200+ Rural Sociology Solved MCQs


Identify the important social institutions in rural India among the following.

A. Family
B. Caste
C. Religion
D. All of these
Answer» A. Family

Where did rural sociology originated in the world?

A. United Kingdom
B. France
C. United States of America
D. Russia
Answer» C. United States of America

When did Rural Sociology originated as a systematic science?

A. 1820
B. 1850
C. 1862
D. 1897
Answer» A. 1820

Which of the following is responsible for the emergence of rural sociology?

A. Rural study commission
B. Rural sociological society of America
C. The Country life Commission
D. The Bureau of Agricultural Economic
Answer» C. The Country life Commission

When was the country life commission formed?

A. 1820
B. 1907
C. 1867
D. 1917
Answer» B. 1907

When was the Journal entitled ‘Rural Sociology’ published?

A. 1939
B. 1935
C. 1926
D. 1937
Answer» B. 1935

Which of the following is the prime objective of Rural sociology?

A. Comprehensive study of rural social organisation its structure and functions
B. Study of social problems in rural society
C. Scientific study of rural family
D. Systematic study of rural and urban relations
Answer» A. Comprehensive study of rural social organisation its structure and functions

Who appointed the Country Life Commission (CLC) ?

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. William Mckinley
C. Growver Cleveland
D. Theodore Roosevelt
Answer» D. Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following is responsible for the emergence of rural sociology?

A. Unemployment in rural areas
B. Poverty and economic crisis
C. Discrimination of rural people
D. Lack of educational facilities in rural society
Answer» B. Poverty and economic crisis

The beginning of the study of rural society in India was initiated by

A. A.R Desai
B. Louis Dumont
C. Sir Henry Maines
D. Ramakrishna Mukerjee
Answer» C. Sir Henry Maines

Who wrote the first College text book in Rural sociology?

A. Dumont
B. Sir Henry Maines
C. John M. Gillettee
D. A.R Desai
Answer» C. John M. Gillettee

The findings of Country Life Commission were referred to

A. The American Sociological Society
B. Royal Commission on Agriculture
C. Rural sociological society
D. American rural sociological society
Answer» A. The American Sociological Society

Rural sociology is

A. the sociology of life in the rural environment
B. the sociology of marriage system in Rural society
C. the study of changing family structure in Rural society
D. the study of economic aspects of rural life
Answer» A. the sociology of life in the rural environment

Rural Sociology in India as a systematic branch of study developed

A. after independence of India
B. During the British rule
C. After introduction of land ceiling
D. During the pre-British Period
Answer» A. after independence of India

Which of the following is the nature of Rural Sociology

A. Empirical discipline
B. Problem-oriented
C. Non-ethical
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is not included in rural institutions

A. Religion
B. marriage
C. family
D. Schools
Answer» D. Schools

Rural population according to 2011 census was

A. 64.48%
B. 68.84 %
C. 59.35%
D. 62.20%
Answer» B. 68.84 %

The village community is characterised by-

A. progressive ideas
B. secondary relations
C. conservative ideas
D. materialism
Answer» C. conservative ideas

A clustered human settlement or community, larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town is called

A. Sub-town
B. Metropolis
C. Village
D. Cities
Answer» C. Village

Rural sociology emerged due to

A. the need of intensive study of different aspects of rural social life
B. the need of reconstruction of rural family
C. the necessity of reformation in rural behavior
D. the necessity of gainful employment in rural areas.
Answer» A. the need of intensive study of different aspects of rural social life

Rural Sociology as a separate discipline of study started in

A. The nineteeth century
B. The eighteen century
C. The twentieth century
D. The seventeenth century
Answer» C. The twentieth century

Which of the following is known as “the charter for Rural Sociology”

A. Report of the Royal Commission
B. Report of the Country Life Commission
C. Report of the British East India Company
D. Report of the Planning Commission
Answer» B. Report of the Country Life Commission

Studies on village communities before independence of India focused mainly on

A. Economic perspective
B. Political perspective
C. Social perspective
D. Psychological perspective
Answer» A. Economic perspective

Village studies during the British period were made for

A. Helping village development
B. Consolidating the British Raj in India
C. Consolidating Panchayati Raj
D. Eradicating rural poverty
Answer» B. Consolidating the British Raj in India

Village studies in India were mainly conducted by

A. Administrators
B. Economists
C. Sociologists and Anthropologists
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who considers village as a concept, a way of life

A. D.N. Majumdar
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. S.C. Dube
D. Mckim Marriott
Answer» A. D.N. Majumdar

National Rural Development Institute is situated in

A. Delhi
B. Hyderabad
C. Chennai
D. Bengaluru
Answer» B. Hyderabad

Which of the following is the nature of rural community ?

A. Formal social control
B. Large scale social mobility
C. unstable family
D. informal social control
Answer» D. informal social control

The village Rampura in the south east of Mysore in Karnataka was studied by

A. S.C Dube
B. D.N Majumdar
C. M.N Srinivas
D. Oscar Lewis
Answer» C. M.N Srinivas

The importance of conducting village studies in India is

A. to acquire new method of shifting cultivation
B. to help in planning rural reconstruction
C. to guide the administrator for selection of beneficiaries
D. to motivate the cultivators
Answer» B. to help in planning rural reconstruction

Which one of the following is the problem related to village studies in India.?

A. Scholars studied village community in biotic frame of reference
B. Scholars studied village with prejudice
C. Villagers are not cooperative
D. lack of facilities
Answer» A. Scholars studied village community in biotic frame of reference

"A village should be self -sufficient, should be morally and economically integrated within the Indian society" who said this words?

A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Andre Beteille
C. M.N Srinivas
D. D.N Majumdar
Answer» A. Mahatma Gandhi

The nature and types of recreational activities of village depend on

A. economic and social progress
B. political and culture
C. education and religion
D. Communication and technology
Answer» A. economic and social progress

Which of the following is not the scope of rural sociology

A. The study of rural social change
B. the study of rural reconstruction
C. the study of rural planning
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

The pioneering work of A.R Desai in the field of rural sociology was entitled

A. Study of Rural sociology in India
B. Rural sociology in India
C. Rural profile in India
D. India's changing Village
Answer» B. Rural sociology in India

Which of the following is not included to the scope of rural sociology?

A. Rural problems
B. Rural social life
C. Rural mechanization
D. Rural social structure
Answer» C. Rural mechanization

The striking similarities between the village and the town in some aspects of community life is

A. Interconnection of rural-urban
B. similarity between rural and urban
C. Rural-urban convergence
D. Urban cultural diffusion.
Answer» C. Rural-urban convergence

Who said that if the villages prosper, the country prospers; and if the villages ruin, who can save the country?.

A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. S.C. Dube
D. Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer» A. Mahatma Gandhi

The main duty of the family in rural society is

A. Schooling
B. Socialization
C. Internalization
D. Agriculture
Answer» B. Socialization

Which one is not the basis of unity in village?

A. Common traits
B. Similarity of experience
C. Common customs and traditions
D. Specialization
Answer» D. Specialization

Density of population in rural areas is

A. Low
B. High
C. Moderate
D. Extremely high
Answer» A. Low

Who used the terms ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ for contrasting communities

A. Louis Wright
B. Ferdinand Tonnies
C. Durkheim
D. Parsons
Answer» A. Louis Wright

Family which consists of members among whom there exists what is known as blood relationship is termed as

A. Polygamous family
B. Conjugal family
C. Consanguineous family
D. Polyandrous family
Answer» C. Consanguineous family

“The general assumption that the joint family is dying out is invalid” was said by

A. Mac Iver
B. K.M. Kapadia
C. A. R. Desai
D. H.T. Mazumdar
Answer» B. K.M. Kapadia

The type of kinship established between husband and wife is called

A. Affinal kinship
B. Consanguineous kinship
C. Fictional kinship
D. Permanent kinship
Answer» A. Affinal kinship

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of joint family system?

A. All members live together under one roof
B. Members are not related to each other
C. Property belongs to the whole family
D. All members share a common kitchen
Answer» B. Members are not related to each other

In a traditional village the head of the village used to be one who was

A. The eldest person in the family
B. The eldest person in the village
C. The wisest person in the family
D. The youngest person in the village
Answer» B. The eldest person in the village

A family can be divided into matriarchal and patriarchal on the basis of

A. Descent
B. Authority
C. Residence
D. Age
Answer» B. Authority

Which one of the following is not true of the marriage system in villages of India?

A. old family status is given great importance
B. child marriage is on the increase
C. expenditure on marriage is on the decrease
D. education of the couple is given due weightage
Answer» B. child marriage is on the increase

Which of the following is not a characteristic of joint family?

A. Co-residentiality
B. Joint ownership of property
C. Private ownership of property
D. Common worship
Answer» C. Private ownership of property

In rural society, a family is like

A. a society
B. an association
C. a community
D. a contractual relationship
Answer» C. a community

A rule of marriage in which life partners are to be selected within the group

A. Endogamy
B. Hypogamy
C. Exogamy
D. Monogamy
Answer» A. Endogamy

Changes in the joint family lead to

A. greater attachment to traditional occupations
B. an increase in the size of family
C. a rise in the status of women
D. an increase in unemployment
Answer» C. a rise in the status of women

The attitude towards sacred things is called

A. Ritual
B. Belief
C. Superstition
D. Fear
Answer» B. Belief

The recitation of certain ‘Mantras’ on the occasion of birth, marriage, etc is a characteristic feature of

A. Hindu religion
B. Muslim religion
C. Buddhism
D. Jainism
Answer» A. Hindu religion

The purpose of a temple in the village is for

A. cultural performance
B. taking political decisions
C. social assemblage
D. economic activities
Answer» C. social assemblage

In rural society, people believed in religion because they

A. realized the importance of religion
B. were afraid of supernatural power
C. saw rationality in religious practices
D. were forced by their village heads
Answer» B. were afraid of supernatural power

What are the two basic components of all religion?

A. Ritual and magic
B. Priest and ritual
C. Belief and ritual
D. Superstition and fear
Answer» C. Belief and ritual

A Harijan family trying to follow the lifestyle of a Brahman family in a multi-caste Indian village may be attributed to

A. Acculturation
B. Sanskritization
C. Imitation
D. Role-play
Answer» B. Sanskritization

In the Hindu belief system, salvation means

A. temporary relief from life and death cycle
B. permanent relief from life and death cycle
C. struggle for better life
D. belief in supernatural powers
Answer» B. permanent relief from life and death cycle

The focal centre for religious veneration in rural society is the

A. sacred
B. belief in god
C. theology
D. activity carried out by priests
Answer» B. belief in god

One of the important characteristics of village community in India is its

A. heterogeneity
B. homogeneity
C. multiplicity of economic opportunities
D. class extremes
Answer» B. homogeneity

The principle cause for the end of village isolation is

A. the expansion of literacy
B. development of transport and communication
C. role of politics
D. setting up of democratic institutions
Answer» B. development of transport and communication

Which of the following is not a characteristic of village community?

A. Definite territory
B. Community sentiment
C. Dominance of nuclear family
D. Homogeneity
Answer» C. Dominance of nuclear family

In rural society the pattern of interaction of the members is

A. wider
B. narrower
C. moderate
D. limited
Answer» B. narrower

The dominant factor that decides almost all aspects of rural life in India is

A. conservatism
B. casteism
C. bonded labour
D. class system
Answer» B. casteism

Under Jajmani system, the person rendering his/her services to Jajman is called

A. Servant
B. Kameen
C. Kisan
D. Yajman
Answer» B. Kameen

Modern village community has been very much influenced by

A. religion
B. political system
C. urbanization
D. economic system
Answer» C. urbanization

Which among the following factors makes the people of a village a ‘community’?

A. Common religion
B. Common culture
C. Sense of “we” feeling
D. Common blood ties
Answer» C. Sense of “we” feeling

Self-sufficiency is a major feature of

A. Rural society
B. Urban society
C. Tribal society
D. Hindu society
Answer» A. Rural society

Which among the following factors influences the social organization of the villages?

A. Caste system
B. Migration
C. Jajmani system
D. Social mobility
Answer» A. Caste system

Which one of the following scholars opined that the self-sufficiency of the Indian village is a myth?

A. Charles T. Metcalfe
B. Oscar Lewis
C. Louis Dumont
D. M.N.Srinivas
Answer» D. M.N.Srinivas

The main occupation of rural society is

A. Agriculture
B. Fishing
C. Carpentery
D. Trading
Answer» A. Agriculture

India is a land of

A. Cities
B. Villages
C. Towns
D. Rurbans
Answer» B. Villages

A village has less than _______ population

A. 10,000
B. 15,000
C. 5,000
D. 20,000
Answer» C. 5,000

Which of the following is the basic unit of rural social structure?

A. Family
B. Caste system
C. Marriage
D. Community
Answer» A. Family

What is a prerequisite for the rural people to understand the significance of their rights provided by the Constitution?

A. Technology
B. Modern education
C. Abolition of intermediaries
D. Urbanization
Answer» B. Modern education

The first education commission of post independent period in India was

A. Radhakrishnan Commission
B. Mudaliar Commission
C. Kothari Commission
D. Hunter Commission
Answer» A. Radhakrishnan Commission

Family in Rural society is

A. A consumption unit
B. A production unit
C. None of the above
D. Both of the above
Answer» D. Both of the above

The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalaya is to give education to

A. Rural talented students
B. Girl students only
C. Urban students
D. Upper caste students
Answer» A. Rural talented students

Which one of the following factors brought changes in the caste system?

A. Industrialization
B. Education
C. Modernization
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who defined caste class nexus as a set of relationships which becomes the basis of structural and cultural change.

A. G.S. Ghurye
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. Andre Beiteille
D. A.R. Desai
Answer» A. G.S. Ghurye

Class structures present in rural India are based on

A. Landownership
B. Power
C. Educational status
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Landownership

Ashok Rudra mentioned the existence of class in rural society into two categories. They are

A. Class of entrepreneurs and class of landlords
B. Class of landlords and class of agricultural labourers
C. Middle class and landowning class
D. Forward class and Backward class
Answer» B. Class of landlords and class of agricultural labourers

Who said that caste is not just a ritual entity, but has an ideological meaning?

A. M.N. Srinivas
B. Andre Beteille
C. Louis Dumont
D. A.R. Desai
Answer» C. Louis Dumont

The main difference between caste and class is that

A. Caste operates in a classless society and class operates in casteless society
B. Caste is always closed and class is always open
C. The status given to an individual is ascribed in the case of caste, whereas in class it is achieved
D. The individual suffers most in the case of caste, whereas in class it is achieved
Answer» C. The status given to an individual is ascribed in the case of caste, whereas in class it is achieved

Which of the following are the dominant form of social stratification in rural India

A. Racial groups
B. Caste and class
C. Religious groups
D. Income groups
Answer» B. Caste and class

Which of the following statement is true?

A. Class based distinctions within the caste are found in rural area
B. Caste is mainly a rural phenomenon, and class is found generally in towns and cities
C. Caste and class are polar opposites
D. Caste view could explain everything in India
Answer» A. Class based distinctions within the caste are found in rural area

The three level system of stratification according to Harold A. Gould are

A. Forward classes, Middle classes and Harijans
B. Landowning classes, Middle classes and Backward classes
C. Landowning classes, Forward classes and Backward classes
D. Forward classes, Backward classes and Harijans
Answer» D. Forward classes, Backward classes and Harijans

A category of people who share a common position in a hierarchy are commonly known as a ___

A. Caste system
B. Social stratification
C. Status
D. Social class
Answer» A. Caste system

The caste system is based on

A. Religion
B. Endogamy
C. Marriage
D. Region
Answer» A. Religion

Which of the mentioned divisions are unique to India?

A. Economic division
B. Caste division
C. Religious division
D. Gender division
Answer» B. Caste division

Which of the following belongs to a middle class in India?

A. Prosperous farmers
B. White-collar workers
C. Military personnel
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is responsible for the emergence of new class in rural India?

A. Introduction of consumer markets
B. Introduction of technology
C. both of the above
D. none of the above
Answer» C. both of the above

Economic system of the village is based on

A. Functional specialization
B. Political system
C. Training
D. Homogeneity
Answer» A. Functional specialization

Social mobility is the most important feature of

A. Rural society
B. Urban society
C. Tribal society
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Urban society

Social stratification implies

A. Social justice
B. Social inequality
C. Social injustice
D. Social equality
Answer» B. Social inequality

Jajmani relationship refers to a system of interdependence among

A. Caste groups
B. Religious groups
C. Families
D. Political groups
Answer» C. Families

Who said that “it is the caste system that rightly determines the place of its members in the religious life of the people”.

A. A.R. Desai
B. M.N. Srinivas
C. Louis Dumont
D. Andre Beteille
Answer» A. A.R. Desai

Which of the following religion is associated with caste system?

A. Christianity
B. Hinduism
C. Islam
D. Buddhism
Answer» B. Hinduism
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