Chapter: Unit 1

Women’s movement in India began in the year ;

A. 1974-1975
B. 1975-1976
C. 1976-1977
D. 1977-1978
Answer» A. 1974-1975

The Research Centre for Women Studies (RCWS) in India was set up in

A. 1974
B. 1976
C. 1940
D. 1980
Answer» A. 1974

The Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS) in India was founded in

A. 1976
B. 1978
C. 1980
D. 1986
Answer» C. 1980

In which year did the UGC bring out the guidelines for development of women studies in Indian Universities and Colleges ?

A. 1986
B. 1987
C. 1988
D. 1989
Answer» A. 1986

The Indian Association for Women Studies (IAWS) was set up on

A. October 28, 1982
B. September 23, 1988
C. August 28, 1982
D. November 23, 1982
Answer» C. August 28, 1982

The committee on the status of women in India released a report in

A. 1971
B. 1972
C. 1973
D. 1974
Answer» D. 1974

The first national conference on women’s studies was held in the year

A. 1981
B. 1982
C. 1983
D. 1984
Answer» A. 1981

Who among the following feminists referred women’s studies to as ‘the academic arm of women’s movement, a potent instrument playing a deliberate and active role in the battle for people’s minds’ and ‘autonomy continues to be battle cry of both’?

A. Uma Chakravarti
B. Neera Desai
C. Veena Mazumdar
D. Maithreyi Krishnaraja
Answer» C. Veena Mazumdar

Which chairperson of the UGC gave a fresh perspective to women’s studies by widening the agenda of the programme, strengthening the role of the participants and giving greater academic credibility to the programme?

A. Armaity Desai
B. Madhuri Shah
C. Yash Pal
D. Virander Singh
Answer» A. Armaity Desai

Which of the following feminist thinkers believed that ‘female subordination is rooted in a set of customary and legal constraints that block women’s entrance and success in the public world’?

A. Liberal feminist
B. Cultural feminist
C. Marxist feminist
D. Radical feminist
Answer» A. Liberal feminist

After whose name was the women’s division of the Indian National Army named?

A. Chand Bibi
B. Rani Jhansi
C. Sultana Rajia
D. Aralyabai
Answer» B. Rani Jhansi

In which year did the women’s movement emerge and had a strong impact on colleges and universities to start women’s studies as an academic discipline?

A. 1960s
B. 1970s
C. 1980s
D. 1990s
Answer» A. 1960s

In which of the following Five Year Plans for the first time in the history of planned development in India, the empowerment of women was adopted as one of the objectives?

A. 7th Five Year plan
B. 8th Five Year Plan
C. 9th Five Year Plan
D. 10th Five Year Plan
Answer» C. 9th Five Year Plan

Which committee has recommended the establishment of ‘National Commission for Women?

A. Committee on status of women in India
B. Parliamentary committee for women
C. High power committee for women
D. National Empowerment Committee for Women
Answer» A. Committee on status of women in India

Which of the following is India’s first women photo-journalist?

A. Homai Vyarawalla
B. Shobana Bhartia
C. Arundhati Roy
D. Leela Menon
Answer» A. Homai Vyarawalla

Which of the following structural variables determine women’s work in India?

A. Regional differences
B. Labour market
C. The family, caste, class and region
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which constitutional amendment states that the total number of seats to be filled in Panchayats and Municipalities will be reserved for women and should not be less than one third of the total number of seats?

A. 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendment Act
B. 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act
C. 103rd Constitutional Amendment Act
D. 104th Constitutional Amendment Act
Answer» A. 73rd & 74th Constitutional Amendment Act

Which of the following are the major objectives of ‘Beti Bachao Beti Pachao Yojana’?

A. Prevention of gender based sex selective abortion
B. Ensuring survival and protection of girl child
C. Ensuring education and participation of girl child
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following universities first started a course on women’s studies?

A. Oxford university
B. S.N.D.T. University
C. Cornell University
D. San Diego State University
Answer» C. Cornell University

Which of the following Universities first started a course on women’s studies in India?

A. SNDT Women’s University
B. Delhi University
C. Jawaharlal Nehru University
D. Banaras Hindu University
Answer» A. SNDT Women’s University

Who said the following :‘Educate your women first and leave them themselves, then they will tell you what reforms are necessary for them’

A. Swami Vivekananda
B. Mahatma Gandhi
C. Dr. BR. Ambedkar
D. Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer» A. Swami Vivekananda

Who was the Minister of Women and Child Development when the National Policy on Empowerment of Women was framed?

A. Krishna Tirath
B. Renuka Choudhary
C. Manela Sanjay Gandhi
D. Sumitra Mahajan
Answer» D. Sumitra Mahajan

As per ‘Sukanya Samridi Yojana’ the parents of girl children can open an account for a girl child up to the age of

A. 5 years
B. 10 years
C. 15 years
D. 18 years
Answer» B. 10 years

The 2016 Women Economic Forum (WEF) has been hosted by which of the following countries?

A. India
B. Brazil
C. South Africa
D. Russia
Answer» A. India

The protagonists of the Reformist movement on women’s issues in India were

A. Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar and Raja Ram Mohan Roy
B. Jawaharla Nehru and Sri Aurobindo
C. Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Gandhiji
D. Vijaylaxmi Pandit and Gandhiji
Answer» A. Iswara Chandra Vidyasagar and Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Which of the following is correct with regard to women’s studies curriculum?

A. The study of subjects relating to women, their roles in history and their contributions to society
B. The multi-disciplinary study of the social status and societal contributions of women and the relationship between power and gender disparity
C. A critical instrument to study reality from the standpoint of women
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

What is the strength of the Indian Women’s Studies movement?

A. Diversity within women’s studies in terms of sources of research, information, documentation and action
B. Women’s studies centres are being supported by the University Grants Commission
C. Some women’s studies centres have also been funded by the Indian Council of Social Science Research
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following are duties of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005?

A. Assisting the magistrate in the discharge of his/her functions
B. To ensure that the assumed person is provided legal aid under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987
C. To get the aggrieved person medically examined if she has sustained bodily injuries
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides that ‘not less than one-third (including number of seats reserved for women belonging to SC and ST) of the total number of seats to be filled by direct elections in every municipality shall be reserved for women and seats may be allotted by rotation to different constituencies in a municipality’?

A. Article 243T(B)
B. Article 243 P
C. Article 243 R
D. Article 243Y
Answer» A. Article 243T(B)

In which of the following dates did a delegation of women met ‘the erstwhile viceroy Frederic Thesiger to demand voting rights for women’?

A. March 24, 1917
B. December 18, 1917
C. November 18, 1916
D. March 21, 1921
Answer» B. December 18, 1917

Under which section of Criminal Procedure Code can a woman not be called to the police station for interrogation?

A. Section 160
B. Section 158
C. Section 163
D. Section 166
Answer» A. Section 160

Who made the following statement, ‘As long as the women of India do not take part in public life there can be no salvation for the country’?

A. Sarojini Naidu
B. Subhash Chandra Bose
C. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay
D. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer» D. Mahatma Gandhi

After 1977, the women’s movement developed quite differently from the earlier movement. Autonomous women’s groups emerged in the country. In the beginning, which were their basic common issues?

A. Oppression, exploitation and patriarchy
B. Equality, empowerment and employment
C. Patriarchy, power and protection
D. Participation, reservation and development
Answer» A. Oppression, exploitation and patriarchy

Which are the statutory bodies under the Ministry of Women and Child Development?

A. National Commission for women
B. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

Who was the author of the book ‘A decade of Women’s Movement in India’?

A. Vandana Shiva
B. Neera Desai
C. Vina Mazumdar
D. Bina Agarwal
Answer» B. Neera Desai

The Ministry of Women and Child Development formulated The National Policy on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in :

A. 2011
B. 2012
C. 2013
D. 2014
Answer» C. 2013

What is correct about women’s studies?

A. Few men take interest in women’s studies
B. Women’s studies is a social science
C. Both(a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both(a) and (b)

How does women’s studies affect students as individuals?

A. Students get the scientific knowledge about the power relation between men and women
B. Students get appraised of the feminist perspective of the social issues
C. Women’s studies courses are structural to encourage students to speak
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The need for women’s studies was realized when concerned women and men noticed ______

A. The presence of women in higher education curriculum
B. The ways in which women were systematically excluded from many positions of power and authority
C. The way masculinity and femininity interacted with each other and come closer
D. The way history courses taught only about women as leaders in wars
Answer» B. The ways in which women were systematically excluded from many positions of power and authority

The emergence of women studies as an academic discipline is the result of:

A. First Wave Feminism
B. Second Wave Feminism
C. Third Wave Feminism
D. Fourth Wave Feminism
Answer» B. Second Wave Feminism
Chapter: Unit 2 Social Construction of gender

Which of the following states first launched transgender policy in India?

A. Tamil Nadu
B. Maharashtra
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Kerala
Answer» D. Kerala

Which of the following indicator is used to measure the changes in the status and roles of women and men over a period of time?

A. Gender Empowerment Indicator
B. Gender Sensitive Indicator
C. Gender Inequality Indicator
D. Gender Disaggregated Indicator
Answer» B. Gender Sensitive Indicator

Which of the following variable is most critical for those who focus on gender oppression theory?

A. Power
B. Money
C. Mothering
D. Culture
Answer» A. Power

In which year was the Global Gender Gap Index first introduced?

A. 2002
B. 2004
C. 2006
D. 2007
Answer» C. 2006

The anatomical and other biological differences between males and females that are determined at the moment of conception denote the ___ of the individual

A. masculinity
B. femininity
C. sex
D. gender
Answer» C. sex

_____ is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female.

A. feminism
B. gender identity
C. sex
D. gender
Answer» D. gender

Transvestites, drag queens, drag king and intersected individuals can be included in the broad category of

A. homosexuals
B. transexuals
C. transgendered individuals
D. bisexuals
Answer» C. transgendered individuals

Which perspective argues that men and women perform separate, specialized and complementary roles to maintain cohesiveness within families and the wider society?

A. feminist
B. functionalist
C. symbolic interactionist
D. conflict theorist
Answer» B. functionalist

Personal sense of one’s own gender is called

A. sex
B. gender
C. gender identity
D. third gender
Answer» C. gender identity

What is gender?

A. Word that stands for men only
B. Word that stands for women only
C. It tells if a person is male or female
D. It is another word for feminism
Answer» C. It tells if a person is male or female

Boy, man, uncle, grandfather, etc. are

A. Feminine titles
B. Masculine titles
C. Both feminine and masculine titles
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Masculine titles

Examples of feminine titles are

A. Mother and daughter
B. Girl and grandfather
C. Policeman and waitress
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Mother and daughter

___ refers to the socially constructed attributes of being male or female.

A. gender
B. sex
C. femininity
D. masculinity
Answer» A. gender

a concept in which individuals are categorized, either by themselves or by society, as neither man nor woman is called

A. masculine gender
B. feminine gender
C. third gender
D. seamstress
Answer» C. third gender

The set of chromosomes which defines a genetic male is

Answer» C. XY

In differentiating the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender’

A. Sex refers to biological aspects of identity and gender refers to psychological and social identity
B. Sex refers to socio-cultural identity and gender refers to cultural identity
C. Sex refers to socio-cultural identity and gender refers to biological identity
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Sex refers to biological aspects of identity and gender refers to psychological and social identity

An individual who identifies a role that is opposite to his/her biological sex is called

A. homosexual
B. transgender
C. feminine
D. masculine
Answer» B. transgender

India’s Supreme Court recognizes transgender people as

A. Third gender
B. homosexual
C. gender identity
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Third gender

Third gender refers to

A. A gender classification in societies that recognize a gender other than male or female
B. A person who identifies as a gender other than male or female or as neither male nor female
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

The Supreme Court of India formally recognised the existence of a third gender in

A. April of 2014
B. April of 2015
C. April of 2016
D. April of 2017
Answer» A. April of 2014

Which is wrong about gender responsive budget?

A. Gender Budgeting does not seek to create a separate budget but to provide affirmative action to address the specific needs of women
B. Gender Budgeting involves dissection of the government to establish its gender differential impacts and to translate gender commitments into budgetary commitments
C. Gender Budgeting is an accounting exercise or a process to ensure that benefits of development should reach all the minorities
D. Gender Budgeting entails maintaining a gender perspective at various stages like programmes/policy formulation,etc.
Answer» C. Gender Budgeting is an accounting exercise or a process to ensure that benefits of development should reach all the minorities

Census 2011 identifies____ districts as ‘gender critical districts’

A. 162
B. 211
C. 249
D. 262
Answer» D. 262

Society’s expectation of people’s behavior and attitudes based on whether they are females or males is called

A. Gender roles
B. Gender identity
C. Femininity
D. Masculinity
Answer» A. Gender roles

Gender Lens refers to

A. Creating awareness about gender
B. Providing visibility to gender issues
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

External and common differences between men and women that do not include genitalia, such as differences in height, men’s ability to grows beards and women’s ability to grow breasts are examples of

A. Primary sex characteristics
B. Secondary sex characteristics
C. Tertiary sex characteristics
D. Quaternary sex characteristics
Answer» A. Primary sex characteristics

Cultural behavioural expectations for males or females is called

A. Gender roles
B. Gender identity
C. Gender types
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Gender roles

A female-to-male (FTM) transgender person who was assigned female at birth, but whose gender identity is that of man is called:

A. Trans Man
B. Trans Female
C. Homosexual
D. Third Gender
Answer» A. Trans Man

Transgender in India have fought for and got voting rights in the year

A. 1994
B. 1996
C. 2002
D. 2014
Answer» A. 1994

What is gendered division of labour?

A. It negates the ‘double burden’
B. It is based on gender-structure conceptions of appropriate work
C. It is increase in women’s compensation worldwide
D. It is caste-based division of labour
Answer» B. It is based on gender-structure conceptions of appropriate work

‘Biological males who reject their masculinity identity in due course of time to identify as women’ are known as

A. Trans women
B. Trans men
C. Transgender
D. Androgyneous
Answer» C. Transgender

Which statement about primary sex characteristics is true?

A. They include the formation of breasts and growth of beards
B. They are directly involved in human reproduction
C. They develop during puberty
D. They are the same for males and females
Answer» A. They include the formation of breasts and growth of beards

A male-to-female(MTF) transgender person who was assigned male at birth, but whose gender identity is that of a woman is called:

A. Bisexual
B. Third Gender
C. Trans man
D. Trans woman
Answer» D. Trans woman

The concept of gender was developed by feminists during the:

A. 1940s
B. 1950s
C. 1960s
D. 1970s
Answer» D. 1970s

A set of attributes, behavioursand roles associated with boys and men is called:

A. Masculinity
B. Femininity
C. Homosexuality
D. Patriarchy
Answer» A. Masculinity

A set of attributes, behaviours and roles associated with girls and women is called:

A. Masculinity
B. Femininity
C. Gender
D. Feminism
Answer» B. Femininity

According to the latest judgement of the Supreme Court, which category does the transgender belong to?

A. General category
B. SC category
C. Backward category
D. OBC category
Answer» C. Backward category

Which of the following is a primary agency for gender construction?

A. Caste
B. Class
C. Social system
D. Family
Answer» D. Family

An umbrella term for persons whose gender identity, gender expression, or behavior does not conform to that typically associated with the sex to which they were assigned at birth is called:

A. Homosexuality
B. Bisexuality
C. Transgender
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Transgender

According to sociologists, gender behavior is:

A. earned
B. biological
C. a given
D. learned
Answer» D. learned

What is the sociological definition of gender?

A. The characteristics, behaviours and norms that society ascribes to a person of one sex or the other.
B. Whether a person is biologically and anatomically male or female or transgender.
C. Whether a person considers himself/herself to be male or female.
D. The behaviours and characteristics that are produced by a person that is anatomically male or anatomically female.
Answer» A. The characteristics, behaviours and norms that society ascribes to a person of one sex or the other.
Chapter: Geographical Perspective of gender role

Gender roles refer to

A. Chromosomal difference that causes inevitable differences in the behaviour of men and women
B. Hormonal differences that causes inevitable differences in the behavior of women
C. The rights, responsibilities, expectation and relationships of women and men
D. Subordination of women based on the assumption of superiority of men
Answer» C. The rights, responsibilities, expectation and relationships of women and men

Mark the correct statement about gender inequality

A. Gender form of inequality is more severe than caste form of inequality
B. Gender inequality is like class inequality
C. Gender inequality is the creation of caste society only
D. Gender inequality is not observed in open society
Answer» A. Gender form of inequality is more severe than caste form of inequality

Society’s expectation of people’s behaviour and attitudes based on whether they are females or males is called:

A. Femininity
B. Gender inequality
C. Gender roles
D. Masculinity
Answer» C. Gender roles

The ____ perspective combines the exploitation of women by capitalism with patriarchy in the home in its analysis of gender inequality

A. Socialist feminist
B. Radical feminist
C. Liberal feminist
D. Democratic feminist
Answer» A. Socialist feminist

What is correct about religion?

A. It is a unified system of beliefs and practices
B. It is a source of value system which sets the rationale for social actions
C. Different religions set the different guidelines for the lifestyles of the people
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Among the following, which is not related to third wave of feminism?

A. Queer theory
B. Defending sex work
C. Abolishing gender roles
D. Suffrage movement
Answer» D. Suffrage movement

Who coined the term ‘Third Wave Feminism’?

A. Alice Walker
B. Rebecca Walker
C. Jane Adams
D. Mary Richmond
Answer» B. Rebecca Walker

Which form of feminism is most committed to challenging the essentialist nature of the category ‘women’??

A. Radical
B. Post modern
C. Socialist
D. Liberal
Answer» B. Post modern

Which approach of feminism concentrated on rights only in public sphere and neglected the need for equity of freedom and regard in home life?

A. Liberal feminism
B. Radical feminism
C. Socialist feminism
D. Marxist feminism
Answer» A. Liberal feminism

Which feminist thought suggests that gender equality can be realised by eliminating the cultural notion of gender?

A. Post modern feminism
B. Socialist feminism
C. Radical feminism
D. Neo-classical feminism
Answer» C. Radical feminism

A hierarchical system in which cultural, political and economic structures are dominated by males is a

A. Elite model
B. Pluralist model
C. Gendered division of labour
D. patriarchy
Answer» D. patriarchy

An ideology that exaggerates the difference between men and women and rationalizes the superiority of males is called

A. Feminism
B. Gender inequality
C. Masculinity
D. Sexism
Answer» D. Sexism

Which wave of feminism had the slogan, ‘The personal is political’?

A. First wave
B. Second wave
C. Third wave
D. Fourth wave
Answer» B. Second wave

Women are often denied their social, cultural, economic and political rights leading to a decline in the condition of women. This gender based inequality against women is called

A. Feminism
B. Masculinity
C. Patriarchy
D. Gender inequality
Answer» D. Gender inequality

The main goal of feminism is to:

A. Assert minority rights
B. Change the patriarchal nature of society
C. Protect women from alienation
D. Influence the government
Answer» B. Change the patriarchal nature of society

The process by which we learn our culture’s gender-related rules, norms and expectations is known as

A. Gender socialization
B. Gender roles
C. Gender identity
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Gender socialization

According to Marxist Feminism, women’s oppression is due to what?

A. Self esteem
B. Equal rights
C. Economic dependence
D. Financial dependence
Answer» C. Economic dependence

The theory that men and women should be treated equally is also sometimes called

A. Core Feminism
B. Core Feminist Theory
C. Core Feminism or Core Feminist Theory
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following divisions is unique to India?

A. Gender division
B. Caste division
C. Economic division
D. Religious division
Answer» B. Caste division

A person who supports feminism is called

A. Female
B. Male feminists
C. Feminist
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Feminist
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