
1010+ Anatomy Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Uncategorized topics .


Chapter: Head and Neck

Regarding the larynx

A. All muscles are supplied by the recurrent laryngeal nerve
B. Thyroarytenoid muscle alters the tension of the vocal cord
C. Recurrent laryngeal nerve passes anterior to the criocthyroid joint
D. During swallowing, the epiglottis acts as a passive flap
E. All of the larynx is covered by pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Answer» B. Thyroarytenoid muscle alters the tension of the vocal cord

Regarding the vertebral column all are correct EXCEPT:

A. The facet joints in the lumbar spine lie in an anteroposterior plane
B. The vertebral arteries ascend through the foramen in the transverse processes of the upper six cervical vertebrae
C. The spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae are usually bifid
D. Thoracic vertebrae I, II and XII have single costal facets on their pedicles
E. The sacrum has 5 sets of anterior and posterior sacral foramina, one corresponding to each of the sacral segments
Answer» E. The sacrum has 5 sets of anterior and posterior sacral foramina, one corresponding to each of the sacral segments

The internal jugular vein

A. Is surrounded by the thickest portion of carotid sheath
B. Receives drainage from all the parathyroid glands
C. Is crossed posteriorly by the accessory nerve
D. Is crossed anteriorly by the thoracic duct
E. Contains valves within its lumen
Answer» C. Is crossed posteriorly by the accessory nerve

Venous drainage of the face

A. Is both deep and superficial
B. Empties ultimately into the internal jugular vein alone
C. Communicates indirectly with the cavernous sinus via the deep facial vein
D. Communicates directly with the cavernous sinus via the supraorbital veins
E. All of the above
Answer» C. Communicates indirectly with the cavernous sinus via the deep facial vein

The larynx

A. Is a respiratory organ whose essential function is phonation
B. Extends from the anterior upper border of the epiglottis to the level of C6
C. Consists of two single cartilages, the thyroid and cricoid
D. Is hauled up beneath the tongue with the epiglottis tilted anterior and upwards during swallowing
E. Is supplied by the external laryngeal nerve except for the cricothyroid muscle which is supplied by the
Answer» B. Extends from the anterior upper border of the epiglottis to the level of C6

Regarding the larynx

A. The external laryngeal nerve supplies the posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
B. The internal laryngeal nerve supplies cricothyroid
C. The blood supply above the vocal cords is by a branch of the internal carotid
D. Normal vocal cords are always covered by stratified squamous epithelium
E. The recurrent laryngeal nerve lies immediately behind the cricoarytenoid joint
Answer» D. Normal vocal cords are always covered by stratified squamous epithelium

The orbit contains all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Branches of the facial nerve
B. The optic nerve
C. The third cranial nerve
D. A subarachnoid space
E. The inferior rectus muscle
Answer» A. Branches of the facial nerve

Which muscle controls vocal cord abduction in the larynx

A. Aryepiglottic
B. Posterior cricoarytenoid
C. Transverse arytenoids
D. Lateral cricoarytenoid
E. Cricothyroid
Answer» B. Posterior cricoarytenoid

Which of the following combinations is correct regarding the paranasal sinuses and where they drain to?

A. Maxillary sinus; middle meatus
B. Anterior ethmoidal air cells; inferior meatus
C. Posterior ethmoidal air cells; oral cavity
D. Sphenoid sinus; frontonasal recess
E. Frontal sinus; lacrimal duct
Answer» A. Maxillary sinus; middle meatus

The inferior oblique

A. Arises from the maxilla on the floor of the orbit, near the anterior margin
B. Is attached to the posterosuperior medial quadrant of the sclera
C. Is supplied by the abducent nerve (CN VI)
D. Turns the eye upwards and in
E. Is supplied by the posterior ciliary artery
Answer» A. Arises from the maxilla on the floor of the orbit, near the anterior margin


A. Continues with the trachea at C6
B. Its major role is for phonation
C. Lies behind the thyroid gland
D. All the muscles are supplied by the receurrent laryngeal nerve
E. Blood supply is from the inferior thyroid artery
Answer» A. Continues with the trachea at C6

Which muscle abducts the vocal cords?

A. Transverse arytenoids
B. Cricothyroid
C. Lateral cricoarytenoid
D. Posterior cricoarytenoid
E. Thyoarytenoid
Answer» D. Posterior cricoarytenoid

The cricoid cartilage

A. Articulates with the thyroid cartilage via fibrocartilage joints
B. Is an incomplete cartilaginous ring
C. Projects anteriorly as a quadrangular flat part
D. Provides attachment for anterior cricoarytenoid muscle
E. Articulates superiorly with the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage
Answer» E. Articulates superiorly with the inferior horn of the thyroid cartilage

The carotid triangle contains

A. Subclavia artery
B. Omohyoid muscle
C. Occipital artery
D. Internal laryngeal nerve
E. Anterior jugular vein
Answer» D. Internal laryngeal nerve

The cervical sympathetic trunk

A. Descends from the upper posterior triangle to the first rib
B. Runs lateral to the vertebral artery
C. Lies behind the carotid sheath
D. Lies behind the prevertebral fascia
E. Ends at the inferior cervical ganglion
Answer» C. Lies behind the carotid sheath

The carotid sheath

A. Extends from the base of the skull to the bifurcation of common carotid
B. Contains the stylohyoid ligament
C. Contains only three cranial nerves
D. Is attached to the aorta
E. Contains the sympathetic trunk
Answer» D. Is attached to the aorta

Regarding the vertebrae

A. Spinal nerves emerge through foramina between the vertebral laminae
B. The anterior longitudinal ligament extends from the anterior tubercle of the atlas to the upper part of the lumbar spine
C. Articular processes are joined to adjacent vertebrae by synovial joints
D. The ligamentum flavum joins borders of adjacent spinous processes
E. A typical thoracic vertebra has foramina in the transverse processes
Answer» C. Articular processes are joined to adjacent vertebrae by synovial joints

When performing a lumbar puncture the spinal needle should not pass through the

A. Ligamentum flavum
B. Posterior longitudinal ligament
C. Supraspinous ligament
D. Inerspinous ligament
E. Skin
Answer» B. Posterior longitudinal ligament

All the following are branches of the external carotid artery EXCEPT:

A. Lingual artery
B. Facial artery
C. Ascending pharyngeal artery
D. Hypoglossal artery
E. Superior thyroid artery
Answer» D. Hypoglossal artery

The alar ligaments connect the

A. Bodies of the axis to foramen magnum
B. Dens to foramen magnum
C. Adjacent vertebral bodies posteriorly
D. Tips of adjacent spinous processes
E. Adjacent laminae
Answer» B. Dens to foramen magnum

All the following are boundaries of the named triangle except:

A. Mandible and submental triangle
B. Mandible and anterior triangle
C. Mandible and digastric triangle
D. Sternocleidomastoid and carotid triangle
E. Sternocleidomastoid and anterior triangle
Answer» A. Mandible and submental triangle

All the following are contents of the posterior triangle EXCEPT:

A. Accessory nerve
B. Cervical plexus
C. Inferior belly of omohyoid
D. Transverse cervical vessels
E. Occipital lymph nodes
Answer» E. Occipital lymph nodes

Which of the following enters into the inferior meatus of the nose?

A. Frontal sinus
B. Ethmoidal sinus
C. Maxillary sinus
D. Nasolacrimal duct
E. Auditory tube
Answer» D. Nasolacrimal duct

A fracture through the roof of the maxillary sinus might result in sensory loss to the

A. Tympanicmembrane
B. Lacrimal gland
C. Upper molar teeth
D. Upper incisors and canine teeth
E. Skin overlying the zygomatic bone
Answer» D. Upper incisors and canine teeth

All the following structures pass through the jugular foramen EXCEPT:

A. Jugular vein
B. Glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Hypoglossal nerve
D. Accessory nerve
E. Vagus nerve
Answer» C. Hypoglossal nerve

Which is true of swallowing?

A. It is entirely voluntary
B. The oropharyngeal portion is voluntary
C. Peristalsis speeds as the bolus descends
D. The voluntary stage commences as food enters the oesophagus
E. It is initially voluntary then involuntary
Answer» E. It is initially voluntary then involuntary

Which muscle controls vocal cord abduction?

A. Aryepiglottic
B. Transverse arytenoids
C. Lateral cricoarytenoid
D. Posterior cricoarytenoid
E. Cricothyroid
Answer» D. Posterior cricoarytenoid

What exits the stylomastoid foramen?

A. Middle meningeal artery
B. Accessory nerve
C. Facial nerve
D. Artery to stapedius
E. Hypoglossal nerve
Answer» C. Facial nerve
Chapter: Face, Blood Supply, Nerves etc

The parotid gland:

A. is the largest of the major salivary glands
B. is a mainly mucons gland
C. is a well organised, regular gland, clearly divided into lobes
D. drains into the parotid duct on its posteromedial surface
E. extends from the zygomatic arch to the lower level of the earlobe
Answer» A. is the largest of the major salivary glands

Cutaneous sensation to the upper lip is supplied by the:

A. zygomaticofacial nerve
B. buccal nerve
C. infraorbital nerve
D. mental nerve
E. external nasal nerve
Answer» C. infraorbital nerve

Skin over the upper lateral eyelid is supplied by the:

A. lacrimal nerve
B. supraorbital nerve
C. supratrochlear nerve
D. zygomaticofacial nerve
E. zygomaticotemporal nerve
Answer» A. lacrimal nerve

The facial nerve:

A. marginal mandibular branch supplies muscles of the upper and lower lips
B. emerges through the stylomastoid foramen
C. has four main branches that exit the parotid gland
D. supplies the anterior belly of digastric
E. divides into temporofacial and cervicofacial divisions just after it enters the parotid gland
Answer» B. emerges through the stylomastoid foramen

The facial artery:

A. is a branch of the internal carotid artery
B. crosses the angle of the jaw at the posterior border of masseter muscle
C. courses along inferior margin of parotid duct
D. lies in front of the facial vein
E. none of the above
Answer» D. lies in front of the facial vein
Chapter: Lower Limb

Tensor fasciae latae is supplied by :

A. anterior division of femoral nerve
B. superior gluteal nerve
C. nerve to vastus lateralis
D. inferior gluteal nerve
E. lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Answer» B. superior gluteal nerve

Which structure is intrasynovial at the knee joint:

A. oblique popliteal ligament
B. tendon of popliteus
C. medial and lateral menisci
D. anterior cruciate ligament
E. none of the above
Answer» E. none of the above

The ‘screw-home’ movement in extension of the knee joint begins with tightening of the:

A. anterior cruciate ligament
B. oblique popliteal ligament
C. medial collateral ligament
D. lateral collateral ligament
E. posterior cruciate ligament
Answer» A. anterior cruciate ligament

Tibialis anterior:

A. is supplied by the tibial nerve
B. inserts into the second metatarsal bone
C. is pierced by the posterior tibial artery
D. tendon perforates the superior extensor retinaculum
E. does not arise from the interosseous membrane
Answer» D. tendon perforates the superior extensor retinaculum

The adductor canal:

A. contains the femoral artery and nerve
B. ends distally in the adductor longus hiatus
C. contains no muscular nerves
D. has adductor longus forming the root
E. always has the femoral artery lying between the saphenous nerve and the femoral vein
Answer» E. always has the femoral artery lying between the saphenous nerve and the femoral vein

The great saphenous vein:

A. joins the femoral vein above the inguinal ligament
B. begins as the upward continuation of the lateral marginal vein of the foot
C. travels with the saphenous nerve along its course
D. runs behind the medial malleolus
E. enters the femoral vein on its anteromedial side
Answer» E. enters the femoral vein on its anteromedial side

Regarding the femoral artery:

A. adductor magnus lies between it and the profunda femoris artery
B. the profunda femoris vein lies behind the profunda femoris artery
C. profunda femoris artery arises from its posterior surface
D. the lateral circumflex femoral artery separates the superficial and deep branches of the femoral nerve
E. the femoral vein is always on its medial side
Answer» D. the lateral circumflex femoral artery separates the superficial and deep branches of the femoral nerve

Gluteus maximus:

A. forms the gluteal fold
B. has four bursae beneath it
C. has blood supply solely from the inferior gluteal artery
D. is the chief control of hip flexion
E. has 50% of fibres inserting into the gluteal tuberosity
Answer» D. is the chief control of hip flexion

Regarding the adductor compartment:

A. adductor magnus lies between the anterior and posterior divisions of the obturator nerve
B. adductor longus inserts into the upper two thirds of the linear aspect of the femur
C. the hamstring part of adductor magnus is supplied by the tibial part of the sciatic nerve
D. the medial intermuscular septum separates the adductor compartment from the posterior compartment
E. obturator externus medially rotates the hip
Answer» C. the hamstring part of adductor magnus is supplied by the tibial part of the sciatic nerve

Which vessel is NOT involved in the trochanteric anastomosis?

A. superior gluteal artery
B. obturator artery
C. lateral circumflex femoral artery
D. medial circumflex femoral artery
E. inferior gluteal artery
Answer» B. obturator artery

The sciatic nerve:

A. lies deep to the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
B. passes down over obturator internus, quadratus, femoris and piriformis
C. tibial and common peroneal components separate behind the hip joint
D. in the buttock it lies midway between the greater trochanter and pubic tuberosity
E. is derived from L3, 4, 5, S1, 2
Answer» A. lies deep to the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve

Which is the odd one out?

A. sciatic nerve
B. nerve to obturator internus
C. superior gluteal nerve
D. pudendal nerve
E. posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Answer» C. superior gluteal nerve

Regarding the hamstring compartment:

A. the cutaneous nerve supply is from the posterior circumflex femoral nerve
B. ischial fibres of adductor magnus degenerate to form the tibial collateral ligament
C. semitendinosus lies deep to semimembranosus
D. the oblique popliteal ligament is an expansion of biceps femoris
E. the long head of biceps arises from the lateral facet of the ischial tuberosity
Answer» B. ischial fibres of adductor magnus degenerate to form the tibial collateral ligament

Regarding the popliteal vessels:

A. the tibial nerve lies between the popliteal artery and vein
B. the sural arteries supply soleus
C. the middle genicular artery supplies the cruciate ligaments
D. lymph nodes lie alongside the popliteal artery
E. the popliteal artery enters the fossa on the lateral side of the femur
Answer» C. the middle genicular artery supplies the cruciate ligaments

At the knee joint:

A. the fibular collateral ligament is attached to the lateral meniscus and joint capsule
B. there are three main gaps in the joint capsule
C. the tibial collateral ligament is tight in flexion
D. the posterior cruciate ligament is attached to the lateral condyle of the femur
E. the cruciate ligaments are sensitive and the menisci are not
Answer» E. the cruciate ligaments are sensitive and the menisci are not

Regarding nerve supply of the lower limb:

A. superficial peroneal nerve supplies the muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg
B. the cruciate ligaments are supplied by the tibial nerve
C. the obturator nerve supplies obturator internus muscle
D. the sciatic nerve does not make contact with bone
E. the tibial part of the sciatic nerve is the sole supply to muscles in the hamstring compartment
Answer» B. the cruciate ligaments are supplied by the tibial nerve

Regarding flexor digitorum longus:

A. its four tendons divide under the flexor retinaculum
B. it arises from the tibia and interosseous membrane only
C. the medial two tendons receive a strong slip from the tendon of flexor hallucis longus
D. the tendons have no flexor sheaths
E. it inserts into the bases of the middle phalanges
Answer» C. the medial two tendons receive a strong slip from the tendon of flexor hallucis longus

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