Chapter: E Payments Systems

Why might transferring money between different e-payment systems be problematic?

A. All systems use the same currency.
B. Transfers are usually instantaneous.
C. Many systems lack interoperability and may require currency exchange.
D. Transfer fees are typically very low.
Answer» C. Many systems lack interoperability and may require currency exchange.

What is a smart card?

A. A loyalty card for a specific store
B. A virtual credit card stored on a phone
C. A plastic card with an embedded microchip for data storage and processing
D. A type of contactless payment method
Answer» C. A plastic card with an embedded microchip for data storage and processing

What is one of the main advantages of using smart cards?

A. Enhanced security features and encryption
B. Universal compatibility with all readers
C. Low production cost
D. Unlimited storage capacity
Answer» A. Enhanced security features and encryption

Which of the following is a concern regarding the privacy of smart card information?

A. Smart cards are highly resistant to hacking.
B. Users have complete control over their data.
C. Information is stored locally on the card.
D. Potential access or misuse by unauthorized entities, including governments
Answer» D. Potential access or misuse by unauthorized entities, including governments

How can smart cards be beneficial in healthcare?

A. Storing insurance information and medical history
B. Providing secure access to critical medical records and prescriptions
C. Monitoring patient vital signs remotely
D. Facilitating online medical consultations
Answer» B. Providing secure access to critical medical records and prescriptions

What is a key characteristic of electronic payment in e-commerce?

A. It involves paperless monetary transactions.
B. It requires physical presence at a bank.
C. It is more time-consuming than manual processing.
D. It limits market reach for businesses.
Answer» A. It involves paperless monetary transactions.

Which e-commerce payment method directly deducts funds from the customer's bank account?

A. Credit Card
B. Debit Card
C. E-Wallet
D. Smart Card
Answer» B. Debit Card

What is the function of a CVN (Card Verification Number) in online credit card payments?

A. To store the cardholder's PIN
B. To track the cardholder's spending habits
C. To encrypt the cardholder's personal information
D. To enhance security and help detect fraudulent transactions
Answer» D. To enhance security and help detect fraudulent transactions

What is an e-wallet?

A. A physical wallet for storing credit cards
B. A type of cryptocurrency
C. A prepaid account that stores payment information for multiple cards and accounts
D. A mobile app for online banking
Answer» C. A prepaid account that stores payment information for multiple cards and accounts

What is the primary benefit of using net banking for e-commerce payments?

A. It allows direct payment from the customer's bank account without a physical card.
B. It offers rewards points and cashback on purchases.
C. It provides anonymity for online transactions.
D. It eliminates the need for internet access.
Answer» A. It allows direct payment from the customer's bank account without a physical card.

How does mobile payment work for e-commerce transactions?

A. By using NFC (Near Field Communication) technology
B. By sending a payment request through text message or mobile app
C. By scanning a QR code displayed on the merchant's website
D. By making a voice call to the customer's bank
Answer» B. By sending a payment request through text message or mobile app

What is B2B marketing?

A. Marketing to individual consumers
B. Marketing through social media platforms
C. Marketing to government agencies
D. Marketing products or services to other businesses
Answer» D. Marketing products or services to other businesses

What is brand strategy?

A. A long-term plan for developing a successful brand
B. A short-term promotional campaign
C. A method of measuring brand awareness
D. A set of guidelines for brand logo design
Answer» A. A long-term plan for developing a successful brand

What is data warehousing?

A. The process of deleting large amounts of data
B. The process of constructing and using a data warehouse for analytical reporting
C. The practice of collecting data from unauthorized sources
D. A type of data encryption method
Answer» B. The process of constructing and using a data warehouse for analytical reporting

What is data mining?

A. The process of storing data in a secure location
B. The practice of manipulating data for fraudulent purposes
C. The process of analyzing large datasets to identify patterns and relationships
D. A type of data compression technique
Answer» C. The process of analyzing large datasets to identify patterns and relationships

What is a key advantage of viral marketing?

A. Guaranteed sales conversion
B. Control over message dissemination
C. Potential for wide reach at low cost
D. High barrier to entry
Answer» C. Potential for wide reach at low cost

Why is viral marketing considered non-invasive?

A. Users choose to share the content willingly.
B. It does not collect any user data.
C. It bypasses traditional advertising channels.
D. It relies on personal recommendations.
Answer» A. Users choose to share the content willingly.

What is CRM (Customer Relationship Management)?

A. A software for managing employee payroll
B. A system for tracking inventory levels
C. A platform for online advertising
D. A strategy for managing interactions with customers
Answer» D. A strategy for managing interactions with customers

Which of the following is a key feature of CRM?

A. Product design and development
B. Tracking customer interactions and history
C. Managing supply chain logistics
D. Financial accounting and reporting
Answer» B. Tracking customer interactions and history

How can CRM benefit businesses?

A. Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty
B. Reduce employee productivity
C. Increase operational costs
D. Complicate business processes
Answer» A. Improve customer satisfaction and loyalty

What is a cookie in the context of e-business?

A. A type of malware
B. A form of online payment
C. A small text file stored on a user's computer by a website
D. A method of data encryption
Answer» C. A small text file stored on a user's computer by a website

How are cookies used in e-commerce?

A. To track user browsing history across different websites
B. To display targeted advertising based on user interests
C. To remember user login details and preferences
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

What type of cookie is used to keep items in an online shopping cart?

A. Session cookie
B. Permanent cookie
C. Third-party cookie
D. Secure cookie
Answer» A. Session cookie

What is permission marketing?

A. Marketing to a specific target audience
B. Marketing to consumers who have explicitly agreed to receive communication
C. Marketing through social media influencers
D. Marketing through unsolicited email
Answer» B. Marketing to consumers who have explicitly agreed to receive communication

Which of the following is an example of permission marketing?

A. Cold calling potential customers
B. Displaying pop-up ads on websites
C. Opt-in email subscriptions
D. Sending unsolicited text messages
Answer» C. Opt-in email subscriptions

What is affiliate marketing?

A. An arrangement where one party promotes another party's products for a commission
B. A type of influencer marketing
C. A form of paid advertising
D. A method of market research
Answer» A. An arrangement where one party promotes another party's products for a commission
Chapter: E-business Marketing Strategy

What is the primary focus of Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing?

A. Individual consumers
B. Government agencies
C. Non-profit organizations
D. Other businesses and organizations
Answer» D. Other businesses and organizations

Which of the following is NOT a key element of a brand strategy?

A. Consumer needs and emotions
B. Long-term goals and objectives
C. Short-term sales promotions
D. Competitive landscape analysis
Answer» C. Short-term sales promotions

Data warehousing involves several key processes. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

A. Data cleaning
B. Data mining
C. Data integration
D. Data consolidation
Answer» B. Data mining

What is the primary goal of data mining?

A. Identify patterns and relationships in data
B. Store and organize large datasets
C. Create visually appealing dashboards
D. Collect data from various sources
Answer» A. Identify patterns and relationships in data

Which of the following is a significant advantage of viral marketing?

A. Low cost due to user-driven sharing
B. Guaranteed control over message dissemination
C. Limited reach to specific target audiences
D. High cost of production and distribution
Answer» A. Low cost due to user-driven sharing

What does CRM stand for in a business context?

A. Customer Revenue Management
B. Consumer Relationship Marketing
C. Customer Relationship Management
D. Corporate Resource Management
Answer» C. Customer Relationship Management

Which of the following is NOT a common feature of CRM systems?

A. Tracking customer interactions
B. Managing sales pipelines
C. Automating marketing tasks
D. Inventory control and management
Answer» D. Inventory control and management

What is the primary function of cookies in the context of e-business?

A. Spread viruses and malware
B. Enhance user experience on websites
C. Track user activity for malicious purposes
D. Store sensitive personal information
Answer» B. Enhance user experience on websites

Which type of cookie is used to remember your login details on a website?

A. Session cookie
B. Permanent cookie
C. Third-party cookie
D. Authentication cookie
Answer» B. Permanent cookie

What is the key principle behind permission marketing?

A. Sending unsolicited marketing messages
B. Targeting consumers without their knowledge
C. Obtaining consent before sending marketing materials
D. Interrupting consumers with unwanted promotions
Answer» C. Obtaining consent before sending marketing materials

Which marketing approach relies on users spreading a message like a virus?

A. Viral marketing
B. Affiliate marketing
C. Permission marketing
D. Influencer marketing
Answer» A. Viral marketing

Which of the following is a significant benefit of implementing a CRM system?

A. Increased paperwork and manual processes
B. Reduced customer satisfaction and loyalty
C. Higher operational costs and reduced efficiency
D. Improved customer retention and increased profitability
Answer» D. Improved customer retention and increased profitability

How does a CRM system contribute to cost-effectiveness in a business?

A. Reduces reliance on paper and manual work
B. Increases the need for a large sales team
C. Requires expensive and complex technologies
D. Complicates customer interaction and tracking
Answer» A. Reduces reliance on paper and manual work

What is a key advantage of having centralized customer information in a CRM?

A. Increased data silos and reduced accessibility
B. Slower response times to customer inquiries
C. Faster access to customer data and improved productivity
D. Decreased ability to personalize customer interactions
Answer» C. Faster access to customer data and improved productivity

How does improved customer satisfaction relate to business growth?

A. Satisfied customers lead to increased competition
B. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers
C. Satisfied customers have no impact on business growth
D. Satisfied customers are more likely to switch to competitors
Answer» B. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers

What is the term for the marketing of products or services to other businesses?

A. B2C Marketing
B. B2B Marketing
C. C2C Marketing
D. Direct Marketing
Answer» B. B2B Marketing
Explanation: B2B stands for Business-to-Business, referring to transactions between businesses.

Which of the following is a defining characteristic of a brand strategy?

A. Short-term sales promotions
B. Immediate profit maximization
C. Long-term brand building
D. Tactical marketing campaigns
Answer» C. Long-term brand building
Explanation: Brand strategy focuses on the long-term development and management of a brand.

What is the primary purpose of data warehousing in e-business?

A. Support analytical reporting and decision-making
B. Store transactional data for daily operations
C. Manage website content and design
D. Handle customer service inquiries
Answer» A. Support analytical reporting and decision-making
Explanation: Data warehousing enables businesses to analyze large datasets for insights and decision-making.

Data mining techniques are often used in e-business for which purpose?

A. Website development and design
B. Customer relationship management
C. Supply chain optimization
D. Predictive modeling and trend analysis
Answer» D. Predictive modeling and trend analysis
Explanation: Data mining helps businesses predict future trends by identifying patterns in historical data.

Which of the following is a potential drawback of viral marketing?

A. Low cost and high return on investment
B. Increased brand awareness and visibility
C. Limited control over message dissemination
D. Guaranteed positive brand association
Answer» C. Limited control over message dissemination
Explanation: While viral marketing offers potential for wide reach, controlling the message's spread can be challenging.

What type of data does a CRM system typically manage?

A. Customer interactions, sales, and marketing data
B. Financial records, inventory levels, and production data
C. Human resources information, employee data, and payroll
D. Research and development data, patent information, and technical specifications
Answer» A. Customer interactions, sales, and marketing data
Explanation: CRM systems centralize customer data for a comprehensive view of customer interactions.

Which of the following is a benefit of using cookies in e-commerce?

A. Increased website loading times
B. Personalized product recommendations
C. Sharing sensitive data with third parties
D. Reduced security and increased vulnerability
Answer» B. Personalized product recommendations
Explanation: Cookies enable personalized recommendations by tracking user browsing history.

What distinguishes permission marketing from other forms of marketing?

A. Use of mass media advertising
B. Reliance on unsolicited email campaigns
C. Focus on interrupting consumers with messages
D. Emphasis on obtaining consent from consumers
Answer» D. Emphasis on obtaining consent from consumers
Explanation: Permission marketing prioritizes obtaining explicit consent from consumers before sending marketing messages.

What is a primary goal of affiliate marketing?

A. Building brand awareness through social media
B. Conducting market research and analysis
C. Expanding marketing reach through partnerships
D. Developing new products and services
Answer» C. Expanding marketing reach through partnerships
Explanation: Affiliate marketing aims to expand a company's reach by leveraging the networks of affiliates.

How does CRM contribute to customer retention?

A. By enabling personalized interactions and improved customer service
B. By reducing the need for customer support and interaction
C. By focusing solely on acquiring new customers
D. By automating generic marketing messages and promotions
Answer» A. By enabling personalized interactions and improved customer service
Explanation: CRM helps businesses understand customer needs and preferences, leading to improved satisfaction and loyalty.

Why is centralized data storage in CRM beneficial for businesses?

A. It creates data silos and limits access to information.
B. It provides a single source of truth for customer data.
C. It increases data redundancy and inconsistency.
D. It makes it harder to track customer interactions.
Answer» B. It provides a single source of truth for customer data.
Explanation: Centralized data ensures consistency, accessibility, and a unified view of customer information.

How does increased customer satisfaction typically impact a business's bottom line?

A. It leads to decreased customer loyalty and retention.
B. It has no direct impact on revenue or profitability.
C. It often translates into higher revenue and profitability.
D. It increases the cost of customer acquisition and retention.
Answer» C. It often translates into higher revenue and profitability.
Explanation: Higher customer satisfaction often leads to repeat business, positive word-of-mouth, and increased profitability.
Chapter: Cyber Crime

What is the primary target of a cybercrime classified as a crime against an individual?

A. Financial data
B. Personal privacy and safety
C. Government infrastructure
D. Corporate websites
Answer» B. Personal privacy and safety
Explanation: Crimes against individuals in the digital realm often involve direct harm or intrusion upon a person's well-being or rights.

Which of the following is a commonly used term for cybercrime?

A. Computer crime
B. Internet offense
C. Digital delinquency
D. Electronic mischief
Answer» A. Computer crime
Explanation: Cybercrime and computer crime are often used interchangeably to describe illegal activities involving computers.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 aims to replace which traditional method of communication in legal transactions?

A. Verbal agreements
B. Telegraphic messages
C. Paper-based communication
D. Registered mail
Answer» C. Paper-based communication
Explanation: The IT Act 2000 was enacted to transition from paper-based legal processes to electronic ones.

Which of the following is NOT a primary objective of the Information Technology Act, 2000?

A. Legalizing electronic transactions
B. Authenticating information using digital signatures
C. Enabling electronic filing of documents
D. Mandating online dispute resolution for cybercrime
Answer» D. Mandating online dispute resolution for cybercrime
Explanation: While the IT Act promotes secure electronic transactions, it doesn't specifically mandate online dispute resolution mechanisms.

Under Section 43 of the IT Act 2000, what is the penalty for unauthorized access to a computer system?

A. Imprisonment up to three years
B. Fine up to five lakh rupees
C. Compensation to the affected party
D. Mandatory community service
Answer» C. Compensation to the affected party
Explanation: Section 43 focuses on compensation to the affected party rather than a predetermined fine.

Which section of the IT Act 2000 specifically addresses compensation for neglecting to protect sensitive personal data?

A. Section 43A
B. Section 44
C. Section 65
D. Section 66
Answer» A. Section 43A
Explanation: Section 43A highlights the responsibility of entities handling sensitive data to implement proper security measures.

What is the maximum penalty for failing to furnish information or returns as required by the IT Act 2000?

A. Imprisonment for one year
B. Fine up to one lakh fifty thousand rupees
C. Suspension of online business operations
D. Confiscation of computer equipment
Answer» B. Fine up to one lakh fifty thousand rupees
Explanation: Section 44 outlines the penalty for non-compliance with requests for information or reports.

Which section of the IT Act 2000 deals with the act of tampering with computer source documents?

A. Section 66
B. Section 67
C. Section 65
D. Section 69
Answer» C. Section 65
Explanation: Section 65 criminalizes the act of intentionally altering or destroying computer code or programs.

What is the punishment for a second conviction under Section 67 of the IT Act 2000, related to publishing obscene material?

A. Fine up to five lakh rupees
B. Imprisonment up to three years
C. Community service and mandatory counseling
D. Imprisonment up to five years and fine up to ten lakh rupees
Answer» D. Imprisonment up to five years and fine up to ten lakh rupees
Explanation: Section 67 outlines escalating penalties for repeat offenders involved in the distribution of obscene content.

Under which section of the IT Act 2000 does the government have the power to intercept or monitor computer information?

A. Section 69
B. Section 71
C. Section 72
D. Section 73
Answer» A. Section 69
Explanation: Section 69 grants the government the authority to access and monitor digital information under specific circumstances.

What is the punishment for misrepresenting information to obtain a license or digital signature certificate under the IT Act 2000?

A. Revocation of license and a fine up to five lakh rupees
B. Imprisonment up to two years or fine up to one lakh rupees, or both
C. Mandatory training on ethical digital conduct
D. Community service and a public apology
Answer» B. Imprisonment up to two years or fine up to one lakh rupees, or both
Explanation: Section 71 emphasizes the importance of honesty and transparency when applying for licenses or digital certificates.

Which section of the IT Act 2000 specifically addresses the breach of confidentiality and privacy?

A. Section 72
B. Section 73
C. Section 74
D. Section 75
Answer» A. Section 72
Explanation: Section 72 focuses on the repercussions of unauthorized disclosure of electronic information obtained through legal means.

What is the penalty for publishing a digitally signed certificate for fraudulent purposes under the IT Act 2000?

A. Revocation of certificate and a fine up to five lakh rupees
B. Compulsory ethical hacking training
C. Imprisonment up to two years or fine up to one lakh rupees, or both
D. Community service and a public apology
Answer» C. Imprisonment up to two years or fine up to one lakh rupees, or both
Explanation: Section 74 highlights the legal consequences of misusing digital certificates for illegal activities.

Which section of the IT Act 2000 clarifies that the Act is applicable to offenses committed outside India?

A. Section 73
B. Section 74
C. Section 76
D. Section 75
Answer» D. Section 75
Explanation: Section 75 extends the jurisdiction of the IT Act to cover cybercrimes committed by individuals even beyond the geographical boundaries of India.

What is the provision for compounding offenses under sections 77A and 77B of the IT Act 2000?

A. Offenses with three years imprisonment are cognizable.
B. All offenses are compoundable with a fine.
C. Offenses committed outside India are not compoundable.
D. Only offenses against individuals are compoundable.
Answer» A. Offenses with three years imprisonment are cognizable.
Explanation: Sections 77A and 77B provide guidelines for handling offenses, particularly those involving imprisonment of three years or more.

Which rank of police officer is authorized to investigate offenses under the IT Act 2000, as per Section 78?

A. Constable
B. Sub-Inspector
C. Inspector
D. Superintendent of Police
Answer» C. Inspector
Explanation: Section 78 designates the minimum rank required for a police officer to conduct investigations related to cybercrime.

Which of the following is NOT a primary category of cybercrime?

A. Crimes against individuals
B. Crimes against property
C. Crimes against the government
D. Crimes against educational institutions
Answer» D. Crimes against educational institutions
Explanation: Cybercrime is typically categorized based on the target – individuals, property, or government. Educational institutions are not a primary target category.

Which type of cybercrime involves harassing or threatening someone online?

A. Cyberstalking
B. Hacking
C. Online identity theft
D. Ransomware attack
Answer» A. Cyberstalking
Explanation: Cyberstalking is a form of harassment that takes place online, often using electronic communication to threaten or intimidate the victim.

What is the main motive behind most online scams or internet fraud?

A. To spread awareness about social causes
B. To disrupt government websites
C. To steal money or financial information
D. To gain access to personal photos and videos
Answer» C. To steal money or financial information
Explanation: The primary goal of online scams is to deceive individuals into voluntarily giving up their money or financial information.

What type of cybercrime involves gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network?

A. Cyberstalking
B. Hacking
C. Online identity theft
D. Ransomware attack
Answer» B. Hacking
Explanation: Hacking is the act of exploiting system vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to devices or networks.

Which cybercrime involves stealing someone's personal information for financial gain?

A. Cyberstalking
B. Hacking
C. Online identity theft
D. Ransomware attack
Answer» C. Online identity theft
Explanation: Online identity theft occurs when criminals steal personal information, such as social security numbers or bank details, for financial gain.

What type of malware is used in a ransomware attack?

A. Virus
B. Trojan horse
C. Worm
D. Ransomware
Answer» D. Ransomware
Explanation: Ransomware is a specific type of malware that encrypts the victim's data and demands a ransom for its release.

Which of the following is a common method used to carry out online identity theft?

A. Phishing emails
B. Social media posts
C. Online surveys
D. Text messages
Answer» A. Phishing emails
Explanation: Phishing emails are designed to trick individuals into revealing their personal information, often by mimicking legitimate institutions.

What is the term for a person who engages in hacking activities?

A. Cyberstalker
B. Hacker
C. Phisher
D. Scammer
Answer» B. Hacker
Explanation: A hacker is an individual who uses their technical skills to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks.

What is a common target for cybercriminals committing crimes against property?

A. Personal blogs
B. Social media profiles
C. Organization's website
D. Government databases
Answer» C. Organization's website
Explanation: Cybercriminals often target an organization's website to steal data, disrupt operations, or deface their online presence.

What is the term for cybercrimes that target governments?

A. Cyberwarfare
B. Cyberespionage
C. Cyberattack
D. Cyberterrorism
Answer» D. Cyberterrorism
Explanation: Cyberterrorism involves acts of hacking or disruption targeting government systems or infrastructure.

Which of the following is a potential consequence of a successful cyberterrorism attack?

A. Widespread panic and disruption of essential services
B. Increased funding for cybersecurity research
C. Improved international cooperation in cyberspace
D. Reduced reliance on technology
Answer» A. Widespread panic and disruption of essential services
Explanation: Cyberterrorism can have severe real-world consequences, including widespread panic and disruption of essential services.

What type of cybercrime involves the downloading, selling, or distribution of child pornography?

A. Cyberstalking
B. Online child abuse
C. Internet fraud
D. Ransomware attack
Answer» B. Online child abuse
Explanation: Online child abuse encompasses various activities, including the creation, distribution, and possession of child sexual abuse material.

What is a common payment method demanded by cybercriminals in ransomware attacks?

A. Credit cards
B. Bank transfers
C. Bitcoins
D. Gift cards
Answer» C. Bitcoins
Explanation: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are often demanded in ransomware attacks due to their decentralized and relatively anonymous nature.

What type of cybercrime involves posing as a representative of a charitable organization to solicit donations?

A. Charity fraud
B. Investment fraud
C. Romance scam
D. Job scam
Answer» A. Charity fraud
Explanation: Charity fraud is a specific type of online scam where criminals exploit people's generosity for financial gain.

What is the purpose of the hash function used in digital signatures, as per the IT Act 2000?

A. To encrypt the message
B. To decrypt the message
C. To create a unique digital fingerprint
D. To transmit the message securely
Answer» C. To create a unique digital fingerprint
Explanation: A hash function creates a unique digital fingerprint of a message or document, ensuring its integrity and authenticity.

What type of cryptosystem is mandated for digital signatures in the IT Act 2000?

A. Asymmetric cryptosystem
B. Symmetric cryptosystem
C. Hybrid cryptosystem
D. Elliptic curve cryptosystem
Answer» A. Asymmetric cryptosystem
Explanation: Asymmetric cryptography, using separate keys for encryption and decryption, enhances security in digital signatures.

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Cyber Regulatory Appellate Tribunal under the IT Act 2000?

A. Handles appeals against orders of the Controller
B. Conducts independent investigations into cybercrimes
C. Hears appeals against orders of the Adjudicating Officer
D. Its decisions can be challenged in the High Court
Answer» B. Conducts independent investigations into cybercrimes
Explanation: The Cyber Regulatory Appellate Tribunal handles appeals related to orders passed by the Controller or Adjudicating Officer. It does not conduct independent investigations.

What is the maximum amount of compensation that can be levied on a body corporate for failing to protect sensitive personal data, as per Section 43A of the IT Act?

A. One crore rupees
B. Two crore rupees
C. Three crore rupees
D. Five crore rupees
Answer» D. Five crore rupees
Explanation: Section 43A specifies a maximum penalty of five crore rupees for negligence in safeguarding sensitive personal data.
More MCQs

Which of the following describes e-commerce?

A. doing business electronically
B. doing business
C. sale of goods
D. all of the above
Answer» A. doing business electronically

Which of the following is part of the four main types for e-commerce?

A. b2b
B. b2c
C. c2b
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which segment do eBay, belong?

A. b2bs
B. b2cs
C. c2bs
D. c2cs
Answer» B. b2cs

Which type of e-commerce focuses on consumers dealing with each other?

A. b2b
B. b2c
C. c2b
D. c2c
Answer» D. c2c

Which segment is eBay an example?

A. b2b
B. c2b
C. c2c
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Which type deals with auction?

A. b2b
B. b2c
C. c2b
D. c2c
Answer» D. c2c

In which website Global Easy Buy is facilitated?

D. none of these
Answer» A.

The best products to sell in B2C e-commerce are:

A. small products
B. digital products
C. specialty products
D. fresh products
Answer» B. digital products

Which products are people most likely to be more uncomfortable buying on the Internet?

A. books
B. furniture
C. movies
D. all of the above
Answer» B. furniture

Which products are people most likely to be comfortable buying on the Internet?

A. books
B. pcs
C. cds
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Digital products are best suited for B2C e-commerce because they:

A. are commodity like products
B. can be mass-customized and personalized
C. can be delivered at the time of purchase
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The solution for all business needs is

A. edi
B. erp
C. scm
D. none of the above
Answer» B. erp

All of the following are techniques B2C e-commerce companies use to attract customers, except:

A. registering with search engines
B. viral marketing
C. online ads
D. virtual marketing
Answer» D. virtual marketing
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