520+ An Introduction to Political Science Solved MCQs


Which of the following is not a traditional approach to the study of Political Science?

A. simulation
B. legal institutionalism
C. historiography
D. comparison
Answer» C. historiography

Whose work is “A History of Political Theory?”

A. catlin
B. duverger
C. deutsch
D. george sabine
Answer» D. george sabine

The ancient Greeks used the following word for the term ‘state’

A. republica
B. polis
C. republic
D. commonwealth
Answer» B. polis

What is Constitutional Law?

A. provisions given in the constitution
B. law to make constitution
C. law to set up constituent assembly
D. none of the above
Answer» A. provisions given in the constitution

The most common form that democracy takes in our time is that of

A. limited democracy
B. representative democracy
C. maximum democracy
D. none of the above
Answer» B. representative democracy

Who wrote the work “The Web of Government”?

A. r. m. macIver
B. laski
C. weber
D. catlin
Answer» A. r. m. macIver

One of the following is an advocate of historical approach

A. coleman
B. lipset
C. henry maine
D. robert dahl
Answer» C. henry maine

Who used to say “I am the state”?

A. louis xiv
B. machiavelli
C. john austin
D. maciver
Answer» A. louis xiv

Which view is observed ‘the state is a necessary evil’?

A. idealistic view
B. individualistic view
C. fascist view
D. pluralistic view
Answer» B. individualistic view

Who observed ‘the state is the march of God on Earth’?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. hegel
D. louis xiv
Answer» C. hegel

Who wrote the work “The Prince”?

A. maciver
B. locke
C. austin
D. machiavelli
Answer» D. machiavelli

Theorists who believe that “state is an association of associations” are best described as

A. pluralists
B. federalists
C. socialists
D. anarchists
Answer» A. pluralists

Who contributed “Leviathan”?

A. plato
B. hobbes
C. locke
D. rawls
Answer» B. hobbes

Who said ‘power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely’?

A. almond
B. aristotle
C. acton
D. apter
Answer» C. acton

Which among the following is not a feature of sovereignty?

A. absoluteness
B. indivisibility
C. delegation
D. permanence
Answer» C. delegation

Who wrote the work ‘Anarchy, State and Utopia’?

A. taylor
B. merriam
C. robert nozick
D. catlin
Answer» C. robert nozick

Who among the following is associated with the Rule of law?

A. a.d. lindsay
B. harold laski
C. a.v. dicey
D. ivor jennings
Answer» C. a.v. dicey

Constitutional government implies

A. limited government
B. representative government
C. government according to the constitution
D. government by the consent of the people
Answer» A. limited government

An essential pre-requisite for constitutionalism?

A. a written constitution
B. parliamentary democracy
C. guarantee of fundamental rights
D. limited government
Answer» D. limited government

The theory of separation of powers was initiated by

A. montesquieu
B. locke
C. madison
D. dicey
Answer» A. montesquieu

The first systematic classification of government was given by

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. socrates
D. montesquieu
Answer» B. aristotle

According to Aristotle, the best of government was

A. democracy
B. monarchy
C. aristocracy
D. polity
Answer» D. polity

Who is called the keystone of the cabinet arch in a parliamentary system?

A. chief justice
B. president
C. prime minister
D. speaker of the lower house
Answer» C. prime minister

All the ministers swim and sink together. This is true of the following form of government

A. unitary
B. presidential
C. federal
D. parliamentary
Answer» D. parliamentary

The principle of one for all and all for one implies

A. individual responsibility
B. checks and balance
C. collective responsibility
D. political homogeneity
Answer» C. collective responsibility

Who among the advocate of negative theory of liberty?

A. kant
B. marx
C. sedgwick
D. isaiah berlin
Answer» D. isaiah berlin

Which of the following is a central attribute of Plato’s notion of justice?

A. harmony
B. equality
C. fraternity
D. liberty
Answer» A. harmony

The term ‘sovereignty’ is derived from the word ‘superanus’ of which language

A. french
B. latin
C. greek
D. english
Answer» B. latin

Fascist movement first developed in

A. usa
B. germany
C. japan
D. italy
Answer» D. italy

Fascist ideology wish to establish the government of

A. people
B. aristocrats
C. one leader
D. oligarchic
Answer» C. one leader

Whosaid ‘My Programme is action and not talk'

A. stalin
B. hitler
C. mussolini
D. lenin
Answer» C. mussolini

Which of the following is not an element of fascism?

A. it is a negation of liberty
B. it is a negation of liberty
C. it believes in totalitarianism
D. it is against imperialism
Answer» D. it is against imperialism

Fascism resembles Communism (Marxism) in so far it stands for

A. class war
B. private property
C. internationalism
D. totalitarian state
Answer» D. totalitarian state

The idea that the sovereign nation state should be the main object of the political loyalty of individual is

A. patriotism
B. nationalism
C. popular sovereignty
D. fascism
Answer» B. nationalism

In view of classical thinker nationalism lead to

A. equality, democracy and distrust of empire
B. economic prosperity
C. imperialism
D. authoritarians
Answer» A. equality, democracy and distrust of empire

Modern liberals were differ from classical because

A. it does not support individual liberty
B. it is against democratic institutions
C. it pleads for free enterprise
D. it stands for a world free from all forms of tyranny and exploitation
Answer» D. it stands for a world free from all forms of tyranny and exploitation

The principle of 'greatest good of the greatest number' was advocated by

A. idealists
B. individualists
C. utilitarianism
D. marxists
Answer» C. utilitarianism

Positivist Liberals are in favour of:

A. pushing the state out of economic field
B. doing away the state\s interference in the economic sphere
C. state regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers
D. state regulation to protect the interests of the capitalists
Answer» C. state regulation of the economic conditions in the interests of workers

Which one of the following is not true about liberalism?

A. it stands for individual liberty
B. it has no faith in human reasoning
C. it supports human freedom
D. it stands for constitutional government
Answer» B. it has no faith in human reasoning

A democratic government is better than a non-democratic government because

A. it may or may not be accountable
B. it always responds to the needs of the people
C. it may be a constitutional government
D. none of the above
Answer» B. it always responds to the needs of the people

Who among the following is not support the limiting the function of the state

A. herbert spencer
B. adamsmith
C. karl marx
D. bentham
Answer» C. karl marx

According to John Dewey contemporary liberalism is

A. attitude towards certain things
B. solid programme of action
C. both a programme and action
D. partly an attitude and partly a programme
Answer» C. both a programme and action

Liberalism stands for

A. social liberty
B. political liberty
C. economic liberty
D. all the above.
Answer» D. all the above.

Which of the following ideas was borrowed by Marx from Hegel?

A. class struggle
B. surplus value theory
C. dialectical materialism
D. none of the above.
Answer» C. dialectical materialism

Who said, “Capitalism carried within itself the seeds of its own decay”?

A. angels
B. karl marx
C. lenin
D. stalin
Answer» B. karl marx

The term ‘Politics’ was first employed by

A. socrates
B. plato
C. aristotle
D. karl marx
Answer» C. aristotle

The statement that “A man without society is either a beast or a God” is attributed to

A. hegel
B. hobbes
C. aristotle
D. plato
Answer» C. aristotle

Political parties have been described as ‘power behind the throne’ by

A. herman finer
B. mac iver
C. burke
D. sabine
Answer» A. herman finer

Who was the author of the book ‘On Liberty’?

A. laski
B. t. h green
C. bentham
D. j. s mill
Answer» D. j. s mill

Parliamentary government is accountable to the

A. president
B. legislature
C. prime minister
D. council of ministers
Answer» B. legislature

In a Federal Government, the powers are divided between the Centre and the States by

A. the central government
B. majority decision
C. the constitution
D. the parliament.
Answer» C. the constitution

A Unitary government has

A. no right of citizenship
B. division of powers
C. an independent judiciary
D. a single citizenship
Answer» D. a single citizenship

Rule of Law is one of the Fundamental principles of the

A. german constitution
B. british constitution
C. french constitution
D. russian constitution
Answer» B. british constitution

Most favoured technique of pressure groups, in the USA is

A. boycott and picketing
B. lobbying
C. total strike
D. peaceful agitations
Answer» B. lobbying

Psephology deals with

A. political parties
B. voting behavior and election studies
C. human rights
D. pressure groups
Answer» B. voting behavior and election studies

The argument that the study of Political Science focused on State and government belongs to

A. traditional approach
B. behavioural approach
C. post behavioural approach
D. marxian approach
Answer» A. traditional approach

The Classic work on “Public opinion” was authored by

A. robert a. dahl
B. walter lippmann
C. rajni kothari
D. karl deutsch
Answer» B. walter lippmann

The theory of ideal state is associated with

A. plato
B. rousseau
C. aristotle
D. hobbes
Answer» A. plato

Political homogeneity is a feature of

A. presidential system
B. collegial executive
C. parliamentary system
D. aristocracy
Answer» C. parliamentary system

‘Filibustering’ is associated with

A. law making
B. training
C. civil service
D. election
Answer» A. law making

“The Functions of the Executive” was written by

A. urwick
B. chester bernard
C. robert dahl
D. herbert simon
Answer» B. chester bernard

The concept of labour theory of value is propounded by

A. karl marx
B. herbert spencer
C. david ricardo
D. karl popper
Answer» C. david ricardo

Which one of the following is not a concept of Gandhiji

A. ramaraj
B. gramswaraj
C. classeless democracy
D. cottage industries
Answer» C. classeless democracy

Which one of the following is not a technique of Satyagraha

A. sarvodaya
B. strike
C. hijrat
D. non cooperation
Answer» A. sarvodaya

Who started Sarvodaya as a social movement

A. gandhiji
B. jayaprakash narayan
C. vinobha bhave
D. nehru
Answer» C. vinobha bhave

In a Parliamentary system the council of ministers are responsible to

A. prime minister
B. judiciary
C. parliament
D. president
Answer» C. parliament

The meeting of the cabinet is presided over by

A. president
B. speaker
C. prime minister
D. none of the above
Answer» C. prime minister

A representative democracy is the most suitable form of government for enactment of laws that are consistent with

A. public opinion
B. principle of liberty
C. regional aspiration
D. market forces
Answer» A. public opinion

West Minister model stands for particular form of

A. constitution
B. state
C. government
D. administration
Answer» C. government

According to Marx the state came into being to

A. make life better
B. protect life and liberty
C. end exploitation of the poor
D. legalise exploitation of the poor by the state
Answer» D. legalise exploitation of the poor by the state

Which institution in a federal system is called 'Balancing Wheel of theConstitution'?

A. legislature
B. executive
C. judiciary
D. press
Answer» C. judiciary

Who gave the view that ‘ A constitutional state 'is one in which the powers of government, the rights of the governed and the relations between the two are adjusted'?

A. k. c. wheare
B. c. f. strong
C. carl j. friedrich
D. james bryce
Answer» B. c. f. strong

‘Those who says that religion has nothing to do with politics do not know what religion means’ who said this ?

A. gandhi
B. karl marx
C. hobbes
D. locke
Answer» A. gandhi

In which theory of origin of the state, political conscience is an important factor

A. force theory
B. matriarchic theory
C. social contract theory
D. evolutionary theory
Answer» D. evolutionary theory

“The art of looking for trouble. Finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it wrongly and applying the wrong remedy” Who among the following gave the above definition of politics?

A. Ernest Barker
B. Ernest Benn
C. Frederick Pollock
D. David Easton
Answer» B. Ernest Benn

Who among the following pioneered the integration of the study of political science with psychology?

A. S.M.Lipset
B. Walter Bagehot
C. Eric Voeghin
D. Harold Laski
Answer» B. Walter Bagehot

Who among the following advocated that the central idea of the political science is power?

A. David Apter
B. Amos
C. Max weber
D. Runciman
Answer» C. Max weber

Harold Lasswell’s “Politics: Who Gets, What, when and How” discusses:

A. Distributive justice
B. Scientific method and value-relativism
C. Social implications of political participation
D. Fundamentals of political participation
Answer» B. Scientific method and value-relativism

Who among the following employed a biological method in the study of politics?

A. Lord action
B. Milton
C. T.H Green
D. Herbert Spencer
Answer» D. Herbert Spencer

The work ‘Power and Society’ is co-authored by :

A. Greenstein, Polsby and Nelson
B. Rieselbach and Balds
C. Girth and Mills
D. Harold Lasswell and Abraham Kaplan
Answer» D. Harold Lasswell and Abraham Kaplan

The keynote of liberalism is _________

A. Individual
B. Liberty
C. Liberty of the individual
D. Personality
Answer» B. Liberty

The famous ‘fourfold functional analysis’ of the social systems is made by

A. Gabriel Almond
B. Sidney Verba
C. James Coleman
D. Talcott Parsons
Answer» D. Talcott Parsons

A scientific sociological evaluation of the state has been discussed by:

A. Maclver in the Modern state
B. Engels in Anti-Duhring
C. Maclver in the Web of Government
D. Engels in The origin of the family, private property and the state
Answer» D. Engels in The origin of the family, private property and the state

Jurisprudence is

A. Law
B. History of law
C. Anthology on law
D. Science of law
Answer» D. Science of law

The work ‘Political Science: A philosophical Analysis’ is authored by:

A. Oran Young
B. Herbert Storing
C. Vermon van Dyke
D. Leo strauss
Answer» C. Vermon van Dyke

Which of the following works have nsote been authored by R.M. MacIver?

A. The Web of Government
B. Society: its structure and changes
C. The Modern State
D. An introduction to Politics
Answer» D. An introduction to Politics

Which of the following have been authored by RobertDahl?

A. A preface to Democratic theory
B. Politic science – The discipline and its dimensions
C. Modern political analysis
D. Both (a) and (c)
Answer» D. Both (a) and (c)

In Marxist theory, society is divided into dominant and dependent classes and the former controls the state which is an embodiment of:

A. Political Power
B. Economic Power
C. Social Power
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Political Power

Who opined that it was in small states that democracy first arose?

A. Lord Bryee
B. Lord Action
C. Lord Hewart
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Lord Bryee

The chief proponents of the theory of natural rights are

A. John Locke and Thomas Paine
B. Lasswell and Kant
C. Hegel and Kant
D. Durkheim and Weber
Answer» A. John Locke and Thomas Paine

Which of the following theories is the one opposed to the theory of natural rights?

A. Personality theory of rights
B. Historical theory of rights
C. Legal theory of right
D. social expediency theory of rights
Answer» C. Legal theory of right

The historical theory of rights can be summed up in the sentence:

A. History makes right
B. What is right is historical
C. History of the child of right
D. History and right are antithetical
Answer» A. History makes right

In connection with rights, Bentham and Mill expressly advocate the principle of utility in opposition to :

A. Conventions and traditions
B. Merely following customs and appealing to the arbitrary voice of nature
C. Law and rules
D. Principles of jurisprudence
Answer» B. Merely following customs and appealing to the arbitrary voice of nature

Who among the following laid down an elaborate defiance of personal liberty?

A. Rawls
B. Poulantzas
C. Robert Michels
D. John Stuar Mill
Answer» D. John Stuar Mill

Civil liberty stands for :

A. Freedom to pursure one’s desire
B. Freedom to exercise discretion in one’s own domain
C. Liberty to mass wealth
D. Liberty to free action and immunity from interference
Answer» D. Liberty to free action and immunity from interference

Who among the following held the view that liberty and equality are opposed to each other? 1.J.S Mill 2. Lord Hewart 3. De Tocqueville 4. Lord Acton

A. Only 2
B. Only 3
C. 3 and 4
D. Only 4
Answer» C. 3 and 4

“----- Who opines that freedom exists only because there is restraint”

A. Dicey
B. Seeley
C. Bryce
D. Willoughby
Answer» D. Willoughby

“Man is free when he obey’s the law of impulse for self –perfection” – Green in the above statement Thomas Hill Green upholds which of the following ideas of freedom?

A. Personal freedom
B. Moral freedom
C. National freedom
D. Constitutional freedom
Answer» B. Moral freedom

Democracy in Crisis 3. Democracy in Crisis 28. The author of Anarchy, State and Utopia is

A. F.A. Hayek
B. C.B. Macpherson
C. Robert Nozick
D. Neitzsche
Answer» C. Robert Nozick

The idea of joining or fitting’ is implied in the concept of

A. Liberty
B. Equality
C. Property
D. Justice
Answer» A. Liberty
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