180+ Political Sociology Solved MCQs


Chapter: Unit 1

‘Das Capital’ is written by –

A. Max Weber
B. Karl Marx
C. Lipset
D. Alexis de Tocqueville
Answer» B. Karl Marx

Political Sociology is the study of the interrelation between

A. Society & Culture
B. Power & Politics
C. Politics & Society
D. Culture & Politics.
Answer» C. Politics & Society

Which theory of Marx laid the foundation for the sociology of politics?

A. Economic determinism
B. Surplus Value
C. Alienation
D. Positivism
Answer» A. Economic determinism

Political Sociology as a distinct subject emerged in the

A. 1920s
B. 1980s
C. 1990s
D. 1950s
Answer» D. 1950s

According to Weber, in the modern western societies the bases of political authority is

A. rational-legal authority
B. traditional authority
C. charismatic authority
D. symbolic authority
Answer» A. rational-legal authority

Political Sociology studies power, authority and legitimacy of state in relation to –

A. Social relation
B. Economic relation
C. Political relation
D. Physical relation
Answer» A. Social relation

American Political Science Association was founded in

A. 1891
B. 1930
C. 1903
D. 1940
Answer» C. 1903

Political Sociology tries to explore how various social forces work together to change

A. Social institutions
B. Political policies
C. Values
D. Social structures
Answer» B. Political policies

Who among the following is regarded as the father of Political Sociology?

A. Max Weber
B. Auguste Comte
C. Herbert Spencer
D. Immanuel Kant
Answer» A. Max Weber

Who brought into focus issues concerning the nature of political power and its relationship with social or economic organisation?

A. MacIver
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Karl Marx
Answer» D. Karl Marx

Political Sociology focuses attention of the relationship between

A. Party & Politics
B. State & Society
C. Culture & Values
D. Power & Politics
Answer» B. State & Society

Political Sociology is ‘The study of political behaviour within a sociological perspective of framework’ is a definition given by

A. Robert E Dowse & John Hughes
B. Michael Rush & Phillip Althoff
C. R Bendix
D. Keith Faulks
Answer» A. Robert E Dowse & John Hughes

Max Weber examined the entrepreneurial drives of individuals in capitalist economies in–

A. Economy and Society
B. Communist Manifesto
C. The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism
D. Das Capital
Answer» C. The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of Capitalism

Modes of Production create social groups called –

A. Serfs
B. Castes
C. Estate
D. Classes
Answer» D. Classes

‘Democracy in America’ was written by

A. Alexis de Tocquiville
B. Auguste Comte
C. Pierre Bourdieu
D. C Wright Mills
Answer» A. Alexis de Tocquiville

Which of the following is not Weber’s authority?

A. Traditional authority
B. Charismatic authority
C. Rational- legal authority
D. Political authority
Answer» D. Political authority

The following Authority is based on loyalty to the sacred attribute, heroic force or commendable character

A. Rational-legal authority
B. Traditional authority
C. Charismatic authority
D. Political authority
Answer» C. Charismatic authority

According to Marx, the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of

A. Class struggle
B. Revolution
C. Feudalism
D. Slavery
Answer» A. Class struggle

The idea of political legitimacy is associated with

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Emile Durkheim
D. Davis and Moore
Answer» B. Max Weber

Which of the following is not an example of ‘traditional authority’?

A. Feudalism
B. Rule by elders
C. Patriarchy
D. Magistrate
Answer» D. Magistrate

Which of the following is not within the scope of Political Sociology?

A. Voting behaviour
B. Problem of Untouchability
C. Political decision making
D. Problem of bureaucracy
Answer» B. Problem of Untouchability

The breakdown of traditional society and the emergence of modern society in Europe exposed for the first time the difference between

A. State & society
B. State & Nation
C. Society & Community
D. Norms & Values
Answer» A. State & society

‘A contribution to the critique of Political Economy’ is by

A. Dahrendorf
B. Georg Simmel
C. Garfinkel
D. Karl Marx
Answer» D. Karl Marx

‘An administrative body of appointed officials’-

A. Capitalist
B. Serfs
C. Bureaucracy
D. Feudal lords
Answer» C. Bureaucracy

‘Communist Manifesto’ was written by –

A. Max Weber
B. Herbert Spencer
C. Karl Marx
D. George Ritzer
Answer» C. Karl Marx

Which of the following is not an elements of Weberian model of bureaucracy?

A. Hierarchy
B. Nepotism
C. Rules
D. Written documents
Answer» D. Written documents

Political Sociology was originally construed as –

A. Society and Politics
B. Power and Society
C. Power and Authority
D. Sociology of Politics.
Answer» A. Society and Politics

Which of the following is true about proletariat?

A. Rule of the working class
B. Rule of Capitalist class
C. Government by the people
D. Rule of educated class
Answer» B. Rule of Capitalist class

The modern and developed society advocates

A. Charismatic authority
B. Traditional authority
C. Rational-legal authority
D. Gerontocracy
Answer» C. Rational-legal authority

According to Karl Marx, main cause responsible for the emergence of social class was-

A. Economy
B. Social
C. Religious
D. Politics
Answer» A. Economy

‘The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism’ was written by

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Georg Simmel
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» B. Max Weber

The bourgeois are the

A. the working class
B. the labourers
C. the idealist
D. the capitalist
Answer» D. the capitalist
Chapter: Unit 2 and 3

Who introduced the six fold classification of political system?

A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Pythagoras
Answer» C. Aristotle

Rule by a few is known as

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Oligarchy
D. Theocracy
Answer» C. Oligarchy

Which of the following statement is false?

A. Democracy is opposed to the use of coercive methods.
B. Democracy believes in methods of persuasion and peace.
C. Democracy does not guarantee individuals freedom of speech.
D. Democracy stands in the spirit of tolerance.
Answer» C. Democracy does not guarantee individuals freedom of speech.

Direct Democracy is also known as

A. Representative democracy
B. Complex democracy
C. Pure democracy
D. Compound democracy
Answer» A. Representative democracy

Direct Democracy existed in the ancient cities of

A. Egypt
B. Greece
C. Rome
D. Mesopotamia
Answer» B. Greece

Indirect democracy is not practiced in which of the following country.

A. Vatican City
B. United Kingdom
C. Canada
D. India
Answer» A. Vatican City

Which of the following statement about ‘Representative Democracy’ is true?

A. It is also known as Simple Democracy
B. People exercise power directly
C. This kind of democracy can exist and function only in small states
D. The govt. is run by the representative who are elected by the people
Answer» D. The govt. is run by the representative who are elected by the people

A: Democracy stands on the Spirit of tolerance and allows people to have diverse interest B: Sovereignty rest with the government in democracy

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

Which of the following is not an essential feature of totalitarian system?

A. Militant Nationalism
B. One Party Rule
C. Distinction between state and Government
D. One Man Rule
Answer» C. Distinction between state and Government

A: A dictator dictate terms as he pleases B: Dictatorship makes its sheer will the sole justification of its authority

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

Which of the following countries follow totalitarian form of Government?

A. Eritrea
B. Russia
C. Burma
D. China
Answer» C. Burma

Which of the following statement is true of an Totalitarian system of Government?

A. Existence of freedom of press
B. Free and fair election
C. Hostile to Internationalism
D. Leaders are directly elected by the people
Answer» C. Hostile to Internationalism

A: Dictators are opposed to militant or aggressive nationalism B: Civil, Political and Economic liberty are championed by a dictator

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» D. Both A and B are false

The word ‘demos’ in democracy means

A. State
B. Power
C. People
D. Government
Answer» C. People

In what type of Government can recall referendum or impeachment be introduced?

A. Democracy
B. Totalitarian
C. Oligarchy
D. Monarchy
Answer» A. Democracy

The Theocratic nation of The Islamic Republic of Iran was founded by

A. Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
B. Ali Hosseini Khamenei
C. RuhollahMusavi Khomeini
D. Hassan Rouhani
Answer» C. RuhollahMusavi Khomeini

What was the treaty signed for the creation of Vatican City?

A. Vatican Treaty
B. Lateran Treaty
C. The Vatican-Rome Treaty
D. The Catholic Treaty
Answer» B. Lateran Treaty

A: Theocracy denotes a political unit governed by a deity or official thought to be divinely gifted. B: The community established by Prophet Muhammad in Medina was a theocracy.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following statement is true?

A. Theocratic forms of government have existed throughout history
B. The Kingdom of Cambodia is a theocracy
C. The United State of America was once a theocratic nation
D. Religion does not play any role in theocracy
Answer» A. Theocratic forms of government have existed throughout history

Which of the following statement is false?

A. In many Theocratic nations leaders are members of the clergy
B. The leaders in Theocracy are regarded as divinely guided
C. A leader in Theocracy holds power for five years
D. The word Theocracy originated from a Greek word
Answer» C. A leader in Theocracy holds power for five years

A: Laws, regulations and cultural norms in Theocracy are based on religion B: People with power in Theocracy first serve the citizens and then the God of the religion.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» A. A is true but B is False

Which of the following is governed by Theocratic rule?

A. Iran
B. Egypt
C. India
D. Iraq
Answer» A. Iran

Which of the following statement is false?

A. A monarchy is a form of Government in which total sovereignty is vested in one person.
B. Monarchs usually both hold and achieve their position through the right of hereditary succession
C. There have been elective monarchs who were elected
D. Only a male can be considered a monarch.
Answer» D. Only a male can be considered a monarch.

A: When a monarch is too young to take full control of their office a regent or groups of regents rule in their place B: A regent can hold its position for not more than three months

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False.
Answer» A. A is true but B is False

A: A constitutional monarch in a parliamentary democracy is a hereditary symbolic head of state. B: A Constitutional monarch performs representative and civil roles but does not exercise executive or policy making powers.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following statement is true?

A. A Monarch holds the position until death, abdication or is overthrown.
B. Many Monarchs have invoked religious reasons as justification for their rule
C. Male Monarchs are often called Kings and Female Monarchs Queens
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following countries does not have an existing Monarchy?

A. The Netherlands
B. Spain
C. The United Kingdom
D. Italy
Answer» D. Italy

A: Absolute Monarchs rule with total power B: The current Queen of the United Kingdom is an absolute monarch.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» A. A is true but B is False

How many nations constitute the Realm of the Commonwealth of nations?

A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
Answer» A. 14

A: Divine rights of the king was the claim that a King was given his position by some higher power B: The authority could include taxes, administration, justice and foreign policy

A. A is true but B is False
B. is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following Monarchs ruled as an absolute Monarch?

A. King Albert II of Belgium
B. King Louis XIV of France
C. Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom
D. King Juan Carlos I of Spain
Answer» B. King Louis XIV of France

Which of the following is not an elective Monarch?

A. The King of Cambodia
B. The Pope
C. The Yang de-PertuanAgong of Malaysia
D. The Emperor of Japan
Answer» D. The Emperor of Japan

A: Pareto states that people are always governed by elites except for a short period of time B: He rejects a linear progressive evolutionary interpretation of history and social change.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following nations has a Monarch as head of state?

A. Canada
B. Australia
C. New Zealand
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following statement is false?

A. ‘La Circulation des elites en France’ by Kobalinska is a reference source for Vilfredo Pareto
B. Elites are those who occupy the top position in a class structure
C. Non-elites occupy the lower stratum of society
D. Elites are not subject to change
Answer» D. Elites are not subject to change

A: New Elites rise and take old elite’s place B: ‘Elites’ or aristocrats do not last.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following statement is true?

A. According to Pareto rising and declining of elites takes place at the same time.
B. In course of time, elites undergo a change where new elites takes place of old elites
C. New rising elites are often young and sometimes rise from the non-elite class
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A: Governing Elites are directly or indirectly concerned with administration. B: They play an important role and enjoy a prestigious place in society.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

A: The work and the role of elites are influenced by two factors B: One type of factor is called residue and the other derivations

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following statement is true?

A. The lions are conservative elites in whom the II class of residue predominates
B. The Lions gain and retain power through kindness
C. The use of force is forbidden by this group
D. They lack ideology of any sort.
Answer» A. The lions are conservative elites in whom the II class of residue predominates

A: Movement of elites takes place in two ways B: Either through merit or through revolution can movement of elites take place

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

A: A few individuals may join the elite from the non-elite group B: All elites at some point in time were non-elites.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» A. A is true but B is False

Which of the following is not a source of legitimate authority according to Max Weber?

A. Charismatic
B. Traditional
C. Legal rational
D. Economic Stability
Answer» D. Economic Stability

A: Power is effective only if it is legitimate B: Power should be based on legitimacy otherwise it could prove ineffective

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» C. Both A and B are True

Which of the following statement is true?

A. Authority is sometimes based on customs and traditions which are long established
B. People may obey authority due to the charismas possessed by the person in authority
C. Legal- rational authority is legal because it is supported by existing laws
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is not a source of acquiring legitimacy?

A. Good governance
B. Democracy
C. Economic performance
D. Dictatorship
Answer» D. Dictatorship

Which of the following statement is false?

A. Consent is an important characteristics of legitimacy
B. Legitimacy is a pre- requisite of power
C. Legitimacy is based on belief
D. Legitimacy does not get obedience from the people
Answer» D. Legitimacy does not get obedience from the people

The Elitist theory holds that power is always concentrated in the hands of

A. Civil servants
B. a small group of elites
C. The working class
D. The military
Answer» B. a small group of elites

In democracy the final authority rests with

A. The People
B. The President
C. Parliament
D. Council of ministers
Answer» A. The People

A: Electoral democracy is an important method of acquiring legitimacy B: Electoral democracy is not transparent

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» A. A is true but B is false

Which of the following statement is false?

A. Legitimacy is the acceptance of an authority
B. An authority viewed as legitimate often has the right to exercise power
C. Political legitimacy is considered a basic condition for governing
D. Legitimacy gives the person in power the right to wield power to any extent
Answer» D. Legitimacy gives the person in power the right to wield power to any extent

A: Power is derived from various sources. B: The use of force is not an example of power.

A. A is true but B is False
B. B is true but A is False
C. Both A and B are True
D. Both A and B are False
Answer» A. A is true but B is False

Which of the following statement is true?

A. Power exist in only certain type of societies
B. Power cannot be attained through a person’s economic state
C. Power is shared and bartered by numerous groups throughout society
D. Political power is the highest form of power
Answer» C. Power is shared and bartered by numerous groups throughout society

A: Power can be seen as evil or unjust B: The exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

Which sociologist sees Power as, ‘the ability to make a difference’, to change things from what they would otherwise have been?

A. Max Weber
B. Foucault
C. Anthony Giddens
D. Karl Marx
Answer» B. Foucault

A: Power is not subject to change and is permanently fixed. B: Power is not conditional.

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» D. Both A and B are false

A: Democracy is a rule by the majority but aims at the welfare of all. B: It provides for a change in government according to constitutional provisions

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

A: In Representative democracy the people judge the representatives by their deeds. B: The people have direct control over the representatives even after election.

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» A. A is true but B is false

A: Totalitarianism aims at welfare of the few in the name of all B: Totalitarianism believes in self-government at the local level

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» A. A is true but B is false

A: In a democratic form of Government elections are held periodically and people can vote to power the party which they support. B: Government can be changed through constitutional methods peacefully.

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

Which of the following statement is true?

A. Totalitarianism does not prescribe peaceful means of changing the government
B. Totalitarianism does not grant freedom and fundamental rights to the people
C. A Totalitarian government emphasizes on strengthening its military
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is an agent of influence?

A. Business Groups
B. Associations
C. Voluntary Associations
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

When did India became a sovereign democratic republic?

A. 26th January 1950
B. 15th August 1947
C. 24th January 1950
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

A: Political influence is the ability of private individuals and groups to influence, condition, shape and control the authoritative decisions and actions of those who possess the formal-legal authority. B: Such individuals and groups exercise significant influence over particular policy and decision making.

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

A: Legitimate political authority is the legitimate right of the government to govern, to adopt and enforce public policy decisions in the name of the community. B: Political authority exercised by the government may be legitimate or illegitimate

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» C. Both A and B are true

Which of the following is a type of monarchy?

A. Constitutional Monarchy
B. Absolute Monarchy
C. Elective Monarchy
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

A: Hereditary rule is a form of government in which all rulers come from the same family B: The crown is passed down only to the male members in the family

A. A is true but B is false
B. B is true but A is false
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer» A. A is true but B is false

Which of the following statement is true?

A. An elective monarchy is a monarchy ruled by a hereditary monarch.
B. The King of Spain is an elected Monarch
C. All Elective Monarchs rule for a period not exceeding five years
D. None of the above.
Answer» D. None of the above.
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