600+ Digital Electronics and Logic Design Solved MCQs


The 7447A is a BCD-to-7-segment decoder with ripple blanking input and output functions. The purpose of these lines is to .

A. turn off the display for any nonsignificant digit
B. turn off the display for any zero
C. turn off the display for leading or trailing zeros
D. test the display to assure all segments are operationa l
Answer» A. turn off the display for any nonsignificant digit

One reason for using the sum-of-products form is that it can be implemented using all gates without much difficulty.

A. nor
B. nand
C. and
D. door
Answer» B. nand

When an open occurs on the input of a CMOS gate, the output will .

A. go low, because there is no current in an open circuit
B. react as if the open input were a high
C. go high, since full voltage appears across an open
D. be unpredicta ble; it may go high or low
Answer» D. be unpredicta ble; it may go high or low

To subtract a signed number (the subtrahend) from another signed number (the minuend) in the 2's complement system, the minuend is               .

A. complemented only if it is positive
B. complemente d only if it is negative
C. always complemente d
D. never compleme nted
Answer» D. never compleme nted

In an odd-parity system, the data that will produce a parity bit = 1 is               .

A. data = 1010011
B. data = 1111000
C. data = 1100000
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The addition of two signed numbers in the 2's complement system can cause overflow. For overflow to occur both numbers must .

A. be positive
B. be negative
C. have the same sign
D. have opposite signs
Answer» C. have the same sign

A Karnaugh map will .

A. eliminate the need for tedious boolean simplifications
B. allow any circuit to be implemented with just and and or gates
C. produce the simplest sum-of- products expression
D. give an overall picture of how the signals flow through the logic circuit
Answer» A. eliminate the need for tedious boolean simplifications

An 8-bit binary number is input to an odd parity generator. The parity bit will equal 1 only if .

A. the number is odd
B. the number of 1s in the number is odd
C. the number is even
D. the number of 1s in the number is even
Answer» D. the number of 1s in the number is even

Two 4-bit comparators are cascaded to form an 8-bit comparator. The cascading inputs of the most significant 4 bits should be connected .

A. to the outputs from the least significant 4- bit comparator
B. to the cascading inputs of the least significant 4- bit comparator
C. a = b to a logic high, a < b and a > b to a logic low
D. ground
Answer» A. to the outputs from the least significant 4- bit comparator

When Karnaugh mapping, we must be sure to use the number of loops.

A. maximum
B. minimum
C. median
D. karnaugh
Answer» B. minimum

The final output of a POS circuit is generated by .

A. an and
B. an or
C. a nor
D. a nand
Answer» A. an and

After each circuit in a subsection of a VHDL program has been , they can be combined and the subsection can be tested.

A. designed
B. tested
C. engineered
D. produced
Answer» B. tested

The series of IC's are pin, function, and voltage-level compatible with the 74 series IC's.

A. als
B. cmos
C. hct
D. 2n
Answer» C. hct

The circuit produces a HIGH output whenever the two inputs are equal.

A. exclusive-and
B. exclusive- nand
C. exclusive- nor
D. exclusive- or
Answer» C. exclusive- nor

A 4-bit adder has the following inputs: C0 = 0, A1 = 0, A2 = 1, A3 = 0, A4 = 1, B1 = 0, B2 = 1, B3 = 1, B4 = 1. The output will be .

A. 1100
B. 10101
C. 11000
D. 11
Answer» C. 11000

The statement evaluates the variable status.

A. if/then
B. if/then/el se
C. case
D. elsif
Answer» A. if/then

In VHDL, data can be each of the following types except .

A. bit
B. bit_vector
C. std_logic
D. std_vect or
Answer» D. std_vect or

When grouping cells within a K-map, the cells must be combined in groups of .

A. 2\s
B. 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.
C. 4\s
D. 3\s
Answer» B. 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.

The circuit produces a HIGH output whenever the two inputs are unequal.

A. exclusive-and
B. exclusive- nor
C. exclusive-or
D. inexclusive -or
Answer» C. exclusive-or

Occasionally, a particular logic expression will be of no consequence in the operation of a circuit, such as in a BCD-to-decimal converter. These result in terms in the K-map and can be treated as either                 or , in order to the resulting term.

A. don\t care, 1\s, 0\s, simplify
B. spurious, and\s, or\s, eliminate
C. duplicate, 1\s, 0\s, verify
D. spurious, 1\s, 0\s, simplify
Answer» A. don\t care, 1\s, 0\s, simplify

A good rule of thumb for determining the pin numbers of dual-in-line package IC chips would be to place the notch to your right and pin #1 will always be in the lower right corner.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

The carry output of each adder in a ripple adder provides an additional sum output bit.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

Truth tables are great for listing all possible combinations of independent variables.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

A square in the top row of a K-map is considered to be adjacent to its corresponding square in the bottom row.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

To implement the full-adder sum functions, two exclusive-OR gates can be used.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

The input at the 1, 2, 4, 8 inputs to a 4-line to 16-line decoder with active- low outputs is 1110. As a result, output line 7 is driven LOW.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

When decisions demand two possible actions, the IF/THEN/ELSE control structure is used.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

TTL stands for transistor-technology-logic.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

The 54 prefix on ICs indicates a broader operating temperature range, generally intended for military use.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

This is an example of a POS expression:

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

The abbreviation for an exclusive-OR gate is XOR.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

In an even-parity system, the parity bit is adjusted to make an even number of one bits.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

In an even-parity system, the following data will produce a parity bit = 1. data = 1010011

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

The following combination is correct for an ODD parity data transmission system: data = 011011100 and parity = 0

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

The XOR gate will produce a HIGH output if only one but not both of the inputs is HIGH.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

When decisions demand one of many possible actions, the ELSIF control structure is used.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

The K-map provides a "graphical" approach to simplifying sum-of- products expressions.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

Even parity is the condition of having an even number of 1s in every group of bits.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

The look-ahead carry method suffers from propagation delays.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

A pull-up resistor is a resistor used to keep a given point in a circuit HIGH when in the active state.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

A data selector is also called a demultiplexer.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

A digital circuit that converts coded information into a familiar or non- coded form is known as an encoder.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

An exclusive-OR gate will invert a signal on one input if the other is always HIGH.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

The following combination is correct for an EVEN parity data transmission system: data = 100111100 and parity = 0

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

The CASE control structure is used when an expression has a list of possible values.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

An encoder in which the highest and lowest value input digits are encoded simultaneously is known as a priority encoder.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

Three select lines are required to address four data input lines.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

Single looping in groups of three is a common K-map simplification technique.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

In true sum-of-products expressions, the inversion signs cannot cover more than single variables in a term.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» A. true

A combinatorial logic circuit has memory characteristics that "remember" the inputs after they have been removed.

A. true
B. false
C. none of the above
D. can not predict
Answer» B. false

Which of the following is not a form of multivibrator?

A. astable.
B. monostable.
C. tristable.
D. bistable.
Answer» C. tristable.

A J-K flip-flop has two control inputs. What happens to the Q output on the active edge of the clock if both control inputs are asserted simultaneously?

A. the q output toggles to the other state.
B. the q output is set to 1.
C. the q output is reset to 0.
D. the q output remains unchanged .
Answer» A. the q output toggles to the other state.

A master/slave bistable is formed using two bistable connected in series.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

An astable has two metastable states and produces the function of a digital oscillator

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

In synchronous counters the clock input of each of the bistables are connected together so that each changes state at the same time.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

1: When the maximum clock rate is quoted for a logic family, then it applies to a

A. shift register
B. flip-flop
C. counter
D. multiplexe r
Answer» B. flip-flop

2: The number of flip-flops required in a modulo N counter is

A. log2 (n) + 1
B. log2(n-1)
C. log2 (n)
D. n log2 (n)
Answer» C. log2 (n)

3: Flip-flop outputs are always

A. complimentary
B. the same
C. independent of each other
D. same as previous input
Answer» A. complimentary

4: How many gates (minimum) are needed for a 3-bit up-counter using standard binary and using T lip-lops ? Assume unlimited fan-in.

A. 6
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
Answer» C. 2

5: The clear data and present input of the JK lip-lop are known as

A. synchronous inputs
B. directed inputs
C. either (a) or (b)
D. none of thes
Answer» C. either (a) or (b)

A mod-2 counter followed by a mod-5 counter is

A. same as a mode-5 counter followed by a mod- 2 counter
B. a decade counter
C. a mod-7 counter
D. ripple carry counter
Answer» A. same as a mode-5 counter followed by a mod- 2 counter

What is the maximum counting speed of a 4-bit binary counter which is composed of flip-flops with a propagation delay of 25 ns ?

A. 1 mhz
B. 10 mhz
C. 100 mhz
D. 8 mhz
Answer» B. 10 mhz

8: A JK flip-lop has its J input connected to logic level 1 and its input to the Q output. A clock pulse is fed to its clock input. The flip-lop will now

A. change its state at each clock pulse
B. go to state 1 and stay there
C. go to state 0 and stay there
D. retain its previous state
Answer» D. retain its previous state

9: Consider an RS lip-lops with both inputs set to 0. If a momentary '1' is applied at the input S,then the output

A. q will flip from 0 to 1 and then back to 0
B. q will flip from 0 to 1 and then back to 0
C. q will flip from 1 to 0
D. q will flip from 0 to 1
Answer» D. q will flip from 0 to 1

The output of a sequential circuit depends on

A. present inputs only
B. past outputs only
C. both present and past inputs
D. present outputs only
Answer» C. both present and past inputs

The ring counter is analogous to

A. toggle switch
B. latch
C. stepping switch
D. j-k flip- flop
Answer» C. stepping switch

12: In a digital counter circuit feedback loop is introduced to

A. improve distortion
B. improve stability
C. reduce the number of input pulses to reset the counter
D. asynchron ous input and output pulses
Answer» C. reduce the number of input pulses to reset the counter

A J-K lip-lop has its J-input connected to logic level 1 and its input to the Q output pulse is fed to its clock input the flip-flop will now

A. change its state at each clock pulse
B. go to state 1 and stay there
C. go to state 0 and stay there
D. retain its present state
Answer» A. change its state at each clock pulse

Which of the following conditions must be met to avoid race around problem ?

A. Δ t < tp < t
B. t > Δt > tp
C. 2 tp < Δt < t
D. none of these
Answer» B. t > Δt > tp

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer form the codes given below the list List I
A. A shift register can be
B. A multiplexer
C. A decoder can List II 1.for parallel to serial conversion
2.to generate memory can be used chip select 3.for parallel to serial conversion

A. 3 1 2
B. 2 3 1
C. 1 3 2
D. 1 2 3
Answer» C. 1 3 2

With the use of an electronic counter six capsules are to be filled in bottles automatically. In such a counter what will be the number of flip- flops required ?

A. 3
B. 12
C. 6
D. 8
Answer» C. 6

A pulse train can be delayed by a finite number of clock periods using

A. a serial-in serial-out shift register
B. a serial-in parallel-out shift register
C. both (a) and (b)
D. a parallel- in parallel- out shift register
Answer» D. a parallel- in parallel- out shift register

How many illegitimate states has synchronous mod-6 counter ?

A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. 6
Answer» A. 3

A 2 bit binary multiplier can be implemented using

A. 2 input ands only
B. 2 input xors and 4 input and gates only
C. 2 input nors and one xnor gate
D. nor gates and shift registers
Answer» B. 2 input xors and 4 input and gates only

A ring counter is same as

A. up-down counter
B. parallel- counter
C. shift register
D. ripple carry counter
Answer» C. shift register

The dynamic hazard problem occurs in

A. combinational circuit alone
B. sequential circuit only
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of these
Answer» C. both (a) and (b)

A n-stage ripple counter will count up to

A. 2n
B. 2n-1
C. n
D. 2n-1
Answer» A. 2n

The clock signals are used in sequential logic circuits to

A. tell the time of the day
B. tell how much time has elapsed since the system was turned on
C. carry parllel data signals
D. synchroniz e events in various parts of system
Answer» D. synchroniz e events in various parts of system

74L5138 chip functions as

A. decoder/demu ltiplexer
B. encoder
C. multiplexer
D. demultiple xer
Answer» A. decoder/demu ltiplexer

A sequential circuit outputs a ONE when an even number (> 0) of one's are input; otherwise the output is ZERO. The minimum number of states required is

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. none of these
Answer» C. 2

A shift register can be used for

A. digital delay line
B. serial to parallel conversion
C. parallel to serial conversion
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Popular application of flip-flop are

A. transfer register
B. shift registers
C. counters
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

For which of the following flip-flops, the output is clearly defined for all combinations of two inputs ?

A. q type flip-flop
B. r-s flip-lop
C. j-k flip-lop
D. d flip-flop
Answer» C. j-k flip-lop

When a large number of analog signals are to be converted an analog multiplexer is used. In this case most suitable A.D. converter will be

A. ripple carry counter type
B. dual stop type
C. forward counter type
D. successive approxima tion type
Answer» D. successive approxima tion type

To build a mod-19 counter the number of flip-flops required is

A. 3
B. 5
C. 7
D. 9
Answer» B. 5

The astable multivibrator has

A. two quasi stable states
B. two stable states
C. one stable and one quasi-stable state
D. none of these
Answer» A. two quasi stable states

How many bits are required to encode all twenty six letters, ten symbols, and ten numerals ?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 10
D. 48
Answer» B. 6

The functional difference between S-R flip-flop and J-K flip-flop is that J- K flip-flop

A. is faster than s- r flip-flop
B. has a feed- back path
C. accepts both inputs 1
D. both (a) and (b)
Answer» C. accepts both inputs 1

In a positive edge triggered JK flip-flop, a low J and low K produces

A. no change
B. low state
C. high state
D. none of thes
Answer» A. no change

When an inverter is placed between both inputs of an SR flip-flop, then resulting flip-lop is

A. jk flip-flop
B. d flip-flop
C. sr flip-flop
D. master slave jk flip-flop
Answer» B. d flip-flop

A 2 MHz signal is applied to the input of a J-K lip-lop which is operating in the 'toggle' mode. The frequency of the signal at the output will be

A. 1 mhz
B. 2 mhz
C. 6 mhz
D. 8 mhz
Answer» D. 8 mhz

The master slave JK lip-flop is effectively a combination of

A. a sr flip-flop and a t flip- flop
B. an sr flip- lfop and a d flip-flop
C. a t flip-flop and a d flip- flop
D. two d flip- flops
Answer» A. a sr flip-flop and a t flip- flop

It is difficult to design asynhronous sequential circuit because

A. external clock is to be provided
B. it is more complex
C. both (a) and (b)
D. generally they involve stability problem
Answer» D. generally they involve stability problem

A stable multivibrator is used as

A. comparator circuit
B. demultiplexe r
C. frequency to voltage converter
D. voltage to frequency converter
Answer» A. comparator circuit

How many flip-flop are needed to divide the input frequency by 64 ?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
Answer» C. 6

41: In a ripple counter using edge triggered JK flfp-flops, the pulse input is applied to the

A. clock input of all flip-flops
B. clock input of one flip- flops
C. j and k inputs of all flip-flops
D. j and k inputs of one flip- flop
Answer» C. j and k inputs of all flip-flops

The number of clock pulses needed to shift one byte of data from input to the output of a 4-bit shift register is

A. 10
B. 12
C. 16
D. 32
Answer» C. 16

The main difference between JK and RS flip-flop is that

A. jk flip flop needs a clock pulse
B. there is a feedback in jk lip-lop
C. jk flip-flop accepts both inputs as 1
D. jk flip-flop is acronym of junction cathode multivibra tor
Answer» C. jk flip-flop accepts both inputs as 1

Which of the following unit will choose to transform decimal number to binary code ?

A. encoder
B. decoder
C. multiplexer
D. counter
Answer» A. encoder

The flip-flops which operate in synchronism with external clock pulses are known as

A. synchronous flip-flop
B. asynchronou s flip-flop
C. either of the above
D. none of these
Answer» A. synchronous flip-flop
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