
20+ Advertising 1 Solved MCQs

in Marketing Management 3

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


Chapter: Advertising 1

In a small market ______________ is better

A. Three level channel
B. Two level channel
C. Direct marketing
D. All of these
Answer» C. Direct marketing

Direct marketing is found more suitable to which of the following products?

A. Agriculture products
C. Shoes
D. Vacuum cleaner
Answer» D. Vacuum cleaner

______________ is not a vertically integrated channel

A. Admininisterd
B. Contractual
C. Corporate
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

______________ is not included in the product factor

A. Physical nature
B. Technical nature
C. Suitability
D. None of these
Answer» C. Suitability

If goods directly move from producer to consumer, it is known as

A. One level channel
B. Zero level channel
C. Two level channel
D. None of these
Answer» B. Zero level channel

Selling includes ______________

A. Advertising
B. Transfer of title from the seller to the buyer
C. Sales promotion
D. None of these
Answer» B. Transfer of title from the seller to the buyer

______________ is not a step in advertising campaign

A. Market analysis
B. Determining ad Objectives
C. Selecting ad media
D. Supply of goods
Answer» D. Supply of goods

______________ is not a consumer promotion scheme

A. Samples
B. Advertising material
C. Coupons
D. Rebates
Answer» B. Advertising material

Dealer promotion is also known as

A. Trade promotion
B. Goods promotion
C. Commerce promotion
D. None of these
Answer» A. Trade promotion

The process of direct communication between the sales person and a prospect is called

A. Personal selling
B. Direct marketing
C. Advertising
D. None of these
Answer» A. Personal selling

______________ is all the written or spoken matter in an advertisement expressed in words or sentences and figures designed to convey the message.

A. Matter
B. ad medium
C. ad copy
D. none of these
Answer» C. ad copy

A major portion of the rural population consists of ______________ income groups.

A. Low
B. high
C. medium
D. all of these
Answer» A. Low

General rural markets where rural /tribal people gather once or twice a week on a fixed day to exchange/to sell their produce is called ______________

A. Regular periodic market
B. Seasonal market
C. Daily market
D. Rural market
Answer» A. Regular periodic market

Permanent rural market with continuous trading activity is called ______________

A. Regular periodic market
B. Seasonal market
C. Daily market
D. Rural market
Answer» C. Daily market

Rural consumers are ______________

A. Price sensitive
B. less price sensitive
C. quality conscious
D. none of these
Answer» A. Price sensitive

Smaller companies tying up with leading companies to distribute through its network is known as ______________ Distribution.

A. Syndicated
B. selective
C. exclusive
D. intensive
Answer» A. Syndicated

Medical treatment with ayurvedic massage is an example of

A. Pure tangible good
B. hybrid
C. pure service
D. none of these
Answer» C. pure service

Which of the following is not an element of service marketing mix?

A. People
B. packaging
C. process
D. physical evidence
Answer» A. People

Which of the following is against marketing concept ?

A. Demarketing
B. meta marketing
C. mass marketing
D. mega marketing
Answer» A. Demarketing

______________ is also called ambush marketing.

A. Event marketing
B. morph marketing
C. guerilla marketing
D. none of these
Answer» A. Event marketing

The term ______________ Marketing was coined by Steven Jurvetson in 1997.

A. Word of mouth
B. viral
C. guerilla
D. morph
Answer» B. viral

______________ is the marketing of a social message with a view to change behavior of people's habit.

A. Green marketing
B. Social marketing
C. Gaimatias marketing
D. none of these
Answer» B. Social marketing

Utilizing electronic medium in everyday business activities is known as

A. E-marketing
B. E-business
C. E-commerce
D. none of these
Answer» B. E-business

______________ can be defined as convergence of branding, information dissemination and sales transactions all in one place.

A. E-advertising
B. E-branding
C. E-commerce
D. E-marketing
Answer» A. E-advertising

Which of the following is not a risk in internet based transaction

A. eavesdropping
B. spoofing
C. encryption
D. unauthorized action
Answer» C. encryption

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