310+ Reading Prose Solved MCQs


The fall of Constantinople is associated with

A. the enlightenment
B. reformation
C. renaissance
D. the french revolution
Answer» C. renaissance

Enlightenment was

A. a sixteenth century movement
B. seventeenth century movement
C. eighteenth century movement
D. nineteenth century movement
Answer» C. eighteenth century movement

‘Ancient Regime’ is a term connected with the government in

A. britain
B. france
C. germany
D. italy
Answer» B. france

Taille was

A. a trade tax
B. a land tax
C. professional tax
D. sales tax
Answer» B. a land tax

Tithe was the tax given to

A. the king
B. the church
C. the noble
D. property tax
Answer» B. the church

Who wrote the essay What is Enlightenment?

A. voltaire
B. rousseau
C. immanuel kant
D. nietzche
Answer» C. immanuel kant

“Enlightenment is man’s emrgence from his self imposednonage”. Who said this?

A. locke
B. hobbes
C. hume
D. kant
Answer» D. kant

“Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding” is written by

A. locke
B. voltaire
C. rousseau
D. hobbes
Answer» A. locke

The man who proved that the nature obeys certain fundamental laws

A. locke
B. newton
C. kant
D. louis xiv
Answer» B. newton

Tabula Rasa is a term coined by

A. locke
B. kant
C. voltaire
D. newton
Answer» A. locke

The spirit of Laws was written by

A. diderot
B. descartes
C. voltaire
D. montesquieu
Answer» D. montesquieu

“Humanity had lost its title deeds and Montesquieu recovered them”. Who said this?

A. voltaire
B. diderot
C. rousseau
D. bacon
Answer» A. voltaire

Who was Diderot’s co-editor of The Encyclopaedia?

A. voltaire
B. d’ alembert
C. rousseau
D. hume
Answer» B. d’ alembert

“All the great modern ideas have their commencement in Montesquieu”. Who said this?

A. voltaire
B. diderot
C. faguet
D. nietzsche
Answer» C. faguet

“He was scornful of revealed truth”. Who? BA English IV Semester READING Prose

A. rousseau
B. diderot
C. voltaire
D. kant
Answer» B. diderot

“Reason is the most perfect, the most noble, the most beautiful of all our faculties”. Who said this?

A. voltaire
B. rousseau
C. montesquieu
D. kant
Answer» C. montesquieu

Who wrote the ‘Discourse Preliminarie’ of The Encyclopedia?

A. diderot
B. d’alembert
C. condilac
D. hume
Answer» B. d’alembert

“We are tempted to regard him as the greatest, the most universal and the most eloquent of philosophers”. Who is praised here?

A. bacon
B. locke
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» A. bacon

The author of La Religieuse?

A. condillac
B. diderot
C. voltaire
D. bacon
Answer» B. diderot

Treatise on Human Nature was written by?

A. hume
B. rousseau
C. diderot
D. aristotle
Answer» A. hume

“An Englishman like a free man goes to heaven by whatever route he chooses”. Who made this statement?

A. montesquieu
B. voltaire
C. hume
D. barkley
Answer» C. hume

The author of Candide ? BA English IV Semester READING Prose

A. voltaire
B. rousseau
C. hume
D. gibbon
Answer» A. voltaire

Prof.Pangloss is a character in

A. history of england
B. social contract
C. emilie
D. candide
Answer» D. candide

Who termed primitive man ‘noble savage’ ?

A. voltaire
B. rousseau
C. kant
D. condercet
Answer» B. rousseau

The author of Social Contract?

A. robespirre
B. napoleon
C. kant
D. rousseau
Answer» D. rousseau

Who wrote Emilie

A. robespirre
B. napoleon
C. kant
D. rousseau
Answer» D. rousseau

Who wrote the preface to Lyrical Ballads?

A. coleridge
B. keats
C. johnson
D. wordsworth
Answer» D. wordsworth

the Essay on Man is written by

A. dryden
B. pope
C. johnson
D. gray
Answer» B. pope

Who coined the term ‘Esemblastic Imagination’

A. wordsworth
B. shelley
C. coleridge
D. schiller
Answer» C. coleridge

Who wrote The Solitary Reaper?

A. coleridge
B. shelley
C. wordsworth
D. schiller
Answer» C. wordsworth

Kubla Khan is written by

A. wordsworth
B. shelley
C. coleridge
D. keats
Answer» C. coleridge

BiographiaLiterariais authored by

A. wordsworth
B. coleridge
C. shelley
D. blake
Answer» B. coleridge

The Vindication of the Rights of Women is written by

A. mary shelley
B. mary wollstonecraft
C. george eliot
D. elizabeth browning
Answer» B. mary wollstonecraft

Manuals of good conduct for girls like The Wives of England, Daughters of England etcwere written by

A. mary wollstonecraft
B. sarah stickney ellis
C. emilie bronte
D. beatrice webb
Answer» B. sarah stickney ellis

The woman who fought against oppressive marriage laws

A. caroline norton
B. marion reid
C. harrier tayler
D. florence nightingale
Answer» A. caroline norton

The fragmentary novel ‘Cassandra’ is written by BA English IV Semester READING Prose

A. mary shelley
B. florence nightingale
C. caroline norton
D. william thomson
Answer» B. florence nightingale

A magazine the pleaded for the rights to women

A. the tatler
B. the rambler
C. the english women’s journal
D. the spectator
Answer» C. the english women’s journal

The first higher education institution for women?

A. girton college
B. eaton
C. harward
D. king’s college
Answer» A. girton college

The founder of the women’s anti-slavery society

A. francis wright
B. lucretiaott
C. elizabeth cady
D. miss garnett
Answer» B. lucretiaott

The author of Women in the Nineteenth Century?

A. francis wright
B. margaret fuller
C. florence nightingale
D. miss garnett
Answer» B. margaret fuller

The History of Women suffrage was written by

A. elizabeth stanton
B. frederick douglas
C. lucretia mott
D. margaret fuller
Answer» A. elizabeth stanton

The Seneca Falls Convention is associated with

A. women’s suffrage
B. liberation of negros
C. civil rights movement
D. anti slavery movement
Answer» A. women’s suffrage

The Revolution was a newspaper founded by

A. margaret fuller
B. susan antony
C. frederick douglas
D. elizabeth sinton
Answer» A. margaret fuller

Author of the Book The Feminine Mystique

A. kate millet
B. betty friedan
C. lucy stone
D. susan b antony
Answer» B. betty friedan

The second sex is written by

A. sartre
B. simon de beauvoir
C. betty friedan
D. kate millet
Answer» B. simon de beauvoir

The first serious book on feminist theory

A. the mandarins
B. the second sex
C. the feminine mystique
D. the revolution
Answer» B. the second sex

“One is not born, but becomes a woman” is said by

A. simone de beauvoir
B. kate millet
C. sartre
D. firestone
Answer» A. simone de beauvoir

The author of Dialectic of Sex?

A. kate millet
B. shulamith firestone
C. simone de beauvoir
D. betty friedan
Answer» B. shulamith firestone

The author of Female Eunuch is

A. kate millet
B. betty friedan
C. germaine greer
D. sartre
Answer» C. germaine greer

The Poetical is the Political is written by BA English IV Semester READING Prose

A. t. v. reed
B. audrelorde
C. kristeva
D. kate millet
Answer» A. t. v. reed

“No other movement has been so grounded in poetry as Feminism”. Who said this?

A. kate millet
B. kristeva
C. t.v. reed
D. audrelorde
Answer» C. t.v. reed

Simone de Beauvoir was influenced by

A. marxism
B. liberalism
C. existentialism
D. romanticism
Answer» C. existentialism

Who Said it Was Simple is a poem by

A. audrelorde
B. robin morgan
C. kristeva
D. t.v reed
Answer» A. audrelorde

Dalit is a term derived from

A. hindi
B. marathi
C. tamil
D. kannada
Answer» B. marathi

The first man who launched the anti-caste movement in Maharashtra

A. ambedkar
B. jyotibabhule
C. limbale
D. sivakami
Answer» B. jyotibabhule

SathyaShodhakSamaj was

A. an organisation of the lower castes
B. an organization of the upper castes
C. an organization of the maratha people
D. an organization of the tamil people
Answer» A. an organisation of the lower castes

The leader who converted the Dalits to Budhism

A. jyotibabhule
B. ambedkar
C. m.n. roy
D. gaikwad
Answer» B. ambedkar

Who collected the folk songs dealing with Ambedkar?

A. jyotibabhule
B. indira junghare
C. gaikwad
D. limbale
Answer» B. indira junghare

The political party representing the dalits

A. black panthers
B. the republican party
C. the janatha party
D. akali dal
Answer» B. the republican party

The radical writers of the Dalit Sahithya Movement is known as

A. dalit writers
B. black panthers
C. the republicans
D. liberation tigers
Answer» B. black panthers

Dalit sangharshSamiti was formed in

A. maharashtra
B. karnataka
C. uttar pradesh
D. tamil nadu
Answer» B. karnataka

White Paper is a poem by

A. sankumarlimbale
B. dr.ambedkar
C. jagadishmahato
D. sivakami
Answer» A. sankumarlimbale

gold from Grave is a

A. short story
B. poem
C. novel
D. drama
Answer» A. short story

Karakkuis the autobiography of

A. sivakami
B. bama
C. gunasekaran
D. unjairajan
Answer» B. bama

The wretched of the Earth is a book by

A. salman rushdie
B. frantz fanon
C. kamala das
D. arundhati roy
Answer» B. frantz fanon

Orientalism is a book by

A. salman rushdie
B. edward said
C. chinua achebe
D. raja rao
Answer» B. edward said

Garden of Forking Paths is a novel by

A. asturias
B. borges
C. marquez
D. sartre
Answer» B. borges

Macondo is

A. the name of a family
B. the name of a village
C. the name of a ea
D. the name of a city
Answer» B. the name of a village

The SadhujanaParipalanaSangham was founded by

A. sreenarayana guru
B. ayyankali
C. panditkauppan
D. chattampiswamikal
Answer» B. ayyankali

Yuktivadiwas founded by

A. k. ramakrishna pillai
B. t. k. madhavan
C. sahodaranayyappan
D. k. kelappan
Answer» C. sahodaranayyappan

Who wrote the “Introduction to the Lyrical Ballads?

A. keats
B. shelly
C. wordsworth
D. coleridge
Answer» C. wordsworth

“Nothing can work without the third and everything would work infinitely better without the other.” Who said this?

A. kant
B. hobbes
C. hume
D. sieyes
Answer» D. sieyes

The Essay entitled “What is Enlightenment” is written by……………………..

A. diderot
B. locke
C. kant
D. voltaire
Answer» C. kant

Who was e author of the treatise “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”?

A. hume
B. montesquieu
C. rousseau
D. locke
Answer» D. locke

Who was the chief editor of The Encyclopaedia?

A. diderot
B. kant
C. locke
D. voltaire
Answer» A. diderot

Who said at human mind is like a blank slate upon which experience makes is imprint?

A. locke
B. newton
C. danton
D. rousseau
Answer» A. locke

“The Spirit of Laws” was written by …………………………

A. bacon
B. hume
C. voltaire
D. newton
Answer» B. hume

“All the great modern ideas have their commencement in Montesquieu” who said this?

A. bacon
B. hume
C. voltaire
D. faguet
Answer» D. faguet

Letters Persaneswas a significant work by ……………………..

A. montesquieu
B. voltaire
C. diderot
D. hume
Answer» A. montesquieu

“I salute you, I love You, I revere you” to whom Diderot pay this compliment?

A. hume
B. aristotle
C. d’ alembert
D. condillac
Answer» A. hume

According to Will and Ariel Durant, who formed “the profane trio”?

A. voltaire, diderot and rousseau
B. rousseau, hume and voltaire
C. voltaire, gibbon and locke
D. diderot, d’ alembert and boswell
Answer» A. voltaire, diderot and rousseau

Who wrote Emile?

A. napoleon
B. kant
C. dryden
D. rousseau
Answer» D. rousseau

The Critique of Pure Reason was a seminal work by ……………….

A. rousseau
B. kant
C. voltaire
D. hume
Answer» B. kant

“Liberty of action and thought alone is capable of producing great things and liberty requires enlightenment to preserve it from excess” Who affirms this?

A. alembert
B. locke
C. rousseau
D. hume
Answer» A. alembert

Who wrote the novel La Religieuse(The Nun)?

A. locke
B. diderot
C. condillac
D. hume
Answer» B. diderot

“In future people will look from afar at the universal head with mingled admiration and astonishment…”Whom did Rousseau eulogize saying this?

A. diderot
B. voltaire
C. hume
D. locke
Answer» A. diderot

“We are tempted to regard him as e greatest, the most universal and the most eloquent of philosophers. Who is praised here?

A. locke
B. bacon
C. hume
D. plato
Answer» B. bacon

Who is the author of The Treatise of Human Nature?

A. hume
B. rousseau
C. darwin
D. locke
Answer» A. hume

“His prophecy that workers could gain advantage through collective bargain came true” Who made this prophecy?

A. rousseau
B. voltaire
C. hume
D. gibbon
Answer» C. hume

“An Englishman like a freeman, goes to heaven by whatever route he chooses “ Who made this statement?

A. voltaire
B. rousseau
C. gibbon
D. diderot
Answer» A. voltaire

Prof.Pangloss is a character appearing in………………..

A. voltaire’s novelette candide
B. rousseau’s emile
C. diderot’s la religieuse
D. hume’s history of england
Answer» A. voltaire’s novelette candide

Who termed Primitive man as ‘noble savage’?

A. rousseau
B. voltaire
C. locke
D. hume
Answer» A. rousseau

Who wrote “An Essay on Man”?

A. dryden
B. dr. johnson
C. wordsworth
D. pope
Answer» D. pope

Life becomes successful only after we ----------the knowledge we acquired.

A. Apply
B. Debate
C. report
D. capture
Answer» A. Apply

The essay Of Studies stresses on the need for------

A. Practical wisdom
B. education
C. hard work
D. creativity
Answer» A. Practical wisdom

Studies provide-------------in leisure hours

A. Energy
B. pleasure
C. stress
D. success
Answer» B. pleasure

Common man------book learning

A. Adapt
B. admire
C. adopt
D. None of the above
Answer» B. admire

Study of Law is a cure for-------------memory

A. Study
B. dull
C. unsteady
D. good
Answer» C. unsteady

Spending too much time on studies is---------

A. Good
B. sloth
C. compulsory
D. None of the above
Answer» B. sloth

Cunning men find their cunningness as----------for book learning

A. substitute
B. device
C. inability
D. aid
Answer» A. substitute
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