
170+ Sociology of Development Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BA Sociology) , Sociology (CBCS) .


What is meant by Mix Economy?

A. co-existence of public sector along with private sector
B. Equal promotion of agriculture and industry.
C. It is controlled only by heavy industry
D. It is controlled by military as well as civilian
Answer» A. co-existence of public sector along with private sector

The economy planning of India cannot be said to be _______.

A. Imperative
B. Limited
C. Restricted
D. emblematic
Answer» A. Imperative

The task of Planning Commission of India is _________.

A. Backing up the plan
B. Preparation of the plan
C. monetisation the plan
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Preparation of the plan

The book ‘Planned Economy for India‘ was written by which of the following author?

A. Dr.AmartySen
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. M Visvesvarya
D. Indira Gandhi
Answer» C. M Visvesvarya

How agriculture contributing to the India economy?

A. It helps Increasing
B. It helps decreasing
C. It has no contribution
D. None of the above
Answer» A. It helps Increasing

In which year National Development Council was set up?

A. 1949
B. 1955
C. 1951
D. 1952
Answer» D. 1952

Which of the following option regarding Indian economy is correct?

A. It is a subject in the Union List.
B. It is a subject in the Concurrent List.
C. It is a subject in the State List.
D. It is not specified in any special list.
Answer» A. It is a subject in the Union List.

What is the factor that government depends on for financing the Five Year Plan?

A. Only taxation
B. Public borrowing
C. deficit financing
D. both public borrowing and deficit
Answer» A. Only taxation

From which of the following commission The National Development Commission get its administrative support?

A. Census Commission
B. Planning Commission
C. Competition Commission of India
D. Finance Commission
Answer» B. Planning Commission

How the Five Year Plan of India intend to develop the country’s industrially?

A. Through the public sector
B. Through the private sector
C. through the collaboration with Non-resident Indian.
D. Through public, private, joint and Cooperative sectors
Answer» D. Through public, private, joint and Cooperative sectors

What is meant by ‘Take off stage‘ in an economy?

A. It means steady growth begins.
B. it means economy is stagnant
C. It means all controls are remov
Answer» A. It means steady growth begins.

Who publish the Economy Survey of India?

A. Minister of Finance.
B. Minister of External Affairs
C. Minister of Home Affairs
D. Minister Of Commerce and Industry
Answer» A. Minister of Finance.

What percentage of population of India are engaged in primary sector?

A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 65%
Answer» C. 70%

What is the definition of sex ratio?

A. Number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children
B. Number of women per 1000 men
C. Number of women per 100000 men
D. Number of men per 1000 women
Answer» B. Number of women per 1000 men

Which age group is included to calculate Child Sex Ratio?

A. 1-6 years
B. 0-5 years
C. 0-6 years
D. 0- 6 months
Answer» C. 0-6 years

According to the latest data released by the NITI Aayog in 2016; What is the Infant Mortality Rate in India in 2016?

A. 42 per 1000 live births
B. 34 per 1000 live births
C. 29 per 1000 live births
D. 54 per 1000 live births
Answer» B. 34 per 1000 live births

Which of the following characteristics are most likely found in developing countries?

A. high population growth rates.
B. large number of people living in poverty.
C. very traditional methods of agricultural production.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following could not be considered a major economic system?

A. capitalism.
B. communism.
C. socialism.
D. physical quality of life index.
Answer» D. physical quality of life index.

Which of the following did Mahatma Gandhi, non-violent politician and leader of India’s nationalist movement, not advocate?

A. village economic development.
B. handicraft production and labor-intensive technology.
C. centralized decision making.
D. reduction of material wants.
Answer» C. centralized decision making.

Which of the following statement is not true about LDCs?

A. Most LDCs have less than 1/10 the per capita GNP of the U.S.
B. A greater share of GNP would have to be devoted to education to attain the same primary enrollment rates as in the U.S.
C. Setting up western labor standard and minimum wages in labor-abundant LDCs is sensible.
D. Most LDCs have a greater shortage of qualified teachers than the U.S. does.
Answer» C. Setting up western labor standard and minimum wages in labor-abundant LDCs is sensible.

Which of the following is not one of the Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs)?

A. Japan
B. South Korea
C. Taiwan
D. Singapore
Answer» A. Japan

Longevity is a proxy for ___________ in the Human Development Index

A. health and nutrition.
B. living standard
C. infant mortality
D. Purchasing Power Parity
Answer» A. health and nutrition.

The Human Development Index (HDI) summarizes a great deal of social performance in a single composite index, combining

A. disparity reduction rate, human resource development rate and the composite index.
B. longevity, education and living standard.
C. minimum schooling, adult literacy and tertiary educational attainment.
D. human resource training, development and R&D.
Answer» A. disparity reduction rate, human resource development rate and the composite index.

Infant mortality

A. is defined as the annual number of deaths of infant under 1 year old per 1,000 live births.
B. reflects the availability of primary education, the rights of employment and social security.
C. is life expectancy up to age 3.
D. reflects the availability of hospitals and childcare facilities, and the parents’ wealth.
Answer» A. is defined as the annual number of deaths of infant under 1 year old per 1,000 live births.

Which of the following is not a problem in comparing developed and developing countries’ GNP?

A. GNP is understated for developed countries, since a number of items included in their national incomes are intermediate goods
B. The economic contribution of a housewife in a peasant family may not be measured in GNP in poor country.
C. GNP is understated for developing countries since many of their labor-intensive good have no impact on exchange rate since they are not trad
Answer» A. GNP is understated for developed countries, since a number of items included in their national incomes are intermediate goods

The bourgeoisie refers to

A. the monarchy.
B. the central planners of the Soviet Union.
C. the capitalist and middle class.
D. the aristocrats of wealthy nations.
Answer» C. the capitalist and middle class.

ASEAN refers to the

A. Association of South East Agro Nations.
B. Association of South East Asian Nations.
C. Alliance of South East Asian Neighbors.
D. Alliance of South Eastern African Nations.
Answer» B. Association of South East Asian Nations.

A dual economy is distinguished from other economies by having

A. an industrial sector and a manufacturing sector.
B. a traditional agricultural sector and a modern industrial sector.
C. state ownership of the means of production.
D. an industrial sector that concentrates on manufacturing and construction.
Answer» B. a traditional agricultural sector and a modern industrial sector.

Increases in real GNP per capita occur when

A. government programs direct resources away from investment goods to consumer goods.
B. tariffs and quotas prevent countries from trading and thus prevent dollars from leaving the country.
C. the rate of growth of real GNP is greater than the rate of growth of population.
D. the level of consumption expenditures rises relative to the level of saving.
Answer» C. the rate of growth of real GNP is greater than the rate of growth of population.

What is gross domestic product (GDP)?

A. income earned through foreign exchange.
B. the number of dollars earned in industry.
C. income earned within a country’s boundaries.
D. goods received from the nation’s local residents.
Answer» C. income earned within a country’s boundaries.

Increases in real GNP per capita occur when

A. government programs direct resources away from investment goods to consumer goods.
B. tariffs and quotas prevent countries from trading and thus prevent dollars from leaving each country.
C. the rate of growth in real GNP is greater than the rate of growth in the population.
D. the level of consumption expenditures rises relative to the level of saving.
Answer» C. the rate of growth in real GNP is greater than the rate of growth in the population.

Which of the following is not a requirement for economic development?

A. a temperate climate.
B. natural resources.
C. an adequate capital base.
D. technological advance.
Answer» A. a temperate climate.

The informal sector includes
I artisans, cottage industrialists, petty traders, tea shop proprietors.
II garbage pickers, jitneys, unauthorized taxis, repair persons.
III the self-employed.
IV activities with little capital, skill, and entry barriers.

A. I and II only
B. III and IV only
C. IV only
D. I, II, III and IV
Answer» D. I, II, III and IV

One criticism of Rostow's theory of economic growth is that

A. much available data contradicts his thesis about the takeoff stage.
B. there is no explanation of why growth occurs after takeoff.
C. his hypothesis of the stages of growth is difficult to test empirically.
D. all of the above are correct.
Answer» D. all of the above are correct.

Criticisms of Rostow's stages of development include

A. the difficulty of testing the stages scientifically.
B. conditions for takeoff are contradicted by historical evidence.
C. characteristics of one stage are not unique to that stage.
D. all of the above are correct.
Answer» D. all of the above are correct.

Rostow's economic stages are

A. the preconditions for takeoff, the takeoff, the drive to maturity, and the age of creative destruction.
B. the traditional society, the preconditions for takeoff, the takeoff, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass consumption.
C. the preconditions for consumption, the replication, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass consumption.
D. the learning curve, the age of high mass consumption, post-takeoff, and the drive to maturity.
Answer» B. the traditional society, the preconditions for takeoff, the takeoff, the drive to maturity, and the age of high mass consumption.

For Rosenstein-Rodan a major indivisibility is in

A. supply.
B. infrastructure.
C. agriculture.
D. services.
Answer» B. infrastructure.

A major dependency theorist, Andre Gunder Frank suggests that the following economic activities have contributed to underdevelopment:
I Workers migrating from villages to foreign-dominated urban complexes.
II Forming an unskilled labor force to work in factories and mines and on plantations.
III Replacing indigenous enterprises with technologically more advanced, global, subsidiary companies.
IV Closing the economy to trade with, and investment from, developed countries.

A. I and II only.
B. II and III only.
C. I, II and III only.
D. I, II, III and IV.
Answer» C. I, II and III only.


A. causes development.
B. is positively related to development.
C. is inversely related to development.
D. inhibits development.
Answer» B. is positively related to development.

Frank (1967) made the claim that 'underdeveloped' societies were:

A. insufficiently involved in the international capitalist economy
B. reluctant to surrender their traditional ways of life
C. economically dependent on the wealthy countries that exploited them
D. the 'metropoles' to which 'satellite' countries were attached
Answer» C. economically dependent on the wealthy countries that exploited them

Which of the following is not a feature of globalization?

A. An increasing awareness of the world as a whole
B. the extended power of nation states
C. the destruction of distance through communications technologies
D. the stretching of social relations beyond national boundaries
Answer» B. the extended power of nation states

The capitalist world economy is what Wallerstein (1974) would call a 'world system'. This term refers to:

A. a means of transporting money between different areas of a country
B. an empire with a bureaucratic administration but no political centre
C. an awareness of risks and dangers that affect the environment as a whole
D. a unit with a division of labour that extends across ethnic and cultural groups
Answer» D. a unit with a division of labour that extends across ethnic and cultural groups

The use of 'indentured labour' in the nineteenth century involved:

A. people being transported to the British colonies and forced to work for one employer under poor conditions
B. the sale of African people through the slave trade in the 'Atlantic triangle'
C. selecting the most skilled workers in factories to promote their employer's company overseas
D. extracting the teeth of the laziest workers to stop them from talking
Answer» A. people being transported to the British colonies and forced to work for one employer under poor conditions

War became possible between nation states in the nineteenth century because:

A. the world was divided into several rival overseas empires
B. industrialization provided better transport, technology and administration
C. there was intense economic, political and military competition
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Economic aid has largely failed to promote modernization in the developing countries because:

A. there are no clearly defined projects into which the money can be directed
B. the United Nations has refused to call on rich countries to provide it
C. debt repayments with interest can be greater than the amount of money received
D. debt repayments with interest can be greater than the amount of money received
Answer» C. debt repayments with interest can be greater than the amount of money received

The term 'over-urbanization' means that:

A. life in modern Western cities is so far removed from that of the Third World that we find it difficult to understand these societies
B. in poorer countries, the rapidly developing cities drain resources from the rural areas
C. the extent to which urbanization affects development has been exaggerated
D. governments are so preoccupied with urbanization in the West that they forget to attend to problems in the Third World
Answer» B. in poorer countries, the rapidly developing cities drain resources from the rural areas

Which of the following is not a consequence of global tourism?

A. decreased rates of prostitution and sex tourism
B. developing countries can depend on it as a crucial source of income
C. the exploitation of cheap, unregulated labour in poor countries
D. we have become more aware of 'other' societies and ways of living
Answer» A. decreased rates of prostitution and sex tourism

Environmentalist social movements are global in the sense that:

A. they increase our awareness of risks that affect the whole planet
B. they appeal to universal values and human rights
C. they use global media to generate publicity
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which of the following is an example of development in a country?

A. an increase in population
B. an increase in agricultural production
C. the expansion of an existing industry
D. the extension of the electricity grid into previously unconnected rural areas
Answer» D. the extension of the electricity grid into previously unconnected rural areas

The Gross Domestic Product is:

A. the total value of industrial production in a country in a year
B. the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year
C. the value of agricultural production in a country in a year
D. the combined value of imports and exports for a country
Answer» B. the total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year

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