Chapter: Unit 3

Germany was particularly receptive to social democracy because of which key factor?

A. a lengthy and profound traditional of liberal reform
B. a large urban working class
C. the national government was sympathetic to organize labor
D. the slow and erratic development of Industry
Answer» B. a large urban working class

One of the important legacies the Impressionists left to the European avant grade was

A. to organize their own independent exhibition
B. A call for young painters to experiment freely
C. The idea that art ought to be a mirror or window on the world
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. both (a) and (b)

In 1908, the nationalists in the Ottoman Empire known as “Young Turks” forced the Sultan to:

A. declare war on Russia
B. invade and recapture Bulgaria
C. ally with Britain and France
D. established a constitutional government
Answer» D. established a constitutional government

Bismarck’s program of social legislation included all but which of the following

A. workers old age pensions
B. rigorous factory inspection
C. limiting the hours of work for women and children
D. unemployment insurance
Answer» D. unemployment insurance

The Treaty of Nanking (1842) compelled the Chinese to give the British:

A. trading privileges
B. the right to reside in five cities
C. the port of Hongkong in perpetuity
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The most prominent representative of the new imperialism in India was:

A. Lord Canning
B. Lord Ripon
C. Lord Curzon
D. Lord Mountbatten
Answer» C. Lord Curzon

The British considered India its “jewel in the crown” because:

A. India was the only colony that didn’t resist the British control
B. India’s population and resources made it the most valuable of all the British colonies
C. India was controlled by a company; the government did not have to involve in the affairs of the colony
D. India had a vast supply of diamonds and emeralds.
Answer» B. India’s population and resources made it the most valuable of all the British colonies

What was a major factor that allowed imperialist power to dominate large parts of Africa and Asia in the 19th and 20th centuries?

A. The desire of Asians and Africans to convert to Christianity
B. The willingness of imperialists to to respect local traditions and customs
C. The spread of nationalism among native people in colonial areas
D. Their technological and military superiority
Answer» D. Their technological and military superiority

The late nineteenth- century thinker who ridiculed bourgeoisie faith in science was:

A. Friedrich Nietzsche
B. Charles Pierce
C. William James
D. Sigmund Freud
Answer» A. Friedrich Nietzsche

Germany was particularly receptive to social democracy because of which key factor?

A. a lengthy and profound traditional liberal reform
B. a large urban working class
C. the national government was sympathetic to organize labor
D. the slow and erratic development of industry
Answer» B. a large urban working class

In 1908, the nationalists in the Ottoman Empire known as “Young Turks” forced the Sultan to:

A. declare war on Russia
B. invade and recapture Bulgaria
C. ally with Britain and France
D. establish a constitutional government
Answer» D. establish a constitutional government

The Europeans turned their attention towards Africa in the later part of the:

A. 16th century
B. 17th century
C. 18th century
D. 19th century
Answer» D. 19th century

The second industrial revolution relied on innovation in:

A. steel
B. electricity
C. chemicals
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The emergence of labour movements in Europe was due to a radical thinker named:

A. Leo Tolstoy
B. Karl Marx
C. CS Lewis
D. Friedrich Engels
Answer» B. Karl Marx

The first country to admit women to medical schools for training as medical doctors was:

A. Switzerland
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. Spain
Answer» A. Switzerland

Which women orgnisation pressed first for women’s educational and legal reforms?

A. National Union of Women Suffrage Societies
B. Women’s Social and Political Union
C. International Council of Women
D. General German Women’s Association
Answer» D. General German Women’s Association

Which country’s dominance of the seas was cemented by the opening of the Panama in 1914?

A. U.S.
B. Britain
C. Italy
D. France
Answer» A. U.S.

By the late nineteenth century nationhood was linked to:

A. economic power
B. political dominance
C. empire building
D. none of the above
Answer» C. empire building

Nineteenth century political ideology gave women the status of:

A. first class citizen
B. second class citizen
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above
Answer» B. second class citizen

To press for ‘Votes for Women’ who among the following threw herself in front of the king George V’s horse on Derby Day and was trampled to death?

A. Emily Wilding Davison
B. Clara Zetkin
C. Lily Braun
D. Queen Victoria
Answer» A. Emily Wilding Davison
Chapter: The First World War and the Turmoil between The Two World Wars

The immediate cause of the World War I was:

A. the German invasion of Belgium.
B. the sinking of Lusitania.
C. the assassination of Franz Ferdina
Answer» C. the assassination of Franz Ferdina

The First nation to grant the right to vote to all men and women over the age of thirty was:

A. Britain.
B. France.
C. the United States.
D. Russia and Germany.
Answer» A. Britain.

One of the problems associated with the treaties signed by the Central Powers was that:

A. Germany was allowed to keep her army and navy intact.
B. the Ottoman Empire remained a presence on the continent.
C. nation boundaries were drawn without regard for ethnic divisions.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. nation boundaries were drawn without regard for ethnic divisions.

As a result of the Treaty of Versailles:

A. Germany surrendered Alsace-Lorraine and the coal mines of Saar basin.
B. Danzig was placed under control of the League of Nation.
C. Germany was disarm
Answer» D.

The Schlieffen Plan:

A. committed Germany to attack France first, though the real target was Russia.
B. called for an immediate assault on Russia regardless of how the war began.
C. led to quick and decisive victories by the Germans.
D. was the name given to the German invasion of Britain.
Answer» A. committed Germany to attack France first, though the real target was Russia.

The event that triggered the British declaration of war on Germany on August 4, 1914, was:

A. Russian mobilization.
B. the German invasion of Belgium.
C. the German declaration of war on Russia.
D. the German declaration of war on France.
Answer» B. the German invasion of Belgium.

In general, the primary interest t of United States involvement in World War I:

A. was maintaining an international balance of power.
B. was cruelly punishing the Central Powers.
C. was forcing huge reparations from Germany at war’s e
Answer» A. was maintaining an international balance of power.

Which statement is true regarding the Bolsheviks and the February Revolution of 1917?

A. their presence led to the abdication of Nicholas II.
B. they had very little to do with the February Revolution.
C. Lenin led the Provisional government from the right start.
D. they supported the reformist policies of General Kornilov.
Answer» B. they had very little to do with the February Revolution.

In general, the Schlieffen Plan failed because:

A. it overestimated that the army’s physical and logistical capabilities.
B. there were frequent changes made to the Plan itself.
C. the Germans plant to attack the Paris from the northeast instead of circling to the southwest.
D. the British invaded Belgium first.
Answer» A. it overestimated that the army’s physical and logistical capabilities.

Which battle of July to November 1916 in 60,000 British killed and wounded in the first day alone?

A. Somme.
B. Marne.
C. second battle of Ypres.
D. Verdun.
Answer» A. Somme.

One new weapon that added a frightening dimension to daily warfare was:

A. poison gas.
B. the tank.
C. machine guns.
D. barbed wire.
Answer» A. poison gas.

Which of the following was not one of the “Big Four” who dictated the peace settlement in 1918 and 1919?

A. Winston Churchill.
B. Woodrow Wilson.
C. Vittorio Orlando.
D. Georges Clemenceau.
Answer» A. Winston Churchill.

The Allied assault on Gallipoli:

A. resulted in the defeat of the Turks.
B. cost the allies very little in the way of casualties.
C. was a disaster costing the Allies dearly in live lost.
D. All of the above.
Answer» C. was a disaster costing the Allies dearly in live lost.

World War I affected women by:

A. giving them jobs that had previously only gone to men.
B. offering them new opportunities.
C. breaking down older barriers against women’s work.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

The direct cause of American involvement in World War I was:

A. the outbreak of October Revolution in Russia.
B. Turkey’s entrance in the war on the side of Central Powers.
C. unrestricted German submarine warfare.
D. the German declaration of war on the United States.
Answer» C. unrestricted German submarine warfare.

On Easter Sunday, 1916:

A. a group of nationalist revolted in Dublin.
B. dominion status was given to Catholic Ireland.
C. the Irish free states were establish
Answer» A. a group of nationalist revolted in Dublin.

On November 11, 1918:

A. the Austro-Hungarian Empire surrendered at Sarajevo.
B. the Russian violated the provisions of Brest- Litovsk.
C. German delegates met with the Allies and officially ended the war.
D. the Germans led one last offence to Belgium.
Answer» C. German delegates met with the Allies and officially ended the war.

Before 1914, the membership of the Triple Alliance included Germany, AustriaHungary and:

A. Italy.
B. Turkey.
C. France.
D. Yugoslavia.
Answer» A. Italy.

The Battle of Marne was perhaps the most important ballet of World War I because:

A. it created a 400-mile front between Switzerland and the North Sea.
B. it signified that the war would become a war of attrition.
C. it made trench warfare inevitable.
D. All of the above.
Answer» D. All of the above.

One effect of World War I was that:

A. Europe was displaced as the centre of world economy.
B. the U.S congress agreed to the covenant of the League of Nations.
C. the war had accelerated the centralization of money and markets.
D. European liberal democratic institutions were strengthened.
Answer» A. Europe was displaced as the centre of world economy.

All of the following statements about mass culture are correct except:

A. it had a democratic as well as authoritarian potential.
B. it rested on the widespread application of existing technologies.
C. it transformed popular culture.
D. it did not manage to cut across lines of class an ethnicity.
Answer» D. it did not manage to cut across lines of class an ethnicity.

In the episode known as Knight of Long Knives (June 30, 1934).

A. Hitler got rid of the Schutzstaffel.
B. the Nazis destroyed hundreds of Jewish shops.
C. Hitler took over leadership of the Nationalist Party.
D. more than one thousand high-ranking SA officials were executed.
Answer» D. more than one thousand high-ranking SA officials were executed.

The Freilkorps were:

A. German communist war veterans.
B. anti-Marxist, anti-liberal, and anti Semitic.
C. the personal army of Weimar government.
D. German Bolsheviks.
Answer» B. anti-Marxist, anti-liberal, and anti Semitic.

The success of the Italian fascist movement depends on the leadership of:

A. Victor Emmanuel.
B. Benito Mussolini.
C. Giuseppi Mazzini.
D. Vittorio Orlando.
Answer» B. Benito Mussolini.

Which of the following does not describe the result of Stalin’s Five-Year-Plans?

A. the command economy functioned in an entirely rational fashion.
B. the emphasis was on quantity and not quality.
C. heavy industry was favored over light industry.
D. the Soviet industry was transformed into a world industrial power.
Answer» A. the command economy functioned in an entirely rational fashion.

On November 9, 1918:

A. the imperial government of Germany was overthrown by a bloody revolution in which hundreds were killed.
B. the German Kaiser was assassinated.
C. Hitler created and took over leadership of German Workers’ Party.
D. the German republic was declared.
Answer» D. the German republic was declared.

The Soviet collectivization of agriculture in the late 1920s:

A. was entirely consistent with the policies of NEP.
B. resulted in the near “liquidation of the Kulaks as a class”.
C. prevented the onset of a Russian famine.
D. was welcomed by the peasantry.
Answer» C. prevented the onset of a Russian famine.

On October 28, 1922, Mussolini’s “Black Shirts”:

A. assassinated Victor Emmanuel.
B. Joined the revolutionary group, II Popolo d’Italia.
C. marched to Rome.
D. None of the above.
Answer» C. marched to Rome.

In 1924 election the Nazis polled:

A. about 6.6 percent of the vote.
B. strong support from the German middle classes.
C. a majority of the workers on the left.
D. well over 46 percent of the vote.
Answer» A. about 6.6 percent of the vote.

What event pushed Weimar’s political system to the breaking point?

A. the Dawes Plan.
B. the Great Depression.
C. the French invasion of the Ruhr.
D. Hitler’s putsch of 1923.
Answer» B. the Great Depression.

The Civil War in Russia pushed the Bolsheviks to a more radical economic stance called:

B. war communism.
C. the first Five-Year Plan.
D. the second Five-Year Plan.
Answer» B. war communism.

Thomas Hart Benton and Diego Rivera were similarly in that they:

A. used their art to detail the hopes and struggles of ordinary people.
B. were both anti-communist reactionaries.
C. were members of Bauhaus.
D. had an enormous influence on non-western cultures.
Answer» A. used their art to detail the hopes and struggles of ordinary people.

The man widely assumed to be Lenin’s successor was:

A. Trotsky.
B. Bukharin.
C. Stalin.
D. Rasputin.
Answer» A. Trotsky.

The man most associated with the Bolshevik New Economic Policy (NEP) was:

A. Lenin.
B. Stalin.
C. Trotsky.
D. Bukharin.
Answer» D. Bukharin.

Which pairing is incorrect?

A. T.S Elliot-The Waste Land.
B. James Joyce- Ulysses.
C. Earnest Hemingway- The Sun Also Rises.
D. Christopher Isherwood- The Grapes of Wrath.
Answer» D. Christopher Isherwood- The Grapes of Wrath.

Leni Riefenstahl’s film, Triumph of the Will was:

A. an American propaganda film intended to expose the Nazi menace.
B. a visual hymn to the Nazi regime.
C. made with the help of Charlie Chaplin.
D. a fictional tale extolling the virtues of Nazi anit-Semitism.
Answer» B. a visual hymn to the Nazi regime.

Which of the following was not a component of Italian fascism?

A. anit-Semitism.
B. militarism.
C. nationalism.
D. statism.
Answer» A. anit-Semitism.

Which of the following does not describe Italy in the years immediately after the Great War?

A. several generals were plotting a military insurrection.
B. business elites were shaken by strikes.
C. social conflict erupted over land, wages and local power.
D. there was a growing divide between the industrialized north and agricultural
Answer» A. several generals were plotting a military insurrection.

During the Great Terror, Stalin:

A. reprimanded foreign governments for their criticism of the Soviet Union.
B. attempted to eliminate all vestiges of capitalism in the Soviet Union.
C. was trying to protect the Soviet Union from the Nazis.
D. implemented a policy of mass repression against anyone who defied him.
Answer» D. implemented a policy of mass repression against anyone who defied him.

Which of the following artists was not a Dadaist?

A. Max Ernst.
B. Hans Arp.
C. Marcel Duchamp.
D. Wassily Kandinsky
Answer» D. Wassily Kandinsky
Chapter: The Second World War

The Kellogg-Briand Pact:

A. attempted to end the naval arms race.
B. sought to outlaw war as an international crime.
C. admitted Germany and the Soviet Union into the League of Nations.
D. forced the Soviet Union to leave the League of Nations.
Answer» B. sought to outlaw war as an international crime.

Following the naval evacuation of British and French troops at Dunkirk, the Germans invaded:

A. Poland.
B. Britain.
C. Scandinavia.
D. France.
Answer» D. France.

Which nation developed sonar and also cracked German codes for communicating with the “wolf packs”?

A. the Soviet Union.
B. Britain.
C. the United States.
D. Canada.
Answer» B. Britain.

The Soviet Union entered the Pacific Theatre of World War II by:

A. marching into Manchuria and the colonial territory of Korea.
B. helping the British stop the Japanese invasion of India.
C. invading the island of Okinawa.
D. pushing the Japanese forces back on Hong Kong.
Answer» A. marching into Manchuria and the colonial territory of Korea.

World War II began on September 1, 1939, with the German invasion of:

A. Poland
B. The Soviet Union.
C. The Sudetenland.
D. Belgium.
Answer» A. Poland

The Reserve Police Battalion 101 of Hamburg:

A. was responsible for keeping order at Auschwitz-Birkenau.
B. refused to obey their orders to kill all Jewish inhabiting Hamburg.
C. was responsible for transporting five thousand Poles out of the Warsaw ghetto.
D. were policemen who obeyed orders to kill, in one day, 1,500 Jewish men, women and children.
Answer» D. were policemen who obeyed orders to kill, in one day, 1,500 Jewish men, women and children.

In 1937, the Japanese:

A. invaded Manchuria.
B. joined the Axis powers.
C. invaded Burma.
D. destroyed the strategic city of Nanjing.
Answer» D. destroyed the strategic city of Nanjing.

The French government that collaborated with the Nazis was located at:

A. Paris.
B. Dunkirk.
C. Vichy.
D. Verdun.
Answer» C. Vichy.

Which of the following countries did not experience authoritarian regimes in the 1930s?

A. Yugoslavia.
B. Czechoslovakia.
C. Hungary.
D. Romania.
Answer» B. Czechoslovakia.

On June 6, 1944:

A. France was liberated by the Allies.
B. the Allies landed at Normandy.
C. the Allies crossed the Rhine.
D. the Soviet army marched into Berlin.
Answer» B. the Allies landed at Normandy.

The Einsatzgruppen:

A. were Soviet anti-communists and Nazi sympathizers.
B. was the name given to the resistance movement within Germany.
C. were responsible for formulating Operation Barbarossa.
D. were Nazi death squads.
Answer» D. were Nazi death squads.

In general the Hungarian government:

A. persecuted Jews but was slow to deport them to German camps in Poland.
B. quickly rounded up all the Jews living in Hungary and sent them into the hands of the Nazis.
C. refused to submit to Nazi anti-Semitic policies.
D. collaborated with the Nazi “final solution”.
Answer» A. persecuted Jews but was slow to deport them to German camps in Poland.

As the war progressed, which country used its workers and materials less efficiently?

A. Germany.
B. the Soviet Union.
C. the United States.
D. Britain.
Answer» A. Germany.

The largest Jewish resistance to Nazis came in the spring of 1943 at:

A. Lodz.
B. the Warsaw ghetto.
C. Auschwitz.
D. Prague.
Answer» B. the Warsaw ghetto.

Hitler, Chamberlain, Daladier, and Mussolini met at Munich on September 28, 1938, in order to:

A. decide the fate of Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.
B. discuss Germany?s withdrawal from the League of Nations.
C. appease Stalin and Mussolini.
D. discuss the Polish question.
Answer» A. decide the fate of Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia.

Josip Broz, or Tito, was a:

A. Hungarian leader who created a Nazi puppet state.
B. leader of the Ustasha, the Croatian fascist guard.
C. communist leader of the Yugoslav resistance movement.
D. Romanian general who tr
Answer» D. Romanian general who tr

The “dance of millions” refers to:

A. celebrations in Paris after the liberation of France.
B. a wave of Latin American prosperity due to wartime profits.
C. a dance craze that swept the continent after 1945.
D. a special party rally held by Hitler to boost morale.
Answer» B. a wave of Latin American prosperity due to wartime profits.

Operation Barbarossa was the code name for:

A. the German invasion of Russia.
B. the Normandy invasion.
C. the Russian invasion of Belgium.
D. the Allied invasion of Berlin.
Answer» A. the German invasion of Russia.

The first detonation of an atom bomb took place in the summer of 1945 at:

A. Hiroshima.
B. Nagasaki.
C. Los Alamos.
D. the Bikini Atoll.
Answer» C. Los Alamos.

The Policy of appeasement was based on all of the following assumption except:

A. The outbreak of another war was unthinkable.
B. Germany had been treated too harshly by the provisions of Versailles.
C. Germany would not break the provisions of Versailles.
D. The Nazis and fascists served as a bulwark against the Soviet.
Answer» C. Germany would not break the provisions of Versailles.

World War II, also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from _________.

A. 1939 to 1945
B. 1940 to 1946
C. 1935 to 1940
D. None of these
Answer» A. 1939 to 1945

Which countries were involved in World War II?

A. Australia
B. Britain
C. Germany
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

What were the major causes of World War II?

A. The rise of fascism
B. Harsh treatment of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles
C. The Treaty of Versailles
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Germany’s invasion of which country started world war II?

A. France
B. Japan
C. Poland
D. None of these
Answer» C. Poland

Which of the following countries was not a member of the Allies?

A. China
B. Britain
C. Japan
D. None of these
Answer» C. Japan

What was the US strategy in the Pacific during WWII?

A. Blitzkrieg
B. Lightning war
C. Leapfrogging
D. None of these
Answer» C. Leapfrogging

The main Axis powers of WWII consisted of

A. Germany, Russia, Japan
B. France, Italy, Japan
C. Germany, Italy, Japan
D. None of these
Answer» C. Germany, Italy, Japan

What was the last battle of World War II?

A. Battle of the Atlantic
B. Battle of Okinawa
C. Battle of North Borneo
D. None of these
Answer» B. Battle of Okinawa

When did Germany attack Russia in WWII?

A. 1942
B. 1944
C. 1941
D. None of these
Answer» C. 1941

Why did United States declare war on the Japan in 1941?

A. Invasion of Poland
B. The Munich Conference
C. Attack on Pearl Harbor
D. None of these
Answer» C. Attack on Pearl Harbor

Why did the British Royal Navy attack French warships at Mers-el-Kebir?

A. The French crews had sworn allegiance to Germany
B. France was at war with Britain
C. The French crews refused to surrender their ships when the British requested
D. They were manned by Germ
Answer» A. The French crews had sworn allegiance to Germany

What was Germany’s initial strategy for conquering Britain?

A. First establish air superiority, then send in ground forces
B. First destroy the British navy, then send in ground forces
C. First send in ground forces, then attack the country with aircraft
D. Immobilize London with poison gas attacks
Answer» A. First establish air superiority, then send in ground forces

What was the “London Blitz”?

A. Germany’s plan for a blitzkrieg on London
B. A term used for Germany’s bombing campaign on London
C. A series of German missile attacks late in the war
D. Code name for a secret British radar system
Answer» B. A term used for Germany’s bombing campaign on London

Overall, the Battle of Britain is considered to be

A. A victory for Germany
B. A victory for Britain
C. A victory for neither
D. A minor conflict
Answer» B. A victory for Britain

Which Power won the World War II?

A. Mongolian People’s Republic
B. Allied powers
C. Axis Powers
D. None of these
Answer» B. Allied powers

What was the treaty that ended World War II?

A. Geneva Conference
B. The Treaty of Versailles
C. Peace treaties
D. None of these
Answer» C. Peace treaties

Which event is generally considered to be the first belligerent act of World War II?

A. Germany’s attack on Russia
B. Germany’s attack on Britain
C. Germany’s attack on Poland
D. Germany’s occupation of Austria
Answer» C. Germany’s attack on Poland

. Which two countries were the first to declare war on Germany?

A. Italy and Greece
B. Britain and France
C. Norway and Denmark
D. The United States and the USSR
Answer» B. Britain and France

Which best describes Germany’s standard invasion strategy at the beginning of World War II?

A. Attack with a combination of speed and overwhelming force
B. Intimidate the enemy by first amassing a large force along the enemy’s border
C. Begin with acts of sabotage behind enemy lines
D. Draw out battles for as long as possible to wear the enemy out
Answer» A. Attack with a combination of speed and overwhelming force

What major mistake did the Allies make in preparing to defend against Germany’s attack on France?

A. They failed to anticipate that the attack would take place
B. They expected an attack by ground forces rather than a naval assault
C. They misinterpreted where the main invasion would take place
D. They failed to set up minefields along the border with Germany
Answer» C. They misinterpreted where the main invasion would take place
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