200+ Sociology of Media and Communication Solved MCQs


Which is the first news paper in Kerala?

A. Swedasabhimani.
B. Rajyasamacharam.
C. Mathrubhumi.
D. Malayala Manorama.
Answer» B. Rajyasamacharam.

Which is the first news paper in India?

A. The Indian express.
B. Bengal Gazette.
C. The Times of India.
D. Dainik Bhaskar.
Answer» B. Bengal Gazette.

Which is the first movie in India?

A. Raja Harishchandra.
B. Alam Ara.
C. Pather Panchali.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Raja Harishchandra.

The first movie in Malayalam?

A. Balan.
B. Vigathakumaran.
C. Neelakuyil.
D. Chemmeen.
Answer» B. Vigathakumaran.

The term 'cultural materialism' was coined by

A. George Habermas.
B. Raymond Williams.
C. Harold Innis.
D. Marshal Mc Luhan.
Answer» B. Raymond Williams.

----------- is a theory which views culture as a productive process, focusing on arts such as literature.

A. Cultural materialism.
B. Global village.
C. Mass communication.
D. Popular culture.
Answer» A. Cultural materialism.

According to Raymond Williams, the concept Of------------ is seen as a social development, truly developed between the 18th and 19th century within culture.

A. Literature.
B. Arts.
C. Language.
D. Communication.
Answer» A. Literature.

Which is a book of Raymond Williams?

A. Culture and Society.
B. Culture and Materialism.
C. Problems in materialism and culture.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

The principal targets of media regulation are

A. Press.
B. Radio.
C. Television.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Press Council of India (PCI) was established for the purpose of

A. Preserving the freedom of press.
B. Build a code of conduct for journalists and news agencies.
C. Improving the standards of news papers and news agencies.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Media regulation means---------- enforced by the jurisdiction of law.

A. Rules.
B. Functions.
C. Types.
D. All the above.
Answer» A. Rules.

--------------------------- is the control by the government of mass media texts..

A. Mass communication.
B. Media regulation.
C. Propaganda.
D. Public sphere.
Answer» B. Media regulation.

The global regulation of new media technologies is to

A. Ensure the cultural diversity in media content.
B. Provide a free space of public access.
C. Ideas without censorship.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

---------------- refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property.

A. Copyright.
B. Patent.
C. Cyber ethics.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Copyright.

---------------- is a legal means of protecting an author's work.

A. Patent.
B. Copyright.
C. Cyber ethics.
D. Media regulation.
Answer» B. Copyright.

---------------- gives an inventor the right to stop other people making or using their invention.

A. Patent.
B. Copyright.
C. Cyber ethics.
D. Media regulation.
Answer» A. Patent.

The word Patent is derived from which Latin word means 'to lay open'?

A. Patere.
B. Patent.
C. Pateer.
D. None of the above.
Answer» D. None of the above.

---------------- is the study of moral, legal and social issues involving cyber technology.

A. Patent.
B. Copyright.
C. Cyber ethics.
D. Media regulation.
Answer» C. Cyber ethics.

What types of work can be copyrighted?

A. Literary works.
B. Musical works.
C. Pictorial works.
D. All types of original works.
Answer» D. All types of original works.

The term of copyright for an author lasts how long?

A. 70 years.
B. 90 years.
C. Life of the author.
D. Life of the author plus 70 years.
Answer» D. Life of the author plus 70 years.

What is Verbal Communication?

A. Talking to someone.
B. When someone is talking and someone else is listening
C. When more than one person is talking
D. All the above
Answer» B. When someone is talking and someone else is listening

What is communication without words?

A. There is no communication without words.
B. Non-verbally communication
C. Telepathy
D. Sign language
Answer» B. Non-verbally communication

Which of the following is not a form of non- verbal communication?

A. Body language.
B. Tone of voice.
C. Facial expression.
D. Telepathy.
Answer» D. Telepathy.

When you are talking directly a person and you can see them, is called what?

A. Verbal contact.
B. Face to face communication.
C. Talking.
D. Body language.
Answer» B. Face to face communication.

When speaking on the phone, what type of communication is being used?

A. Verbal and tone of voice.
B. Verbal and body language
C. Verbal communication
D. Non verbal communication
Answer» A. Verbal and tone of voice.

Intellectual property is a category of property that includes intangible creation of the human___

A. Wealth.
B. Intellect
C. Property
D. Knowledge
Answer» B. Intellect

Name the mission launched by the union government of India to provide broadband access to all villages by 2022.

A. National Broadband Mission.
B. NITI Ayog.
C. Unnath Bharath Abhiyan.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. National Broadband Mission.

Full form of IPR?

A. Intellectual Property Rights.
B. Information Property Rights.
C. Intellectual Privilege Rights.
D. Information Privilege Rights.
Answer» A. Intellectual Property Rights.

Primary types of intellectual property include:

A. Patent.
B. Copyright.
C. Trademark.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

------------------ is an exclusive right granted for an inversion.

A. Patent.
B. Copyright.
C. Trademark.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Patent.

------------------ means to impart understanding of the message.

A. Encoding.
B. Decoding.
C. Feed back.
D. Receiver.
Answer» B. Decoding.

When is the communication process complete?

A. When the sender transmits the message.
B. When the message enters the channel.
C. When the message leaves the channel.
D. When the receiver understands the message.
Answer» D. When the receiver understands the message.

-------------------is the first enemy of communication

A. Noise.
B. Politeness.
C. Clarity.
D. Language.
Answer» A. Noise.

Which of these must be avoided for effective communication?

A. Listening.
B. Sharing of activity.
C. Politeness.
D. Ambiguity.
Answer» D. Ambiguity.

Which of these is not a commandment of effective communication?

A. Clarity in language.
B. Listen poorly.
C. Adequate medium.
D. Home communication skills.
Answer» B. Listen poorly.

How can a person correctly communicate?

A. Speaking.
B. Text message.
C. Phone.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

How much of language made up of non- verbal communication?

A. 38%.
B. 52%.
C. 74%.
D. 93%.
Answer» D. 93%.

How can people use verbal communication?

A. Words used during face to face contact.
B. Can happen face to face, telephone, Skype.
C. Use of words but not sounds.
D. Words either spoken or written but does not include body language.
Answer» B. Can happen face to face, telephone, Skype.

Using whole body to communicate is called?

A. Mining.
B. Body language.
C. Sign language.
D. Full communication.
Answer» B. Body language.

Waving is what type of communication?

A. Gestures.
B. Body language.
C. Sign language.
D. Body position.
Answer» A. Gestures.

Facial expressions are a part of what?

A. Gestures.
B. Sign language.
C. Body language.
D. Verbal communication.
Answer» C. Body language.

When using electronic communication, which of the following is something you should not do?

A. Use jargon.
B. Use text language.
C. Give private information.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Which of the following is a legal document?

A. Any email with a client's name.
B. Policy manual.
C. Client notes.
D. Any written documents.
Answer» C. Client notes.

Active listening involves listening and------------------.

A. Action.
B. Responding.
C. Agreeing.
D. Caring.
Answer» B. Responding.

If you are showing that you are interested in what a person is saying, then this shows what?

A. That you care.
B. That you agree with that person.
C. You are encouraging to talk more.
D. All the above.
Answer» A. That you care.

What a good way to continue the communication?

A. Make good eye contact.
B. Active listening.
C. Ask questions.
D. Do not interrupt.
Answer» C. Ask questions.

What happens when you are using jargon with someone who doesn't understand it?

A. You are smarter than them.
B. You are excluding them.
C. You are causing miscommunication.
D. You are helping them to learn.
Answer» C. You are causing miscommunication.

No matter who you are speaking to, you must always speak what?

A. The truth.
B. With respect.
C. With correct terminology.
D. How you are most comfortable.
Answer» B. With respect.

Who invented ' Television'?

A. John Baird.
B. Thomas Edison.
C. Charles Babbage.
D. Alan Shugart.
Answer» A. John Baird.

Who invented ' Radio'?

A. Rontgen.
B. Marconi.
C. Farade.
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Marconi.

Who invented ' Telephone'?

A. Alexander Graham Bell.
B. Thomas Edison.
C. Eldridge R Johnson.
D. Martin Cooper.
Answer» A. Alexander Graham Bell.

-------------- is when an authority cuts out or suppresses communication.

A. Censorship.
B. Regulation.
C. Social control.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Censorship.

Censorship can be conducted by

A. Government.
B. Private institution.
C. Corporation.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

For a work to be protectable under copyright, it must?

A. Be fixed in a tangible form of expression.
B. Be of professional quality.
C. Include a copyright notice.
D. Be clear and precise.
Answer» A. Be fixed in a tangible form of expression.

All of the following are controversies concerning copyright law except

A. Free downloads of music.
B. Whether ideas can be owned or not.
C. Indigenous practices are not covered by law.
D. Clipart in PowerPoint presentations.
Answer» D. Clipart in PowerPoint presentations.

When in doubt about copyright law, an educator should

A. Consult a lawyer.
B. Follow district policy.
C. Go ahead and use the work.
D. Request permission from the author of the work.
Answer» D. Request permission from the author of the work.

--------------------means technology that is intended to reach a mass audience

A. Mass media.
B. Education.
C. Propaganda.
D. Public opinion.
Answer» A. Mass media.

The common platforms for mass media are

A. Television.
B. News paper.
C. Internet.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

------------------------inform, educate and entertain people.

A. Mass media.
B. Propaganda.
C. Technology.
D. Education.
Answer» A. Mass media.

Who invented Internet?

A. Tim Berners Lee.
B. Charles Babbage.
C. Douglas Engelbart.
D. Alan Shugart.
Answer» A. Tim Berners Lee.

World Computer Literacy Day?

A. December 2.
B. December 3.
C. December 4.
D. December 5.
Answer» A. December 2.

World Computer Security Day?

A. November 30.
B. September 25.
C. October 28.
D. December 31.
Answer» A. November 30.

WhatsApp is a mobile chatting application under which company?

A. Victors.
B. Facebook.
C. Microsoft.
D. Apple.
Answer» B. Facebook.

Information Technology Act was enacted in India in the year?

A. 2000.
B. 2005.
C. 2008.
D. 2009.
Answer» A. 2000.

-------------------------- does not take place through face to face or telephonic conversation.

A. Mass communication.
B. Verbal communication.
C. Inter personal communication.
D. Intra personal communication.
Answer» A. Mass communication.

----------------------------- is the world's largest video- sharing social networking site.

A. WhatsApp.
B. Facebook.
C. Twitter.
D. YouTube.
Answer» D. YouTube.

------------------------- has tremendously enhanced the scope of mass communication.

A. Technological advancement.
B. Education.
C. Advertisement.
D. Public opinion.
Answer» A. Technological advancement.

-------------------is a term that refers to all print, digital and electronic means of communication.

A. Media.
B. Education.
C. Technology.
D. Censorship.
Answer» A. Media.

---------------------------- creates media

A. Technology.
B. Education.
C. Culture.
D. Public sphere.
Answer» A. Technology.

Social networking sites, blogs and wikis are include in

A. New media.
B. Broadcast media.
C. Visual media.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. New media.

Educational radio broadcasts provide

A. Education.
B. Listening participation.
C. Communication.
D. Entertainment.
Answer» B. Listening participation.

Role of mass media in education

A. Direct instruction.
B. Active learning teaching strategies.
C. Student projects.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

An emerging trend in media and communication?

A. Social media.
B. Increased audience control.
C. Multiple platforms for content delivery.
D. All the above.
Answer» D. All the above.

Harold Innis's communication writings explore the role of ----------------------- in shaping the culture and development of civilization.

A. Technology.
B. Media.
C. Education.
D. Advertisement.
Answer» B. Media.

Innis sees ---------------------- principally affecting social organization and culture.

A. Communication technology.
B. Educational development.
C. Social behaviour.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Communication technology.

IEC stands for

A. Information Electronics and Communication.
B. International Export Council.
C. Information Education and Communication.
D. Indian Economic Council.
Answer» C. Information Education and Communication.

Good communication happens only when:

A. More messages are given to more people.
B. Right message is given in the right form and to right people.
C. Various media are used to give messages.
D. Messages are detailed and with illustrations.
Answer» B. Right message is given in the right form and to right people.

In communication, information starts from?

A. Organizer.
B. Source.
C. Organization.
D. None of the above.
Answer» B. Source.

McLuhan's predictions was that of a ------------------- that would connect all people everywhere.?

A. Mass media.
B. Technological advancement.
C. Global village.
D. Public sphere.
Answer» C. Global village.

Who were the first Europeans, brought a printing press to India?

A. French.
B. Dutch.
C. English.
D. Portuguese.
Answer» D. Portuguese.

Habermas defined _ as the sphere of private people who join together to form a public.

A. Public opinion.
B. Public speech.
C. Public sphere.
D. Public relation.
Answer» C. Public sphere.

Habermas argues that the self- interpretation of the public sphere took place in the concept of

A. Public opinion.
B. Public relation.
C. Public speech.
D. None of the above.
Answer» A. Public opinion.

A group discussion is a form of

A. Dyadic communication.
B. Group communication.
C. Mass communication.
D. None of these.
Answer» B. Group communication.

The Indian Institute of Mass Communication was established in?

A. 1955.
B. 1964.
C. 1965.
D. 1946.
Answer» C. 1965.

Communication involves active interaction with our environments

A. Physically.
B. Biologically.
C. Socially.
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

The primary function of interpersonal communication is

A. Reasoning.
B. Relationship building.
C. To inform.
D. To provide relaxation.
Answer» B. Relationship building.

The Author of the book Communication Networks.

A. Daniel Belt.
B. Manuel Castle.
C. E.M.Rogers &
D. L.Kincaid.
Answer» C. E.M.Rogers &

The twentieth century began with the invention of

A. Photography.
B. Printing.
C. Cinema.
D. Radio.
Answer» C. Cinema.

Radio broadcasting began in

A. 1910.
B. 1915.
C. 1920.
D. 1925.
Answer» C. 1920.

TV telecasting began in

A. 1925.
B. 1930.
C. 1935.
D. 1940.
Answer» D. 1940.

_______________ has turned the world into a global village

A. Radio.
B. Cinema.
C. TV.
D. Internet.
Answer» D. Internet.

____________________ is the basis of all communication

A. Intrapersonal communication.
B. Interpersonal communication.
C. Mass communication.
D. Group communication.
Answer» A. Intrapersonal communication.

Who developed w.w.w.?

A. Steve Jobs.
B. Tim-Bernes Lee.
C. Henry William Gates.
D. Michel Dell.
Answer» B. Tim-Bernes Lee.

It was in ____________ world wide web was developed

A. 1991.
B. 1992.
C. 1993.
D. 1994.
Answer» D. 1994.

The social media network of Google

A. facebook.
B. Twitter.
C. Google plus.
D. Linkedin.
Answer» C. Google plus.

The Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) Kerala is located at

A. Trivandrum.
B. Kottayam.
C. Cochin.
D. Calicut.
Answer» B. Kottayam.

Which is the largest circulated daily in south India

A. Enadu.
B. Kerala Koumudi.
C. Malayala Manorama.
D. Dinakaran.
Answer» C. Malayala Manorama.

The Highest film award in India?

A. J.C.DanielAward.
B. Filmfare award.
C. film critics award.
D. Dadasaheb Phalke award.
Answer» D. Dadasaheb Phalke award.

Name the first private channel in India?

A. Zee TV.
B. Asianet.
C. Sun.
D. Star.
Answer» A. Zee TV.

The educational channel of AIR

A. Yuvavani.
B. Gyan vani.
C. Akashvani.
D. Worldspace radio.
Answer» B. Gyan vani.
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