
280+ Decision Science Solved MCQs

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Which of the following is an assumption of an LP model

A. Divisibility
B. Proportionality
C. Additivity
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is a limitation associated with an LP model

A. The relationship among decision variables in linear
B. No guarantee to get integer valued solutions
C. No consideration of effect of time & uncertainty on LP model
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The graphical method of LP problem uses

A. Objective function equation
B. Constraint equations
C. Linear equations
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A feasible solution to an LP problem

A. Must satisfy all of the problem’s constraints simultaneously
B. Need not satisfy all of the constraints, only some of them
C. Must be a corner point of the feasible region
D. Must optimize the value of the objective function
Answer» A. Must satisfy all of the problem’s constraints simultaneously

Which of the following statements is true with respect to the optimal solution of an LP problem

A. Every LP problem has an optimal solution
B. Optimal solution of an LP problem always occurs at an extreme point
C. At optimal solution all resources are completely used
D. If an optimal solution exists, there will always be at least one at a corner
Answer» D. If an optimal solution exists, there will always be at least one at a corner

An iso-profit line represents

A. An infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit
B. An infinite number of solution all of which yield the same cost
C. An infinite number of optimal solutions
D. A boundary of the feasible region
Answer» A. An infinite number of solutions all of which yield the same profit

If an iso-profit line yielding the optimal solution coincides with a constaint line, then

A. The solution is unbounded
B. The solution is infeasible
C. The constraint which coincides is redundant
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

While plotting constraints on a graph paper, terminal points on both the axes are connected by a straight line because

A. The resources are limited in supply
B. The objective function as a linear function
C. The constraints are linear equations or inequalities
D. All of the above
Answer» C. The constraints are linear equations or inequalities

A constraint in an LP model becomes redundant because

A. Two iso-profit line may be parallel to each other
B. The solution is unbounded
C. This constraint is not satisfied by the solution values
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph, then

A. The problem is infeasible
B. The solution is unbounded
C. One of the constraints is redundant
D. None of the above
Answer» A. The problem is infeasible

Constraints in LP problem are called active if they

A. Represent optimal solution
B. At optimality do not consume all the available resources
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Represent optimal solution

The solution space (region) of an LP problem is unbounded due to

A. An incorrect formulation of the LP model
B. Objective function is unbounded
C. Neither a nor b
D. Both a & b
Answer» C. Neither a nor b

While solving a LP model graphically, the area bounded by the constraints is called

A. Feasible region
B. Infeasible region
C. Unbounded solution
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Feasible region

Alternative solutions exist of an LP model when

A. One of the constraints is redundant
B. Objective function equation is parallel to one of the constraints
C. Two constraints are parallel
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Objective function equation is parallel to one of the constraints

While solving a LP problem, infeasibility may be removed by

A. Adding another constraint
B. Adding another variable
C. Removing a constraint
D. Removing a variable
Answer» C. Removing a constraint

If a non-redundant constraint is removed from an LP problem then

A. Feasible region will become larger
B. Feasible region will become smaller
C. Solution will become infeasible
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Feasible region will become larger

If one of the constraint of an equation in an LP problem has an unbounded solution, then

A. Solution to such LP problem must be degenerate
B. Feasible region should have a line segment
C. Alternative solutions exist
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Feasible region should have a line segment

The initial solution of a transportation problem can be obtained by applying any known method. However, the only condition is that

A. The solution be optimal
B. The rim conditions are satisfied
C. The solution not be degenerate
D. All of the above
Answer» B. The rim conditions are satisfied

The dummy source or destination in a transportation problem is added to

A. Satisfy rim conditions
B. Prevent solution from becoming degenerate
C. Ensure that total cost does not exceed a limit
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Satisfy rim conditions

The occurrence of degeneracy while solving a transportation problem means that

A. Total supply equals total demand
B. The solution so obtained is not feasible
C. The few allocations become negative
D. None of the above
Answer» B. The solution so obtained is not feasible

An alternative optimal solution to a minimization transportation problem exists whenever opportunity cost corresponding to unused route of transportation is:

A. Positive & greater than zero
B. Positive with at least one equal to zero
C. Negative with at least one equal to zero
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Positive with at least one equal to zero

One disadvantage of using North-West Corner rule to find initial solution to the transportation problem is that

A. It is complicated to use
B. It does not take into account cost of transportation
C. It leads to a degenerate initial solution
D. All of the above
Answer» B. It does not take into account cost of transportation

The solution to a transportation problem with ‘m’ rows (supplies) & ‘n’ columns (destination) is feasible if number of positive allocations are

A. m+n
B. m*n
C. m+n-1
D. m+n+1
Answer» C. m+n-1

If an opportunity cost value is used for an unused cell to test optimality, it should be

A. Equal to zero
B. Most negative number
C. Most positive number
D. Any value
Answer» B. Most negative number

During an iteration while moving from one solution to the next, degeneracy may occur when

A. The closed path indicates a diagonal move
B. Two or more occupied cells are on the closed path but neither of them represents a corner of the path.
C. Two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for lowest circled value
D. Either of the above
Answer» C. Two or more occupied cells on the closed path with minus sign are tied for lowest circled value

The large negative opportunity cost value in an unused cell in a transportation table is chosen to improve the current solution because

A. It represents per unit cost reduction
B. It represents per unit cost improvement
C. It ensure no rim requirement violation
D. None of the above
Answer» A. It represents per unit cost reduction

The smallest quantity is chosen at the corners of the closed path with negative sign to be assigned at unused cell because

A. It improve the total cost
B. It does not disturb rim conditions
C. It ensure feasible solution
D. All of the above
Answer» C. It ensure feasible solution

When total supply is equal to total demand in a transportation problem, the problem is said to be

A. Balanced
B. Unbalanced
C. Degenerate
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Degenerate

Which of the following methods is used to verify the optimality of the current solution of the transportation problem

A. Least cost method
B. Vogel’s approximation method
C. Modified distribution method
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Least cost method

The degeneracy in the transportation problem indicates that

A. Dummy allocation(s) needs to be added
B. The problem has no feasible solution
C. The multiple optimal solution exist
D. a & b but not c
Answer» C. The multiple optimal solution exist

An assignment problem is considered as a particular case of a transportation problem because

A. The number of rows equals columns
B. All xij = 0 or 1
C. All rim conditions are 1
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines that can be drawn through squares with zero opportunity cost be equal to the number of

A. Rows or columns
B. Rows & columns
C. Rows + columns – 1
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

While solving an assignment problem, an activity is assigned to a resource through a square with zero opportunity cost because the objective is to

A. Minimize total cost of assignment
B. Reduce the cost of assignment to zero
C. Reduce the cost of that particular assignment to zero
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Minimize total cost of assignment

The method used for solving an assignment problem is called

A. Reduced matrix method
B. MODI method
C. Hungarian method
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Hungarian method

The purpose of a dummy row or column in an assignment problem is to

A. Obtain balance between total activities & total resources
B. Prevent a solution from becoming degenerate
C. Provide a means of representing a dummy problem
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Obtain balance between total activities & total resources

Maximization assignment problem is transformed into a minimization problem by

A. Adding each entry in a column from the maximization value in that column
B. Subtracting each entry in a column from the maximum value in that column
C. Subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table
D. Any one of the above
Answer» C. Subtracting each entry in the table from the maximum value in that table

If there were n workers & n jobs there would be

A. n! solutions
B. (n-1)! solutions
C. (n!)n solutions
D. n solutions
Answer» A. n! solutions

An assignment problem can be solved by

A. Simplex method
B. Transportation method
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both a & b

For a salesman who has to visit n cities which of the following are the ways of his tour plan

A. n!
B. (n+1)!
C. (n-1)!
D. n
Answer» C. (n-1)!

The assignment problem

A. Requires that only one activity be assigned to each resource
B. Is a special case of transportation problem
C. Can be used to maximize resources
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

An assignment problem is a special case of transportation problem, where

A. Number of rows equals number of columns
B. All rim conditions are 1
C. Values of each decision variable is either 0 or 1
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Every basic feasible solution of a general assignment problem, having a square pay-off matrix of order, n should have assignments equal to

A. 2n+1
B. 2n-1
C. m+n-1
D. m+n
Answer» B. 2n-1

To proceed with the MODI algorithm for solving an assignment problem, the number of dummy allocations need to be added are

A. n
B. 2n
C. n-1
D. 2n-1
Answer» C. n-1

The Hungarian method for solving an assignment problem can also be used to solve

A. A transportation problem
B. A travelling salesman problem
C. A LP problem
D. Both a & b
Answer» B. A travelling salesman problem

An optimal solution of an assignment problem can be obtained only if

A. Each row & column has only one zero element
B. Each row & column has at least one zero element
C. The data is arrangement in a square matrix
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Customer behavior in which the customer moves from one queue to another in a multiple channel situation is

A. Balking
B. Reneging
C. Jockeying
D. Altering
Answer» C. Jockeying

Which of the following characteristics apply to queuing system

A. Customer population
B. Arrival process
C. Both a & b
D. Neither a nor b
Answer» C. Both a & b

Which of the following is not a key operating characteristics apply to queuing system

A. Utilization factor
B. Percent idle time
C. Average time spent waiting in the system & queue
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Priority queue discipline may be classified as

A. Finite or infinite
B. Limited & unlimited
C. Pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Pre-emptive or non-pre-emptive

The calling population is assumed to be infinite when

A. Arrivals are independent of each other
B. Capacity of the system is infinite
C. Service rate is faster than arrival rate
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Arrivals are independent of each other

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