190+ The Ottomans (1280 - 1876) Solved MCQs


Sulaiman I known in the west

A. Sulaiman Qanumi
B. Sulaiman the lawgiver
C. Sulaiman the grand Turk
D. Sulaiman the magnificient
Answer» D. Sulaiman the magnificient

The grand Mutti who supported Sulaiman I to introduced reformed legal code of Ottoman State

A. Candarli Halil
B. Khaimidin
C. Lala Sahin Pasha
D. Ebussund
Answer» D. Ebussund

Who known as the father of Qanuni i - Msmani

A. Mehmed I
B. Orthugral
C. Murat II
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The Ottoman rules belongs to

A. Mongoles
B. Sassanid
C. Mughal
D. Turkish
Answer» D. Turkish

The term / post deferdar denotes

A. minister
B. finance secretary
C. keeper of register
D. money lender
Answer» B. finance secretary

The battle of mohacs the Ottoman army led by

A. Mehmet II
B. Murat II
C. Sulaima I
D. Bayazid II
Answer» C. Sulaima I

The battle of Mahacs took place in

A. 1525
B. 1526
C. 1530
D. 1528
Answer» B. 1526

The battle which was marked the end of the middle ages in Hungary

A. Kosovo
B. Mohacs
C. Varnna
D. Constantinople
Answer» B. Mohacs

In the battle of Mohacs the Hungarians led by

A. Louis II
B. Pal Tomori
C. Stephen VII
D. Gyorgy Zapolya
Answer» A. Louis II

The siege of Vienna in 1529, was the first attempt by the Ottoman empire led by

A. Saslim III
B. Sulaiman I
C. Mehmut II
D. Mehmt I
Answer» B. Sulaiman I

The Ottoma ruler who related to the siege of szihetvan

A. Mehmet II
B. Sulaiman I
C. Bayazid I
D. Musat I
Answer» B. Sulaiman I

Predecesser of the Sulaima Qanuni

A. Mehmet IV
B. Mehmet II
C. Salim I
D. Salim II
Answer» C. Salim I

The Ottoma Sultan who known as the grim ot the Resolute’

A. Salim I
B. Salim II
C. Memet II
D. Sulaiman I
Answer» A. Salim I

Predecesser of Salim I

A. Bayzid II
B. Salim II
C. Mehmet III
D. Sulaiman I
Answer» A. Bayzid II

The battle of Chaldisul took place in

A. 1510
B. 1514
C. 1519
D. 1511
Answer» B. 1514

The treaty which was marked the end of the battle of Chaldisan

A. Treaty of Amasya
B. Treaty of Santskhe
C. Treaty of Caucasus
D. Treaty of Zuhab
Answer» A. Treaty of Amasya

The year battle of Chaldisan ends

A. 1530
B. 1545
C. 1560
D. 1555
Answer» D. 1555

During the period of the Battle Chalidisan the ruler of Saffarid empire was

A. Shah Ismail I
B. Husyn Rey Shamlu
C. Shah Thomasp
D. Shah Azad
Answer» A. Shah Ismail I

The Islamic school which was followed the Ottoma empire

A. Shafi
B. Hanafi
C. Hambali
D. Maliki
Answer» B. Hanafi

The battle of Nicopolis took place in

A. 1390
B. 1395
C. 1396
D. 1392
Answer» C. 1396

About howmany years did the Ottoma empire

A. 500
B. 600
C. 400
D. 300
Answer» B. 600

What city did the Ottoman empure conqer oin 1493 putting an end to the Byzatium empire

A. Rom
B. Constantinople
C. Vienna
D. Adrianople
Answer» B. Constantinople

What Ottoma ruler did the empire reach its peak

A. Mehmet II
B. Osman
C. Sulaiman I
D. Erthugoul
Answer» C. Sulaiman I

What flower was popular symbol of thr Ottoman empire stood for perfection and beauty

A. Liily
B. Rose
C. Tulip
D. Jasmin
Answer» C. Tulip

What was the name of the autonomous self governity religions community, each organised under its own laws and headed by a religious leader, who was responsible to the govt.

A. Millet
B. Sanjak
C. Sipahis
D. Tekke
Answer» A. Millet

Which Sultan defeated the Persians at the battle of Chaldiran in 1514 and the .... dynasty in Egypt &claimed the caliplate

A. Bayezd I
B. Salim I
C. Osman I
D. Musad II
Answer» B. Salim I

What was the name of the Ukrainian concubine Sulaimans I whose son who became Sultan and marks the begining of the decline of the Ottoman Empire

A. Mihr - I shah
B. Roxelana
C. Pukasha
D. Ayese Senigelpesver
Answer» B. Roxelana

Who was the famous architecture who built the ‘The suleymaniye and over 300 other buildings and bridges during the reigb of Sulaiman I

A. Mimar Sinan
B. Envar Pasha
C. Kara Mustafa
D. Nasridin Huja
Answer» A. Mimar Sinan

What did the Janisaries symbolically do to show they were in revolt

A. Burn there turbaus
B. Break then lanees
C. Sing a certain song
D. Overturn there large command woking pots
Answer» D. Overturn there large command woking pots

What was the highly stylized caligraphic symbol of the Sultan use for official documents

A. Kazan
B. Tughra
C. Mihrab
D. Yataghan
Answer» B. Tughra

What was the name of the room of apartments ‘the cage’ in the Topkat palace where possible successes to the throne were kept in isolation until they would become Sultan, making many mentally unstable

A. Cubuk
B. Fatwa
C. Lonja
D. Kafes
Answer» D. Kafes

In which year did the Ottoma empire start

A. 1299
B. 1400
C. 1350
D. 1300
Answer» A. 1299

Who was in control of the Ottoman empire during the time of 1520 - 1566

A. Sulaiman I
B. Bayazd II
C. Mehmt II
D. Salim I
Answer» A. Sulaiman I

When a son became Ottoman Sultahnb who was the one who who offers had power as advisor

A. His mother
B. His wife
C. His father
D. His children
Answer» A. His mother

What did the emperous honoured from the Ottoman

A. Art
B. Pottery
C. Clothes
D. Military technology
Answer» D. Military technology

Which statement is not true in Ottoma Society

A. Women sometimes were allowed to divorce
B. Women were forced into marriage
C. Women were allowed to own and intent property
D. When a son became Sulyhan his mother became queen mother
Answer» B. Women were forced into marriage

Who was the supreme authority in Ottoman Society both and military

A. Sulthan
B. Grand vizair
C. Ulema
D. Pashas
Answer» A. Sulthan

A soldier in the elite germed of the Ottoman

A. Janissary
B. Pasha
C. Ulima
Answer» A. Janissary

An appointed official in the Ottoma empire who collected taxes, maintained law and order and was directly responsible to the Sulthan’s court

A. Sultan
B. Sipahi
C. Pasha
D. Vizer
Answer» D. Vizer

Ottoma Sultan chief minister, who led the meetings of the ...

A. Grand visers
B. Pasha
C. Ulema
D. Mufti
Answer» A. Grand visers

A group of religious adviers to the Ottoman Sultan, his group administered the legal system and schools for educating Muslim

A. Preiest
B. Sinan
C. Ulema
D. Vazier
Answer» C. Ulema

How did the problems in the Ottoma empire may have begun during the reign of Suleyman the magnificiant

A. Slaues got their freedom
B. Women wanted the right to vote
C. Concubine revolt
D. Empire lose some of its territory and internam problems in the 1699
Answer» D. Empire lose some of its territory and internam problems in the 1699

After the battle of ------ in 1526 the Ottomans Turks defeated the Hungerians

A. Dardanelles
B. Belgocle
C. Mohacs
D. Lepanto
Answer» C. Mohacs

The private domain of the Sulthan and his wives were known as the

A. Harem
B. Palace
C. Barbar
D. Guardian
Answer» A. Harem

.... Were connected to Islam and trained as foot soldiers or adminstrates to serve the Sultan

A. Pasha
B. Ulema
C. Janissaries
D. Vaxiss
Answer» C. Janissaries

Under the leadership of ........ Ottoma the pyzantine empire

A. Mehmet - II
B. Salim I
C. Murad II
D. Bayezd I
Answer» A. Mehmet - II

The Ottomas Turks mainly used ----- to beat the Byzatine empire

A. cross bars
B. battleship
C. lonflannes
D. cannons
Answer» D. cannons

In the 14th Centuy, the Ottomans Turks expanded the

A. Balkans
B. Japan
C. Africa
D. France
Answer» A. Balkans

The Ottoma ruler prefered to administes their conquered regions through

A. doing it themselves
B. local rulers
C. long distant rulers
D. using the queen
Answer» B. local rulers

The Pashas were directly responsible to the Sultan’s court of....

A. Balkans
B. Constantinople
C. Bursa
D. Sogut
Answer» B. Constantinople

The position of the Sulthan was through

A. all
B. voted
C. adopted
D. none of these
Answer» A. all

Another name for a harem is

A. sorrow palace
B. destiny palace
C. faith palace
D. None of the above
Answer» A. sorrow palace

Sultan often had ------ wives as his favourite

A. 6
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

The Sultan controlled his bureaucracy through ---- that met four days a week

A. imperial council
B. Grand Council
C. Sultan Council
D. Harem Council
Answer» A. imperial council

The Sultan sat behind a screen and privately indicated his desires to the ----

A. son
B. queen
C. grandvizer
D. jamsaries
Answer» C. grandvizer

The impact on the Ottoman rule out the peoples of ____ was relatively light

A. South Africa
B. North Africa
C. West Africa
D. East Africa
Answer» B. North Africa

Which of the following did not apply to non Muslim in the Ottoman system

A. They had to conver to Islam
B. They were allowed to practice their religion
C. An some areas large numbers converted to the Islmic faith
D. They had to pay tax
Answer» A. They had to conver to Islam

Constantnople was renamed ___ under the rule of Mehmet II

A. Istambul
B. Tarky
C. Gazer
D. Lepanto
Answer» A. Istambul

The Ottoman Superior growth was mainly because of what

A. ecocnomy
B. conquests
C. religion
D. tolesance
Answer» B. conquests

What is the term for land that was paid to Ottoman warriors

A. millet
B. timar
C. dusta
D. gaza
Answer» B. timar

Under who’s rule did the Ottoman empire take a sharp decline

A. Salim I
B. Salim II
C. Mehmed II
D. Sulaiman I
Answer» B. Salim II

How are the Ottoman warriers paid

A. money
B. land
C. food
D. slaves
Answer» B. land

What were the Ottoma warriers refered to by

A. Timan
B. Ulema
C. Ghazes
D. Ulemas
Answer» C. Ghazes

Sulaimans greatest admiral khairudhin Pasha was also known as

A. sea lion
B. piri ries
C. barbarosa
D. kapadan
Answer» C. barbarosa

Who became Sulthan after Sulaiman the magnificiant

A. Mehmed
B. Mustafa
C. Bayezed
D. Selim
Answer» D. Selim

In 1529, what was this city that became the high water mark of Ottoman expansion in Europe

A. Munich
B. Vienna
C. Belgrade
D. Venice
Answer» B. Vienna

Ibrahim Pashe, the first grandvizer of the Ottoman empire appointed by Sulthan Sulaiman the Magnificient was also known as

A. Paragals
B. Dramals
C. Pergamt
D. Kutahyali
Answer» A. Paragals

In Turkey Sulaiman the Magnificient is known as the “Qanumic Sulaiman”. This refers to what major area of reform, under taken during his reign

A. Agricultural system
B. Legislative reform
C. Religious reform
D. Educational reform
Answer» B. Legislative reform

The years after his coronation, Sulaiman captured a prize had eluded earlier Sultans. What important city fell to Sulaiman’s forces in 1521

A. Sofia
B. Bucharest
C. Belgrada
D. Tashkent
Answer» C. Belgrada

What major middle eastern city did the Ottoman’s capture in 1534

A. Bagdad
B. Jerusalem
C. Tehran
D. Cairo
Answer» A. Bagdad

Sulaiman the Magnificient had a daughter what was het name?

A. Hatice
B. Mahidevran
C. Agse
D. Mihrimah
Answer» D. Mihrimah

Sulaimanwas married to Hurem Sultan. What was her firt name?

A. Johanna
B. Theodoora
C. Mahidevran
D. Alexandra - Anastasia
Answer» D. Alexandra - Anastasia

In 1522, after a six month siege Sulaiman’s aimics conquered an island in Meditarian sea. Its differences wre the knihghts of Saint John. Which Island was this?

A. Sicily
B. Malta
C. Crete
D. Rhodes
Answer» D. Rhodes

The Ottoman Sulthan who described as the Peter the Great of Turkey

A. Mehmed II
B. Mehmed I
C. Sulaiman I
D. Mahmud II
Answer» D. Mahmud II

In the battle of Erzurum, who won the opponent of Ottoman

A. Belgrade
B. Persia
C. Bysantium
D. Serbia
Answer» B. Persia

The Koprula family has the origin of____

A. Turkish
B. Trece
C. Persian
D. Albanian
Answer» D. Albanian

How many grand vaziers were produced by the Koprulu family

A. 6
B. 8
C. 5
D. 9
Answer» A. 6

In the Ottoman history the Kopruilu era was a period between___

A. 1700 - 1750
B. 1656 - 1703
C. 1606 - 1647
D. 1720 - 1761
Answer» B. 1656 - 1703

Battle of Zenta took place in

A. 1697
B. 1696
C. 1680
D. 1692
Answer» A. 1697

The treaty pf Karlowitz signed in

A. 1697
B. 1695
C. 1699
D. 1696
Answer» C. 1699

The Koprulu, who served as the grand vezir of Sulaiman II and Ahmd II

A. Kopulu Muhamed Pasha
B. Kara Mustafa Pasha
C. Ahasa Zyavus Pash II
D. Kopruzed Fazil Mustafa Pasha
Answer» D. Kopruzed Fazil Mustafa Pasha

The Ottoma Sulthan who known as Yildirin

A. Sulaiman I
B. Salim I
C. Bayzd I
D. Mehmit II
Answer» C. Bayzd I

The Ottoma ruler who known as lightning

A. Sulaiman I
B. Selim I
C. Bayizad I
D. Mehmit II
Answer» D. Mehmit II

What was the age of Mehmet II, during his first enthronment

A. 9
B. 12
C. 15
D. 10
Answer» B. 12

Ruling period of Osman I

A. 1300 - 1326
B. 1290 - 1300
C. 1300 - 1320
D. 1300 - 1316
Answer» A. 1300 - 1326

Ruling period of Orhan

A. 1326-1359
B. 1300 - 1326
C. 1340 - 1350
D. 1390 - 1406
Answer» A. 1326-1359

Ruling period of Musad I

A. 1359 - 1389
B. 1400 - 1420
C. 1326 - 1359
D. 1320 - 1370
Answer» A. 1359 - 1389

Ruling period of Bayezed I

A. 1320 - 1370
B. 1389 - 1402
C. 1400 - 1420
D. 1390 - 1399
Answer» B. 1389 - 1402

Ruling period of Mehmet

A. 1413 - 1421
B. 1389 - 1402
C. 1403 - 1413
D. 1400 - 1410
Answer» A. 1413 - 1421

Ruling period of Murad II

A. 1421 - 1444
B. 1390 - 1410
C. 1410 - 1420
D. 1403 - 1413
Answer» A. 1421 - 1444

Ruling period of the Ist phace of Mehmit II

A. 1421 - 1444
B. 1444 - 1446
C. 1400 - 1410
D. 1403 - 1413
Answer» B. 1444 - 1446

Ruling period of the 2nd phace of Murad II

A. 1446 - 1451
B. 1400 - 1450
C. 1410 -1430
D. 1500 - 1507
Answer» A. 1446 - 1451

Second ruling period of Mehmet II

A. 1451 - 1481
B. 1446 - 451
C. 1440 - 1450
D. 1447 - 51
Answer» A. 1451 - 1481

The ruling period of Bayezed II

A. 1481 - 1512
B. 1450 - 1480
C. 1490 - 1512
D. 1489 - 1499
Answer» A. 1481 - 1512

Ruling period of Selim I

A. 1512 - 1520
B. 1500 - 1510
C. 1507 - 1520
D. 1500 - 1515
Answer» A. 1512 - 1520

Ruling period of Sulaiman Qami

A. 1521- 1506
B. 1510 - 1560
C. 1500 - 1560
D. 1503 - 1525
Answer» A. 1521- 1506

The state, which was known as the sick man of Europe

A. Belgium
B. Persia
C. Bysantium
D. Turkey
Answer» D. Turkey

The Ottoman ruler who across the throne twice in his life time

A. Mehmet II
B. Bayzid I
C. Osman
D. Ookhan
Answer» A. Mehmet II
Question and answers in The Ottomans (1280 - 1876), The Ottomans (1280 - 1876) multiple choice questions and answers, The Ottomans (1280 - 1876) Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for The Ottomans (1280 - 1876), The Ottomans (1280 - 1876) MCQs with answers PDF download