
260+ Recent Trends in Western Philosophy Solved MCQs

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------------- proposes a picture theory of language.

A. WV Quine
B. Wittgenstein
C. A J Ayer
D. Tarski
Answer» B. Wittgenstein

In Tractatus Wittgenstein proposed a -------------- theory of language.

A. use theory
B. picture theory
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» B. picture theory

----------- is the author of Philosophical Investigations.

A. WV Quine
B. Wittgenstein
C. A J Ayer
D. Tarski
Answer» B. Wittgenstein

In Philosophical Investigations Wittgenstein proposed a -------------- theory of language.

A. use theory
B. picture theory
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» A. use theory

----------- is the author of The Blue and Brown Books.

A. WV Quine
B. Wittgenstein
C. A J Ayer
D. Tarski
Answer» B. Wittgenstein

----------------‘s theory that it is only by picturing reality that propositions acquire sense, or meaning.

A. WV Quine
B. Wittgenstein
C. A J Ayer
D. Tarski
Answer» B. Wittgenstein

According to ----------------Metaphysical statements are not empirically verifiable and are thus meaningless.

A. Logical positivism
B. Hermeneutics
C. Existentialism
D. none of these
Answer» A. Logical positivism

According to -----------------, there are only two sources of knowledge: logical reasoning and empirical experience.

A. Logical positivism
B. Hermeneutics
C. Existentialism
D. none of these
Answer» A. Logical positivism

According to --------------------synthetic a priori does not exist.

A. Logical positivism
B. Hermeneutics
C. Existentialism
D. none of these
Answer» A. Logical positivism

According to ------------------Philosophy is the activity by means of which the meaning of statements is clarified and defined.

A. WV Quine
B. Wittgenstein
C. A J Ayer
D. Schlick
Answer» D. Schlick

----------- statements are a priori and their truth is based on the rules of the language.

A. analytic
B. synthetic
C. practical
D. none of these
Answer» A. analytic

Synthetic statements depend on experience, and their truth can be acknowledged only by means of the experience.

A. analytic
B. synthetic
C. practical
D. none of these
Answer» B. synthetic

------------- has proposed a hermeneutic phenomenology.

A. Heidegger
B. Gadamer
C. Habermas
D. Sartre
Answer» A. Heidegger

---------- was originally the theory and method of interpreting the Bible and other difficult texts.

A. Logical positivism
B. Hermeneutics
C. Existentialism
D. none of these
Answer» B. Hermeneutics

------------ extended Hermeneutics to the interpretation of all human acts and products, including history and the interpretation of a human life

A. Dilthey
B. Gadamer
C. Habermas
D. Sartre
Answer» A. Dilthey

According to ----------human being is the being that itself understands and interprets.

A. Heidegger
B. Gadamer
C. Habermas
D. Sartre
Answer» A. Heidegger

---------- is the collection of rules that govern how words are assembled into meaningful sentences.

A. Syntax
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. none of these
Answer» A. Syntax

--------------considers the meaning of words themselves and the meaning of word phrases.

A. Syntax
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. none of these
Answer» B. Semantics

-------- is the study of how language is used

A. Syntax
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. none of these
Answer» C. Pragmatics

--------- is the study of signs.

A. Syntax
B. Semantics
C. Pragmatics
D. Semiotics
Answer» D. Semiotics

------- is the founder of Semiotics.

A. Sassure
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Sassure

-------------saw linguistics as a branch of 'semiology.'

A. Sassure
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Sassure

---------- refers to the system of rules and conventions which is independent of, and preexists, individual users.

A. Langue
B. parole
C. syntax
D. Semiotics
Answer» A. Langue

-------- refers to its use in particular instances.

A. Langue
B. parole
C. syntax
D. Semiotics
Answer» B. parole

----------- is the sound associated with or image of something (e.g., a tree).

A. Signifier
B. signified
C. sign
D. none of these
Answer» A. Signifier

-----------is the idea or concept of the thing (e.g., the idea of a tree),

A. Signifier
B. signified
C. sign
D. none of these
Answer» B. signified

--------is the object that combines the signifier and the signified into a meaningful unit.

A. Signifier
B. signified
C. sign
D. none of these
Answer» C. sign

A------- must have both a signifier and a signified.

A. Sign
B. Signifier
C. signified
D. Structure
Answer» A. Sign

Accrording to Sassure the relation between ---------- and signified is arbitrary.

A. Sign
B. Signifier
C. signified
D. Structure
Answer» B. Signifier

According to ---------- the 'value' of a sign depends on its relations with other signs within the system.

A. Sassure
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Sassure

According to ------- language plays a crucial role in 'constructing reality'.

A. Sassure
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Sassure

------------- is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the firstperson point of view.

A. Phenomenology
B. Exstentialism
C. Hermeneutics
D. Structuralism
Answer» A. Phenomenology

----------- is the study of appearances of things, or things as they appear in our experience.

A. Phenomenology
B. Exstentialism
C. Hermeneutics
D. Structuralism
Answer» A. Phenomenology

For -----------, phenomenology integrates a kind of psychology with a kind of logic.

A. Husserl
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Husserl

Husserl was the student of -----------

A. Brentano
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Brentano

Husserl is accused of ----------- by Frege.

A. naturalism
B. psychologism
C. feminism
D. none of these
Answer» B. psychologism

-------- is the author of Psychology From an Empirical Standpoint.

A. Brentano
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Brentano

---------------- is the author of Philosophy of Arithmetic.

A. Husserl
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Husserl

---------------- is the author of Philosophical Investigations.

A. Husserl
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Husserl

------------ is the author of the essay ‘Philosophy as rigorous science’.

A. Husserl
B. Heidegger
C. Gadamer
D. Derrida
Answer» A. Husserl

Husserl opposes ------------

A. naturalism
B. psychologism
C. feminism
D. none of these
Answer» A. naturalism

----- attitude is the ordinary stance with respect to the world that takes for granted the givenness of the objects.

A. natural
B. philosophical
C. mathematical
D. none of these.
Answer» A. natural

--------------- concentrates on what is given in experience.

A. Existentialism
B. hermeneutics
C. phenomenology
D. positvism
Answer» C. phenomenology

Husserl developed a ------------ phenomenology.

A. Transcendental
B. hermeneutical
C. existeantial
D. none of these
Answer» A. Transcendental

The term phenomenology was first used by ---------------.

A. Kant
B. Hegel
C. Husserl
D. H D Lambert
Answer» D. H D Lambert

According to Husserl ---------- is not the capacity of the consciousness but its very structure.

A. Intentionality
B. cogito
C. emotions
D. none of these
Answer» A. Intentionality

---------- is a lived experience.

A. Intentionality
B. cogito
C. emotions
D. none of these
Answer» A. Intentionality

According to ---------------- meaning is not linguistic but intentional.

A. Brentano
B. Husserl
C. Heidegger
D. Gadamer
Answer» B. Husserl

--------- distinguishes between natural attitude and phenomenological attitude.

A. Brentano
B. Husserl
C. Heidegger
D. Gadamer
Answer» B. Husserl

___________ thought underwent a transcendental turn.

A. Brentano
B. Husserl
C. Heidegger
D. Gadamer
Answer» B. Husserl

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