
280+ Decision Science Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Uncategorized topics .


The parts of a network that represent the origins are

A. the capacities
B. the flows
C. the nodes
D. the arcs
Answer» C. the nodes

The optimal solution is found in an assignment matrix when the minimum number of straight lines needed to cover all the zeros equals

A. (the number of agents) − 1.
B. (the number of agents).
C. (the number of agents) + 1
D. (the number of agents) + (the number of tasks).
Answer» B. (the number of agents).

The objective of the transportation problem is to

A. identify one origin that can satisfy total demand at the destinations and at the same time minimize total shipping cost.
B. minimize the number of origins used to satisfy total demand at the destinations.
C. minimize the number of shipments necessary to satisfy total demand at the destinations.
D. minimize the cost of shipping products from several origins to several destinations.
Answer» D. minimize the cost of shipping products from several origins to several destinations.

The MODI method is used to

A. identify an outgoing arc.
B. identify an incoming arc.
C. identify unoccupied cells.
D. identify an initial feasible solution.
Answer» B. identify an incoming arc.

Which of the following is not true regarding the linear programming formulation of a transportation problem?

A. Costs appear only in the objective function.
B. The number of variables is (number of origins) × (number of destinations).
C. The number of constraints is (number of origins) × (number of destinations).
D. The constraints' left-hand side coefficients are either 0 or 1.
Answer» C. The number of constraints is (number of origins) × (number of destinations).

In the general linear programming model of the assignment problem,

A. one agent can do parts of several tasks.
B. one task can be done by several agents.
C. each agent is assigned to its own best task.
D. one agent is assigned to one and only one task.
Answer» D. one agent is assigned to one and only one task.

Which of the following is not true regarding an LP model of the assignment problem? ]

A. Costs appear in the objective function only.
B. All constraints are of the ≥ form.
C. All constraint left-hand side coefficient values are 1.
D. All decision variable values are either 0 or 1.
Answer» B. All constraints are of the ≥ form.

The assignment problem constraint x31 + x32 + x33 + x34 ≤ 2 means

A. agent 3 can be assigned to 2 tasks.
B. agent 2 can be assigned to 3 tasks.
C. a mixture of agents 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be assigned to tasks.
D. there is no feasible solution.
Answer» A. agent 3 can be assigned to 2 tasks.

The assignment problem is a special case of the

A. transportation problem.
B. transshipment problem.
C. maximal flow problem.
D. shortest-route problem.
Answer» A. transportation problem.

The field of management science

A. concentrates on the use of quantitative methods to assist in decision making.
B. approaches decision making rationally, with techniques based on the scientific method.
C. is another name for decision science and for operations research.
D. each of the above is true.
Answer» D. each of the above is true.

Identification and definition of a problem

A. cannot be done until alternatives are proposed.
B. is the first step of decision making.
C. is the final step of problem solving.
D. requires consideration of multiple criteria.
Answer» B. is the first step of decision making.

The quantitative analysis approach requires

A. the manager’s prior experience with a similar problem.
B. a relatively uncomplicated problem.
C. mathematical expressions for the relationships.
D. each of the above is true.
Answer» C. mathematical expressions for the relationships.

Arcs in a transshipment problem

A. must connect every node to a transshipment node.
B. represent the cost of shipments.
C. indicate the direction of the flow.
D. All of the alternatives are correct.
Answer» C. indicate the direction of the flow.

A physical model that does not have the same physical appearance as the object being modeled is

A. an analog model.
B. an iconic model.
C. a mathematical model.
D. a qualitative model.
Answer» A. an analog model.

George Dantzig is important in the history of management science because he developed

A. the scientific management revolution.
B. World War II operations research teams.
C. the simplex method for linear programming.
D. powerful digital computers.
Answer» C. the simplex method for linear programming.

A model that uses a system of symbols to represent a problem is called

A. mathematical.
B. iconic.
C. analog.
D. constrained.
Answer» A. mathematical.

The number of units shipped from origin i to destination j is represented by

A. xij.
B. xji.
C. cij.
D. cji.
Answer» A. xij.

The range of feasibility measures

A. the right-hand-side values for which the objective function value will not change.
B. the right-hand-side values for which the values of the decision variables will not change.
C. the right-hand-side values for which the dual prices will not change.
D. each of the above is true.
Answer» C. the right-hand-side values for which the dual prices will not change.

The amount that the objective function coefficient of a decision variable would have to improve before that variable would have a positive value in the solution is the

A. dual price.
B. surplus variable.
C. reduced cost.
D. upper limit.
Answer» C. reduced cost.

The values in the c j - z j , or net evaluation, row indicate

A. the value of the objective function.
B. the decrease in value of the objective function that will result if one unit of the variable corresponding to the jth column of the A matrix is brought into the basis.
C. the net change in the value of the objective function that will result if one unit of the variable corresponding to the jth column of the A matrix is brought into the basis.
D. the values of the decision variables.
Answer» C. the net change in the value of the objective function that will result if one unit of the variable corresponding to the jth column of the A matrix is brought into the basis.

In the simplex method, a tableau is optimal only if all the cj – zj values are

A. zero or negative.
B. zero.
C. negative and nonzero.
D. positive and nonzero.
Answer» A. zero or negative.

For the basic feasible solution to remain optimal

A. all cj - zj values must remain ≤ 0.
B. no objective function coefficients are allowed to change.
C. the value of the objective function must not change.
D. each of the above is true.
Answer» A. all cj - zj values must remain ≤ 0.

The dual variable represents

A. the marginal value of the constraint
B. the right-hand-side value of the constraint
C. the artificial variable
D. the technical coefficient of the constraint
Answer» A. the marginal value of the constraint

The parts of a network that represent the origins are

A. the axes
B. the flow
C. the nodes
D. the arrows
Answer» C. the nodes


A. is the difference between the left and right sides of a constraint.
B. is the amount by which the left side of a < constraint is smaller than the right side.
C. is the amount by which the left side of a > constraint is larger than the right side.
D. exists for each variable in a linear programming problem.
Answer» B. is the amount by which the left side of a < constraint is smaller than the right side.

The critical path

A. is any path that goes from the starting node to the completion node.
B. is a combination of all paths.
C. is the shortest path.
D. is the longest path.
Answer» D. is the longest path.

Operations research analysts do not

A. Predict future operations
B. Build more than one model
C. Collect relevant data
D. Recommend decision and accept
Answer» A. Predict future operations

Decision variables are

A. Controllable
B. Uncontrollable
C. Parameters
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Controllable

A model is

A. An essence of reality
B. An approximation
C. An idealization’
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A physical model is an example of

A. An iconic model
B. An analogue model
C. A verbal model
D. A mathematical model
Answer» A. An iconic model

Every mathematical model

A. Must be deterministic
B. Requires computer aid for solution.
C. Represents data in numerical form
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Represents data in numerical form

Operations research approach is

A. Multi disciplinary
B. Scientific
C. Intuitive
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Multi disciplinary

In an assignment problem,

A. one agent can do parts of several tasks.
B. one task can be done by several agents.
C. each agent is assigned to its own best task.
D. None of the alternatives is correct.
Answer» D. None of the alternatives is correct.

An optimization model

A. Mathematically provides best decision
B. Provides decision with limited context
C. Helps in evaluating various alternatives constantly
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Operations research is applied

A. Military
B. Business
C. Administration’
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Operations Research techniques helps to find ………..solution

A. Feasible
B. Non feasible
C. Optimal
D. Non optimal
Answer» C. Optimal

OR provides solution only if the elements are

A. Quantified
B. Qualified
C. Feasible
D. Optimal
Answer» A. Quantified

………. Theory is an important operations research technique to analyze the queuing behaviour.

A. Waiting line
B. Net work
C. Decision
D. Simulation
Answer» A. Waiting line

………… model involves all forms of diagrams

A. iconic
B. mathematical
C. analogue
D. schematic
Answer» A. iconic

. …. Is known as symbolic model

A. Iconic
B. Mathematical
C. Analogue
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Mathematical

A map indicates roads, highways, towns and the interrelationship is an ……model

A. Iconic
B. mathematical
C. analogue
D. none of the above
Answer» C. analogue

Constraints in an LP model represent

A. Limitations
B. Requirements
C. Balancing limitation
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Linear programming is a

A. Constraint optimization technique
B. Technique for economic allocation of limited resources.
C. Mathematical technique
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A constraint in an LP model restricts

A. Value of objective function
B. Value of decision variable
C. Use of available resource
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

……….. is an important Operations research technique to be used for determining optimal allocation of limited resources to meet the given objectives.

A. Waiting line theory
B. Net work analysis
C. Decision analysis
D. Linear programming
Answer» D. Linear programming

The best use of linear programming technique is to find an optimal use of

A. Money
B. Man power
C. Machine
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Given the following table that presents the solution for a queuing problem with a constant service rate, on the average, how many customers are in the system?

A. 0.893
B. 0.714
C. 1.607
D. 0.375
Answer» C. 1.607

Given the following table that presents the solution for a queuing problem with a constant service rate, on the average, how many minutes does a customer spend in the service facility?

A. 0.893 minutes
B. 0.321 minutes
C. 0.714 minutes
D. 1.607 minutes
Answer» B. 0.321 minutes

Given the following table that presents the solution for a queuing problem with a constant service rate, what percentage of available service time is actually used?

A. 0.217
B. 0.643
C. 0.321
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Which of the following is usually the most difficult cost to determine?

A. service cost
B. facility cost
C. calling cost
D. waiting cost
Answer» D. waiting cost

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