160+ Advertising and Sales Promotion Solved MCQs


The specific approach advertisers use to communicate about the products to satisfy customer needs is

A. discounts.
B. appeal
C. segmentation
D. situation analysis.
Answer» B. appeal

The intrinsic value or worth of a brand is known as

A. brand image
B. brand personality.
C. brand equity
D. brand positioning
Answer» C. brand equity

Which of the following is not considered part of the carefully blended mix of promotion tools?

A. direct marketing.
B. advertising.
C. sales promotion.
D. relationship marketing.
Answer» D. relationship marketing.

The total number of different people or households exposed to an advertising schedule during a given time is known as

A. push
B. outcome
C. reach
D. feedback
Answer» C. reach

_________ is an identifying announcement of sponsorship at the beginning, end, or breaks of radio and television sponsored programs.

A. digital flex.
B. mobile billboard.
C. online advertising.
D. billboard.
Answer» D. billboard.

Total coverage by television and radio of a given geographic area is _________.

A. blank coverage.
B. blanket coverage.
C. zero coverage.
D. national coverage.
Answer» B. blanket coverage.

______________ is an elaborate booklet, usually bound with a special cover.

A. leaflet.
B. brochure.
C. pamphlet.
D. hoarding.
Answer» B. brochure.

Misleading ads are prohibited in India under the_________________Act.

A. asci
B. ipr
C. copyright
D. monopolies and restrictive trade practices
Answer» D. monopolies and restrictive trade practices

____________ is a process used by an advertiser to reserve a time period with
a local station and by a network to check with its affiliates on the availability of a
time period.

A. pass time.
B. frequent time.
C. agency time.
D. clear time.
Answer» D. clear time.

__________________refers to a situation when an advertiser withdraws the product advertised and substitutes it with a different quality product.

A. surrogate advertising
B. disparagement
C. bait-and-switch
D. remediation
Answer» C. bait-and-switch

____________ is a term used to define a medium geographical potential.

A. transmitter.
B. antenna.
C. mass audience.
D. coverage.
Answer» D. coverage.

. _____________ is a kind of advertising run by a local advertiser in conjunction with a national advertiser.

A. local advertising
B. cooperative advertising
C. international advertising
D. national advertising
Answer» A. local advertising

Advertising in a directory is ______________.

A. delivery advertising.
B. directory advertising.
C. direct advertising.
D. dynamic advertising.
Answer» B. directory advertising.

Letters, folders, reprints, or other material sent through the mails directly to prospective purchases is____________.

A. instant mail advertising.
B. retrieve mail advertising.
C. spam.
D. direct mail advertising.
Answer» D. direct mail advertising.

______________ is one of the doyens of Indian advertising.

A. alque padamsee
B. piyush panday
C. r.k.swamy
D. subhash ghosal
Answer» C. r.k.swamy

Brand positioning : Strategies for Competitive advantage is authored by ______________.

A. michacl schudson
B. subroto sengupta
C. john sinclair
D. subhash ghosal
Answer» B. subroto sengupta

Russel H colley pioneered the approach called DAGMAR which stands for

A. defining advertising goals for measured advertising results
B. defining advertising goals for measuring and achieving results
C. delivering advertising goals for measured advertising results
D. developing advertising goals for mixed advertising responses
Answer» A. defining advertising goals for measured advertising results

_______________ is called the Mecca of rural advertising.

A. sri lanka
B. africa
C. pakistan
D. india
Answer» D. india

Coca-Cola India has undertaken various, CSR activities in the field of ______________.

A. sanitation
B. environment
C. water harvesting
D. healthy active living
Answer» C. water harvesting

________________ is an advertising agency established by a company to look after its advertising requirements.

A. house agency
B. full-service agency
C. ala carte agency
D. industrial agency
Answer» A. house agency

Research plays a critical role in advertising ______________.

A. brand development
B. product-perception
C. uncertainty
D. decision making
Answer» D. decision making

Segmentation helps Multi-brand advertisers to avoid _________________.

A. brand images
B. brand cannibalization
C. brand loyalty
D. brand power
Answer» B. brand cannibalization

_________________ are always worried about safety and security, are cautions consumers.

A. strives
B. actualizes
C. strugglers
D. believers
Answer» C. strugglers

Perceptual mapping is based on __________________.

A. consumer preference
B. brand preference
C. order of preference
D. situation analysis
Answer» D. situation analysis

When creativity is referred in the context of advertising, it is _______________.

A. purposive
B. informative
C. frequent
D. rare
Answer» A. purposive

A straight radio announcement usually delivered by one person , woven into a show or tailored to a given program is known as

A. integrated commercial
B. joint commercial
C. informercial
D. announcement
Answer» A. integrated commercial

An ideal _____________ has to work as a bridge between research and communication strategy.

A. idea
B. brainstorming
C. creativity
D. creative brief
Answer» D. creative brief

Indian advertising has for long been criticized for ________________.

A. flattery
B. plagiarism
C. exaggeration
D. surrogate
Answer» B. plagiarism

Media planning has become increasingly _____________________.

A. digital
B. innovative
C. creative
D. scientific
Answer» D. scientific

___________________ is defined as a communication that aims at raising money from primary or secondary markets.

A. retail advertising
B. financial advertising
C. educational advertising
D. trade advertising
Answer» B. financial advertising

The MRTP Act has two aspects, namely restricting ________________ and curtailing restrictive trade practices.

A. monopoly
B. competition
C. oligopoly
D. economy
Answer» A. monopoly

The ________________ ad for its 'while perfect' whitening range was discontinued when the ASCI intervenes to say that it was 'Misleading'.

A. l\oreal
B. nivea
C. fair and lovely
D. garnier
Answer» B. nivea

_______________is a well known promotion and advertising research firm in the US with global services.

A. acnielsen
B. imrb
C. marg
D. cms
Answer» A. acnielsen

Competitive activity research is also referred to as _______________

A. positioning research
B. perceptual mapping
C. situation analysis research
D. pre-test
Answer» C. situation analysis research

Effectiveness of ads, often determined by recall, measuring memory, or awareness of ad slogans are part of _____________

A. pre test research
B. post test research
C. audience research
D. tracking research
Answer» B. post test research

Testing with a potential group of focussed users is

A. pre-testing
B. post- testing
C. concurrent testing
D. validation
Answer» A. pre-testing

______________________is often referred to as the Father of modern advertising.

A. thomas barratt
B. piyush pandey
C. david oglivy
D. alyque padamsee
Answer» A. thomas barratt

The first ad agency was set up by____________.

A. gutenberg.
B. volney palmer.
C. kuleshov.
D. e.s. porter.
Answer» B. volney palmer.

_______________ is the most widely used and most visible of promotional tools in marketing.

A. publicity
B. public relational
C. advertising
D. propaganda
Answer» C. advertising

ABC stands for __________.

A. audit bureau of circulations.
B. advertising bureau of circulations.
C. american bureau of circulations.
D. african bureau of circulations.
Answer» A. audit bureau of circulations.

All marketing activities that attempt to stimulate quick buyer action or immediate sales of a product are known as __________.

A. sales promotion.
B. sponsorship.
C. advertising.
D. publicity.
Answer» A. sales promotion.

The purpose of advertising is to motivate a desired_____________________

A. emotion
B. action
C. awareness
D. interest
Answer» B. action

The key to the success of the typical advertising plan is that it contributes to ___________.

A. profitability.
B. flexibility.
C. complexity.
D. interoperability.
Answer» A. profitability.

The product that reaches maturity and wide scale acceptance enter the _______stage of advertising.

A. pioneer.
B. competitive.
C. retentive.
D. relative.
Answer» C. retentive.

The product which is not recognized and it must be established is in _______ stage

A. pioneer.
B. competitive.
C. retentive.
D. relative.
Answer» B. competitive.

Degree to which a consumer purchases a certain brand without considering alternatives is ____________.

A. brand equity.
B. brand loyalty.
C. brand positioning.
D. brand identity.
Answer» B. brand loyalty.

The motivation to which an ad is added which is designed to stir a person towards a goal that the advertiser has set is known as

A. appeal
B. need.
C. demand
D. desire.
Answer» A. appeal

A management orientation that views the needs of consumers as primary to the success of the firm __________.

A. advertising concept.
B. promotional concept.
C. marketing concept.
D. target marketing.
Answer» C. marketing concept.

Printed matter that runs over the edges of an outdoor board or of a page leaving no margin is known as

A. solus
B. broadsheet
C. classified
D. bleed
Answer» D. bleed

Segmenting a market by creating a product to meet the needs of a elective group or specialized group is ____________.

A. branding.
B. positioning.
C. planning.
D. promoting.
Answer» B. positioning.

_____________________term is used to denote relevance, Significance, importance, etc.,

A. advertising
B. salience
C. subliminal
D. puffery
Answer» B. salience

__________ is the first person known to have worked on commission basis

A. thomas baratt.
B. volney palmer.
C. edwin.s porter.
D. du pont.
Answer» B. volney palmer.

Which television Network started selling advertising sponsors?

A. du mont.
B. du pont.
C. bbc.
D. cnn.
Answer» A. du mont.

________ is a combination of marketing functions, including advertising, used to sell a product.

A. sales promotion.
B. marketing mix.
C. public relations.
D. new advertising.
Answer» B. marketing mix.

_______ advertising directs to the wholesale or retail merchants or sales agencies through whom the product is sold.

A. industrial.
B. trade.
C. professional.
D. retail.
Answer» B. trade.

__________addresses to manufactures who buy machinery equipments and components needed to produce the goods they sell

A. industrial.
B. trade.
C. professional.
D. retail.
Answer» A. industrial.

_________execute and monitor the media schedule developed by media planner.

A. media executives.
B. media buyers.
C. media managers.
D. media assistants.
Answer» B. media buyers.

The complete analysis and execution of the media component of a campaign is _______.

A. media planners.
B. media strategy.
C. product promotion.
D. brand identity.
Answer» A. media planners.

The group that composes the present and potential prospects for a product or service is _________.

A. media planners.
B. media buyers.
C. target audience.
D. media executives.
Answer» C. target audience.

____________ builds affinity with spectators by sponsoring major events.

A. product.
B. price.
C. competition.
D. brands.
Answer» D. brands.
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