
230+ Contemporary Social Theories Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) , Sociology (CBCS) .


According to Robert Cox, what is critical theory?

A. Critical theory attempts to challenge power.
B. Critical theory accepts the parameters of the present order and critiques it within those parameters.
C. Critical theory attempts to challenge the prevailing order by seeking out social processes that could lead to emancipatory change.
D. Critical theory accepts the parameters of the present order and helps legitimate an unjust system.
Answer» C. Critical theory attempts to challenge the prevailing order by seeking out social processes that could lead to emancipatory change.

What are the main concerns of the members of the Frankfurt School?

A. The social basis and nature of authoritarianism.
B. The structure of the family.
C. The concepts of reason and rationality.
D. All of the options given are correct.
Answer» D. All of the options given are correct.

Justin Rosenberg argues:

A. That realism is ahistorical in its account of international relations.
B. That the theory of anarchy is contained within Marx's analysis of capitalism (anarchy is a key feature of capitalist production).
C. Historical change in world politics can be understood as a reflection of transformations in the prevailing relations of production.
D. All of the options given are correct.
Answer» D. All of the options given are correct.

Marxists see globalization as:

A. An anomaly in the history of the development of capitalism.
B. Part of long-term trends in the development of capitalism.
C. Something to be prevent
Answer» B. Part of long-term trends in the development of capitalism.


A. Builds on the work of Habermas.
B. Grounds emancipatory theory in ideas of political community.
C. Is more optimistic than the Frankfurt school.
D. All of the options given are correct.
Answer» D. All of the options given are correct.

In much the same way that Marx felt that labor was alienated, _________________ felt that communication was alienated, or distorted.

A. David Harvey
B. Immanuel Wallerstein
C. JurgenHabermas
D. John Roemer
Answer» C. JurgenHabermas

Members of which of the following variants of Marxian theory most strongly distance themselves from their Marxian roots?

A. the critical school
B. Hegelian Marxism
C. historical Marxism
D. analytical Marxism
Answer» D. analytical Marxism

Members of which of the following variants of neo-Marxian theory are concerned with the “micro-level” foundations of Marxian theory?

A. historical Marxism
B. analytical Marxism
C. Hegelian Marxism
D. critical theory
Answer» D. critical theory

Thinkers who can be clearly identified as sociologists began to appear in the:

A. 1600s.
B. 1700s.
C. 1800s.
D. 1900s.
Answer» C. 1800s.

In his lectures at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo in the 1300s, ____________ devoted considerable attention to social institutions such as politics and the economy.

A. Ibn-Khaldun
B. Saint-Simon
C. Sun Tzu
D. Tariq Ali
Answer» A. Ibn-Khaldun

In 1789 the French Revolution caused many social thinkers to be disturbed by the resulting _________, and it created a desire to restore ______________.

A. democracy; the monarchy to power
B. regime change; the ancien regime
C. social dynamics; social statics to society
D. chaos; order to society
Answer» D. chaos; order to society

Early sociologists wanted to model sociology after the prestigious and influential disciplines of:

A. economics, history, and philosophy.
B. physics, biology and chemistry.
C. anthropology, criminology, and psychology.
D. electrical, chemical, and civil engineering.
Answer» B. physics, biology and chemistry.

The ____________ was a period of intellectual development and change characterized by the belief that people could comprehend and control the universe by means of reason and empirical research.

A. Renaissance
B. Industrial Revolution
C. Enlightenment
D. Golden Age
Answer» C. Enlightenment

__________ believe in studying social phenomena using the same scientific techniques as those used in the natural sciences.

A. Logicians
B. Positivists
C. Pragmatists
D. Anglophiles
Answer» B. Positivists

According to Auguste Comte, groups, societies, sciences, and individuals all go through the following three stages:

A. primary, secondary, and tertiary
B. primative, premodern, and modern
C. theological, metaphysical, and positivistic
D. feudal, capitalist, and socialist
Answer» C. theological, metaphysical, and positivistic

Emile Durkheim believed that ___________ is not a necessary part of the modern world and that it could be reduced by ____________.

A. inequality; redistribution of wealth
B. deviance; education
C. religion; science
D. social disorder; social reform reformism.
Answer» D. social disorder; social reform reformism.

G.W.F. Hegel’s philosophy of ___________ emphasized the importance of the mind and mental products rather than the material world.

A. monadism
B. spiritualism
C. idealism
D. utilitarianism
Answer» C. idealism

_______ is the breakdown of the natural interconnection among people and between people and what they produce.

A. Trepidation
B. Alienation
C. Decomposition
D. Commodification
Answer» B. Alienation

Weber was interested in the general issue of why institutions in the Western world had grown progressively more ____________ while power barriers seemed to prevent a similar development in the rest of the world.

A. rational
B. irrational
C. corrupt
D. powerful
Answer» A. rational

Georg Simmel was best known for his thinking on:

A. large-scale social issues like capitalism and exploitation.
B. contemporary social problems like Anti-Semitism and racism.
C. smaller-scale issues like individual action and interaction.
D. interplanetary travel and extraterrestrial societies
Answer» C. smaller-scale issues like individual action and interaction.

According to Durkheim, ----- are external to the individual

A. Social facts
B. Social solidarity
C. Social justice
D. Social sanction
Answer» A. Social facts

Durkheim maintained that in order to study social facts, it should be considered as

A. Abstracts
B. Things
C. Facts
D. Pathological
Answer» B. Things

According to Durkheim, the study of the form and structure of societies and its classification based on attributes can be called as

A. Social pathology
B. Social phenomenology
C. Social morphology
D. Social psychology
Answer» C. Social morphology

In Parsons theory of structural functionalism oriented problems are known as ________________

B. System
C. Conflict
D. Functionalism
Answer» A. AGIL

Critical theory is associated with the ______________school.

A. Frankfurt
B. Chicago
C. Conflict
D. None of these
Answer» A. Frankfurt

Jefrey C Alexander is a __________

A. Functionalist
B. Neo functionalist
C. Structural functionalist
D. Conflict theorist
Answer» B. Neo functionalist

Definition of Situation is a concept developed by ____________________

A. W .I Thomas
B. Cooley
C. Weber
D. Parson
Answer» A. W .I Thomas

Normative functionalism in the contribution of __________________

A. Alexander
B. Parson
C. Blumer
D. Merton
Answer» B. Parson

Micro functionalism proposed by ________________

A. Brown
B. Merton
C. Dahrendorf
D. Parsons
Answer» B. Merton

Symbolic interactionalism related to ______________

A. Marx
B. Weber
C. Coser
D. Blumer
Answer» D. Blumer

Dialectical conflict is proposed by ____________

A. Dahrendorf
B. Weber
C. Plato
D. Blumer
Answer» A. Dahrendorf

Among the following who was the exponent of ‘middle range theory’

A. Talcott Parson
B. Robert K Merton
C. Habermas
D. Lewis Coser
Answer» B. Robert K Merton

Who wrote the book ‘Distinction: a social critique of the judgment of taste ‘?

A. Pierre Bourdieu
B. Parsons
C. Athony Gidden
D. Merton
Answer» A. Pierre Bourdieu

Name the sociologist who introduced the concept of ‘double hermeneutics’

A. Giddens
B. Bourdieu
C. Parsons
D. Merton
Answer» A. Giddens

Who wrote the book ‘The constitution of society ‘?

A. Parsons
B. Giddens
C. Merton
D. Bourdieu
Answer» B. Giddens

Name the social theorist who described sociology as a compact sport.

A. Giddens
B. Habermas
C. Bourdieu
D. Lewis Coser
Answer» C. Bourdieu

The book ‘the elementary structures of kinship ‘was written by

A. Levistraus
B. Nadel
C. Giddens
D. Bourdieu
Answer» A. Levistraus

Who initiated the ‘communication turn’ in Frankfurt school.

A. Lewis Coser
B. Habermas
C. Giddens
D. Bourdieu
Answer» B. Habermas

Among the following who talked about ‘realistic conflict ‘and ‘non-realistic conflict’

A. Lewis Coser
B. Habermas
C. Giddens
D. Bourdie
Answer» A. Lewis Coser

The concept of ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ was put forward by----------------.

A. Parsons
B. Giddens
C. Merton
D. Bourdieu
Answer» C. Merton

Who wrote the book’ the structure of social action’

A. Giddens
B. Bourdieu
C. Parsons
D. Merton
Answer» C. Parsons

Among the following who argued that ‘mind emerges out of the interaction of individuals in a social matrix’.

A. G H Mead
B. Giddens
C. Merton
D. Bourdieu
Answer» A. G H Mead

Name the social theorist who wrote ‘sociological analysis and variable.

A. Giddens
B. Bourdieu
C. Parsons
D. Blumer
Answer» D. Blumer

Who argued that ‘human’s act towards things on the basis of the meanings they have for them ‘.

A. Giddens
B. Bourdieu
C. Blumer
D. ) Parsons
Answer» C. Blumer

Among the following who is known as the theorist of ideology.

A. Giddens
B. Althuser
C. Blumer
D. ) Parsons
Answer» B. Althuser

Name the social theorist who introduced the concepts of ‘contradiction and over determination’.

A. Althuser
B. Bourdieu
C. Blumer
D. ) Parsons
Answer» A. Althuser

Among the following who was associated with ‘Neo-functionalism ‘

A. Jeffrey C Alexander
B. Giddens
C. Merton
D. Bourdieu
Answer» A. Jeffrey C Alexander

Among the following who argued that ‘struggle forauthority create conflict’.

A. Parsons
B. Giddens
C. Merton
D. Dahrendorf
Answer» D. Dahrendorf

Who introduced the idea of ‘epistemological break?’

A. Giddens
B. Althuser
C. Blumer
D. ) Parsons
Answer» B. Althuser

The concept of ‘The third way’ was developed by-----------------.

A. Parsons
B. Giddens
C. Merton
D. Bourdieu
Answer» B. Giddens

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