520+ An Introduction to Political Science Solved MCQs


The idea of ‘reverse discrimination’ implies:

A. Discriminiation in a decreasing order
B. Equating rich and poor as in the electoral arena
C. Bestowing favoured treatment to the hithere deprived sections
D. Establishing institutional checks against arbitrary distinctions
Answer» C. Bestowing favoured treatment to the hithere deprived sections

Who among the following holds the view that right are those conditions of social life without which man cannot be his best self?

A. Green
B. Laski
C. Barker
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Laski

Who among the following opines that a right is a power clamined and recognized as contributory to common good?

A. Green
B. Laski
C. Barker
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Green

In their essence rights are:

A. Legal injunctions
B. Moral impreatives
C. Conditions of law
D. Aspects of social life
Answer» D. Aspects of social life

Who among the following held the view that right is man’s capacity of influencing the acts of another by means of the opinion and force of society?

A. Bluntschli
B. Bodin
C. Holland
D. Locke
Answer» C. Holland

The work Law and Rights is authored by:

A. W.E Hocking
B. L.T Hobhouse
C. Harold Laski
D. None of the above
Answer» A. W.E Hocking

Rights are broadly divided into three categories: natural rights, moral rights and legal rights

A. Civil rights
B. Political rights
C. Economic rights
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is the use to which the term ‘liberty’ can be put?

A. Freedom from constraint, captivity or tyranny
B. The unrestrained enjoyment of natural rights
C. Power of free choice
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Inequality in society was supported by:

A. Pericls
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Both (b) and (c)
Answer» D. Both (b) and (c)

In the nineteenth century, a vigorous demand for socio –econimic equality was raised by:

A. Working class
B. Peasantry
C. Propertied class
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Working class

The work liberty, Equality, Fraternity is authored by:

A. J.F. Stephen
B. J.F. Kennedy
C. J.F. Ribero
D. None of the above
Answer» A. J.F. Stephen

Legal equality implies:

A. Equal subjection of all citizens to the law
B. Equal protection of the law for all citizens
C. Equal distribution of material goods to all
D. Both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. Both (a) and (b)

Justice is a dynamic idea because

A. Its realization is a continuous process
B. Progress towards its realization depends upon the development of social consciousness
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. The term justice suggests the quality of being just or right or reasonable
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

The earliest concept of justice in Greek thought is found to be in the writings of

A. Pericles
B. Socrates
C. Sophists
D. Early pythagoreans
Answer» D. Early pythagoreans

The concept of positive law is

A. Roman in origin
B. Greek in origin
C. Liberals
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Roman in origin

Who has termed social consciousness is modern consciousness in the context of the determination of the meaning of justice?

A. Barker
B. D.D.Raphael
C. Laski
D. Sabine
Answer» B. D.D.Raphael

Legal justice is broadly applied in the context of :

A. Justice according to law
B. Law according to justice
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Law and justice according to morality
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

Who among the following viewed that justice consisted in an efficient administration of law and it should not be tested on some imaginary moral values?

A. Antony Giddens
B. Alf Ross
C. Almond
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Alf Ross

Democratic or political participation is the hall mark of democracy and

A. Political modernization
B. Political development
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Political communication
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

In the long run broadened participation is a variable of :

A. Political communication
B. Social and economic modernization
C. Cultural revolution
D. Social justice
Answer» B. Social and economic modernization

The book India’s Development Experience is authored by:

A. Manmohan Singh
B. Atul Kohli
C. I.J.Ahluwalia
D. Tarlock Singh
Answer» D. Tarlock Singh

The system which enables the majority of a constituency in Switzerland to call back their representative from his office if they are not satisfied with his office and if they are not satisfied with his work is:

A. Proportional representation
B. Recall
C. Spoil system
D. Plebiscite
Answer» B. Recall

The work ideology and Utopia is authored by:

A. Karl Mannheim
B. S.M. Lipset
C. Saint Simon
D. A.F. Bentley
Answer» A. Karl Mannheim

Who among the following insists on the ‘mono-national state’ as a condition of successful democracy?

A. Thomas Hobbes
B. Hannah Arendt
C. J.S Mill
D. Laski
Answer» C. J.S Mill

The “iron law of oligarchy” was propounded by:

A. James Burnham
B. Robert Michels
C. Gaetano Mosca
D. Graham Wallas
Answer» B. Robert Michels

He explained his view of democracy in his work ‘Political Main’. His view of democracy is based on what he calls the competitive character of governing elites in modern democracies. He is:

A. Robert Dahl
B. Louis Althusser
C. S.Martin Lipset
D. None of the above
Answer» C. S.Martin Lipset

Who among the following condemned democracy as “an aristocracy of black guards”?

A. Henry Maine
B. Lord Bryce
C. Lecky
D. Talleyrand
Answer» D. Talleyrand

Which of the following works have been authored by C.B. Mapherson?

A. The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy
B. Demoractic Theory : Essay in Tetrieval
C. The real world of democracy
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Who among the following has dubbed Marxism as a totalitarian doctrine?

A. Karl Popper
B. Isaiah Berlin
C. Hannah Arendt
D. Both (a) and (c)
Answer» D. Both (a) and (c)

Democracy as an ideal can be achieved through:

A. Political Institution
B. Transformation of the mode of production
C. Inclucation of new values of human equality
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following is held as a transitional state in Marxian philosophy?

A. Socialist state
B. Liberal democratic state
C. Fascist state
D. Anarchist state
Answer» A. Socialist state

In the words of Woodrow Wilson, World War I was fought to make the world safe for:

A. Representative government
B. Liberty
C. Democracy
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Democracy

Who among the following was known to have been of the view that there has been a growing distrust and discontent with politicians and the political method evolved by parliamentary democracy?

A. H.G Wells
B. Harold Laski
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. None of the above
Answer» A. H.G Wells

Who calls democracy only an experiment in government?

A. Seeley
B. Lowell
C. Lincoln
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Lowell

A democratic state means

A. That the state is organized on democratic lines
B. That democracy is basically organization of state
C. That the community as a whole processes sovereign authority ad maintains ultimate control over affairs
D. All of the above
Answer» C. That the community as a whole processes sovereign authority ad maintains ultimate control over affairs

Who described democracy as a government in which everyone has share?

A. Seeley
B. Dicey
C. Wiloughby
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Seeley

Who defines democracy as a form of government in which the government body is a comparatively large fraction of the entire nation?

A. Lincoln
B. Dicey
C. Garner
D. Laski
Answer» B. Dicey

A democratic society is one in which

A. Government is popularly elected
B. Liberty is given the highest value
C. The spirit of equality and fratemity prevails
D. All of the above.
Answer» C. The spirit of equality and fratemity prevails

Democracy in its narrow sense means

A. Rule by the many
B. A form of government
C. A type of state
D. An order of society
Answer» A. Rule by the many

Early Greek city states experimented with different forms of Government prominent among them were:

A. Monarchy and Tyranny
B. Aristocracy and Oligarchy
C. Democracy and Monarchy
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

As a form of government, Aristotle preferred

A. Aristocracy
B. Tyranny
C. Democracy
D. Monarchy
Answer» C. Democracy

A powerful eighteenth century advocate of direct democracy was

A. Rousseau
B. Montesquieu
C. Voltaire
D. Doderot
Answer» A. Rousseau

Direct democracy was first practiced in the Greek city states. In the medieval times this type of democracy was revived by

A. Chinese kings
B. Indian states
C. Italian city states
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Italian city states

The nearest approach that one finds to direct democracy in some modern states in the form of

A. Referendum
B. Initiative
C. Recall
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is the work authored by Lord Bryce?

A. Political Science and Government
B. State in Theory and Practice
C. Modern Democracies
D. Democratic Government
Answer» C. Modern Democracies

Which of the following countries practice direct democracy in modern times?

A. Greece
B. Forest Cantons of Switzerland
C. German Lander
D. Both (b) and (c)
Answer» B. Forest Cantons of Switzerland

Who among the following opinion that life is a “perpetual and restless desire for power after power which ceases only in death”?

A. Aristotle
B. Bietzsche
C. Hobbes
D. Lasswell
Answer» B. Bietzsche

Who among the following is one of the advocates of the power theory in politics ?

A. Catlin
B. Kaplan
C. Lasswell
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who founded the structural functional school in political science ?

A. Apter
B. Coleman
C. Plato
D. Both (a) and (b)
Answer» D. Both (a) and (b)

Political socialization is the process of induction into the political culture and the psychological dimension of the

A. Socio economic system
B. Political system
C. Economic System
D. Social system
Answer» B. Political system

Who defines the political system as the “institutions, processes and interactions throug which values are authoritatively allocated in a society?

A. Almond
B. Easton
C. Apter
D. Pye
Answer» B. Easton

Who said that politics is concerned with the authoritative ‘allocation of values’ for a society?

A. B. Miller
B. David Easton
C. Alan Ball
D. Ernest Benn
Answer» B. David Easton

Which of the following is one of the traditionally recognized organs of power in a state?

A. Legislature
B. Executive
C. Judiciary
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Judiciary

The ‘power theory’ finds its brilliant manifestation in the political philosophy of

A. Locke
B. Hobbes
C. Mill
D. Rousseau
Answer» D. Rousseau

Which of the following are not the basic of the authority of society?

A. Social customs
B. Conventions
C. Laws
D. Moral pressure
Answer» D. Moral pressure

The subject that deals with man in relation to the State and Government is called

A. Economics
B. History
C. Political Science
D. Psychology
Answer» C. Political Science

________________is the central subject of the study of political science.

A. Population
B. State
C. Behaviour
D. Mass Communication
Answer» B. State

Who defines Political Science as that part of social science which treats the foundations of the State and the principles of Government?

A. Prof.Harold Laski
B. Lasswell
C. Garner
D. Paul Janet
Answer» D. Paul Janet

Bluntschli restricted the scope of Political Science to

A. The study of government and politics
B. The study of State and Government
C. The study of Government
D. The study of State
Answer» D. The study of State

Prof. Harold Laski emphasized the scope of Political Science to include the study of

A. State and sovereignty
B. Government and politics
C. State and Government
D. Government only
Answer» C. State and Government

Who said that State comes into existence originating in the bare needs of life of man and continuing in existence for the sake of good life?

A. Plato
B. Socrates
C. Aristotle
D. Montesqueau
Answer» C. Aristotle

_______________is the most important agency of the State

A. Press
B. Judiciary
C. Sovereignty
D. Government
Answer» D. Government

The concept of ‘politics’ originated in ancient

A. Athens
B. Sparta
C. Greece
D. Spain
Answer» C. Greece

Politics is a struggle for power on three levels

A. Society, state and family
B. State, inter-state and intra-state
C. Family, society and political groups
D. Nation, state and districts
Answer» B. State, inter-state and intra-state

David Easton defined politics as authoritative allocation of

A. Power
B. Influences
C. Interests
D. Values
Answer» D. Values

A policy is authoritative when there __________to the authority

A. Willing compliance
B. Forceful compliance
C. Resistance
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Willing compliance

The central idea of sovereignty is

A. Power
B. Law
C. Authority
D. Legitimacy
Answer» B. Law

The main characteristics of a civil society are organization, interaction, communication and

A. Friendship
B. Interdependence
C. Solidarity
D. Goodwill
Answer» C. Solidarity

Who among the following defined democracy as “the government of the people, for the peop0le and by the people”?

A. Maclver
B. Aristotle
C. Abraham Lincoln
D. Napoleon
Answer» C. Abraham Lincoln

Which of the following is not a method of democratic participation?

A. Voting
B. Campaigning in the election
C. Contesting the election
D. Listening the election speeches
Answer» D. Listening the election speeches

The success of democracy depends upon

A. Popular education
B. Faith in certain fundamental democratic principles
C. Social equality
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Who wrote the book Considerations on Representative Government?

A. Hobbes
B. Locke
C. Rousseau
D. J.S. Mill
Answer» D. J.S. Mill

Which of the following is a permanent feature of a representative form of government?

A. Voting
B. Decision-making
C. Military force
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Voting

Contribute towards the success of democracy?

A. Education
B. Participation
C. Political parties
D. Overpopulation
Answer» D. Overpopulation

Hobbes idea of civil society is the area where in the liberty of the subject lies in

A. The liberty to buy and sell and otherwise contract with one another
B. The liberty to choose their own abode
C. The liberty to choose their own trade of life
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

According to the classical liberal theorists

A. State is a social agency
B. State is a political agency
C. State is a neutral body
D. State is an agent of economic upliftment
Answer» B. State is a political agency

According to the liberal theory, the individual can find freedom by

A. Obedience to the State
B. Voluntary choice of activities
C. Resistance to the authority
D. Going against the law
Answer» B. Voluntary choice of activities

Who said “Rights, in fact, are those conditions of social life without which no man seek, in general to be his best”?

A. Maclver
B. Laski
C. Hegel
D. Kant
Answer» B. Laski

Which of the following statement is true?

A. No rights can be given to the man against the social interest
B. Grant of rights is not concerned with social interest
C. Rights can have anti-social character
D. None of the above
Answer» A. No rights can be given to the man against the social interest

According to _________”Life is not merely living but living well”

A. St. Augustine
B. Plato
C. Aristotle
D. Socrates
Answer» C. Aristotle

In the words of Laski

A. State is not known by the rights of the State
B. State is known to crate rights
C. State is known by moral rights
D. State is known by the rights it maintains
Answer» D. State is known by the rights it maintains

The statement “Men are born and always continue free and equal in respect of their rights is associated with

A. U.N Character of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948.
B. French Declaration of Rights of Man, 1789
C. American Declaration of Rights
D. None of the above
Answer» B. French Declaration of Rights of Man, 1789

According to ___________”A right is a claim recognized by society and enforced by the State”

A. Barker
B. Bosanquet
C. Hobbes
D. Laski
Answer» B. Bosanquet

Which of the following is correct?

A. My right is not your duty and your right is my duty
B. My right is your duty and your right is mu duty
C. Right and duties are not the two sides of the same coin
D. Every right does not have a corresponding obligation
Answer» B. My right is your duty and your right is mu duty

Which of the following rights were considered important during middle ages?

A. Right of life
B. Right of education
C. Right of properly
D. And (c)
Answer» D. And (c)

In the words of _________in his book Principles of social political Obligation, “Right are the external conditions necessary for the greatest possible development for the greatest possible development of the capacities of the personality”

A. Laski
B. Barker
C. Bosanquet
D. Lindsay
Answer» B. Barker

By fundamental rights we mean,

A. Right’s guaranteed by the constitution
B. Rights guaranteed by the monarch
C. Rights followed by duties
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Right’s guaranteed by the constitution

The political Rights granted by the state enable a citizen to

A. Participate in the administration of the state
B. Lead good religious life
C. Preach politics
D. Meddle in affairs of Government
Answer» A. Participate in the administration of the state

Which of the following is not a Theory of Rights?

A. Legal theory of Rights
B. Historical theory of Rights
C. Divine Rights of King
D. Social welfare theory of rights,
Answer» C. Divine Rights of King

_________is the earliest theory of rights

A. Liberal individualist theory of Natural Rights
B. Legal theory
C. Welfare theory
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Liberal individualist theory of Natural Rights

Locke is the supporter of

A. Theory of Natural rights
B. Historical theory of rights
C. Legal theory of rights
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Theory of Natural rights

Which of the following statements is not associated with natural theory of rights?

A. Rights inherent in man
B. Rights are absolute
C. Rights are pre-civil and according to some political thinkers they are also pre-social
D. Rights are alienable
Answer» D. Rights are alienable

Who among the following supported the theory of Natural Rights ?

A. Locke
B. Hobbes
C. Thomas Paine
D. All the above
Answer» A. Locke

According to _____________one’s natural rights are ones natural powers

A. John Locke
B. Hobbes
C. Mill
D. Thomas paine
Answer» B. Hobbes

Who among the following propounded the legal theory of rights?

A. Hobbes
B. Locke
C. Ritche
D. Roussau
Answer» A. Hobbes

In the opinion of Laski

A. Holds are created by the State
B. Rights are prior to the state
C. They are not recognized by the State
D. Both (a) and b)
Answer» B. Rights are prior to the state

Which of the following is an essential conditions for safeguarding rights of the individuals? I. Decentralisation of authority II. Existence of Consultative bodies III. Existence of supreme court IV. Non-interference by the state in the internal affairs of associations

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only II,III and IV
D. Only I,II and IV
Answer» D. Only I,II and IV

A bill of Rights is

A. A declaration of fundamental rights
B. An economic terms
C. A business term
D. A constitutional term
Answer» A. A declaration of fundamental rights

Which of the following countries was the first to include a Bill of Rights?

A. America
B. India
C. Sweden
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Sweden

________is not a Civil Right

A. Right of life
B. Right to Liberty
C. Right to Education
D. Right to vote
Answer» D. Right to vote
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