
230+ Contemporary Social Theories Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) , Sociology (CBCS) .


The main motive of the bourgeoisie class according to Karl Marx:

A. Increase wages
B. Profit
C. False Consciousness
D. Class Consciousness
Answer» B. Profit

The belief that capitalism is good for the proletariat class is an example of:

A. Class Consciousness
B. Classless Society
C. Class Conflict
D. False Consciousness
Answer» D. False Consciousness

Dominant and minority groups are distinguished by:

A. Features related to their characteristics
B. Ability to organize themselves effectively
C. Access to power
D. Cultural definitions
Answer» C. Access to power

Conflict sociologists view social change as:

A. Exchange of power between groups
B. Movement from class conflict to classless society
C. Nonexistent since power is always used to oppress
D. Stable and orderly process
Answer» A. Exchange of power between groups

Which of the following was Michel Foucault' primary work.

A. Language is Sermonic
B. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
C. Archaeology of Knowledge
D. Rhetoric of Motives.
Answer» C. Archaeology of Knowledge

From which period is Michel Foucault?

A. Classical
B. Medieval
C. Enlightenment
D. Contemporary
Answer» D. Contemporary

Totalitarian regimes typically depend...

A. on the voluntary support of all of their citizens.
B. entirely on brute force.
C. entirely on brainwashing techniques.
D. on a mixture of power and authority, with more of the former than the latter.
Answer» D. on a mixture of power and authority, with more of the former than the latter.

Most conservatives believe that...

A. political authority always reflects economic power.
B. only people with hereditary titles can exercise authority.
C. whatever its origin, authority is necessary because people need to be led and protect
Answer» C. whatever its origin, authority is necessary because people need to be led and protect

Michel Foucault argued that...

A. harsh punishments are necessary to make people obey the law.
B. if people were more conscious of their rights they could eradicate power inequalities forever.
C. power is a quality reserved for government institutions.
D. power is inherent in all social relations, and is, therefore, impossible to eradicate even though its abuses should always be attacked.
Answer» D. power is inherent in all social relations, and is, therefore, impossible to eradicate even though its abuses should always be attacked.

On Max Weber's classification, modern governments are increasingly dependent on...

A. the Divine Right of rulers.
B. skilful manipulation of the ruled.
C. the recognized authority of certain offices of state.
D. the personal charisma of rulers.
Answer» C. the recognized authority of certain offices of state.

What is Stephen Lukes's classic definition of power?

A. A exercises power over B when A makes B do something she wouldn't otherwise have done.
B. A exercises power over B when she gives B a series of unambiguous orders.
C. A exercises power over B when A affects B in a manner contrary to B's interests.
D. A exercises power over B when A provides B with compelling reasons to act in accordance with majority opinion.
Answer» C. A exercises power over B when A affects B in a manner contrary to B's interests.

According to Bachrach and Baratz, 'non-decision making' is...

A. the inability of politicians to make up their minds.
B. the tendency of members of the public to change their minds on key policy issues.
C. a refusal of politicians to compromise in the national interest.
D. the ability of powerful groups to prevent certain issues from being discussed
Answer» D. the ability of powerful groups to prevent certain issues from being discussed

It is problematic to argue that people can be made to act against their real interests because...

A. 'real' interests are subjective and open to endless contestation.
B. ordinary people are too irrational to realize where their real interests lie.
C. ordinary people are always the best judges of their real interests.
D. politicians are too out of touch to recognize the 'real interests' of ordinary people.
Answer» A. 'real' interests are subjective and open to endless contestation.

The Marxist critique of power in capitalist societies...

A. assumes that powerful economic interests enjoy dominance in decision-making.
B. argues that ordinary people are taught to think that the interests of powerful economic groups are identical to their own self-interest.
C. focuses on the outcomes of decisions rather than the way in which they are made.
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

Typically, Marxist structuralists argue that...

A. individuals are capable of shaping their own destinies.
B. capitalists are inherently immoral.
C. even well-intentioned capitalists are forced by the logic of the system to exploit their workers.
D. all of the above are true.
Answer» C. even well-intentioned capitalists are forced by the logic of the system to exploit their workers.

Which one of the following is not an example of formal control?

A. Custom
B. Military Force
C. Act
D. Law
Answer» A. Custom

Who propounded the “Theory of Circulation of Elites”?

A. Spengler
B. Toynbee
C. Pareto
D. Sorokin
Answer» C. Pareto

Who wrote the book ‘The Death of the Family’?

A. Edmund Leach
B. T. Parsons
C. David Cooper
D. W. J. Goode
Answer» C. David Cooper

From whose work the phrase “Pygmalion Effect” has been adopted?

A. George Bernard Shaw
B. William Shakespeare
C. John Keats
D. J. Bernard
Answer» A. George Bernard Shaw

Who classified kinship terms into ‘Classificatory’ and ‘Descriptive’?

A. G.P. Murdock
B. A.R. Brown
C. B. Malinowski
D. L.H. Morgan
Answer» D. L.H. Morgan

Who distinguished between instinct for workmanship and the drive for profit?

A. P. Sorokin
B. Adam Smith
C. Karl Marx
D. T. Veblen
Answer» D. T. Veblen

The etymological meaning of Sociology is

A. Scientific study
B. The Science of Society
C. Social Science
D. None of these
Answer» B. The Science of Society

Which perspective in Sociology deals with ‘The Social System’?

A. The Interactionist
B. The Conflict
C. The Functional
D. Theoretical
Answer» B. The Conflict

Which one of the following is not a feature of society?

A. Interdependence
B. Co-operation and Conflict
C. Likeness and differences
D. A specific aim
Answer» D. A specific aim

“Community is the smallest territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life”, who gave this definition?

A. E. S. Bogardus
B. Davis Kingsley
C. MacIver and Pag
D. Ogburn and Nimkoff
Answer» B. Davis Kingsley

“Culture is the man-made part of the environment”, who said this?

A. Robert Bierstedt
B. E.A. Hoebel
C. M.J. Herskovits
D. B. Malinowski
Answer» C. M.J. Herskovits

Which type of social change always refers to “human happiness”?

A. Development
B. Progress
C. Westernization
D. Evolution
Answer» B. Progress

Which one of the following is an example of achieved status?

A. Caste
B. Clan
C. Clas
D. Fratery
Answer» C. Clas

Who considers “all identities, presences, predictions, etc. depend for their existence on something outside themselves”?

A. J. Habermas
B. Anthony Giddens
C. M. Foucault
D. J. Derrida
Answer» D. J. Derrida

Who has written ‘presentation of self’ and given the concept of ‘enactment of roles’?

A. Erving Goffman
B. L. Althusser
C. J. Alexander
D. C.H. Cooley
Answer» A. Erving Goffman

Who has written the book “Theoretical Logic in Sociology”?

A. A. Giddens
B. J. Alexander
C. C.H. Page
D. Francis Abraham
Answer» D. Francis Abraham

Who is said to be the most ‘Marxist exponent of structuralism’?

A. C. Levi-Strauss
B. L. Althusser
C. J. Derrida
D. A. Giddens
Answer» B. L. Althusser

Who has written the book “new Rules of Sociological Methods”?

A. Herbert Blumer
B. E. Durkheim
C. W.J. Goode
D. Anthony Giddens
Answer» A. Herbert Blumer

Who’s theory is considered as ‘deconstructionism’?

A. M. Foucault
B. J. Derrida
C. H.G. Wells
D. C. W. Mills
Answer» D. C. W. Mills

Which one of the following is a quantitative method of social research?

A. Oral History
B. Geneology
C. Questionnaire
D. Life History
Answer» B. Geneology

Berelson’s (1954) method is used in

A. Sociometry
B. Content Analysis
C. ‘T’ Test
D. Interview
Answer» C. ‘T’ Test

Who among the following Sociologists is concerned with ‘Action Frame of Reference’?

A. T.
B. Bottomore (b) G. Simmel
C. L. T. Hobhouse
D. T. Parsons
Answer» B. Bottomore (b) G. Simmel

Who said, “Sociologists are the priest of modern society”?

A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Auguste Comte
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

“Sociology is the study of the forms of social relation.” Who said this?

A. E. Durkheim
B. G. Simmel
C. MacIver and Page
D. Ginsberg
Answer» A. E. Durkheim

According to Tonnies neighbourhood is a :

A. Community
B. Primary Group
C. Social Group
D. Secondary Group
Answer» B. Primary Group

The state is an example of which of the following?

A. Primary group
B. Community
C. Association
D. Government
Answer» A. Primary group

Every man in society occupies a number of status, different status associated with single person are known as :

A. status inconsistency
B. status sequences
C. status set
D. status succession
Answer» C. status set

Who has coined the terms status, status set, and status sequence?

A. R. Linton
B. K. Davis
C. MacIver & Page
D. R.K. Merton
Answer» C. MacIver & Page

Name one American sociologist, who is known as the founder of behavioral sociology and exchange theory.

A. T.Parsons
B. B.F.Skinner
C. H. Blumer
D. G. C. Homans
Answer» D. G. C. Homans

What is the materialist conception of history?

A. Processes of historical change are a reflection of the economic development of a society.
B. Processes of economic change are based in history.
C. Processes of historical change are based in class war.
D. None of the options given are correct.
Answer» A. Processes of historical change are a reflection of the economic development of a society.

What is the relationship between base and superstructure?

A. The change in the economic base of a society leads to the change in superstructure.
B. The change in superstructure leads to the change in the economic base of a society.
C. No relation .
D. None of the options given are correct.
Answer» A. The change in the economic base of a society leads to the change in superstructure.

ImmanuelWallerstein argues:

A. There are two types of world systems: world-empires and world-economies.
B. The modern world system is a world-economy.
C. The world system has a core, semi-periphery, and periphery.
D. All of the options given are correct.
Answer» D. All of the options given are correct.

What is Antonio Gramsci's view of power?

A. It comes out of a barrel of a gun.
B. It is a mixture of coercion and consent.
C. It is purely economic.
D. All of the options given are correct.
Answer» B. It is a mixture of coercion and consent.

Gramsci shifted the focus of Marxist analysis through which of the following ideas?

A. Hegemony is a product of the lack of class conflict.
B. That consent for a particular social and political system was produced and reproduced through the operation of hegemony.
C. All the options arecorrect
D. None of the options given are correct.
Answer» B. That consent for a particular social and political system was produced and reproduced through the operation of hegemony.

According to critical theorists, what is 'emancipation'?

A. Reconciliation with power.
B. Humanity gaining power over nature.
C. Reconciliation with nature.
D. None of the options given are correct.
Answer» C. Reconciliation with nature.

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