
230+ Contemporary Social Theories Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) , Sociology (CBCS) .


Who wrote the book ‘outline of a theory of practice’?

A. Giddens
B. Bourdieu
C. Blumer
D. ) Parsons
Answer» B. Bourdieu

According to _________ structure and action are two sides of the same coin.

A. Antonio Gramsci
B. Jean-Francois Lyotard
C. Anthony Giddens
D. Ralf Dahrendorf
Answer» C. Anthony Giddens

‘Duality of structure’ is a phrase that can be attributed to

A. George Ritzer
B. Anthony Giddens
C. Habermas
D. Michel Foucault
Answer» B. Anthony Giddens

Which of the following are the two aspects of structure identified by Giddens?

A. Rules and resources
B. Rules and representation
C. Rules and repetition
D. Rules and relations
Answer» A. Rules and resources

Name an eminent proponent of phenomenology

A. Hussel
B. Mead
C. Garfunkel
D. Blumer
Answer» A. Hussel

‘We should admit that power produces knowledge…that power and knowledge directly imply one another’. This quote can is attributed to

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Althusser
D. Michel Foucault
Answer» D. Michel Foucault

According to Foucault, development of discourses are essential to the extension of the

A. Power of the state
B. Power of religion
C. Power of disciplines
D. Power of the individual
Answer» A. Power of the state

The ‘panopticon’ is a prison design proposed by

A. Michel Foucault
B. Althusser
C. Jeremy Bentham
D. Antonio Gramsci
Answer» C. Jeremy Bentham

According to Foucault self-discipline creates

A. Madness
B. Docile bodies
C. Resistance
D. Experts
Answer» B. Docile bodies

_________is a device used by the dominantclass to exclude the subordinate classes.

A. High culture
B. Mass culture
C. Low culture
D. None of the above
Answer» A. High culture

Which of the following are a part of symbolic capital?

A. Goodwill
B. Trust
C. Integrity
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Students who have fewer opportunities to succeed in school are likely to have lesser

A. Economic capital
B. Symbolic capital
C. Cultural capital
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Cultural capital

The immediate environment of the social actor is called

A. Biosphere
B. Life-world
C. Society
D. Social-world
Answer» B. Life-world

According to Habermas the salons andcoffee houses of the bigEuropean cities are likely to be the places where the __________ originated

A. Public sphere
B. Mass media
C. Democracy
D. Tabloids
Answer» A. Public sphere

Hermeneutic knowledge focuses on

A. Technology
B. Understanding
C. Science
D. Progess
Answer» B. Understanding

Michel Foucault is a

A. Functionalist theorist
B. Symbolic interactionist
C. Feminist
D. Conflict theorist
Answer» D. Conflict theorist

_______ refers to a setof acquired principles of thought, behaviourand taste thatgenerates social practicesand is particularly associated with a certainsocial class.

A. Cultural capital
B. Habitus
C. Interpellation
D. Life world
Answer» B. Habitus

Habitus may be modified by one’s

A. Experience
B. Language
C. Culture
D. Knowledge
Answer» A. Experience

The term ‘epistemological break’ was introduced by

A. Louis Althusser
B. Michel Foucault
C. David Miliband
D. Thomas Kuhn
Answer» D. Thomas Kuhn

Louis Althusser used the idea of _______ to separate the humanistic work of the younger Karl Marx from the scientific theories of the matureMarx

A. Episteme break
B. Epistemological break
C. Neo-Marxism
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Epistemological break

The terms ‘ideological state apparatuses, repressive stateapparatuses, interpellation, overdetermination’ can be attributed to

A. Anthony Giddens
B. Michel Foucault
C. Habermas
D. Louis Althusser
Answer» D. Louis Althusser

Which of the theorists viewed Modernity as an “unfinished project”?

A. Jurgen Habermass
B. Jaffrey Alexander
C. James Coleman
D. Jean Baudrilliard
Answer» A. Jurgen Habermass

Which of the theorists of Modernity sees the modern world as a “juggernaut”?

A. Karl Marx
B. Anthony Giddens
C. Jurgen Habermass
D. James Coleman
Answer» B. Anthony Giddens

Which thinker is considered as a major influence on the development of neo-Marxian theory?

A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Michel Foucault
Answer» A. Emile Durkheim

Unlike the critical school and the Hegelian Marxists, work in both Marxian-influenced economic sociology and historical sociology focused on which of the following dimensions of Marx’s work?

A. cognitive
B. materialist
C. ideational
D. spatial
Answer» B. materialist

According to some of the theorists of the critical school, domination moved from the economic to the ______________ sphere.

A. political
B. spatial
C. ecological
D. cultural
Answer» D. cultural

The critical school offered critiques of which of the following two “industries”?

A. culture and manufacturing
B. knowledge and manufacturing
C. culture and knowledge
D. knowledge and communication
Answer» C. culture and knowledge

For the critical school, modern society was rational, but not:

A. productive.
B. cultured.
C. reasonable.
D. predictable.
Answer» C. reasonable.

In much the same way that Marx felt that labor was alienated, _________________ felt that communication was alienated, or distorted.

A. David Harvey
B. Immanuel Wallerstein
C. Jurgen Habermas
D. John Roemer
Answer» C. Jurgen Habermas

Members of which of the following variants of Marxian theory most strongly distance themselves from their Marxian roots?

A. the critical school
B. Hegelian Marxism
C. historical Marxism
D. analytical Marxism
Answer» D. analytical Marxism

Members of which of the following variants of neo-Marxian theory are concerned with the “micro-level” foundations of Marxian theory?

A. historical Marxism
B. analytical Marxism
C. Hegelian Marxism
D. critical theory
Answer» D. critical theory

For Anthony Giddens, social structure is composed of:

A. the objective positions within a field.
B. networks of exchange relations.
C. systems of oppression and domination.
D. the structuring properties of rules and
Answer» D. the structuring properties of rules and

According to Giddens, intentional actions produce:

A. risk.
B. structure.
C. unintended consequences.
D. social systems.
Answer» C. unintended consequences.

Giddens thinks that social structure can be both:

A. dominating and oppressive.
B. constraining and enabling.
C. stable and unstable.
D. recursive and practical.
Answer» B. constraining and enabling.

Archer criticizes Giddens for neglecting the __________ of culture and structure.

A. interrelations
B. duality
C. mutual constitution
D. relative autonomy
Answer» D. relative autonomy

Pierre Bourdieu refers to his perspective as:

A. structuralist constructivism.
B. post-constructivism.
C. genetic capitalism.
D. field theory.
Answer» A. structuralist constructivism.

Which of the following reflect(s) objective divisions in the social structure, such as age groups, genders, and social classes?

A. exchange networks
B. practice
C. fields
D. habitus
Answer» D. habitus

According to Bourdieu, the most important of all fields is:

A. economic.
B. political.
C. cultural.
D. social.
Answer» B. political.

Art, education, and religion are examples of:

A. tastes.
B. fields.
C. distinctions.
D. symbolic capital.
Answer» D. symbolic capital.

Tastes are conditioned by class relationships and _____________ relationships.

A. cultural
B. political
C. social
D. exchange
Answer» A. cultural

Drawing on ______________, the idea of the life-world involves a range of unspoken presuppositions about mutual understandings that must exist for communication to take place.

A. structural-functionalism
B. cybernetics
C. phenomenology
D. ethnography
Answer» C. phenomenology

According to Habermas, the system is becoming increasingly ___________ by delinguistified media.

A. monetized and bureaucratized
B. mediated and controlled
C. practical and discursive
D. democratized and equalized
Answer» A. monetized and bureaucratized

According to Habermas, the most urgent dilemma of the contemporary world is that the ___________ is being colonized by the ___________.

A. system; life-world
B. habitus; field
C. life-world; system
D. field; habitus
Answer» C. life-world; system

___________ tend to be involved with micro-macro theory, whereas ____________ tend to produce agency-structure theory.

A. Europeans; Americans
B. Americans; Europeans
C. Sociologists; Anthropologists
D. Anthropologists; Sociologists
Answer» B. Americans; Europeans

Agency-structure theory tends to have a(n) ____________ perspective, whereas micro-macrotheory is more likely to be ____________.

A. historical; static
B. static; historical
C. hierarchical; static
D. static; hierarchical
Answer» A. historical; static

Anthony Giddens has described the modern world as a:

A. juggernaut.
B. plutocracy.
C. demagogue.
D. barbarian.
Answer» A. juggernaut.

According to Giddens, which of the following institutions does NOT characterize modernity?

A. capitalism
B. industrialism
C. surveillance capacities
D. collective identities
Answer» D. collective identities

Which of the following is the term that Giddens uses to describe the prevalence in modernity of relationships with those who are physically absent and increasingly distant?

A. disembedding
B. reflexivity
C. distanciation
D. radicalization
Answer» C. distanciation

____________ is the “lifting out” of social relations from local contexts of interaction and their restructuring across indefinite spans of time-space.

A. Distanciation
B. Disembedding
C. Reflexivity
D. Radicalization
Answer» B. Disembedding

____________ means that social practices are constantly examined and reformed in the light of incoming information about those very practices.

A. Disembedding
B. Distanciation
C. Reflexivity
D. Radicalization
Answer» C. Reflexivity

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