520+ An Introduction to Political Science Solved MCQs


Which one of the following is not a political right?

A. Right to public Office
B. Right to Petition
C. Right to Education
D. Right to contest Election
Answer» C. Right to Education

Which of the following is a Civil Right?

A. Right to freedom of speech and expression
B. Right to vote
C. Right to become a member of parliament
D. Right to Association
Answer» A. Right to freedom of speech and expression

The right to elect Member of parliament is a

A. Political right
B. Social right
C. Religious right
D. Moral right
Answer» A. Political right

__________has granted the Fundamental rights to the citizens of India

A. Parliament
B. Constitution of India
C. A government of Order
D. A Special Law
Answer» B. Constitution of India

________was the first political thinker to advocate communism of property.

A. Marx
B. Lenin
C. Plato
D. Engels
Answer» C. Plato

Who among the following deemed liberty as living life to the fullest.

A. Macpherson
B. Hegel
C. Kant
D. Green
Answer» A. Macpherson

Who among the following philosophers considers liberty as Obedience to Law?

A. Hegel
B. Kant
C. Spencer
D. Green
Answer» A. Hegel

The word liberty is derived from the word liber of

A. Greek language
B. French language
C. German language
D. Latin language
Answer» D. Latin language

The word liber means

A. Licence
B. Free
C. Restricted
D. Obstruction
Answer» B. Free

What is the literal meaning of liberty?

A. Absence of restraint
B. Restraint
C. Freedom with certain limitations
D. Positive freedom
Answer» A. Absence of restraint

Natural liberty is generally identified with

A. Restricted freedom
B. Limited freedom
C. Unlimited and unrestricted freedom
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Restricted freedom

Natural liberty implies

A. Liberty enjoyed by man in the imaginary state of nature when civil society did not exist
B. The liberty which man enjoys in the society
C. The liberty which man enjoys in the state
D. Absence of any type of liberty
Answer» C. The liberty which man enjoys in the state

_________was the chief exponent of the concept of natural liberty

A. Rousseau
B. Hobbes
C. Locke
D. Austin
Answer» A. Rousseau

According to ___”Civil liberty consists of right and privileges which the State creates and protects for its subjects.

A. Gettell
B. Gilchrist
C. Laski
D. Montesquieu
Answer» A. Gettell

Which among the following is not civil liberty?

A. Right to equality before law.
B. Right to freedom of speech ad expression
C. Right to vote
D. Freedom of the person
Answer» C. Right to vote

Who among the following said “Liberty means to grow to one’s natural height to develop one’s abilities?

A. Burns
B. Gettell
C. Locke
D. Rousseau
Answer» A. Burns

Who among the following said ‘Political liberty is the power to be active in the affairs of the state’?

A. Hobbes
B. Laski
C. Gilchrist
D. Gettell
Answer» B. Laski

Laski holds that two conditions are essential to make political liberty real

A. Equality and property
B. Equal access to education, honest and free press
C. Civil liberty and Economic liberty
D. Religious and Civil liberty
Answer» B. Equal access to education, honest and free press

The positive view of liberty was first put forward by

A. Ideals thinkers like Kant, Hegel, Fichte
B. Idealist thinkers like Laski, Kant etc.
C. Classical thinkers like Adam Smith
D. Utilitarian thinkers like Bentham, Mill etc.
Answer» A. Ideals thinkers like Kant, Hegel, Fichte

C.B Macpherson has discussed his view on liberty in his book

A. Grammar of politics
B. Democratic theory
C. On liberty
D. Concepts of liberty
Answer» B. Democratic theory

Who among the following regards positive liberty as developmental liberty?

A. Laski
B. Macpherson
C. Weber
D. Maclver
Answer» B. Macpherson

‘Freedom is a product of free society’ means

A. It is free society that man has the opportunity to develops his real self.
B. True freedom is conceivable with out a free society
C. Freedom from exploitation
D. None of the above
Answer» A. It is free society that man has the opportunity to develops his real self.

Which of the following philosophers said, “nature hath made men equal”?

A. Plato
B. Hobbes
C. Aristotle
D. Machiavelli
Answer» B. Hobbes

Who among the following stated. “We want to abolish classes and in this sense we are for equality”

A. Marx
B. Lenin
C. Engels
D. Laski
Answer» B. Lenin

The term justice is derived from latin word

A. Justicia
B. Justa
C. Justitia
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Justitia

The concept of Greek justice was

A. Legal
B. Moral
C. Social
D. Political
Answer» B. Moral

Roman view of justice was based on the conception of Just gentium, i.e

A. Law of the people
B. Law of the God
C. Law of the King
D. Law of the Land
Answer» A. Law of the people

Rule of law is not followed in

A. Britain
B. United State of America
C. France
D. India
Answer» C. France

The essential principle of modern justice is

A. Judges should be part of executive
B. There should be independence of judiciary
C. The judges should be under the control of the Head of the State
D. The judges should be under the control of the electorate
Answer» B. There should be independence of judiciary

What is meant by Economic justice

A. The state should follow the theory of free trade policy
B. State should not protect the economically weaker section of society
C. The state should eliminate social discrimination
D. The basic needs regarding food, clothing and shelter of every citizen are met.
Answer» D. The basic needs regarding food, clothing and shelter of every citizen are met.

Who among the following said, “In justice arises as much from treating unequals equally as from treating equals unequally”?.

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Machiaveli
D. Marx
Answer» A. Aristotle

The origin of democracy can be traced to

A. Ancient Greek city-states
B. Medieval Age
C. Feudalism
D. Ancient India
Answer» A. Ancient Greek city-states

Who among the following was a great supporter of direct democracy?

A. Hobbies
B. Rousseau
C. Locke
D. Laski
Answer» A. Hobbies

Which of the following countries has a representative democracy?

A. Afghanistan
B. Saudi Arabia
C. India
D. Egypt
Answer» C. India

Who among the following, “Public opinion is the opinion held by the majority and passively acquiesced in by the minority”?

A. G.D.H Cole
B. Lowell
C. Roucek
D. Morris Ginsburg
Answer» B. Lowell

Public opinion plays a significant role in

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Military Rule
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Democracy

Ina democracy, the government cares for the public opinion because

A. Public opinion is always right
B. Public opinion is very powerful
C. The people are the best judges of the government
D. None of the above
Answer» C. The people are the best judges of the government

Which of the following is very harmful for the formation of a healthy public opinion?

A. Yellow Journalism
B. Journalism
C. Media
D. Radio
Answer» A. Yellow Journalism

Which of the following acts as an obstacle in the formation of public opinion?

A. Newspapers
B. Over population
C. Free Press
D. Illiteracy
Answer» D. Illiteracy

Which of the following contribute to the formation of the public opinion?

A. Press
B. Political Parties
C. Legislature
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

How can the press help in the formation of public opinion?

A. By spreading communal feelings
B. By publishing sensational news
C. By Publishing impartial and correct news and facts
D. By publishing partial news and facts
Answer» B. By publishing sensational news

The legislature also influence the public opinion by

A. Passing a laws to favour public opinion
B. Giving concession to certain sections of the society
C. Discussing the various burning problems faced by the people and the country threadbare
D. Passing a vote of no-confidence against the council of ministers
Answer» B. Giving concession to certain sections of the society

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The Radio and television influence the public opinion through their entertainment programmes
B. The Radio and Television influence the public opinion through their commercial programme
C. The Radio and television influence the public opinion by disseminating the latest news and views concerning the national and international happenings.
D. None of the above
Answer» C. The Radio and television influence the public opinion by disseminating the latest news and views concerning the national and international happenings.

Public platforms help a great deal in the formation of public opinion, because

A. The speakers can attract the audience by their oratory
B. The people get the opportunity to know the view of different speakers on the current problems
C. The people can see their leaders
D. The speakers can advance the ideology of their parties
Answer» C. The people can see their leaders

Author of ‘Spirit of Laws’.

A. Rousseau
B. J S Mill
C. Montesque
D. Bodin
Answer» C. Montesque

Father of the theory of separation of powers

A. Montesque
B. Marx
C. Aristotle
D. Bodin
Answer» A. Montesque

Theory of separation of powers found its best expression in the constitution of ……..

A. India
C. China
D. Britain
Answer» B. USA

Who first made a distinction between deliberative, magisterial and judicial functions

A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Bodin
D. Garner
Answer» B. Aristotle

Who classified powers of government into Legislature, executive and Federative

A. Aristotle
B. Plato
C. Bodin
D. Locke
Answer» D. Locke

Author of ‘Civil Government’

A. Locke
B. Rousseau
C. Bentham
D. Mill
Answer» A. Locke

Who is famous for the dictum “I am the State”.

A. Napoleon
B. Hitler
C. Louis Fourteen
D. Rana Ranjith Singh
Answer» C. Louis Fourteen

According to Montesque separation of powers is needed to safeguard………….

A. Duty
B. Power
C. Authority
D. Liberty
Answer» D. Liberty

Montesque’s writing influenced the……………….. revolution.

A. French Revolution
B. Russian Revolution
C. Revolt of 1857
D. The First World War.
Answer» A. French Revolution

Legislature of USA is called

A. Duma
B. National assembly
C. Congress
D. parliament
Answer» C. Congress

In India central legislature is known by the name

A. House of Deputies
B. Parliament
C. assembly
D. Duma
Answer» B. Parliament

Legislature of Spain is ………….

A. Parliament
B. House of representatives
C. Congress of Deputies
D. National Assembly
Answer» C. Congress of Deputies

French parliament is known by the name

A. Congress of Deputies
B. National Assembly
C. Parliament
D. Congress
Answer» B. National Assembly

The word parliament comes from the French word “parler” which means

A. to argue
B. to fight
C. to show
D. to talk
Answer» D. to talk

According to Gandhi ”Avoiding injury to anything on earth in thought word or deed” is …….

A. Satyagraha
B. violence
C. Ahimsa
D. penance
Answer» A. Satyagraha

In cabinet system a bill is normally introduced in the parliament by…………

A. President
B. Governor
C. concerned Minister
D. Cabinet Secretary
Answer» C. concerned Minister

The rule making department of the state

A. Executive
B. Judiciary
C. Legislature
D. none
Answer» C. Legislature

In Parliamentary system ministers are collectively responsible to ………….

A. Parliament
B. Judiciary
C. President
D. Governor
Answer» A. Parliament

In parliamentary system ministers can continue in office till they enjoy the confidence of the ………

A. Judiciary
B. President
C. Legislature
D. people
Answer» C. Legislature

To remove the political executive, parliament can pass the motion of…………………

A. no- confidence
B. cut motion
C. censure motion
D. none of the above
Answer» A. no- confidence

A majour financial function of parliament

A. constitutional amendments
B. passing of annual budget
C. impeachment of the President
D. election of the President
Answer» B. passing of annual budget

Highest court of appeal in UK

A. House of Lords
B. House of Commons
C. Supreme Court
D. administrative tribunal
Answer» A. House of Lords

The impeachment trial of President of USA takes place in the…………

A. National Assembly
B. Supreme Court
C. Congress of deputies
D. Senate
Answer» D. Senate

In India the…………….. takes part in the election of president and vice-president

A. Parliament
B. Judiciary
C. all the eligible voters of the country
D. All the above
Answer» A. Parliament

In most countries, including India the power to change the constitution rest with the………………

A. people
B. Judiciary
C. President
D. Parliament
Answer» D. Parliament

In India supreme court judges can be removed by the……………

A. Prime Minister
B. Chief Justice of Supreme Court
C. people
D. Parliament
Answer» D. Parliament

In USA all international treaties signed by the president needs…………..

A. the ratification of Senate
B. approval of Supreme Court
C. Cabinets approval
D. all the above
Answer» A. the ratification of Senate

The legislature of a country organized into two chambers are called

A. Unicameralism
B. Bi- cameralism
C. Multi-cameralism
D. Cameralism
Answer» B. Bi- cameralism

When the legislature of a country has only one chamber ,it is called

A. Unicameralism
B. Bi- cameralism
C. Multi-cameralism
D. Cameralism
Answer» A. Unicameralism

In India the lower house is ………………

A. the House of the people
B. Lok Sabha
C. Rajya Sabha
D. none of the above
Answer» B. Lok Sabha

In India members are directly elected in the………….

A. Lok Sabha
B. legislative council
C. Rajya Sabha
D. Cabinet
Answer» A. Lok Sabha

In India Money bill can be introduced ………………….

A. only in the Rajya Sabha
B. only in the Lok Saha
C. In both Lok Sabha and Rajya- Sabha
D. in joint sitting of both the houses
Answer» B. only in the Lok Saha

Unicameralism exists in

A. India
B. china
Answer» B. china

Unicameralism exists in

A. India
B. Israel
Answer» B. Israel

Bi-cameralism exists in

A. Israel
B. New Zealand
C. India
D. Bangladesh
Answer» C. India

Hasty and ill considered legislation can be checked by the presence of

A. Unicameralism
B. Bi-cameralism
C. Cameralism
D. Multi-cameralism
Answer» B. Bi-cameralism

In India president can nominate…….. members to the Rajya Sabha

A. 10
B. 8
C. 14
D. 12
Answer» D. 12

Rule application is the function of the ………….

A. Legislature
B. Executive
C. Judiciary
D. Supreme Court
Answer» A. Legislature

President of India is the…………..

A. real executive
B. nominal executive
C. permanent executive
D. none of the above
Answer» B. nominal executive

Bureaucracts constitutes the………………………

A. nominal Executive
B. political executive
C. permanent executive
D. none of the above
Answer» C. permanent executive

In India Prime Minister and his cabinet constitutes the……………..

A. nominal executive
B. permanent executive
C. real executive
D. none of the above
Answer» C. real executive

Plural executive exists in…………………

A. India
D. Switzerland
Answer» D. Switzerland

The executive in Switzerland is the …………………..

A. Federal Council
B. Federal assembly
C. Federal Tribunal
D. Federal Legislature
Answer» A. Federal Council

In USA the President can only be removed from office by the process of ………………

A. amendment
B. Impeachment
C. censure motion
D. no-confidence motion
Answer» B. Impeachment

Ordinance is the law made by the………….

A. Legislature
B. Judiciary
C. Executive
D. Prime Minister
Answer» C. Executive

In parliamentary system a bill becomes an act when it gets the formal assent of the ……………..

A. Prime Minister
B. head of the government
C. real executive
D. head of the state
Answer» D. head of the state

Rule adjudication is the main function of the………………….

A. Legislature
B. Executive
C. Judiciary
D. executive and legislature
Answer» C. Judiciary

In India judges are………………..

A. elected by the Legislature
B. appointed by the Legislature
C. appointed by the Executive
D. elected by the executive
Answer» C. appointed by the Executive

In Switzerland judges are …………………..

A. elected by the people
B. appointed by the Legislature
C. appointed by the Executive
D. elected by the executive
Answer» A. elected by the people

One way of ensuring the independence of judiciary is…………………….

A. giving short tenure in office
B. making the removal of judges easy
C. security of service
D. appointment by the people
Answer» C. security of service

Judicial review is a feature of countries with …………………..

A. un written constitution
B. unitary system
C. unwritten constitution and federal systems
D. written constitutions and federal systems
Answer» D. written constitutions and federal systems

Doctrine of judicial review originated in……………….

A. India
C. France
Answer» D. USA

By the constitution of India, the article that entrust the court with review power is ……………

A. Art. 17
B. Art.18
C. Art.21
D. Art. 13
Answer» D. Art. 13

What is the full form of PIL

A. public interest law
B. president initiated legislation
C. public interest litigation
D. Prime Minister initiated legislation
Answer» C. public interest litigation

All power concentrated in the hand of the central government is called ………….

A. federal system
B. unitary system
C. parliamentary system
D. presidential system
Answer» B. unitary system

Unitary government exist in ……………..

A. India
D. Switzerland
Answer» C. UK
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