s Diary was published in:

A. 1951
B. 1952
C. 1953
D. 1954
Answer» B. 1952

Anne Frank died of ---------

A. Plague
B. T B
C. Typhoid
D. None of these
Answer» C. Typhoid

The first entry of the Diary of Anne Frank is on ---------

A. Wednesday, 8th July, 1942
B. Thursday, 25th May, 1944
C. Friday, 26th May, 1944
D. None of these
Answer» A. Wednesday, 8th July, 1942

Who was served the ‘call – up’ notice?

A. Anne
B. Anne’s Father
C. Van Daan
D. Margot
Answer» D. Margot

Who was Van Daan?

A. Anne’s friend
B. Mother’s friend
C. Anne’s Father’s friend
D. None of these
Answer» C. Anne’s Father’s friend

Anne bid farewell only to-

A. Mr. Goudsmit
B. Meip
C. Van Daan
D. The cat
Answer» D. The cat

When was the vegetable man picked up for having two Jews in his house?

A. Thursday, 25th May, 1944
B. Wednesday, 8th July, 1942
C. Friday, 26th May, 1944
D. None of these
Answer» A. Thursday, 25th May, 1944

What is a ‘call- up’ notice?

A. Imprisonment
B. Order to show up before the S. S.
C. Order for deportation
D. None of these
Answer» B. Order to show up before the S. S.

Why did Anne’s family sacrifice breakfast?

A. Food was costly
B. Vegetable man was arrested.
C. There were no shops nearby.
D. None of these
Answer» B. Vegetable man was arrested.

How to Escape from Intellectual Rubbish is written by ------------

A. Radhakrishnan
B. Voltaire
C. Huxley
D. Russell
Answer» D. Russell

Russell pleaded for the establishment of a -------------

A. School for peace
B. A stable Government
C. A world Government
D. None of these
Answer» C. A world Government

What is the good way for getting rid of dogmatism?

A. Reading
B. Discussion
C. Watching T V
D. Become aware of other people’s opinion
Answer» D. Become aware of other people’s opinion

What happened when Manchus conquered China?

A. Chinese began to wear pigtails
B. Chinese retained their custom of having small feet
C. Manchus imitiated Chinese custom of small feet.
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Be very wary of opinions that -----------

A. Test your experience
B. Are different from yours
C. Flatter your self-esteem
D. None of these
Answer» C. Flatter your self-esteem

Beside self-esteem there is another source of error. What is it?

A. Fear
B. Imitation
C. Hypocrisy
D. None of these
Answer» A. Fear

---------- is the main source of superstition.

A. Imitation
B. Fear
C. Ignorance
D. Disease
Answer» B. Fear

To conquer fear is the beginning of ----------------

A. Ignorance
B. Wealth
C. Wisdom
D. Spirituality
Answer» C. Wisdom

From the Romans magic descended to medieval ---------------- and ---------------

A. India and China
B. Egypt and Africa
C. Russia and Ukraine
D. Christendom and Islam
Answer» D. Christendom and Islam

What is Radhakrishnan’s greatest academic achievement?

A. September 5th is celebrated as teacher’s day
B. He wrote Humanities Vs Science
C. Elected to Oxford’s most prestigious Spalding Professorship
D. Received Bharat Ratna in 1954
Answer» C. Elected to Oxford’s most prestigious Spalding Professorship

Humanities Vs Science is a plea for ------------

A. Study of science
B. Study of Humanities
C. Integrated study of applied sciences and Humanities
D. None of these
Answer» C. Integrated study of applied sciences and Humanities

Who can transform our societies?

A. Ignorant youth
B. People with technical skills
C. People who have humane feelings
D. Young men having competence, skill, a sense of direction and a social purpose
Answer» D. Young men having competence, skill, a sense of direction and a social purpose

People now –a- days are attracted to ---------- education

A. Humanistic
B. Technological
C. Job-oriented
D. None of these
Answer» C. Job-oriented

The industrial growth of our country needs -----------, ------------ and -----------.

A. Poets, novelists and dramatists
B. Scientists, technicians and engineers
C. Spiritualists, humanists and wealthy
D. None of these
Answer» B. Scientists, technicians and engineers

The great crimes against civilization are committed by -------------

A. So-called civilized people
B. Uneducated people
C. Primitive people
D. None of these
Answer» A. So-called civilized people

The abuse of science is the fault of --------------

A. Scientist
B. Technicians
C. Spiritualists
D. Man
Answer» D. Man

National heritage means ------------------

A. Tradition of values
B. Tradition of science
C. Tradition of geographical abstraction
D. None of these
Answer» A. Tradition of values

Thirukkural is claimed by the followers of ----------

A. Jainism
B. Buddhism
C. Hinduism
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Crome Yellow is written by

A. Huxley
B. Gorky
C. Radhakrishnan
D. Bessie Head
Answer» A. Huxley

Huxley wrote an essay on the ----------- after his visit to India

A. Qutab Minar
B. Agra Fort
C. Taj Mahal
D. Golden Temple
Answer» C. Taj Mahal

Which is the only industry unaffected by the Great Depression?

A. Mining Industry
B. I T Industry
C. Steel Industry
D. Beauty Industry
Answer» D. Beauty Industry
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